Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 48: First class


Humans...kill humans

Xia Fan did not ask what exactly she saw.

He only felt the rejection and familiarity from the other person's eyes.

-The fox demon doesn’t want to elaborate on this issue.

Realizing this, Xia Fan had no choice but to suppress the doubts in his heart.

Early the next morning, Wei Wushuang had changed into the alchemist uniform and appeared at the door of Xia Fan's residence in high spirits.

"Today is the first class for the first batch of new alchemists, we can't be late!"

"I know, I know," Xia Fan yawned and walked out of the door. In order to make up for the time for Qi Qi practice, he sat up until two or three in the morning before going to bed last night. Now that he has become a civil servant working a six-to-five job, he really can't adapt.

It was just after dawn, and the sky was still light blue. After a night of filtering, the smell of firewood in the air had become much lighter.

The heat of summer is also diluted by the sea. The morning breeze blowing through the streets is wrapped with a hint of coolness. If you take a strong breath, you can even taste a little salty.

If there was no such thing as burning salt, Jinxia City might also be a good place to live.

However, not far after leaving the courtyard wall, Xia Fan saw something unusual: he saw many people wearing government uniforms walking back and forth along the streets, seemingly searching for something, while the common people stayed away. , pointing to the wall and whispering.

Xia Fan followed the latter's gaze and glanced around twice, and soon landed on a touch of brown.

Common sense told him that those were traces of dried blood.

"It's just what you humans love to do most."

What Li said last night suddenly came to his mind.

Could this be the source of the screams yesterday

"Did you hear any unusual noises yesterday?" he asked Wei Wushuang.

"No, I went to bed very early, and it was already dawn when I opened my eyes." The fellow countryman touched his head and asked, "Did something happen?"

He is really a carefree rich second generation... Xia Fan recounted what he heard, but omitted the part about the fox demon.

"I see," Wei Wushuang suddenly realized, and then frowned, "I guess... it was probably the gang."


"Well, Jinxia City is no better than Fenghua County. It has more people and more power. I was intercepted by them when I came here to do business. I had to pay some money before I escaped. As for the specific gangs here, I don't know much about them."

Xia Fan nodded and returned his gaze to the blood stains.

It was obvious that this was a chase that lasted for a long time. Blood stains were spread all along the street, and there must have been more than one victim.

After walking a few hundred meters toward the Privy Council Mansion, there were suddenly a lot more people watching, and about a dozen government officials surrounded a private courtyard to prevent anyone from getting close.

Apparently this is the source of the case.

"I remember that the Privy Council can also participate in handling cases, right?" Xia Fan asked in a low voice.

"That's right, but it's only for evil spirits. This matter has nothing to do with us." Wei Wushuang also lowered his voice.

"How can I see it?"

"Look," he pointed to a pile of iron tools at the entrance of the courtyard, "that should be the murder weapon found by the government. It's still stained with blood. I've never heard that evil spirits can wield knives and sticks."

It sounds like it is.

There were a few swords in the pile of iron tools, but there were more hoes, shovels, and kitchen knives—it was obvious that the attacker had the advantage in terms of equipment.

Xia Fan also noticed that government officials were constantly carrying out corpses from the courtyard. Through the human wall, he could vaguely see several corpses with strange icons embroidered on their clothes.

It seemed to be a white flower.

And the shape of the petals... made him feel familiar.

Wei Wushuang may have guessed correctly, this incident should be just an ordinary murder.

The only thing that made him a little concerned was that after the officials noticed the black alchemist robes on the two of them, they all leaned inward, making the wall closer, as if they were not Qiguo civil servants, but Qiguo civil servants. Same as the murder suspect.

This kind of rejection made Xia Fan give up the idea of going to find out.

When they arrived at the Privy Council Palace, the sun had just climbed over the wall. The two stepped into the inner hall of Zhiwei Hall at the sound of six o'clock. Four people were already waiting for them in the spacious room.

Obviously these four people plus the two of them are the first batch of new alchemists mentioned by the reception official.

"Flower picker?" a woman asked in surprise.

Xia Fan took a closer look and found that the other person was Luo Youer.

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the other three people looking over suddenly became strange.

"No, what does flower picker mean?"

"Sneaking into an unmarried woman's boudoir is usually called a flower picker."

"That's an exam!" He quickly defended, "And I'm not going for anyone, the source of spiritual fire is my goal! Don't you and your senior sister agree on this!"

"Well, then it's okay to change to a land thief, right?" Luo You'er said rationally.

Xia Fan decided to give up the argument.

"Huh, what a boring farce." Another handsome man in fine clothes looked away and found a seat to sit down.

"My name is Shangguan Cai. I came here from Shangyuan City." The woman next to Luo You'er walked over generously and said, "This is our first meeting. Please take care of me."

Duplicate surname... Xia Fan couldn't help but look at her twice.

He has straight bangs and a single ponytail. He is neither tall nor short. He has freckles on his face and a slightly flat nose. He has an ordinary appearance and no obvious jewelry on his body. He does not look like he comes from a famous family.

The only bright spot is her eyebrows.

The tall willow eyebrows and slightly upward eyes give people a heroic feeling.

"Yue Feng, from Suzhou." The last person introduced briefly.

Compared to the noble young master from before, this man's clothes were much more casual. He didn't even wear a crown, he just tied his hair into a bun with a strip of cloth, highlighting his chic and relaxed look.

However, Xia Fan noticed that his forearms, which were exposed outside the alchemist uniform because he stood with his chest crossed, were quite thick. The knuckles on the back of his hands were bulging and there were many scars, no doubt after long-term training.

"I am Xia Fan, and this is my fellow countryman named Wei Wushuang. We are both from Fenghua County." You can never go wrong with good relationships.

"Oh, are you all here?" At this moment, an old man in his fifties with half-white hair walked in - even though he was older than this era, there was no trace of movement in his steps. Slow, and the voice is full of energy. "Yes, there is finally no fool joining the Privy Council this time. Everyone, please sit down. My surname is Zhang Mingya. You can call me Zhang Master, Zhang Jiaoxi, or Zhang Master, but don't call me Master Zhang. Do you understand? Likewise, you There is no need to call yourself a disciple. What I teach you is just a matter of duty, and there is no master-disciple relationship at all. If you remember, just give me a shout!"

It took a while for everyone to react, and one after another they said, "I'll remember it."

Is this the way Liupin Wenwen behaves? Xia Fan was surprised in his heart. The relationship between master and disciple was to some extent as important as blood relationship. It was not uncommon for teachers and students to form factions from generation to generation. He actually didn't care at all

"Very good, don't forget that you are alchemists of the Privy Council. Improving your own strength is more important than any other etiquette." Master Zhang nodded with satisfaction, "In this lesson, I want to teach you how to better understand your own Qi. "He opened a small book and said, "The alchemist I named will stand on the stage."