Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 32: I will cover you


Xia Fan did not answer, but looked at the break of the city wall for a while, "I have a better idea."

"Oh? What is it?" Feinian asked.

"Have you seen those exposed roof beams and floor slabs? As long as they are lit, the entire gap will become a huge torch."

"The technique I prepared cannot accurately control the ignition of a certain area." Luo objected lightly, "Once it is used, the entire city wall will burn. Not to mention that everyone is still resisting on top. If we use the last resort now, the fire time will It won’t last until dawn tomorrow.”

"I'm not asking you to order it, but I'm going to do it."

"You?" Feinian questioned, "This is not something that ordinary alchemy can do! The roof beam is not a torch, and it is not wrapped with hemp rope or kerosene. Even if you use Fei Hua Yan continuously, it will not burn it at all. "

Luo Qingqing did not immediately deny it, but asked, "How sure are you?"

"Luo Qingqing?" Feinian looked at her in surprise.

"If you just light the wood, the certainty is 100%." Xia Fan replied calmly, "But considering that we have to deal with the devil, we have to lower it by 20%, plus a modest 10%, so it's 70%."

"Taller than mine." Luo nodded slightly, "Do you need us to do anything?"

"Cover me to get close to the devil. This technique... is not good at distance."

"I know." She took the torch and threw it to Fei Nian. "You hold the retreat, and he and I will try it."

Xia Fan smiled and rushed towards the fracture first.

"Are you serious? He is just a member of the sect!" Fei Nian said in disbelief. This attempt is definitely not the kind of near-miss test in the past. Ordinary candidates are not even qualified to stand here, and only those from aristocratic families are qualified. Only top disciples dare to make such a move - and because of this, the teammates who fight alongside them are naturally stronger and more reliable. He didn't expect that Luo Qingqing would choose an ordinary sect to take risks instead of a genius like him who could be as famous as him.

"As far as I know, he is not the kind of person who acts without restraint and only knows how to show off his strength." Luo Qingqing chased after him without looking back, "I'll leave this to you."

"It's... crazy." Fei Nian had no choice but to raise the torch to light the road ahead for the two of them, "Forget it, just let me escort you one more way!"

Several flying flower flames soared into the sky, rushing toward Mei who was approaching Xia Fan like flowing fire, wiping them out one by one at the edge of the fire.

Taking advantage of this time, the two of them had crossed the flat area and climbed up the collapsed city wall.

This section of the road immediately became much more difficult to walk. Xia Fan had to slow down and use the weak firelight to carefully choose every foothold. Luo Qingqing came from behind and easily surpassed him.

Is this really something an alchemist can do

Xia Fan couldn't help but secretly dumbfounded. The ruins at the collapse formed a small hill, with irregular masonry, wooden beams, and fragile ceramic tiles that could easily hurt your feet. You had to be careful to climb even in broad daylight. But she seemed to have no weight. She could cross obstacles one after another by tapping her legs lightly on the ground. Her agile figure was like an elf.

This reminded him of the legendary Qing Gong.

Not only that, Luo Qingqing also blocked several attacking Meis for him - this place was close to the twilight zone, and Mei's figure was almost difficult to locate with the naked eye, but she could still control the slow with the fast, every time she drew her sword. There must be something to gain, as if those charms bumped into her wooden sword on purpose.

Compared to the way he used his hands and feet to climb over the rubble, Xia Fan once again felt the difference.

"Did your master never teach you any body skills?"

Luo gently chopped down a charm queen and took a deep breath.

Xia Fan noticed that she was not as calm as she looked. At least her breathing was much faster than before, and her forehead was covered with fine sweat. It was obvious that she had exerted a lot of physical strength.

"Shenfa? What is that?"

"Sure enough." She showed a look of surprise, "You can understand it as martial arts. It did originally originate from the martial arts world, but the alchemist can exert its effect even more. Shenfa allows you to control your body more accurately. , before the alchemy is mastered to a certain level, it can make up for the lack of sensitivity."

There is also this kind of thing... Xia Fan finally understood why people with a professional background always looked down on Sanmen.

"But when you enter the Privy Council House, you will have to master these sooner or later." Luo stopped lightly, "The next step is the key. How close do you mean?"

Xia Fan finally climbed to the top of the ruins. Standing here, the wide gap stood above the two of them like a chasm, and the beams protruding on both sides looked like a mottled old tooth. And placed in the center of the gap is the huge demon.

When you look down from above, it is not that scary, but when you look up, the size of the devil seems to have increased several times. Just one hand is as wide as two or three people, and its flat abdomen is even more impressive. If they can cover the sky and the sun, if they are compacted, their end will be terrible.

This sense of oppression is definitely not comparable to watching from a distance.

Xia Fan swallowed, "The closer, the better. It's best to reach out and reach the target."

"In other words, we have to get under the demon's belly?" Luo gently looked at the demon's abdomen, "Wait for me for a while."

She opened her feet and took two tentative steps when the demon reacted.

I saw a pitch-black rope swiping towards Luo. The latter ducked and rolled to avoid it. The rope that failed to hit hit the city wall like a whip, and the force was so strong that it left a deep mark. .

Then came the second one, which penetrated directly in front of Luo Qingqing, forcing her to retreat back to where she was. Likewise, the force of this blow was still not small, and it almost penetrated the depth of several fingers into the blue brick.

"It seems that it doesn't want anyone to get close to its bottom." Luo Qingqian panted slightly, "Could it be that those hanging charms are its weakness?"

"But how are we going to get through this?" Xia Fan frowned. He had already seen that he could not get close to the demon with his own ability. The genius of the Luo family seemed to be able to handle it alone, but it was hard to say with him.

However, the other party did not hesitate at all, "Same as before, I walk in front, you just follow me."

"you sure?"

"No time to think about it! If we wait until it pounces again, the terrain here will also change, and we won't have a second chance to climb." Luo Qingqing said decisively.

Xia Fan naturally understood the meaning of her words. Although it only took him less than half a quarter of an hour from the time he decided to support her to arriving here, it was probably quite a long time for the candidates on the wall. Three torches have been extinguished and have not been replenished. The pressure brought by Mei is constantly growing. Even if they are safe and sound again, the situation above will definitely collapse. Whether the Demon City is eliminated or not will not be able to change the situation.

"I understand." He said solemnly.

"Very well, I only have one request." Luo took two deep breaths and lowered his body, "No matter what happens, don't stop. Trust me."

Xia Fan nodded silently.


As soon as the words fell to the ground, Luo Qingqing shot out like lightning and rushed straight towards the devil. The latter also reacted immediately, and the rope on her abdomen swung towards her like eyes.

The girl placed the wooden sword at her waist.

Her energy filled the tip of the sword, and it was like a star for a moment. When the rope came close, Luo gently pulled out his sword and slashed diagonally from bottom to top - the blade cut across a crescent moon, splitting the black rope into two!

Xia Fan also rushed to the center of the broken wall. Although he was far less agile than his teammates, the wall built on the basis of a brick house was only so wide. It shortened by half a meter with every step he took. The distance could be said to be steadily getting closer.

When Luo gently defused the third attack, he was close to the edge of the devil, and the target seemed within reach!

The demon also separated several ropes to deal with Xia Fan, but they were all blocked by Luo Qingqing, who turned around. Although the situation was dangerous, she still caught up with the attack at the last second.

But these few defenses made Luo Qingqing slow down a lot. The energy surrounding the sword tip dimmed, and she could no longer cut off the flying ropes.

As if realizing that the situation was not good, the demon let out a roar, and the charm hanging under its belly struggled violently.

not good!

Xia Fan instantly realized that the offensive and defensive balance that Luo Qingqing had managed to maintain was about to be broken - she had already tried her best just to deal with those tentacle-like ropes, and it was impossible to allocate her energy to deal with Mei.

As if to confirm his guess, the two charms broke free first and landed vertically in front of the two of them.

The light here was darker than during the previous climb. The next moment Mei stood up straight, she had already disappeared.

It was impossible for Luo Qingqing to block two charms at the same time!

After coming to this conclusion, Xia Fan subconsciously wanted to stop and get out of the way, but the other person's words "believe me" suddenly came to his mind, causing him to retract his retreat.

Just then, he smelled a light fragrance.

Luo Qingqing jumped directly in front of him!

After piercing one charm, she used her body to block another one that was attacking Xia Fan.

The black energy instantly wrapped around Luo Qingqing's body, and she stabbed with her backhand. At the same time, she bent her knees and kicked, taking herself and Mei away from Xia Fan!

Almost without pause, the demon's attacks followed one after another - one end of the rope flew towards Luo Qingqing, and the other end went straight towards Xia Fan. Obviously no one could protect him at this moment, Xia Fan simply gritted his teeth and rushed towards the rope.

But it turns out that Luo Qingqing once again fulfilled her promise. The moment before she fell to the ground, she pulled out the wooden sword and threw it with all her strength, accurately deflecting the incoming black rope.

But she herself lost all means of defense and was hit by another black rope at the waist. A bright red tear suddenly appeared in her robe.

Luo snorted slightly and was completely knocked away.

Before she even landed, the rope had already caught up with her and wrapped it around her neck. No matter how hard Luo Qingqing struggled, he could not stop the demon from tightening the rope and hanging her to the abdomen.

At this moment, Xia Fan finally arrived directly below the monster.