Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 31: Those who stand up


"Let's withdraw too..." Zhang Yan slowly backed away.

The collapsed place was only about twenty steps away from Luo Tang's group. If another torch was lost, they would bear the brunt of Mei's attack.

Luo Tang didn't respond at all, his eyes wandering back and forth between the rear and Luo Qingqing not far away, obviously at a loss.

Zhang Yan hadn't taken two steps back when she found something hard pressed against the back of her neck.

He turned around and found that Xia Fan had put the wooden sword at his throat.

"W-what do you mean?"

"Stay where you are and don't go anywhere, or I will chop you off the city wall." Xia Fan said in a deep voice.

"Brother Yan!" Zhang Shi shouted, picked up a hoe and wanted to pounce on him. Xia Fan refused to retreat, and raised his sword to swing it down, forcing Zhang Shi to retract his forward steps.

"Xia Fan...?" Only then did Luo Tang react. She looked at the three people in a stalemate, feeling a little confused for a moment.

"Don't forget what you came here to do!" Xia Fan suddenly raised his voice and shouted at her.

Luo Tang was shocked and finally came to his senses.

"I... we must hold on to our torches." She clenched her fists and said to the Zhang brothers, "If we run away, who will accept the retreating companions? You two don't want it to be dark behind you, right? ? To take a step back, where can everyone go if they run away? This is a wild night!"

"But you also saw...the substitute team has escaped, and the charms are pouring into the city wall!" Zhang Yan argued.

"I'll replace the missing torch—"

"No, your responsibility is to stay here," Xia Fan interrupted her, "Let me go."

"You?" Luo Tang asked in surprise, "Don't you know how to do long-distance alchemy?"

In the defense just now, Xia Fan never took action, but took on the role of guarding the torch, because he did not have the means to attack Mei through the city wall.

Of course, all these problems are attributed to his cheap master. Among the seven or eight techniques taught to him, only a few can be used to attack, and they are basically used to escape.

"The problem is that you don't know it either!" Xia Fan glared at Luo Shang angrily.

The latter was suddenly at a loss for words. She had previously tried to attack the evil spirit with her own life-giving spirit, but the effect was minimal.

"Anyway, do as I say! I can't do it at a long distance, but that doesn't mean I can't do it at close range." He took back his wooden sword and said coldly to Zhang Yan, "Don't forget that the invigilator is probably paying attention to this last step. Fight, leave everyone behind and run away, what kind of evaluation will you get? If you are penalized, let alone three years, I'm afraid I won't be able to have any chance with the Privy Council for thirty years."

"Uh..." Zhang Yan gritted her teeth, "I can't walk anymore!"

"At least don't walk ahead of everyone." Xia Fan turned to Luo Tang, "Get me a spare torch, hurry!"

Luo Tang took a deep look at him, then took out a paper crane and said, "Qian Shu Gui You, bring life to life!"

The paper crane soared into the sky, rushed towards the small square, grabbed the wooden torch left by the substitute team in its claws, and tried its best to return to its owner.

After dropping the torch, Luo Tang couldn't help but swayed - obviously flying with heavy objects consumed a lot of energy, and it would be difficult for her to do it again in a short time.

"Be sure to... be careful." She gasped.

"You don't need to tell me I can do it too."

Xia Fan picked up the torch, lit it, put it on his shoulder, and ran towards the break in the city wall.

He knew it was risky, but staying there and watching would only make it more dangerous. Transforming the town to fight the evil night can certainly gather the strength of all candidates, but it also ties everyone into the same boat. If there was a flaw in the entire plan, it was that he overestimated the candidates' will and ability.

Xia Fan originally thought that he had only dealt with Xiaoying and Xiaomei under his master, and he was really incompetent in actual combat. He did not expect that most people were worse than him. It can be heard from Luo Tang's words that even among the disciples of the aristocratic family, only the top ones are qualified for actual combat training. Inadequate experience and psychological immaturity made it possible for the candidates to fight against Mei from a distance in the city. Once a contact battle broke out, the situation was completely reversed.

As soon as the Western Wall collapsed, the replacement team in charge of the Western Wall fled. This shows that Qingshan Town's defense circle may collapse at any time. We are still able to persist now, all due to inconvenient communication and poor visibility at night. Although the defenders on the other three walls can see the situation on the west wall, they are less affected and do not have the pressure of facing the devil at close range. There will not be too many problems for the time being, but if the torches on the west wall are One after another they go out, and no matter how stupid they are, they will realize that something is wrong. Once in adversity, Xia Fan had no idea how much courage they would have to persevere.

In other words, if immediate action is not taken to rekindle the torch and drive the demons out of the breached area, the situation on the Western Wall will get worse. If someone were to escape first at this time, it would probably cause a collapse immediately. Without the city wall to rely on, personal power will become extremely limited. At that time, who lives and who dies will be completely left to fate.

This trend must be contained before collapse occurs!

Just when Xia Fan arrived at the edge of the collapse, the demon stood up again.


As soon as this thought came to his mind, the other party's huge body was already pressed against the city wall -


With a loud noise, he felt the wooden planks under his feet disintegrate in the tremor, and many bricks and stones in front of him were even blown up!

The only thing Xia Fan could do was to hold on to the torch and jump up as hard as he could, keeping the burning end of the pole upward.


The moment the demon pounced, Luo Qingqing's heart sank to the bottom.

She was entangled by two charms and could not stop each other's actions at all. She could only watch the wall under her feet fall apart. She has also lost her personal footing and is about to fall off the city wall.

Through the demon that was so close, Luo Qingqing saw a fire approaching from the other end of the fracture. Perhaps the replacement team finally arrived. Unfortunately, the situation took a turn for the worse. This torch alone could no longer illuminate the enlarged gap. .

If only she could hold on a little longer...

At this moment, a blue ripple suddenly spread out, covering most of the cave-in!

"The end of the barrier is just a flower in the water!"

Her falling speed slowed down instantly. Not only that, even the scene of the falling stones became clearly discernible, as if all the objects around her were wrapped in invisible water, and their movement speed was greatly slowed down.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the caster - Fang Xiandao.

She was surprised to see Fang Xiandao moving smoothly between falling rocks and debris, while shooting a talisman at her. When the talisman hit her forehead, the influence of the blue ripples on her suddenly disappeared.

Luo Qingqing immediately understood. She swung her sword towards the green brick closest to her, used the force of the collision to adjust her posture, and then imitated Fang Xiandao, jumping back and forth between the floating stones, and finally as follows Stairs generally land smoothly.

"I didn't expect you to help me."

"Hmph, things have priorities. Only fools would forget the big plan because of small details." Fang Xiandao opened the folding fan with a snap and half-hided it in front of him, "Since the ground defense is a foregone conclusion, there is no need for me to go against the trend. The best thing about divination is that no matter how the form changes, I can always find an optimal solution for myself."

"You... have recalculated?" Luo Qingqing couldn't help but asked curiously.

"That's right, and the hexagram is extremely clear. This Great Wilderness and Evil Night all depends on our ancestors. As long as we can persist until dawn, our Fang family will definitely be ranked first among the three families!" He raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "Look, the current situation It’s coming true, isn’t it?”

As he closed his fan, the ripples disappeared, and the falling objects returned to their normal speed, hitting the two of them one after another.

"Are you okay?" Fei Nian, who had been blocking Mei under the city wall before, also rushed over. "The effect of this barrier is really eye-opening!"

"The Fang family is good at more than just fortune-telling." Fang Xiandao pointed directly at the demon lying on the fracture, "Now that the three families have gathered together, it's time to kill this monster in one go! Come on!"

The two of them remained motionless, looking at Fang Xiandao in unison.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"That technique just now... won't you use it again?" Luo Qingqing said unexpectedly.

"That's right," Fei Nian nodded in agreement, "If we can immobilize the devil, we will definitely win."

"This..." Fang Xiandao was stunned, "Do you think this technique can be used casually? The materials it requires are all rare treasures, and even I only brought one copy!"

"Then you now..."

"I can help you hold off the battle." Fang Xianli said confidently.

"Be careful!" Feinian suddenly warned.

Unfortunately it was too late. I saw a black shadow falling from the sky and hitting Fang Xiandao with a thud!

Since Mei couldn't fly and the three of them were not within the collapse range, few people paid attention to the situation in the air. This hit was impossible to guard against, and Fang Xiandao was knocked unconscious before he could make any reaction.

Luo Qingqing was surprised to find that the figure of this uninvited guest looked quite familiar.

"Xia... Fan?"

Xia Fan coughed twice and finally stood up holding the torch - the fall just now was really not light. If he wasn't a gas-inducer, he would have broken one of his legs if he fell from a height of seven to eight meters. If it were a certain white-haired master, it would be normal for him to fall to death.

Fortunately, the torch did not go out after all.

"I brought torches to support, I hope it's not too late."

Luo Qingqing couldn't help but be startled. It turned out that the fire she saw before was Xia Fan.

Just when the city wall was broken and the nearby groups were fleeing to places where there was still light, he walked against the flow of people, trying to fill the missing light.

She had fought against him before, and because of this, she knew that the other person was not the kind of person who was known for his skills.

Even so, he came.

Luo Qingqing couldn't help but have a complicated feeling in her heart.

"Why... is it you?"

"The substitute team is too busy, so I will take care of it for the time being." Xia Fan pretended to be relaxed, "Can we still fill the gap now with just this torch?"

"I'm afraid it won't work." Fei Nian shook his head, "It's difficult for the light below to reach the city wall, and if you want to stick the torch up, you have to face the attacks of demons and charms."

"Well, I guess so..."

"All in all, if we don't defeat the demon, we won't be able to close the gap." Fei Nian paused, "But this torch has given us a great help - at least it won't let Mei get close to us easily. What's next Just leave it to me and Luo Qingqing."

"Only you two?" Xia Fan frowned.

"There's another one underneath you."

Xia Fan quickly jumped away, and then he realized that there was a man from the Fang family lying on the ground, "Uh, I didn't notice-"

"I know, it's just an accident." Luo interrupted gently, "There are a few people, but the number will not make any difference here. As long as you stay here, we will have a safe escape route. Even if we fail, You can also escape intact.”