Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 46: The foundation of the family


At the same time, on the other side of Jinxia City, was the Wang family’s mansion.

"Master, once the things you ordered me to do are done, the Donghai Gang will take action at night." Master Lu opened the door of the master's room, bowed and said.

"Really? Thank you for your hard work." Wang Yian put down the pen in his hand, leaned on the back of the chair and rubbed his neck, "I hope this time I can make those untouchables who burn salt in private restrain themselves a little bit."

Ever since the Wang family was ordered by the imperial court to take charge of the Jinxia Salt Industry, similar things have happened. As the head of the Wang family for more than 20 years, he has been able to deal with it very well. He didn't think it was a big deal to deal with a few untouchables, he was just a little upset.

On the road to outsiders, there is Jinxia City, and below there is the Yanwang Family. The family has reached its peak in Jinxia. It can be said that turning one's hands into clouds and turning one's hands into rain. Even the government will be courteous, so the Wang family naturally lives a life of gods. Wang Yi'an sneered at this statement. Not only could he not sit back and relax, he had to make plans for the future all the time. What he was thinking about was beyond the imagination of the mediocre people outside.

"But sir... isn't the price of salt a bit high recently?"

"Why, someone is dissatisfied?"

"The people's dissatisfaction is secondary." Master Lu hesitated and decided to tell the truth, "I heard that the Qingwu Gang is also trying to sell salt. If they secretly encourage it, I'm afraid it won't be long before the illegal salt issue is suppressed. Get up again.”

"So what?" Wang Yi'an raised his head and looked at the master, "Let me ask you a few questions."

The latter was stunned for a moment, "...Please, sir."

"Who makes salt for the imperial court in Jinxia City?"

"This...only the Wang family has this qualification."

"What is the crime for making and selling salt privately?"

"capital offense."

"Compared to the Donghai Gang, which one is stronger than the Qingwu Gang?"

"The Wu Gang is just a group of porters and traffickers. Naturally, it cannot be compared with the Donghai Gang that you control..."

"Then what to do about this matter, isn't it very clear?" At this point, Wang Yi'an's voice suddenly turned gloomy, "Master, when did you become so indecisive?"

Master Lu looked at the other party's sharp eyes and couldn't help but shudder.

If someone commits the crime again, he will be dealt with in the same way.

If the Qingwu Gang intervenes, then they will be removed as well.

For the head of the Wang family, this is not a problem at all.

He swallowed, lowered his head and replied, "Yes, I know what to do."

"You have assisted two generations of my family, so it is understandable that you would be influenced by my father." Wang Yi'an sighed, his words no longer cold as before, as if it was just an illusion, "But Lu Zhigao... you and I've had it for so many years, don't you understand what I want? Salt or money are just means. Only power can protect the family."

"There are two types of power. One is obtained by relying on others, and the other is obtained by one's own accumulation and planning. Either way requires a lot of money to support. Our ancestors can't see that far, they just want to make a fortune in the salt industry, and they don't want to I wonder if this salt was originally named Wang. If I don’t make up for the time they wasted, how long will it take?”

He walked to Master Lu and patted him on the shoulder, "Now is the time to spend money. You have to take care of this for me and help the Wang family move to a higher level..."

"Yes, Lu will definitely live up to his mission!" The master was both in awe and joy. It can be said that he has watched Wang Yian grow up. Compared with other family heads, he can really feel something different in this person, as if others are born to obey his orders. Although he is a master, with his rapid growth, he can rarely provide any decent opinions.

This may be the so-called Ming Zhu.

"Father, I heard that you were looking for me?" Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Ah, you came just in time." Wang Yi'an returned to his seat, "Let's talk first."

A young man with a tall figure and a handsome face quickly walked into the room, looked around and saluted twice, "Hello, father, hello, master."

Master Lu turned sideways slightly and returned the salute with a smile, "Young Master, you are fine."

This person is Wang Yi'an's second son, Wang Renzhi.

If his eldest brother Wang Qingzhi has a calm temperament and is sophisticated in his actions, somewhat like his father, then his second son has a different personality. He likes to eat, drink and have fun, and spends money lavishly. He often mixes with the dudes from other families, and it is difficult for him to take on the responsibility of the family. Great responsibility.

It's just that this second young master awakened the ability to sense Qi when he was fifteen years old.

"You should stay at home more and spend more time with your mother, instead of just coming back from the north and immediately going to hang out with those gangsters for several days and celebrating in the brothel so that everyone in the city knows that you have passed the alchemist exam. ." Wang Yi'an reprimanded, "The Privy Council Office is no better than the government office. I can transfer you to Shenzhou through my connections, but I can't guarantee that you will have smooth sailing in the office. If those big shots are tired of you, the most you can do is stop here. ."

"You are speaking modestly. Who doesn't know that all the four ministers of the Privy Council have a good relationship with you? Of course, I won't go too far, so please don't worry." Wang Renzhi said disapprovingly, "And these days I It’s not that I haven’t done any serious business at all, after the appointment and dismissal order came down, I took the time to visit the Privy Council House.”

"Oh? It's rare for you to be so conscious."

"Take some care first, I know. By the way, dad," the second young master changed the subject, "There were a few new alchemists there at the time. Guess what, I saw a girl from the Luo family, she looked quite pretty... Could it be that This energy not only strengthens the body, but also beautifies the appearance—"

"Okay, don't say this at home, and you are not allowed to say it outside in the future," Wang Yi'an interrupted impatiently, "From today on, you must restrain your temper and be cautious in your words and actions. Especially women... It's best to All the entanglements in the past have been resolved. If you can't do it, I can ask Master to do it for you."

Wang Renzhi was stunned, "What's going on? Dad, you never cared about me before."

"It was the past, but it's different now." Wang Yi'an slowed down and said, "You should know about the canonization of the Holy Spirit, right?"

"I know." Seeing his father's serious expression, Wang Renzhi calmed down.

"I got the news from Gyeonggi Province. The third princess was the first to be granted the title of Princess Guangping, and the title was Jinxia City."

"Are you sure about this?" Wang Renzhi said in surprise, "Jinxia is remote and shabby, with nothing but salt. Let alone Shangyuan, which of the three states in the south of the Yangtze River is not more comfortable than here?"

"How can you disobey the Holy Spirit if you don't want to?" He said in a tone that left no room for doubt, "In short, all you need to know is that this city will soon be under the rule of the princess, and a formal transfer order should be issued soon. do you understand?"

"My child understands... No, my child still doesn't quite understand." Wang Renzhi scratched his head, "What does this have to do with me finding a woman? Does the princess still care about this?"

Master Lu reminded softly, "Her Royal Highness the Princess is helpless. When she first came here, she was like a duckweed without roots, and the support of the Wang family is exactly what she needs."

"Oh, you said building relationships, but isn't that my brother's business? He is the one who maintains connections throughout the government. It was you who gave this task to him in the first place..."

Wang Yian couldn't help but rub his forehead.

If the master hadn't been here, he would have spit the word "stupid" in the other person's face.

In addition to having a good skin, his second son is really inferior to his eldest son in all aspects... Is it really because Wang Qingzhi is so worried that he neglected to educate his second son

But it was such a son who became an alchemist.

It seems that the so-called qi can improve the body, but it cannot perfect the mind.

Wang Yi'an stared deeply at Wang Renzhi, "Relationships stabilized with money will never be as strong as an iron wall. If we want to truly control the government, this canonization is a rare opportunity for us. Listen up, Ren After all, I want you to marry the princess...that is, to become a wife."

"Brother-in-law?" The second young master immediately yelled, "This is not okay! Dad, father, please think twice... If the eldest brother fails to succeed, won't my Wang family not even have an heir? More importantly, who knows? What does she look like!"

"You have to do it even if it doesn't work!" Wang Yi'an said, slamming the table.

He felt that his patience was running out - to be honest, when he first learned that his second son had awakened to sense energy, he felt that God was caring for the Wang family for the first time. If there is any place in Jinxia City that he cannot fully intervene in, it is only the Privy Council Mansion. Although the alchemist also needs money, they treat him more like taking advantage. In the eyes of those people, those who cannot sense Qi are just like ordinary people, and they are simply not the same kind of people as their alchemists. This kind of contempt cannot be compensated for by money, and as long as he is still an ordinary person, it is impossible to really pull them into the same boat.

Although the Donghai Gang promised to bring him enough power to overwhelm the Privy Council, Wang Yi'an himself was wary of this incomprehensible power. Not to rely too much on the power given by others is a major principle of his dealings.

Wang Renzhi's feeling made him see the hope of completely controlling the Privy Council House of Jinxia City for the first time.

If the princess can be pulled on board, the time required for this process will undoubtedly be greatly shortened.

If there was any flaw in this plan, it was probably the second son himself.

"You have to do it even if you don't." Wang Yi'an repeated again, "When the princess' chariot arrives, I will create opportunities for you. Before that, don't get close to other women. Besides, this may not be possible. You must Do your best.”

"How can the princess not like me even after I try my best?" Wang Renzhi clenched his fists and said, "Maybe she will even marry me voluntarily!"

"Oh?" Wang Yi'an said without comment, "The princess is not a country girl who has never seen the world."

"If she marries me voluntarily, then she doesn't have to marry me, right?"

"Of course, you can then discipline her as you like."

"I understand, dad." Wang Renzhi nodded heavily.

He didn't expect to be able to arouse his enthusiasm in this way. After all, his blood is flowing through him? Wang Yi'an waved his hand for both of them to leave, and he returned to the documents on the table.

It would be best if he could marry the princess back, and it would be okay if he couldn't. At most, he would not take shortcuts and just spend more time - as long as he can get his hands into the Privy Council Palace, Jinxia City will be integrated with the Wang family sooner or later and become the true foundation of the family.