Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 50: Q&A


Zhang Fuzi rarely came to a conclusion immediately, but pondered for a moment before saying, "Is it Zhen... It seems like your style just now."

"Tsk, tsk, you have such a rare character." Wang Renzhi, who didn't even bother to give his name before, seemed to be interested now, "Hey, I said you should just change your career and stop being an alchemist. I heard about the earthquake technique. Materials are hard to come by, so you can't just rely on a wooden sword to slay demons, right? Being a bodyguard or instructor might be more suitable for you."

"You're going too far. The Qingshan Town Shikao Examination was only possible thanks to Xia Fan -" Luo Youer suddenly seemed to remember something in the middle of the sentence and covered her mouth with her hand.

"Excessive?" Wang Renzhi shrugged, "We are a team that has to act together, and having a laggard in the team is a risk for everyone. As for the taxi test you mentioned, I don't think it can be used as a basis - regardless of that There are many examination rooms, and just because hundreds of candidates participated in it, how can it be considered as the credit of one person? Without him, wouldn’t there be even one qualified candidate in the Qingshan Town Scholarship Examination?”

"Oh..." Luo Youer couldn't refute for a moment.

"But if You'er insists, I don't have to kick him out of the team," Wang Renzhi sighed lightly, "After all, I am someone who wants to do big things. The most I can do is work harder on myself."

"Then you should work harder." Luo Youer replied almost without thinking.

This time it was Wang Renzhi's turn to be stunned.

The person involved, Xia Fan, couldn't help but feel a little touched. He originally thought that the little girl had been rejecting him, but he didn't expect that one day she would actually speak up for him, and she would do so in the name of a handsome guy.

There is nothing more satisfying than watching someone who looks better than you being deflated.

At this time, Luo Youer turned her head and quietly made a toothy and claws gesture toward him.

What does it mean

Xia Fan thought about it for a long time and almost drooled.

Could it be that she was pretending to be a crab, reminding herself to repay the favor by frying crabs

"Master," Yue Feng suddenly said, "Since you said that the nature of the mind is acquired, can't the attributes of this hexagram also be changed artificially

"Hahaha... Good question." Master Zhang stroked his sharp beard, "In fact, the Privy Council once conducted a detailed experiment to prove the malleability of mind. To put it simply, ten people with the same temperament were put together. The children of the hexagram genus were raised in two groups, one group had no worries about food and clothing, and the other group was free to live on the streets. In the end, the hexagram genus of three people did change. But the price was extraordinary. The drastic change in temperament made them no longer able to use magic skills. Going one step further, in other words, the hexagram attributes can indeed be changed artificially, but the completely different temperament also makes them become another person."

"According to the records of the Privy Council, there are indeed examples of sudden changes in hexagram attributes that do not affect practice, but they are all special circumstances and difficult to reproduce. For example, people who lose their memory after serious injuries, or people who are mentally disturbed." He looked at Xia Fan, "You don't have to be discouraged. Although it is difficult to improve the earthquake attribute, it is not impossible for alchemists to break through. You can consider other spells first, even Jianghu skills. When you accumulate a certain amount of merit and rise to the sixth level or above, you can I applied directly to the Privy Council for materials.”

There is actually a control group experiment. The hundreds of years of accumulation of the Privy Council should not be underestimated.

"Thank you Master Zhang for the reminder." Xia Fan said with reservation. He was actually mentally prepared for this result - when he was wandering with his master, he noticed that some techniques were easy for him to imitate, while others were much more difficult, and it often only took a month or two for him to show signs of success. It's just that the master kept nagging that learning alchemy is a long-term process and it is normal to take three or four years to master it, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Only the shock technique, which even the master did not know, he just followed the other party's "dictation" and imagined it according to the gourd and drawing dipper, and he could already feel the energy in his body beginning to move faster than anything he had learned before. All skills are fast. Because of this, he spent most of his energy on trying and improving the earthquake technique.

Now, Xia Fan finally got a systematic answer.

As for classifying people by character, he thinks it's completely understandable - just like some people in previous lives were good at science and engineering, while others were good at art. While thoughts shape character, character in turn strengthens thoughts.

"You just mentioned meritorious service," Luo You'er asked curiously, "What is the promotion method of the Privy Council House? How many grades are there in total?"

"Little girl, are you starting to think about promotion now? That's right! This kind of thing should be planned early." Zhang Fuzi praised, "The Privy Council is different from the Six Ministries. Grades are grades and positions are positions. The two cannot be compared. Starting from the entry point, there are eight levels of alchemists, namely Chukai, Shouxin, Dao, Trial Front, Hundred Blades, Guard, Green Sword, and Yuyi. When you eliminate evil spirits, create spells, improve materials and materials for the Privy Council, When you make talismans or achieve other great achievements, you may be promoted. As for the position...for example, the instructor I serve as, no matter how long you work, it is only your responsibilities and you cannot get meritorious service."

"But you've also dealt with evil spirits."

"Indeed, that's why I am a sixth-grade questioner, but I am only a sixth-grade one." There was a hint of regret in his tone. "As for the position, part of it is for convenience of naming, and part of it is to connect with the six departments of the imperial court. Those idiots who can't feel anger will never understand that it is not the square chair under the buttocks that determines the status, but what they own. Strength."

"Okay, let's stop talking about grades here. Now that you have completed the xinxing appraisal, you can go to the library of the Department of Records and borrow the alchemy you want to know with the alchemist's seal." Master Zhang finally concluded.

"Excuse me... can any type of alchemy be used?" Wei Wushuang asked unexpectedly, "Doesn't it cost extra?"

"If you can learn one more alchemy by spending money, then the Privy Council will probably pay you to learn it." Master Zhang looked at him like he was looking at a fool, "The stronger the alchemist is, the stronger the Privy Council is. Is there any reason for the above to set up obstacles in increasing your strength? Apart from the fact that books cannot be taken out, and everything learned in the house cannot be taught to non-alchemists, the Recording Department has no other restrictions."

"Hey, fat man, do you think those alchemy skills can be learned by you if you want to?" Wang Renzhi probably regained his composure and aimed his ridicule at Wei Wushuang again, "The alchemy skills are free, but it doesn't mean that the medicinal materials and paper are also free. It’s free. If you learn too much in one go, you may die of poverty.”

"Uh... If the material is not too expensive, I should be able to afford it." Wei Wushuang retorted in a low voice.

"Oh? Then I underestimate you. But money can only solve the most basic problems. It depends on how much you can learn." He pointed to his head, "I have been a scholar for less than three years since my awakening. Those who get the top ten spots in the exam.”

"Top ten...Brother Wang, why don't you go to Shangyuan City?"

"You envy Shangyuan, but I don't. You can go there anytime if you have money, but in terms of freedom, how can it compare to Jinxia City? Hey, only bumpkins will blindly yearn for big cities."

Xia Fan finally figured it out. This guy named Wang was definitely either rich or noble, or both. His family background should be ranked high in Jinxia City, otherwise he wouldn't be able to speak so openly - especially in In the Privy Council House. At least when he was bragging about himself, Master Zhang just watched and had no intention of interfering.

It's not like he's deliberately targeting anyone, but he's used to talking like this.

"I also want to ask a question." Shangguan Cai stood up and said, "I have witnessed a battle between alchemists. To be honest... it was extremely clumsy. If it were against a seasoned martial artist or martial artist, there would be no chance. The power to fight back. Especially the aspect of shouting out one's own magic... Is this also true for top-grade alchemists?"

This question angle immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Even Xia Fan wanted to know the answer.

"This year's first batch of new alchemists are really good. They are much smarter than the batches three years ago." Zhang Fuzi nodded with satisfaction, "Of course not! The skills come from the heart, and they come as soon as you think about it, so there is no need to Say it out loud with the help of your mouth? But even Guard and even Qingjian will still read the spell out loud on some occasions. Do you think this is why?"

"Strengthen your consciousness?" Yue Feng tried to answer.

"Correct. Speaking out your thoughts can be regarded as the unity of mind and body. When the level is almost the same, the effect of saying it will definitely be stronger than not thinking it. If it has no impact on your situation, why not say it? In addition, if you are conscious If you are clear enough, language can sometimes become a means of attack—for example, the spell you read is completely opposite to the one you thought about."

"So that's what happened..." Shangguan Cai looked thoughtful.

"Then if the opponent is evil, it's always better to shout out?" Luo You'er suddenly realized and clapped her hands, "They can't understand human speech anyway!"

"That's right." The Master laughed.

When the laughter subsided, Xia Fan raised his hand again.

"Can I ask a question that has nothing to do with magic?"

"Oh? Just ask."

"When I was in Fenghua County, I met an old woman." He told the details of what happened three days ago. "The Privy Council is a court agency that deals with evil spirits. Why is the asking price so high that an ordinary person cannot afford it?" What's the point? Shouldn't the alchemist protect one party and protect others from evil spirits?"

This time Master Zhang did not answer as he expected, but stared at him for a moment, and then asked, "Who did you listen to?"