Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 23: Evacuation plan


At the same time, in the big tent outside Qingshan Town.

A sand table has been placed on the long mahogany table, and the invigilator Shen Chunzheng adjusted the flag arrangement on the table based on the intelligence constantly coming from the town.

"I saw the commotion on the other side, what happened?" Following a deep question, Ba Xingtian and the short inspector walked into the account - these two people have come to inspect every afternoon in the past few days, and they never Shen Chun had long been accustomed to arranging reports from his subordinates. He was about to salute and answer, but was stopped by a big hand.

Ba Xingtian looked at the sand table for a while, then said "Oh" with great interest, "Have they discovered where they are?"

"Sir, that's right."

"Not bad, not bad. This is only the fifth day, nearly two days faster than the time twelve years ago." The guard praised.

"Why twelve years ago?" Another person asked, "There is one round of the examination every three years. Even if Qingshan Formation is in a special situation, it should be once every six years."

Although he already knew that his boss was particularly tolerant of this young man, considering the level gap between the two, Shen Chun was still secretly stunned by the other's straightforwardness and casualness. But he also wanted to know the answer to this question, so he continued to play with his sandbox as if nothing had happened.

"Because the pass rate was too low that time, the superiors had no choice but to stop it."

"The pass rate is too low?"

"My memory is not very good. There should have been more than 140 people for reference, but only nine people passed the test in the end." Ba Xingtian smiled, "Back then, the Privy Council spent a lot of effort to keep the total admission rate at five. Into left and right."

Shen Chun couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This was the first time he heard this inside story. This means that the passing rate of other examination rooms has been greatly improved, which is a disguised benefit to those candidates who are not from Qingshan Formation. Thinking about it this way, it seems that he himself was the qualified person twelve years ago. Could it be because he borrowed the light from this place

"Isn't this unfair?" the short man questioned.

"The exam halls are adapted to local conditions, so how can they all be the same?" Ba Xingtian shook his head, "If there are difficulties, there will naturally be easy ones. Of course, this will also be taken into consideration when allocating positions in the government. Those who come from Qingshan Formation For alchemists, the starting point is higher than other places."

"Oh? That's a good idea."

"In addition, the low pass rate is not the only reason why this place has suspended one term. In fact, unnecessary losses are another key." Ba Xingtian touched his beard and seemed to be a little emotional, "That year, there were more than thirty people in total. This is beyond the normal range. Put it in other examination rooms, they might all become excellent alchemists. This is the fault of the Privy Council. Of course, we will not repeat the same mistake this year."

More than thirty years old...the loss rate reached 20%? Shen Chun's heart skipped a beat. After all these years, is the overwhelming evil night still so threatening? No wonder the Privy Council would place so many demon-sealing stakes in the town. The suspension six years ago was probably to test the effect, and then re-activate it after making sure it was foolproof.

"How many people do you think will be qualified this time?" The short man looked at Shen Chun.

"That depends on how many hiding places they can find." He quickly replied, "Some closed doors will dissipate over time. The longer you persist, the greater the chance. According to the plan, if all places are used, it can be guaranteed The number of qualified candidates is one hundred. Considering that it is impossible for all locations to be found by candidates, the final result should be around seventy or eighty."

"It seems that our hard work was not in vain." Ba Xingtian stroked his beard with satisfaction, "One of the main reasons for the problems in the last session was the lack of guidance. Most of the candidates did not realize the existence of Dahuang Shaye until the last night. After panic, There were a lot of situations.”

"Your Majesty, that's right." Shen Chun naturally knew that the guards were talking about those people in the government who pretended to be townspeople and traded information with candidates - not only could they influence the direction of the exam, but they could also obtain first-hand intelligence in the town and provide evidence for the examiner's scoring. in accordance with. "Such an examination room is also closer to the real environment. The person who proposed it is undoubtedly a genius."

"But there is still something strange." Ba Xingtian pointed to the location of the broken bridge on the sand table, "The amount of information obtained by each candidate or group should be different, but how come these people's actions look like they all know it?"

"According to reports from my subordinates, Luo Qingqing from the Luo family took the initiative to tell all the candidates what he had discovered." Shen Chun took out a note and handed it to the guard, "Not only that, their evacuation was also organized by Luo Qingqing." ."

"What else is there?" The latter quickly scanned it, then raised his head and laughed, "What a terrifying young person! She already thinks of herself as an alchemist of the Privy Council, and is dealing with local evil incidents!"

"That's right, this person will definitely have a bright future." Shen Chun also showed a smile that cherished her talent, "She will most likely come first in this exam."

The inspector didn't smile. He took the note and looked at it silently for a while, "The Luo family..."

"Why, not satisfied?" Ba Xingtian grinned, "I haven't seen a young girl with such strong action for a long time. The Privy Council Office does not lack people who are proficient in alchemy and powerful in combat, but it lacks people who take the lead in planning. She If you go to Gyeonggi, I guarantee that there will be competition from all parties. You have to think carefully, there are not many opportunities to get close to the water. "

Consider... what to consider? What on earth is the Lord Guard talking about? Shen Chun vaguely sensed something was wrong. Why would his immediate boss say such things to an inspector who was much lower than him

"But as for the disciples of the aristocratic family..." The short man put down the note, picked up the roster on the table again, and looked through it again - this time, he simply skipped the first dozen pages and started reading from the unorganized sect section. "Shen Invigilator, Ma Ruxue... what do you think of this person?"

"He is very skilled in gathering clues, but his alchemy level is unknown. Judging from his current performance, he is very likely to choose to quit." Shen Chun answered while quietly sizing up the other party. He could tell that the Inspector seemed to be quite prejudiced against the children of aristocratic families, and seemed to prefer those from unorganized families. But the problem is that these aristocratic families have grown and formed based on the Privy Council, which is far from being a family in the true sense. As an official in the government, his attitude is really strange.

After asking several people in succession, the other party suddenly let out a soft "Huh".

"Didn't you say that this guy will be eliminated soon? Why is he still in the town...and not only has the money doubled several times, he has even obtained the source of spiritual fire?"

Shen Chun squinted and realized that the person the short man was pointing to was none other than Xia Fan.

"This man is indeed very lucky. According to the compiled information, he raised a lot of money from the eliminated candidates and survived the crisis of being eliminated in the early stage. As for the bottle of spiritual fire, it is still unclear how he obtained it. But... Other than luck, he didn’t have much to stand out.”

"You don't think he can pass?"

"Yes. A big indicator in the exam is negotiation ability, and the only person who is close to him is a fellow villager. The fewer people who work together, the lower the ability to resist risks. Especially high-risk situations like the Great Wilderness. The possibility of a person surviving the incident safely is very slim. Of course, there is also a high possibility that he will withdraw along with other candidates, which is also a wise choice."

Speaking of this, Shen Chun sighed secretly. I have to say that this candidate named Xia Fan is really a bit weird. When he only had five taels of silver, he spent money like water, but later he became more cautious when he got more than twenty taels. . If these money were spent and more candidates were recruited to form a team, the rankings would not be what they are now.

The short man turned a few more pages and finally lost his patience. He threw the roster back on the table and patted the silver mask on his face, "Let a noble family be a noble family... It's better than nothing."

For some reason, Shen Chun felt relieved.

Suddenly, the other party put his hands on the table, leaned forward suddenly and said, "By the way, I almost forgot to ask you - Supervisor Shen, have you noticed any signs of who might be the listener these days?"

Shen Chun couldn't help but take a step back, "No... of course not. If I find any clues, I will definitely report them to the two supervisors as soon as possible!"

"Ah, really?" The short man withdrew his hand as if he was out of interest, and said to Ba Xingtian, "Master Ba, I have no other questions."

The latter nodded and walked out of the tent side by side with him, leaving only the invigilator with an incomprehensible expression in the tent.

Shen Chun couldn't figure it out for a long time, why when the other party asked those words, his tone was not a reminder or a warning, but a little... expectation

"Senior sister, this is the list of people to be evacuated tomorrow. I filled it out in the order they reported it."

Luo Youer placed a piece of paper with her name written on it in front of Luo Qingqing's desk.

"Thank you for your hard work. Remember to let them leave the town in this order tomorrow morning. The most important thing about this kind of thing-"

"It's order, I won't forget it." Luo Youer interrupted her, "You have said it many times."

"That's good." Luo Qingqing said helplessly.

"Then continue your work and I won't disturb you anymore." Junior Sister smiled and left the bedroom.

She rubbed the slightly sore corners of her eyes, stood up and stretched the wick longer. The fire in the room suddenly became much brighter, and it was already pitch black outside the window.

Today's assembly of the wooden kite was not smooth. It was probably stored for too long and there were several problems with the frame, but it did not affect its use. For the sake of safety, she decided to postpone the flying day until early tomorrow morning. As long as there was no strong wind or rain, it would not be difficult to fly over the distance of less than five feet with people and ropes.

Of course, flying over is just the beginning. If they want to send so many candidates out of the town, a few wooden kites alone are definitely not enough. They have to make a simple "bridge" with hemp rope themselves. This kind of rope bridge will definitely not be able to support too much weight, so every time people climb the bridge, they must strictly control it. In addition, there are also time issues and accident handling... It can be said that the planning, preparation and execution required for this operation are different from those in the past. Small fights are completely different.

As the initiator, she must not make any mistakes.

Looks like I'm going to have a sleepless night today.

Luo smiled softly, but then she felt a little relieved - at least tonight she didn't have to worry about someone sneaking into the bedroom while she was asleep.

To be honest, when she found out that her room had been invaded in the morning, she felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

Fortunately, the infiltrator didn't really do anything to her, otherwise she wouldn't know what to do next.

This also made Luo Qing Qing close his eyes for a period of time, and the other person's appearance would appear in his mind involuntarily.

She knew that this was a residual impression that could only be slowly forgotten by her brain. Maybe it would be easier if she didn't sleep tonight.

When that person evacuates Qingshan Town and the exams continue, this matter may be over. As for the future, Luo Qingqing is not worried - she doesn't think she and the other party will meet again.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

"What's the matter?" she asked, returning to her seat.

"Someone wants to see you." Luo Youer poked her head in and said.

"Didn't I tell anyone who comes to visit me to go to Senior Brother Luo Fengqing?" Luo frowned slightly.

The junior sister looked embarrassed, "This person is quite special, and he said he only wants to talk to you."


"Xia Fan." Luo Youer said.