Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 72: Face it


Wei Wushuang's face suddenly froze. He looked at Shangguan Cai and then at Xia Fan, not knowing what to say.

"No," at this point, Xia Fan had nothing to hide, "I have thought about this issue. Even if the Privy Council does not know the specific situation, it can definitely make a rough guess."

The formation of evil spirits is related to strong Qi. Since Qi is the will of living beings, it is an obvious inference that there are a large number of abnormal deaths in Gaoshan County. Even he knew this, and it was impossible for the Privy Council to be unaware of it. In fact, when he was having a conversation with the Order, he had already felt that the other party was trying to lead the topic to other aspects, but he did not have any evidence at that time, nor There was no real certainty, so I didn’t refute it on the spot.

After all, without investigation, there is no right to speak.

The fellow villager was surprised, "Then why did the Privy Council turn a blind eye to this? Even if they can't interfere in government affairs, it is still feasible to inform the state pastoral office and let them investigate, right?"

"I think... I'm afraid they don't want to ban evil spirits."

"Humph," Shangguancai chuckled, "So you noticed it too."

"What, what do you mean?" Wei Wushuang asked confused.

"Think about what the Divine Judge said." Xia Fan sighed, "That's the answer."

- "Civil officials are promoted based on their political performance. What do we rely on? Isn't it because of these demons and evil spirits?"

"If the evil spirits in a place are wiped out, wouldn't the alchemist have to sit in his mansion and waste time?"

"A good day is a day when there are evil spirits!"

He didn't take it to heart at first. The alchemist liked the merits of eliminating evil, just like the sergeant favored the merits of war. There was nothing wrong with his mentality. But the deeper he investigated, the stronger the uneasiness in his heart became, and the Privy Council was afraid that the bottom line had been crossed.

The reason why the upper echelons sit back and do nothing is precisely this merit-it can not only bring promotions, but also maintain the influence of the Privy Council.

"No way..." The fellow countryman could only mutter.

Xia Fan thought deeper.

He still remembers the cause of death mentioned by the old man of the Zhou family when he was the county magistrate.

Got entangled in something unclean... and eventually died of illness.

For example, the virtual demons he had encountered.

If the handler is professional enough, this kind of invisible evil spirit can slowly drain a person's life without even realizing it.

"It's okay to offend the magistrate, but if you offend the Privy Council, I'm afraid you will live a very miserable life for the rest of your life. You don't want to live the wandering life before, right?" Shangguan Cai said calmly, "The only way to stop now is to It's too late - the Privy Council is not aware of this matter yet, and for Hu Zhixian, it's just the death of two of his men. If you don't go to him, he will definitely not provoke you in turn. In short, I finally became a A famous alchemist, I don't want to give up this great future, so... I quit."

"I understand." Xia Fan nodded.

"You don't blame me?"

"I understand you. If I hadn't seen other things, I would probably make the same choice as you."

Shangguancai's pupils shrank suddenly, "What is that other thing...?"

"You said before that the world is like this, but the so-called world is exactly what people created with their own hands. Everyone - including you, including me."

After saying that, Xia Fan looked at Wei Wushuang, "No matter what choice you make, I have no objection. You have helped me a lot, thank you very much."

"Brother Xia..."

He didn't wait for the other party to answer, turned around and walked towards the county seat.

"Hey," Shangguan Cai frowned, "You don't really want to be on the Privy Council's wanted list, do you? Once you step into the magistrate's mansion, there is no turning back!"

Xia Fan waved his hand and quickly left the sight of the two of them.

And beside a big tree by the road, he saw a familiar figure.

"Did you hear everything?"

"Yes." Li straightened his bamboo hat and stepped to follow, "I reminded you."

"Yes, you knew earlier than me."

"But I didn't expect you to actually find out the results."

"Without your help, this wouldn't be so smooth."

"It's good to know."

Xia Fan hesitated, "Are you going with me?"

"Otherwise," Li asked.

"I'm afraid I can't stay in the Privy Council anymore."

"You don't want to study alchemy anymore?"


"Is that to help the people of Gaoshan County?"

"Not entirely...part of it is for myself."


"Well, to put it in a clichéd way, it makes your thoughts unclear and hinders your practice."

"I've never heard of such a statement," Li said bluntly, "You can still draw energy even when you're angry."

"Ahem... Actually I can't pass my own test." Xia Fan decided to tell the truth, "I can't regard eliminating evil spirits as a meritorious achievement for climbing up and as the main source of funds, especially after knowing the origin of these evil spirits. . So... I'm sorry, I secretly helped you find out about Master's whereabouts in the Privy Council Palace—"

Li interrupted, "If you can't be an alchemist, will you continue to help me rescue Master?"


"Then there is no need to apologize, because the basis of our cooperation from the beginning is that you are willing to help me, not that you are an alchemist." At this point, the fox demon paused for a moment, "In addition, I also have to confess something. "

"What's up?"

"Although I didn't want you to pursue it at the beginning, now that the situation has turned out like this, I don't feel too annoyed - or rather, I feel a little more relaxed."

Xia Fan was slightly stunned. He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the fox demon. What came into his eyes was her golden eyes and the natural smile on the corner of her mouth.

"By the way, my injury is healed."

This sentence style is quite "beef, I ate it".

"So?" Xia Fan didn't react for a moment.

"So we can run a little faster." After saying that, Li grabbed Xia Fan, clamped him directly around his waist, ran two steps quickly and jumped up!

He instantly felt himself flying -

With one person in tow, the fox demon increased its speed by just using its legs, and they no longer moved along the road, but jumped on the roof of the room; they had an unobstructed view of the stars and moonlight above their heads. They are all pointing the way.

Is this the true power of the fox demon

Xia Fan simply let go of his hands and let her run quickly with him between his legs.

Although his posture was not very elegant, since no one would see it, he decided to help the other party. For some reason, he felt that Li, who was running with all his strength at this moment, seemed a little different from before.

"If you fail, have you decided where to go?" Li's voice echoed in the wind.

"Not yet." Xia Fan replied loudly, "But the world is so big, there are always places they can't find!"

"I think so." She hugged Xia Fan tightly, "Get ready, we're here!"

With the help of a long run-up, the two stepped on the end of the main ridge of the last house, jumped high, jumped directly over the street and courtyard wall, and fell into the magistrate's mansion from mid-air.