Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 42: Prime culprit


When Xia Fan returned to the wing, the old lady's words of gratitude were still ringing in his ears.

"How does it feel when you help someone get rid of evil spirits for the first time?" The fox demon looked at him with a half-smile, a hint of joking in his tone, "Do you feel like you have become a savior and can control the fate of others in your hands?"

"Honestly, it's pretty good." Xia Fan automatically skipped the second half of her sentence, "I finally know why Master took this path - compared to entering the Privy Council Palace, traveling around and serving the people like this Getting rid of pests doesn’t feel like a bad choice.”

Only now did he realize that despite all his faults, his master was still a monk who could draw Qi into his body. The advantage of inducing qi alone is enough for him to find a stable job in a wealthy family or a escort agency, so that he will not spend most of his time like a vagabond.

Maybe it was because of these thanks that Master took to the road.

If entering the Privy Council House was not the only way to further understand the mysteries of the world, he would have made the same choice as his master.

After all, doing chivalry and doing justice is a fantasy that almost everyone has had.

In addition, the old lady's complaints about the Privy Council House also made Xia Fan quite concerned. When he wandered with his master, he heard several cases of the Privy Council's alchemists eradicating evil spirits and protecting a place's safety. The government also promoted the Privy Council as an institution that dealt with all abnormal phenomena, which seemed to conflict with what Mrs. Tian said.

It's just that he doesn't have any method to verify it now. Master never mentions this aspect, and he avoids alchemists when he meets him. He probably can only wait until he enters the Privy Council House to know whether there is a misunderstanding.

"By the way, I still don't understand something." He brought the topic back to the supernatural knowledge that he was most interested in. "If cats can become monsters after death, wouldn't it be possible for other animals too? What about chickens, sheep, and cows? Ah... there should be monsters everywhere in the streets and alleys, but that’s not how I actually feel.”

This is an understatement. Xia Fan lowered his head and looked at his palms. If microorganisms were included, bacteria would die in his palms every second, and new bacteria would be born. If these organisms were all It takes energy to be born, and you can turn into a monster after death, so this world is a bit too lively.

And how do bacteria sense it... Even if a cat is separated by window paper, you can still see a blurry shadow. Not to mention microorganisms separated by paper, it is a problem to see them visually if the microscope magnification is not high enough. How can we remove them

"You can't turn into a monster without a reason. No matter what kind of evil it is, you need strong emotions to have a chance to transform." The fox demon shook his finger, walked to the coffee table, sat down, and poured some for himself and Xia Fan Cup of tea, "This emotion can be anger, pain, unwillingness, resentment, ecstasy, bliss, or any other feeling that is difficult to summarize."

"Just as a large number of wasted deaths can form a great desolate night, although their bodies are dead and their consciousness is gone, the aura full of strong resentment will linger for a long time until it triggers strange phenomena."

She pushed the tea to Xia Fan, "So you discovered the key point?"

Xia Fan immediately understood the meaning of her words, "The key is a variety of emotions."

Li nodded, "Your reaction is one of the few things worthy of praise."

That's it... According to the fox demon, creatures with more diverse emotions are more likely to leave traces after death. This can also be understood as the stronger the consciousness, the easier it is to have an impact on the objective world. As for the microorganisms that we were worried about before, because they do not have complex consciousness, they will naturally not become evil spirits.

When it comes to the richness of emotions, human beings are definitely the most powerful among all souls.

No... Xia Fan glanced at Li, maybe adding Yao.

It's just that the number of monsters is much lower than that of humans, so it's not that obvious.

It can be deduced from this that the probability of human Qi turning into evil spirits is much higher than that of other species, and the harm is also greater.

Thinking of this, Xia Fan felt a sense of sincere satisfaction, and the veil of the world seemed to have faded a little further for him.

Abducting the fox demon was indeed the right choice.

But another question came to his mind.

…What are the emotions that turn cats into monsters

Tian's wife seemed to have said that Ahua died of illness, but it was very common for animals to die of illness. Even if livestock fell in pieces due to the plague, there were no major problems.

Suddenly an idea flashed in Xia Fan's mind.

He looked at Li with some surprise, "That cat... didn't die of illness?"

The latter seemed to have expected that he would ask this question, "Even a human can hardly have any thoughts of resistance when he knows that his time is coming, let alone a cat? Do you want to make a deep impression on it? , ordinary encounters are not acceptable.”

Then the answer is ready to come out.

Only pain can make a creature unforgettable in the shortest possible time.

It was tortured to death.

And the perpetrator did not aim to kill it, but prolong the painful process as much as possible - if it was just slaughtering, the fox demon would not be able to say something like "Ordinary encounters are not acceptable."

"It couldn't be... Tian's wife did it herself, right?" Xia Fan felt some hairs on his back.

"This is not very likely," Li's answer made him feel a little relieved. "If the civet cat died at the hands of the Tian family, and it was too late to escape during its lifetime, it would not be able to wander around the house leisurely after death. In addition... that person A woman’s feelings for cats should be genuine.”

"That's good." Xia Fan raised his head and took a big sip of tea. As for who killed Ahua, I'm afraid there is no way to verify it, and it is impossible for him to trace it to the end for a cat - after all, for people in this era, cruelty and killing are Animals are nothing at all, and they will not be subject to any moral condemnation, let alone legal punishment.

But if you think about it carefully, what if the real purpose of the perpetrator is not to torture the civet cat, but to murder Tian's wife

This person knows that by inflicting enough pain, there is a chance that ordinary living beings will die and become evil spirits. So as long as they are targeted a little, the evil spirits' first harm must be the living people of the Tian family.

No... these ideas are too much of a conspiracy theory, and it shouldn't be such a coincidence. Xia Fan shook his head and threw away the distracting thoughts. Since the perpetrator could not be found, the above guesses could only be guesses and could not be confirmed.

Suddenly something Li said before sounded in his ears -

"The sprite is the cause, but not necessarily the culprit."

Had she thought of this then

If Ruqiu really died of physical weakness, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the person who tortured the cat would be considered a murderer.

After solving this sudden "haunted" incident, it was almost midnight, and even Xia Fan felt a little tired. He yawned and signaled to the fox demon, "It's getting late, let's rest today."

Li nodded, got up and walked towards the back room.

As she approached the door, Xia Fan stopped her again, "Also, I'm sorry about what happened today."

"Oh?" The fox demon glanced at him with interest. Did the alchemist also apologize to the demon? For some reason, her mood suddenly improved a lot. But this cannot be revealed easily, otherwise the other party will think that he is too easy to compromise, and he must be deeply aware of today's problem.

"You didn't do anything wrong, so why do you need to apologize? As you said, I helped you, not them. This is just to repay the life-saving grace I gave you -"

"That's not what I'm talking about." Xia Fan's answer surprised her, "Obviously we helped the Tian family together, but in the end I was the only one who got their thanks. But the real meritorious ones can only be ranked second. Behind the scenes, in other words, I get the gratitude you deserve."

"What..." Li was stunned for a moment and then looked away, "I don't care about human gratitude."

"I care. One day, I hope people can know that it was the demon who helped them; one day, when you help others, you no longer have to hide in the dark." Xia Fan looked into her eyes and said softly, " With this connection... humans will also take the initiative to help demons."