Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 838: Desperate form


"Successful!" Li Xin said happily, "This method works!"

As expected of Luo Qingqing, Xia Fan also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. When dealing with chaotic things like Xie Sui, which are completely driven by Qi, being able to clearly see the flow of Qi means that you can naturally gain an advantage. If he had known that King Yong would have a hand in the battle with Qixing, he would have brought him with him no matter what.

This made Xia Fan pay more attention to the omen.

Obviously, it was not predicted by Fang Xiandao - after all, before going on the expedition, he also asked Fang Xiandao for his opinion, but the latter told him that any divination involving him could not be accurately displayed. But judging from Luo Qingqing's attitude, it seemed that he knew he would be in danger.

Fortunately, he would soon know the answer.

The dragon scales swept across again, leaving a deep bone-visible scar on Xie Sui's chest. If it were an ordinary alchemist, this blow would be fatal. . But for Xie Sui, it just paused for a moment, then suddenly took two steps back, widening the distance from Luo Qingqing - this was also the first time it took the initiative to retreat since the fight.

Facing the aggressive flying swords and dragon's breath, Xie Sui was completely at a disadvantage and was no longer as ferocious as before.

It stared at Luo Qingqing, seemingly expressionless, but Luo Qingqing felt the familiar hatred and hatred, just like when he was on the Silver Star Tree Boat.

Are you blaming yourself for ruining its good deeds

The evil spirit shouldn't have such complicated emotions. Its hatred is for living beings, not just for her.

This strange feeling made Luo Qingqing quite uneasy.

Perhaps solving it as soon as possible can completely cut off the vision in the omen and guide the future to another path.

Thinking of this, Luo Qingqing summoned four dragon scales again, bringing the number of flying blades on the field to ten. The more she used magic, the more she understood it. Dragon scales can not only be assembled, but also disassembled. points, and there is no limit on the quantity. But every additional dragon scale is a burden to her, as if these "self-thoughts" are individuals separated from her body, not only taking away part of her energy, but also taking away part of her thinking.

When there are more than ten dragon scales, her thinking ability will significantly decrease, as if she is about to fall into drowsiness.

But that does not mean weakening oneself.

Only she herself understands how powerful the magic is in that state! All consciousness unrelated to combat was abandoned, and her vision and energy only served to drive the dragon scales. In this state, the dragon scales will not only become faster, but their sharpness and desire to fight will also increase exponentially, making them a complete killing weapon.

That kind of scene would even chill Luo Qingqing himself.

So ten dragon scales is the limit she can bear at present.

The evil spirit also raised its hands at this moment, but instead of surrendering, it reached out to the black air mass above its head!

The next moment, all the threads were broken, and the "big net" in Luo Qingqing's field of vision shattered! The air mass is like an overflowing fruit, split in two. The thick and silvery black air poured out and poured into the evil spirit's body.

What's the change

Without any time to think, Luo Qingqing took apart all the dragon scales and slashed at Xie Sui together. Now that the source is gone, it must have lost its ability to regenerate quickly. At this time, as long as we can cut off its head...

But Dragon Scale suddenly slowed down when it entered within five meters of it!

This sight not only shocked Luo Qingqing, but also made Xia Fan and others take a breath.

That's... the field of hysteresis

At this moment, Xie Sui raised his head and roared wildly, then stepped towards Luo and rushed towards him!

not good! Luo Qingqing felt something bad, and it was too late to call Long Lin back. She took out the copper wire pendant and directly used the streamer technique - suddenly several purple electric lights formed a high-voltage electric wall in front of her. The evil spirit paused for a moment, but instead of rushing towards the wall, it disappeared on the spot.

She was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized!

"Be careful, it's an illusion!"

This sound was not a reminder to myself, but a reminder to Li. Because Dragon Scale has got rid of the influence of sluggishness and is rushing to her side as quickly as possible, it is obviously not easy for the evil spirit to choose her as the first target to break through.

Sure enough, Xie Sui appeared directly beside Li the next moment—

The invisible air block suddenly took shape and stabbed at the fox demon at an extremely tricky angle!

The latter itself has extremely high resistance to illusions, so Biluo Qingqing broke away faster, but the hysteresis field still interfered with her movements. Although she tried to dodge immediately, she was still stabbed by two air blades in the body. , one scratched her leg, and the other directly penetrated her abdomen.

Blood spurted out, staining Li's fur with a large red spot.

This time, Hali's movement speed dropped significantly.

Just as Xie Zui was about to take advantage of the situation to pursue him, Taksis separated Li and the enemy with a burst of flames!

"Hold her!" Xia Fan shouted.

Taking the risk of falling to the ground, Taksis flew across the sea of fire at a very low altitude, grabbed the staggering Li, and took her away from the danger area.

Xie Sui didn't bother extinguishing the flames on his body. He inserted his backhand into his body and pulled out a black "dagger". Judging from the shape, it was almost the same as a dragon scale, but the light flowing around it was black.

It flicked one hand, and the dagger shot out like a ghost, catching up with Taksis in the blink of an eye.

But the dragon girl didn't notice the flying sword at all.

In other words, even if she was on guard, it would be difficult for her body carrying two people to make flexible evasive movements.

The black sword went straight into Taksis's arm, cutting a huge wound on one of her wings.

Under the severe pain, Taksis lost her balance and fell to the ground, rolling and flattening a large section of the wall.

"Xia Fan, Li!" Luo Qingqing hurried to the direction where the dragon girl fell, her heart burning with anxiety. There is no mistake, this is the enemy's true strength, or in other words, the desperate form of abandoning the retreat. Although it could no longer heal itself as quickly as before, the lag field returned to it after merging with the black air mass. Although the range and effect have been greatly reduced, the evil spirit will move if it can't be resisted, and its speed is not much slower than a green sword.

In a confrontation of this level, even a second's delay would be a fatal flaw!

She pushed the speed of Dragon Scale to the limit.

The ten light blades were like streams of light cutting through the sky, taking turns running toward the evil spirit whose target was the same as hers. Even with the realm of sluggishness, the evil spirit still needs to concentrate on dealing with these agile and running blades. After all, they can easily bypass the defense line formed by the virtual and real, and their speed will only gradually slow down by half in the field. The distance of five meters will slow down by about a breath at most. As long as she keeps staring at the evil spirit, the opponent will not be able to take action to deal with the dragon girl. and Li.

The fact was just as Luo Qingqing expected, Xie Sui's plan to kill the injured first was blocked by her. Even in order to resist the siege of Dragon Scale, it also moved the black sword back, and at the same time pulled out two black swords from its body to resist Luo Qingqing's fierce attack. The golden and black streams of light intertwined with each other, making ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong collision sounds. Sometimes they were as light as a feather, and sometimes they were like thunder!

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