Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 70: The cave of evil


"Ah, ah... Huh... Huh, you..." After a moment, Du Mingjin recovered from the severe pain. He took in big breaths, and his forehead was already covered with big beads of sweat.

"Are you crazy? Or did the Privy Council ask you to intervene in this matter? If not, then you are doomed. Even the huge Shenzhou cannot accommodate it——!"

Shangguan Cai pulled out the tip of the gun again, "I'm asking you, not you asking us. Have you thought about how to answer?"


She raised her weapon a third time.

"Stop, stop, stop... please stop, huh... I say, I will say anything!" In desperation, Du Mingjin spat out his saliva.

"It should have been like this a long time ago, right?" Shangguan Cai wiped away the blood on the tip of the gun as if nothing had happened, "Then hurry up."

"This is a place to dump corpses." He gritted his teeth, "But... it's not just a place to dump corpses."

"What riddle are you trying to solve?" Shangguan Cai looked at him coldly.

"Girl, spare your life, spare your life! I don't know much, this is all what I discovered during my daily observations - Mr. Hu just asked me to bring people here and put them into those squares!"

The square should refer to the hexagonal "honeycomb" on the bronze disc.

"What's the benefit of putting it in?"

"Under that disk... there is an underground river hidden. The current is very fast, and no one knows where it flows. And this disk... will be pushed by the current, and will be emptied every seven days, and all the people inside will be washed away. , never seen again.”

It turned out to be an underground river

Xia Fan and the others looked at each other, and it suddenly dawned on them that the strange rustling sound did not come from some creation beyond the times, but was caused by the raging water hitting the river. It was only blocked and differentiated by the disc and became It's just not that strong and shocking anymore.

But this alone could not solve the doubts that Xia Fan had always harbored.

"Bringing people here just to dump their corpses quietly? Who are you kidding? Take this mountain as an example, just dump them in a secluded place, or the corpses will be eaten up by wild beasts in a few days. , why bother to choose such a place?”

In this era, as long as you leave the city, there is basically a blind area outside. If you just want to dispose of the body, there is no need to bring it to the grotto.

And that bronze disc, it was obviously not something that could be made casually. Why would you build such a large facility underground just to flush out corpses every seven days? Xia Fan thinks this makes no sense at all!

"It's not corpses, it's living people..." Du Mingjin emphasized, "Although some people are already dead when they are transported here, we will put them in, but it is mainly used to put living people! And, and..."

"And what?"

He gritted his teeth and said, "And there is a quantity requirement when putting it in. It is said that this disc may attract evil spirits. When it is filled to 30%, the evil spirit will appear. The more it is installed, the more terrifying the evil spirit will be!"

As soon as these words came out, Wei Wushuang and Wang Renzhi both showed expressions of disbelief.

"How could it be..." Xia Fan murmured in confusion, "This thing can produce evil spirits? Doesn't evil spirits require restless Qi to form... How does it do it?"

Du Mingjing opened his mouth, but before he could answer, a low roar suddenly resounded throughout the cave!

The ground beneath my feet began to tremble.

"What happened again?"

"Look at the disk!" Wang Renzhi exclaimed, "Yuan, the disk is moving!"

How can it be? Who can push such a big bronze vessel

Xia Fan looked closely and found that the other party had actually seen it right - he saw the thing closing slightly while trembling, compressing the hexagonal space little by little. Such a huge casting is not a whole, but a movable "instrument"! The edges of each opening are closed simultaneously, and it is obvious that there is an extremely delicate transmission device underneath.

After about a few minutes of vibration, the disks stopped closing, as if what they had just experienced was an illusion, but Xia Fan knew that it was not an illusion. After a simple gesture with his fingers, the size of the opening had been reduced from the initial forty centimeters to Thirty-five or so, and the intervals between the "hives" were noticeably wider.

"I...where is this? Damn, hey! Is there anyone there?"

The shock just now also caused Du Mingyin to wake up. Before he could see him, his voice had already come from the hole.

"Brother Yin!"

"Brother, where are you? Help me! My leg is stuck, it hurts so much-"

"That's enough, you two, stop shouting!" Shangguancai interrupted sharply, "The phenomenon just now is the shrinkage you mentioned? To what extent can it finally be contracted?"

"Received...no gaps." Du Mingjin closed his eyes with difficulty.

"Doesn't that mean-" Wei Wushuang took a breath, "the people inside will be squeezed to death?"

"You mean, this thing is a torture device?" Wang Renzhi asked in confusion.

"No... its original intention is not to torture, but to inflict endless fear and pain on the deceased." Xia Fan suddenly said, "I understand everything."

"Brother Xia?" Wei Wushuang looked at his fellow countryman unexpectedly.

"It will not kill immediately, it will only reduce the size of the opening little by little. The power probably comes from the undercurrent below, and it should be some kind of energy storage device. When enough energy is accumulated, it will push the spring to operate and move the disc. . This operation takes seven days as a cycle and starts over and over again."

"The people who are put in have no chance to escape. They can only be imprisoned in this small place. They can't even raise their hands or turn their bodies. This small, dark and stuffy space can cause huge panic to people. Don't I've been talking about it for several days, and even an hour or two would be very nerve-wracking."

"But that's not the most fatal thing. As the contraction continues, the space inside the disc is no longer enough to fully accommodate the next person. At this time, the arms will be squeezed into the abdominal cavity, and it will be difficult to expand the chest. The person inside must try their best. Only then can they take a breath of air. And such a painful breath can't last long, and they will die completely in a few hours at most - but before they die, they feel the ultimate despair."

Xia Fan's voice became deeper and deeper, "With corpses and strong energy, the birth of ghosts is a logical thing. At the same time, because the deceased were imprisoned in this immovable container during their lifetime, the ghosts that appeared in Gaoshan County It will be a deep ghost!"

"What about the other female ghost?" The second young master of the Wang family asked subconsciously.

"I'm afraid that among the people who were thrown into the disc at that time, one of them was pregnant." Xia Fan walked slowly to Du Mingjin, stared at him and said, "After a cycle, the body that has not been absorbed by the ghost will will be thrown into the water, and the ghosts will follow the breath of the living to Gaoshan County. The evil spirits we eliminate are not naturally formed, but someone is deliberately creating resentful spirits. In this way, you still want to save your brother? If you don’t take a good look, how many people’s blood is stained on your hands!”

"I, I was just forced to have no choice, sir!" Du Mingjin wailed, "All of this was forced by Hu Zhixian County on our brothers! He didn't even tell me that this evil thing would produce evil spirits. We all figured it out little by little. Come out! We don’t want to have anything to do with evil spirits, so please spare our lives!”

"You figured out how to install 30% of it yourself?"

Du Mingjin cautiously stretched out his hand and pointed to the corner of the grotto.

Xia Fan walked in the direction he pointed and found something carved on the wall.

After he patted away the dust on the surface with his sleeve, a pattern similar to the example appeared in front of him, and the writing on it seemed familiar.

He thought for a moment and realized that the glyphs here were exactly the same as those on the Qingshan Town sword coins!