Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 62: Privy Council Inquiries


Then it was an all-nighter's drive.

Compared to the lightning-fast journey, the return journey was much slower - since Luo Youer's injury was serious, they could only recruit a carriage to transport her; at the same time, considering that the medical level in Gaoshan County was obviously not as good as that of Jinxia City, the sooner the injury was treated, the more likely it would be. The better, so night travel became the only option.

Fortunately, there were no problems along the way. Xia Fan and his party arrived at Jinxia City smoothly when a hint of fish belly white appeared on the horizon.

Then came the notification to the Privy Council.

The official responsible for handling logistics quickly picked up Luo Youer. While on the road, Shangguancai had roughly inspected her injuries and concluded that her ribs and arms were fractured—especially the parts that were directly hit by the evil spirit. They had become swollen and would probably require amputation for an ordinary person. However, for the alchemist, as long as she receives timely treatment, she will most likely recover as before.

This also made Xia Fan relax a little.

He was also very curious about where Shangguan Cai learned his pistol skills and his fighting style without the aid of alchemy.

The latter's answer was that he had served in Daqi's army.

At this age, someone who can first train in the army and then take the military examination is definitely not an ordinary soldier. Even if her family background is not obvious, she is at least a member of the general sect.

"Master Xia, Master Yuan, the officer in charge of the Ministry, has asked you to come in for questioning."


Although this operation successfully eliminated the evil spirits in Gaoshan County, it also cost two people. One of them was still a sixth-grade questioner, so the Privy Council will definitely investigate in detail.

And he also wanted to take this opportunity to ask why two evil spirits appeared in Gaoshan County without any warning or sign.

Compared with other evil spirits, the formation of ghosts is definitely not a matter of a day or two. It is based on corpses, but it does not mean that any corpse can become a ghost. Especially for dangerous monsters like Blood Crow, according to Li's previous statement, they only need to gather a lot of restless energy.

Walking into the headquarters lobby, Xia Fan suddenly felt a solemn atmosphere.

Whether it is the spectator seats on the left or right, or the chief seat in the center, there are high platforms, so that people standing under the stage can only raise their heads and look up at the questioner. This visible class gap made Xia Fan, who was used to treating each other as equals, feel uncomfortable, but he also knew that this was not a place where he could act casually. Master Zhang and the Divine Judge don't mind etiquette, but that doesn't mean that all alchemists are like this. Especially since he is already in the fifth grade of the imperial examination, it is better for him to act cautiously.

Walking to the chief's desk, Xia Fan bowed his hands and performed a standard greeting ceremony, "Xia Fan, the lower official, I have met the master."

"So it's you." Yuan Zhengcheng picked up the tea cup and took a sip. "I heard from the other three that it was your outstanding performance that kept the team from being wiped out. Now that we have met, you can be regarded as one of them. A young hero."

"Thank you, my lord."

Naturally, Xia Fan would not take these compliments to heart. The other person looked to be in his forties. To be able to work in a movie at this age requires both talent and ability. This person has probably handled more evil cases than Master Xianyang has ever heard of. He must concentrate on dealing with them carefully.

"Although I have already heard it from your teammates, I still want to hear from you personally what happened. Can you tell me from the beginning?"

"Of course, this is the duty of the lower official." Xia Fan slowly told the "details" he had prepared - from setting up the abyss ghost to the appearance of the blood crow, this process can be said to be without problems, but you must be cautious What's important is what happens next: he must tell the story to make sense, while at the same time concealing the existence of the fox demon.

As early as last night, he had already conceived the details. Needless to say, there is no need to mention things like lightning striking wood that cannot be verified, just use it up. The reason why he was able to move in the shadow of Blood Crow was entirely due to the newly mastered technique "Streaming Light". By preparing yourself for the spell in advance, without using inducers or charms, and relying solely on your will to activate a shock spell, although the power is extremely small, it can stimulate and awaken the mind.

This is not something Xia Fan made up, but Li said that "the blood crow blocks the connection between the consciousness and the body" to immobilize people, so the electric current that directly hits the body theoretically has a chance to break through this isolation, just like the heart. Pacemakers use pulses to intensify the electrical signals of cardiac muscle cells.

As for how to control the power of the technique without causing the tragedy of stunning oneself, that is another topic.

At least it is feasible in principle.

The Privy Council attaches great importance to principled description.

"I see, is it possible to break the immobilization through self-stimulation?" Yuan Zheng's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but sit up straighter. "Thank you for thinking of this. In the records of past events, there were also alchemists who used pain to The method of taking back control of the body is similar to yours."

"I'm just going to give it a try."

"There are so many people who want to fight hard in the face of desperate situations, but there are always only a few who can be recorded as successful." He shook his head, "You don't know something. The higher-ups attach great importance to methods to overcome obstacles. Severe pain It may be effective, but the cost is also high. For example, the alchemist I mentioned could not be rescued in the end. And you have provided another idea. Once it is verified as effective by the above, this achievement will undoubtedly be greater than the elimination of evil spirits. big."

"By the way, Wei Wushuang once mentioned that you disappeared for a while and then reappeared from the shadows. What was the situation at that time?" Yuan Zheng changed his question.

"It's a mouse." Xia Fan said calmly, "I noticed a mouse running past the corner behind me, and it was not affected by evil spirits at all, so I gave it a simple try."

"When you realized you were out of control, didn't you think about running away alone?"

"Honestly, I have indeed considered it. But as a Privy Council alchemist, I cannot leave my companions behind and escape alone with my back to evil spirits."

Yuan Zhengyi seemed to be very satisfied with this answer, and the corners of his mouth turned up, "Yes, I am very happy to see that none of the four of you gave up on anyone. So the last question, the moment the second ghost appeared, all of you You were trapped in place, and what rescued you was a candlestick that suddenly fell down. What is going on? You did not mention this detail in your previous statement."

The moment these words were spoken, Xia Fan felt that he was being targeted by a terrifying aura, and the atmosphere in the lobby took a turn for the worse, as if the previous kindness of the other party was all disguised.

Which lengtouqing was responsible for explaining all such inconspicuous things

He cursed and pretended to be uncomfortable, "Xiaguan... didn't know. Even the fact that the candlestick fell down was something they told me later. Because they didn't know anything, Xiaguan wanted to ensure that everything he said was true and reliable. , that’s why it wasn’t mentioned.”

"I don't know" is the standard answer.

Since everyone didn't know, he just said he didn't know, and the Privy Council couldn't verify it - after all, no one could say for sure about luck.

After a brief silence, the oppressive atmosphere disappeared.

"I guess it's probably a frightened wild cat. I have to say that you guys are really lucky." Yuan Zhichen closed the record book and sighed with his beard, "Although the house has suffered some losses, I have also seen outstanding achievements. For the new generation, it is this kind of alternation that has allowed the Privy Council to grow to this day. Okay, that’s it for the questioning. I will tell the academic department that I will give you three days off. You can go down and have a good rest. In addition, rewards will be given. Ling will arrive soon, I would like to congratulate you all in advance."

This is the end

Xia Fan blinked in disbelief. He originally thought that the death of a sixth-grade Wen Dao and a new alchemist would cause the Privy Council to investigate the matter thoroughly, but judging from the attitude of those involved, it seemed that they planned to end it there.