Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 82: The last hope (Part 2)


"I have looked around the villa where the princess is from outside." Shan Hui looked embarrassed, "There are not many people on guard, but they have a certain amount of advance and retreat. They should all be elites. And there are probably alchemists stationed inside, so there is a risk of sneaking in. I’m afraid… very high.”

"If you have made up your mind, I will clear the way for you." Nai Qing said in a deep voice.

"You don't want to break in, do you? As long as we do it, they will have no reason to believe us."

"Of course I won't take action. If they attack, I'll let them kill me. This way, they will believe in the princess's sincerity."

"Are you crazy? Even if the ghost's recovery ability is super strong, it can't be stronger than a steel knife and a spear. You will die!"

"What's so surprising about dying for Miko-sama? I've been prepared for it."

"You..." Shan Hui stared at her for a long time, and finally said, "Instead of relying on you to die, it is better for me to transform and rush in. As long as I run, no one can catch me."

"The most you can do is run on the open ground. Want to rush into the villa? They will only accidentally find a demon dog that was killed."

"That would be better than you dying at the gate."

Wuyue Yao closed her eyes sadly. They were all vying to do the most dangerous thing, just like those who followed her. She didn't want to see anyone sacrifice again, but she also understood how powerless her idea was.

If she hadn't been the envoy, she should have been the one to clear the way.

"Let's make it tonight." After a long silence, Wuyueyao made a decision and said, "Let's all go to the villa together." Only by moving at night would Xue Qing be less likely to be discovered. And the longer we wait, the more variables there will be. The princess is new here, and she probably hasn't come into contact with the enemies yet. If she waits until she is attracted by them, everything will be over.

"But Nagi Hong hasn't come back yet." Shanhui reminded.

"She has been out for three days. No one knows when she will come back." Yueyue Yao shook his head, "Let me leave a message for Nagi Hong, if she can come back here."


"Well, if I'm not here anymore, let her live here alone." When she said this, a rare smile appeared on her face, "With how smart she is, it shouldn't be too difficult to hide herself. .”

"Master Wuyue..." Shanhui bit her lip. Her words clearly meant that no matter what the outcome, she had no intention of coming back.

"Please wait." Xue Qing suddenly looked at the door of the warehouse.

"Is there an enemy?" Shan Hui drew out his short sword and blocked Wuyue behind him.

"No, it's Nagi Hong... I sensed her."

"Tsk." He breathed a sigh of relief and sheathed his sword, "The twins' sensing ability is really useful."

Half a quarter of an hour later, the warehouse door was pushed open, and a small figure slipped in quietly.

The visitor was only about half a person tall, dressed in dirty linen clothes, and looked like a girl. Only after taking off the headband can you see the difference between her and ordinary people - the little girl has two red sharp horns on her forehead, but their length is much shorter than that of Nagi Qing.

"Hey, why are you back!" Shan Hui said with his hands on his waist, "It won't take a few days to find out the news, right?"

"Go away, stupid dog, I have my reasons for taking so long." Nagi Hong didn't intend to pay attention to the other party at all, and walked straight to the princess, "Sir Wushu, my sister has told me your decision just now, but I think you have better options.”

"Do you have any new news?" Yueyue Yao asked expectantly.

"Yes! There is something going around in the city recently. There is a big shot in the Privy Council. This person was promoted because he saved Princess Qi. After being injured, he was sent to the villa to recuperate by the princess. The relationship between the two can be seen. Not ordinary.”

"Sister, is it possible that you want us to contact him?"

"It's much easier to meet him than to meet the princess." Nagi Hong nodded, "Alchemists usually don't have guards, and most of them go alone on weekdays. When he comes out of the villa, we can wait for action."

"I don't think it would be a good choice to find an official from the Privy Council." Shan Hui objected. "Don't forget their attitude towards monsters. What's the difference between them and those in Dongsheng Kingdom? I think this is throwing yourself into a trap." !”

"If it was just like this, I wouldn't make this suggestion." Nagi Hong rolled her eyes at the other party, "The reason why I spent three days is because I went to a surrounding county."

Then she told the complete story about the rumors she had heard.

"Some people said that there was a lot of noise at the magistrate's mansion that night, with howling and roaring, but practitioners don't have to bother much when dealing with ordinary people. Considering that people from the enemy country have already infiltrated, I went to the scene specially I searched a lot.”

Saying that, Nagi Hong presented a broken dagger to the princess.

May Haruka picked it up and looked at it for a while, "This is the weapon of the Mu Ninja! In other words, he has fought against the people over there?"

"Yes, this at least proves that this person is not the same person as them."

"But it doesn't prove that he is willing to be with us." Xue Qing said seriously.

"Indeed," Nai Hong did not deny it, "so to be on the safe side, we should let him come to us on his own initiative."

Although the risk of leaving a tail and exposing your whereabouts is high, it is still much smaller than visiting the door in person. All three of them understand this.

"So... do we have to wait any longer?" Wuyueyao whispered.

She scanned everyone's faces in turn.

The demon's appetite is also strong. In order to feed her with the limited food, both Nagi Qing and Shanhui looked visibly haggard. Nagi Hong is the one in the best condition, but compared to how she looked before going to sea, the horns on the little girl's forehead are a little dull.

As for what they were wearing, let alone what they were wearing. Except for herself, everyone else's outerwear was thrown away when they fell into the water. After that, they were thrown into tatters all the way, and the remaining single clothes had already become tattered. In addition, the humidity at the seaside is high, and the hiding place is cold and damp. At night, everyone has to stay close together to resist the cold.

She worries that if the situation worsens, everyone may no longer have the chance to act.

"Miko-sama, if the previous waiting was forced into helplessness, the waiting now is to add chips to success." Nagi Hong knelt down and said, "We also need time to prepare before he walks out of the villa, so please persist. A few days.”

Wuyue Yaoyao endured the discomfort and dizziness caused by the fever, and slowly took out a piece of yellowed leather paper from the lining, and carefully spread it out in front of her. Although it looked very old, it was still well preserved. , the handwriting on it is clearly legible.

That is the proof of the covenant signed by both parties a hundred years ago.

"I understand." She nodded slightly, "Then do as you say."