Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 44: Soak up the sun again


"So we're on the road again?"

After listening to Xia Fan's story, Li shrugged.

"It is indeed a little unexpectedly fast, but this way, we can also get in touch with the Privy Council earlier."

"Okay, I'll go pack my things."

"Wait a minute," Xia Fan stopped her, "It's boring and boring to lie in the carriage all the time loading your luggage. Do you want to be my 'fellow junior sister' and come with me?"

Li was slightly shocked and turned around in confusion, "You want me to walk with you in broad daylight? Under the gaze of outsiders?"

"You don't want to hide for the rest of your life." Xia Fan said matter-of-factly, "Even if you stay with me for revenge against the Privy Council, the price is too high."

"Did you know that if someone discovers-"

"I definitely can't become an alchemist, and I might be asked why there is a fox demon in my sect." He followed the other person's words, "So just don't be discovered. I remember you said that demons don't have any evil aura. Something like that, right?”

"Of course not!" Li said with his arms crossed, "I don't know where your weird idea comes from. Do animals have a fishy body odor, and do monsters have a similar smell? As long as the situation is not urgent, we will also clean it regularly. Body, don’t talk like only humans love to be clean!”

After saying that, she pulled up her collar, lowered her head and sniffed, "If you don't believe me, come and smell it?"

"No, I believe it." Xia Fan said decisively, "If you think about it carefully, the tail can be covered with a robe or tied tightly around the waist. The biggest flaw is just the ears on the head. On the way At that time, it was normal for women to wear cloaks and black veils, but it was not easy to see through them."

Of course, another key point is that the fox demon does not need to hide it from everyone on his own. With him taking care of it, ordinary people will not dare to question the alchemist's judgment.

Li was silent for a moment.

"If you feel that this is not safe, there is actually an easier way - you can become a fox, right?"

Compared with appearance, Xia Fan believes that this is the biggest difference between humans and monsters. It was this trick that he used to bring Li into the carriage without telling the coachman. According to Li's own statement, she can not only transform into an ordinary fox, but also a giant fox, and her strength and speed will increase several levels at the same time. It's just that both types of changes require qi consumption and cannot be used as normal.

This drastic change in body shape is difficult to explain with his familiar common sense, and can only be temporarily attributed to the magic of Qi.

"Then what?"

"Then I'll make some disguises for you, such as dyeing your hair yellow and black eye circles, so you look almost like a dog. Although you can't speak, at least you don't have to be bored in the carriage-" Xia Fan suddenly stopped, he felt There was an extremely dangerous aura in the other party's eyes.

"Just follow the first method," Li said after a moment, "if you think it's okay."

Half an hour later, two carriages stopped at the entrance of Yingsong Inn.

"Brother Xia, I'm here." Seeing Xia Fan appear, Wei Wushuang waved his hand quickly, "You need my help with luggage and other things—"

However, mid-sentence, his shouting stopped abruptly.

I saw a tall woman walking out from behind Xia Fan. Although she was wearing a black gauze hat and couldn't see her face clearly, she could tell just from the exposed pointed chin and a faint touch of red lips. I feel her extraordinary beauty.

Wei Wushuang looked at the woman with surprise and curiosity for a while, then looked at Xia Fan, "Brother Xia, I wonder who this is..."

"Let me introduce, she is my master's new disciple, her name is Li." Xia Fan spread his hands and said, "And this person is Wei Wushuang, who was a candidate at the same time as me and took office in the same city."

"Hello, this is the first time we meet." Li stretched out his delicate hand, pushed aside the black gauze in front of him, and lowered his head slightly.

At that moment, Wei Wushuang saw a pair of eyes as deep as night.

He subconsciously looked away, took a step back and bowed his hands, "H-hello... it's nice to meet the girl..."

Xia Fan almost laughed out loud. This guy was very familiar with him when he was in a relationship with him, but he didn't expect him to be so clumsy in front of the fox demon.

"Ahem, what my master wants me to do is to take her out to gain experience, and by the way, I can also teach her techniques." He made up a reason casually, "Three years later, when she went to take the scholar's examination, she also It’s not like I have no confidence. Anyway... Li will go to Jinxia City with me this time."

"So that's it." Wei Wushuang immediately expressed his agreement, "She can already feel Qi?"

"Well, junior sister got started just a few years later than me."

"Why have I never heard Brother Xia mention it before?"

"You never told me how many relatives you have in your family."

"Well, I was rash. But the name Li... is so unique. It only has a first name but no surname?"

"Hey, just like me, she was born as a homeless person and doesn't know who her parents are. Maybe she thought of this name herself... By the way, she is withdrawn and likes to be quiet. Don't mention it in front of outsiders if you don't have to. she… "

The voices of the two slowly lowered, as if they were drifting apart, or in other words, Li's consciousness was no longer focused on their conversation.

She faced the sun above her head and closed her eyes slightly.

The sunshine in Jixia was still strong, and Li could feel the burning heat and slight stinging on his skin.

But the stinging pain didn't make her uncomfortable, but instead gave her an indescribable feeling of comfort.

How long has it been since she walked in the sun

Li can't remember the exact day.

Because that's too long.

Since she decided to rescue her master, she has focused most of her energy on nighttime - if she wants to get out of the countryside and contact humans, she must act cautiously and avoid any possibility of exposing her whereabouts. The night was her best cover, but it also made her almost forget what it felt like to stand under the sun.

For a moment, Li seemed to have returned to the moment when his consciousness was first born.

Her favorite thing to do at that time was to lie down next to her master and listen to her talking to herself. The sun shining on her back and the sound of the wind blowing through the bamboo forest were the main colors in her memory.

"It's time to go."

Xia Fan's voice brought her back from her distraction.

Li pursed his lips and boarded the carriage.

She knew that there was no need for the other party to do this at all - what he needed was the inside story of the Privy Council and the knowledge of alchemy, in exchange for helping her to find out the whereabouts of the master. Letting herself act in broad daylight would not increase any benefits, but would bring some risk.

However, not only did he do this, but the reason was also inexplicable: "I didn't want her to be bored and hide in the car."

It's really incomprehensible.

It was because of this incomprehensibility that Ling Li found that his thoughts had become somewhat loosened.

No one can shake the rules set by the Privy Council.

But this person's acting style and different ideas...maybe it can really bring about a change.

Before he was hanged by the rules.