Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 29: magic


Mei seemed to have no reaction to this. Even though his whole body was ignited, he still maintained the original rhythm of action, so that everyone had the illusion that alchemy had no effect on it.

But a few months later, the situation changed.

It was wrapped in flames and suddenly fell down, shattering into scattered sand on the ground. Sparks flew everywhere, and the outline of the human figure no longer existed. It was as if it was a threatening evil spirit one moment, and became a real empty shell the next moment.

"Is this...effective?"

"The enemy doesn't look that scary..."

"Let me try it!"

This immediate impact greatly boosted the morale of the candidates.

Fei Hua Yan is not a profound alchemy. As one of the introductory techniques of Li Shu, many people can perform it, but the distance and power are not as good as Fei Nian.

But after all, everyone was standing on the "city wall", and even the shortest part was only five or six meters. Coupled with Mei's extremely slow movements, it could be said that there was nothing that could be done against them who were slowly performing the spell. After gaining the upper hand mentally, everyone's movements of picking out the medicinal materials became much smoother, and the tense atmosphere was greatly relieved.

Fei Nian didn't stay any longer and walked directly to the north wall - obviously his purpose was to break the deadlock and demonstrate to the candidates how to eliminate evil spirits.

"You did a pretty good job, that guy." Xia Fan praised. Although the two were in a competitive relationship, he had to admit that this move was very beautiful, and it was definitely a big plus in the eyes of the invigilator.

"It takes a long time to perform a Lishu. What's the big deal?" Seeing that Mei's threat was limited, Zhang Yan also became more active. "What he can do, my arrows can do it too."

After saying that, he drew out his iron arrow, drew his bow and shot towards Mei who was further away -

Xia Fan discovered that this was not a lie. Although it took several arrows to knock down the target, the short bow was better because of its speed. One triple spell was enough for him to shoot four or five arrows. In terms of efficiency, it was not much lower than Fei Nian. .

Others followed suit and launched a counterattack against Mei, and the west wall was extremely lively for a while.

The large number of Lishu spells filled the air with a burning smell, and although charms appeared continuously, none of them could get close to the foot of the "city wall".

With this style of play, it doesn't seem that difficult to survive the night.

"Is this the Great Wild Night? I can't see it this way." Someone said.

"Don't underestimate the enemy! This was a catastrophe in the past."

"You also know that it was in the past. Not to mention how much the evil spirit has dissipated in the past hundred years, the progress in alchemy alone has been more than a little bit."

This statement was immediately approved by many people.

"That's right, that's right. Their speed is so slow. Even without this city wall, these guys wouldn't be able to catch up and bite me, right?"

"After all, the information on the aristocratic family is from decades ago, so it's not surprising that there are errors."

"If we had known this, we wouldn't have to build this Laozi Fortress at all. At most, a bonfire platform would be enough."

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter on the west wall.

Xia Fan didn't take it seriously, he even smiled - as long as he could pass the exam, the process was not important to him. But when he looked at Luo Tang, he found that the latter's expression was terrifyingly solemn.

"What's wrong, isn't everything going well now? It's better to stand on the wall and deal with evil spirits than to hide under a dry well, right?"

She was silent for a moment before replying, "Your plan is indeed good, but I have been thinking about why Luo Qingqing emphasized that we must fight within the scope of the firelight, and what she said, 'Once the firelight is lost, The danger level of charm will be greatly increased."

"You don't know?" Xia Fanqi asked, "Aren't you also a disciple of the Luo family? In that case, what you have learned should be almost the same."

Luo Tang glanced at him in disbelief, "Who told you? Luo Qingqing is a rare genius in Youzhou. How could the Luo family put her and ordinary disciples together to teach. No matter how big the family background is, the manpower and resources they control It is also limited, it is impossible for all disciples to be treated equally, not even the Privy Council can do that."

Okay, I seem to have made a common sense mistake again. Xia Fan coughed twice, "Uh... Then what did you find?"

Luo Tang did not answer immediately, but asked instead, "The place where we found the pile of bones is five miles further than the place you said. How long do you think it will take to reach Qingshan Town at Charming's speed?"

The answer is self-evident.

It would take more than half a day for the alchemist to travel, but if it were this group of evil spirits, it would only take four or five days. Considering that they cannot move during the day, this time may be doubled again.

"They don't have to be resurrected from the place where they died, right? They're not earth-bound spirits." Xia Fan thought, "Since the evil night is transformed by evil energy, then there is no trace of the evil spirit in the evil night. It seems that it appears casually. That makes sense.”

"Just be casual?" Luo Tang's serious expression seemed to be shaken, and she managed to control her expression, "Forget it, just think what you said makes sense, but look there."

After speaking, she stretched out her finger and pointed to a house in the northwest.

It is located at the end of the street. Because it is far away from the "fortress", the demolition team did not level the entire building, leaving about one floor high. Its position diagonally opposite to the wellhead of the town prevented it from being fully illuminated by torches, and a large shadow area was drawn out behind and to the sides.

Xia Fan squinted for a long time before he could adapt to the darkness.

At that moment, the hairs on his back suddenly stood up!

When Mei passed through the shadows, her speed suddenly increased several times. Her originally stiff movements were like fast forwarding. She moved from the back of the house to the open space in front of her in the blink of an eye. She did not return to "normal" until she entered the light range again. forward attitude.

No, Charming's actions in the shadows are their normal level!

The light of the torch was like a nail, nailing them in place.

Xia Fan instantly understood Luo Shang's solemnity.

Their advantage is entirely based on the wavering firelight, and as the evil night continues, the illumination range will surely be further weakened. Once the protection of the firelight is lost, it is difficult to say whether the candidates can perform a complete alchemy in front of Mei. And if a gap is opened in the defense line, the consequences will be disastrous.

He finally understood why Yongguo was hit hard by a terrible night.

In an era without electricity, no matter how prosperous a city is, most areas will be shrouded in night after the sun goes down. Faced with the unimpeded charm, most people may not even have room to fight back. The interior cannot be defended, and the towering walls are nothing more than decoration. Not to mention remote villages and towns. Oil lamps and candles are not necessities of life. It is almost difficult to see even a little light at a glance. The consequences can be imagined.

In other words, the less developed a society is, the stronger these evil spirits are.

As for here, Xia Fan can only hope that each group will take good care of their own torches.

"It is said to be the most difficult in the military examination. The last time it was opened, it was damaged by more than 30%, so that the Privy Council admitted its fault. Is this the only level of Qingshan Formation?"

On the roof of a house in the outer circle of Qingshan Town, the two supervisors and the invigilator stood facing the wind, looking at the flickering center of the town. Their figures seemed to be hidden in the night, and it was difficult to distinguish them from a little distance. Although charms flashed by their feet from time to time, none of them noticed the presence of the three of them.

The short man was still the first to speak. Since receiving the news that the wooden kite was burned and all the candidates were forced to stay behind, he made a request to closely examine the performance of the candidates. However, Shen Chun knew that the other party was mainly here for the candidate named Xia Fan.

To be honest, he was surprised that things suddenly turned out like this. The series of news that came back on the sixth day almost made him dizzy. It could even be said that it subverted his cognition. In order to achieve his own goals, he did not hesitate to risk the relationship with the Luo family. The risk of falling out and setting fire to wooden kites; when all the candidates were stranded in the town, they cooperated with the Luo family and proposed a plan to jointly defend against the evil night; Qingshan Town was renovated, and the houses built by the Privy Council were demolished. A small fortress rose in the center overnight. And all these changes come from one person. The most ridiculous thing is that the Luo family actually accepted Xia Fan's approach instead of putting all the blame on him.

If he didn't know the origins of this person, Shen Chun would have doubted whether there was a big family named Xia in addition to the three families of Fei, Luo and Fang.

Judging from Lord Ba Xingtian's expression of emotion and admiration, I'm afraid it's been a long time since there have been such twists and turns in the examination.

Only this short man seems to still have some dissatisfaction, "I thought that a lot of evil spirits would make them confused for a while, but now, it seems that the one named Xia Fan has not taken any action?"

"The Qingshan Formation is not only of this level, but he made the Qingshan Formation become this level." Ba Xingtian stroked his beard with satisfaction and said, "The Privy Council has also designed several examination rooms that require collaboration, but The results are always unsatisfactory, and there has never been a situation where all the candidates stand in a group. This scheming and decisiveness, as well as the grasp of people's hearts, is definitely one of the best. To be able to do this, and Why do you need to do it yourself? There are as many people as possible in the Privy Council who are proficient in spells and talismans."

"That's true. However, it's not unclear to you. What I want to do is extremely dangerous. It's inevitable that there will be personal adventures. I'm afraid it's hard to do it with just scheming."

These rambling words aroused Shen Chun's curiosity, but the cold gaze cast by Ba Xingtian quickly made him give up any further thoughts.

At least one thing he was sure of.

That is this short man, who is by no means a true inspector.

His identity may be more complicated than he thought.

But what puzzled Shen Chun was that even though he was talking about a critical matter, the short man's tone was not heavy at all, but rather brisk, as if he was enjoying it.

"It's not difficult to try." Ba Xingtian took out a strange talisman from his arms - different from those spells written in cinnabar, its strokes were purple and glowed, as if they were alive. "The inspector has the authority to control and adjust the examination process, which naturally includes adding some difficulty."

As his words fell, the talismans turned into flying ash and scattered, and the fog in the distance suddenly became much thicker. Immediately afterwards, the more than ten newly appeared charms no longer moved forward blindly, but gathered into a group, forming a black shadow whose body expanded several times!