Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 21: Master of the Green Sword


"What are you going to do?"

Beside the broken bridge, Wei Wushuang asked Xia Fan.

"Honestly, I don't know." Xia Fan squatted in front of the rift valley and looked at the opposite cliff - the visual distance between the two sides was about fifteen meters, which was not an insurmountable chasm. When everyone discovered that what Luo Qingqing said was true, and there were indeed wooden kites in the cave, their mentality relaxed a lot, at least they were no longer as agitated as before.

After all, the most important thing is to be able to save one's life. Although it is a pity to fail this time, there are people who have repeatedly failed in the imperial examination, so there is no need to insist on passing the civil service examination. The worst is to come back in three years.

For Xia Fan, three years means that it takes a lot of time to understand the world, not to mention that he has already obtained a bottle of the source of spiritual fire. He only needs to persist for two more days to pass the test. If it is not a last resort, he does not want to give up. . But the problem is that he can't judge whether it is a "last resort" moment.

What are the manifestations of the Great Wilderness, what are the dangers and how to deal with them? He knows so little information that it is difficult to make effective analysis and judgment.

One thing is certain, the Shikao Examination is set up to select outstanding talents, and it is definitely not a "death game" where there is no life or death. This means that there are means or methods in the town that can survive the evil night safely. But does it require several people to work together or can it be done alone? What are the requirements for talents and spells? If you insist on staying without knowing anything about this, you are undoubtedly handing your life over to God's decision.

He has never forgotten that the Privy Council is a department that takes high risks, and it sounds reasonable to have casualties in the exam. Even Master Xianyang has repeatedly warned that dealing with evil spirits is a serious matter, and Dahuang Shaye is probably not an evil spirit among evil spirits, and it is perfectly normal to get caught in it accidentally.

"Brother Xia... Why don't you quit with me too." Wei Wushuang hesitated and said, "I know that Xiongtai's ability is much higher than mine, and it will only be a matter of time before he is admitted to the Privy Council. In this case, it is only three days too late. Years are nothing, look at those children from aristocratic families, not all of them intend to hold on."

Judging from the people following Luo Qingqing, there are about two hundred candidates who are inclined to give up. Counting the hundreds of people who were eliminated before, the number has exceeded three-quarters of the reference candidates, including many disciples from aristocratic families. In the remaining quarter, there must be many hesitants, which means that most people choose to avoid it when faced with the possibility of a terrible night.

I have to say that this is the common thinking of normal people—exams are not worth risking their lives.

At the same time, it also hints at a possibility: not only is there a risk on the last day of the examination, but the risk is not small, making it impossible for the three families to shelter all reference disciples, otherwise they would not arrange for the evacuation of their fellow disciples. After all, when it comes to understanding Dahuang Shaye, no one here should be better than the Luo family. Their decisions can already explain many problems.

But thinking about it conversely, less than half of the people are determined to stay in Qingshan Town. Based on the passing rate of nearly 50% in the past, it means that as long as they stay, the possibility of passing the scholar's examination will increase exponentially.

This really put Xia Fan in a dilemma.

"Let me think about it again," he exhaled after thinking for a long time. "It will take at least half a day to build a flying platform. It won't be too late to decide tomorrow. You can queue up first and try to get there as early as possible."

Seeing this, Wei Wushuang couldn't continue to persuade him, so he could only nodded silently.

Xia Fan knew very well in his heart that even if he wanted to leave, he would have to wait until no one was around and leave quietly - after all, besides him, there was an immobile fox demon in the room. If he takes the fox demon with him in full public view, he may be greeted by the Privy Council Prison.

After leaving his hometown for a while, Xia Fan returned to the hotel.

When he opened the door to the room, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

The candle was lit at some point, and there was a figure sitting on the bedside.

Li woke up.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move around until the injury is healed."

Xia Fan walked to the bed and noticed that the other person's face was flushed and there was a small amount of sweat on her forehead. It was obvious that the simple act of sitting up took a lot of energy from her.

"I am a demon, not a human, and I am not as fragile as you..."

His tone was still as mean as before, but the weak tone revealed the actual condition of his body.

Xia Fan curled his lips, climbed onto the table and opened the window, and bright sunlight suddenly poured into the house.

The fox demon subconsciously covered his head, "What are you going to do?" There was a rare hint of panic in his voice.

"Let the air circulate. A ventilated room is more suitable for patients to recover." He looked at the other party with interest - what Li blocked just now was obviously her erect ears. Considering that he already knew her identity, this It is undoubtedly a reflex action. "It's not the first time I've seen it. There's nothing to hide. Besides, I think it's quite interesting, at least it's not ugly."

After Li reacted, he slowly put down his hand, frowned dissatisfied and said, "What nonsense are you talking about."

"That's true, believe it or not."

Xia Fan said as he lifted the quilt and checked the opponent's injuries, but this time the fox demon did not show any resistance. She seemed more concerned about her appearance than the close contact.

There were spots of blood oozing out from the bandage, probably caused by her unauthorized movement of her body, but compared to the wound across her abdomen, this amount of bleeding was nothing to mention. It's good news if it's not the kind of heavy bleeding that can soak through clothes.

It only took a day and a half to regain consciousness and curb the expansion and deterioration of the injury. Li's previous words were not a bluff.

If it were a human being, it would have been completely cold.

"It's okay, don't move around, just lie down and rest." Xia Fan pressed her body down again, "I'll re-apply the medicine at night and change the bandage. Of course, the pain is unavoidable, but you can't even get stitches If you can persist, changing the dressing shouldn’t be a problem—"

"Why?" Li interrupted him in a low voice.

"What?" Xia Fan raised his eyebrows.

"Why... you want to save me?" After a long silence, she repeated it.

"What a strange question this is. You don't need any special reason to save a partner, right?"

He actually said partner

Li was stunned for a moment. This was the first time she heard a human call her that.

"What...what do you want from me?"

No, that's not right. She can't be confused by a name. Human behavior is driven by interests. This has nothing to do with mind, but the essence of human beings.

"That's too much." Xia Fan shrugged.

This answer also surprised Li. She originally thought that the other party would continue to cover it up, but she didn't expect to say it so directly.

Li endured the constant pain of the wound and took a breath, "Tell me about it?"

"It's almost the same as before, mainly chatting. But I want to continue the cooperation, preferably for a long time. After all, there are so many issues I want to know about, and one or two days is simply not enough."

Li was stunned. She doubted her ears for a moment. Is there anything wrong with this person's head? If she understood correctly, a person who aspired to become an alchemist would actually want to establish a long-term relationship with a demon—does this guy know that he will serve in the Privy Council in the future

Considering that he had dared to say the absurd statement of "use understanding to eliminate prejudice and then spread it among the alchemists" before, maybe his mind is really a little abnormal.

"No." She flatly refused.


"I want to take revenge on the Privy Council, and you are the alchemist of the Privy Council. Sooner or later we will become enemies."

"Why revenge?"

"My master..." Li's voice lowered, "She was taken away by the Privy Council."

"But you clearly said you don't have a master." Xia Fan asked curiously.

"Because she has never accepted a disciple, and she doesn't allow me to call her master. In fact, I don't even know her real name. But..." She paused, "After I enlightened myself, I have always treated her as my master." ."

"Is she human?"

Li nodded.

"Is it because you're with the demon? No..." Xia Fan quickly overturned this guess, "If that's the case, they should give priority to arresting you. But from what you said, the Privy Council doesn't seem to be trying to catch you. Came here for you."

"Not really, they don't even know I exist."

"My condolences... After all, people cannot be resurrected after death. I understand how you want revenge, but what will your master think? Does she really want you to take revenge?" Xia Fan decided to use his experience of being tortured for many years to launch a chicken soup offensive for the soul. " After all, your opponent is the Privy Council. It is not too much to describe it as hitting a stone with an egg. Rather than dying at the hands of the enemy, I think your master hopes that you can live well. Even if you are lucky enough to succeed in revenge, you will only get emptiness. Human life , happiness is the most important thing, do you want me to give you a... Forget it, there is no noodles here."

"What are you talking about?" Li looked at him with a strange expression, "Who told you that my master is dead?"

"Ahem—" Xia Fan almost choked, "Not dead?"

"Master has anticipated this day. He just asked me to forget her and pretend I have never seen her. The Privy Council will not endanger her life, it will only prevent her from seeing the light of day again. As for letting me live well... Master said the same thing as you." She bit her lip, "But how can I forget everything about those years? If I abandon this memory, I will be no different from death, so I want to take revenge on the Privy Council. Save Master from them!"

Due to his excitement, Li coughed violently at the end of his speech, and a trace of blood foam escaped from the corner of his mouth.

Xia Fan gently patted her back and asked after she calmed down, "When was your master arrested?"

"...eight years ago."

Yes, she had indeed been to the examination room more than once.

"Have you ever thought that those might just be your master's words of comfort?" Xia Fan tried to persuade in a calm tone, "After all, it has been so long, and even if he was not dead at the time, he may not be safe now. The Privy Council wants to arrest him. She, after all, has a feud between the two parties. Since she falls into the hands of her enemies, her end will definitely not be too good. Do you know the prison in the Yamen? Ordinary prisoners are thrown into it and they will lose their human shape within a few months. "

"My master is no ordinary prisoner."

"Troublesome prisoners will be even more miserable -"

"Before she met me, she was the Qingjian of the Privy Council."

"Then it's probably hard to escape... Wait," Xia Fan was stunned, "What are you talking about? Your master used to be from the Privy Council? What is the Green Sword?"

"Qingjian is second only to Yuyi and is equivalent to a second-rank official in the Six Divisions." Li slowly said, "Master did not commit any crime, she just defected from the Privy Council Mansion."