Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 49: Mind


finally come!

It’s not a cheap master’s experience and tricks, but a systematic teaching of alchemy in this era!

Xia Fan gathered his energy and pricked up his ears in anticipation - Zhang Fuzi first called out Luo Youer's name, and then inserted his gold medal into a groove on the wall behind him.

With a soft "click" sound, a one-meter-square hidden cabinet appeared on the wall.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed in exclamation. They didn't expect that there was such a mystery hidden in the seemingly empty inner hall.

Xia Fan's eyes were attracted by the items in the dark cabinet.

—That is a beautiful piece of bronze.

It is almost half a meter high, and the bottom is similar to a three-pronged goblet, but the body is longer and cannot be grasped with one hand. An octagonal roulette wheel is placed horizontally above it, and a small square box is hung on each side. There is a support beam in the middle of the roulette wheel connected to the central cup, and a long golden needle hangs from the top.

Regardless of its unclear purpose, the appearance alone is a delicate work of art: it is covered with reliefs from the corner to the body of the cup, and the roulette wheel is a hollow design. The volume is several times larger than the lower half, but a little bit smaller. There is no top-heavy feeling either. If unearthed in later generations, it will definitely be a masterpiece at the level of a museum.

"This is a spiritual platform, used to measure the alchemist's character. I think this is not the first time for some of the children of aristocratic families to see it." Zhang Fuzi introduced.

Luo Youer looked at it carefully, "There is indeed something called a spiritual platform in the Luo family's Youzhou Mansion, but it doesn't look so beautiful, and only disciples recognized by the master are allowed to touch it."

"Oh, little girl, your so-called beauty is not worth a penny. The preciousness of the spiritual platform lies in the materials used. Casting the base like this is just a showoff. In my opinion, it is completely unnecessary." He opened his mouth and said Devaluing the creation that can be called a work of art into nothing, "Here, stretch out your hand to hold the cup, and then guide the air to the cup, just like you usually fill the wooden sword with air."

Luo Youer was stunned for a moment, "But this is a thing of gold and iron..."

In terms of affinity to Qi, living things are greater than dead things, while dead living things are somewhere in between. This is why alchemists usually wear wooden swords.

"That's just the outer shell, that's why I said that the quality of the spiritual platform depends on the internal materials. Okay, stop talking nonsense, just do it in a snapshot!"

Luo Youer was so frightened that she shrank her neck and quickly stretched out her hand.

After about a few minutes, Xia Fan saw the golden needle on the top of the spiritual platform slowly shaking.

After two turns left and right, it finally points in the direction of the sundae.

At the same time, a piece of talisman paper floated up from the Xun position box. The two were close to each other, half suspended in the air, as if being pulled by an invisible force.

"Okay, this is your character. Go down."

Luo Youer returned to her seat with a confused look on her face, obviously not quite understanding what happened just now.

"Excuse me, Master Zhang..." Xia Fan raised his hand habitually and asked, "What exactly does this character of mind refer to?"

Zhang Fuzi looked at him with squinted eyes and frowned slightly.

The sudden silence made the atmosphere in the room tense.

Wei Wushuang on the side winked at him several times, probably wanting him to apologize quickly.

After a while, Master Zhang changed his normal attitude, smiled and said, "Hahahaha... very good, this is what studying should be like!"

"Some of you are from aristocratic families, some are from scattered families, and you know different things. Do I have to ask you every time if you understand this and if you can do that? No matter what the occasion, if you have any questions, just ask them directly. , this is not the Sixth Department of the Imperial Court, so don’t bring in the customs from outside!"

"Listen up, nature determines whether a person can sense the existence of qi, and mind determines which type of alchemy a person is better at using. The former is innate and cannot be changed; the latter varies from person to person and will be affected by many factors. Together they make a complete human being!”

"For example, that little girl -" Zhang Fuzi pointed at Luo You'er, "She is timid and not confident in herself. Even if she doesn't understand the question, she doesn't dare to ask it in public. I think she may only be driven by others. Only then will she take action - even if the action is not what she expected. What does this look like? Isn't it just like the erratic wind that disperses when it encounters obstacles?"

Luo Youer was stunned.

Xia Fan was also surprised. Thinking of the scene when Luo Qingqing forced her to smell her body, it was quite similar to what the other party said.

"But this wind can also be divided into a breeze and a hurricane," the woman who called herself Shangguan Cai interjected, "Since they are all Sunda, how to determine which type the tester belongs to?"

"I knew you would fall into this misunderstanding." Zhang Fuzi raised his beard and seemed to have been prepared for it. "Do you think being like the wind is a bad thing? Timidity, on the other hand, means caution, and lack of confidence can be avoided. Arrogant and complacent - Cultivation is both a self-cultivation and a mind-cultivation. There is never a perfect mind in this world. Carrying forward one's own strengths and overcoming one's shortcomings are always the most important themes on the road to practice. When you can relax freely, Naturally, you can blow your face with the breeze while destroying it with a hurricane!"

Shangguan Cai was stunned for a moment, then he cupped his hands and said, "I've been taught a lesson."

This teacher in the Privy Council is quite good... Xia Fan thought to himself, in terms of organization and eloquence, he is several levels higher than his cheap master.

"Spells are born from the heart, so your xinxing determines which type of magic you are better at using." The other party continued, "Of course, this does not mean that you can't use other magics. It just means that you will get twice the result with half the effort and the effect will not be as good as if you are in harmony with your xinxing." In addition, even if it is a spell with the same attribute as your own, different people will perform it very differently - it depends on proficiency, understanding and personal perception, so you don't need to be greedy for more, rather than knowing a little bit of everything, It’s better to use an alchemy to its extreme.”

"When you work with other alchemists to eliminate evil spirits, don't forget to introduce your own hexagram attributes and the most commonly used alchemy. No one can cover everything. Cooperating with each other and using each's strengths is the correct way to deal with it. The geniuses I have seen There are so many of them, and the stubborn ones among them usually don’t live long.”

"Then next, Yue Feng."

The remaining four people took the stage one after another, and the results were: Yue Feng, who belongs to Gen.

Shangguancai belongs to Li.

Wei Wushuang belongs to Dui.

Wang Renzhi belongs to Kan.

Finally it was Xia Fan's turn.

Xia Fan walked to the dark cabinet and held the cup according to everyone's posture - he could feel that the Qi was not climbing against the outer wall of the spiritual platform, but spreading along the internal skeleton. This bronze may only play a fixed role, and the air conductor is still something similar to wood inside.

At the same time, close observation also allowed him to discover that the square boxes hanging on the roulette wheel contained various strange medicinal materials. It was probably the interaction between these materials and Qi that made the golden needles hanging on the roulette wheel effective. A pointing effect. Those reliefs might not be pure decorations, but some kind of talismans.

To put it simply, this spiritual platform constitutes a simple "technique".

A technique that transforms invisible "qi" into real "force".

After a few breaths, the golden needle landed on the earthquake location, and several flashing arcs even appeared between the needle tip and the square box.