Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 840: Burn out


The moment Luo raised her head slightly, new dragon scales bloomed above her head, one handful was divided into two, and two handfuls were divided into four, until they formed a ring surrounding the air. Hundreds of dragon scales emitted a faint white light and slowly rotated around her, like the halo above the head of an angel, giving people a sense of holiness for a moment.

Is that really Luo Qingqing

Xia Fan also had the same doubts as Taksis.

At this moment, he heard a voice coming directly from his mind, "Dragon scales are not suitable for destroying such intruders. I still need your help."

The last time I encountered this kind of conscious communication was in the escape tower.

"Is it you! Luo Qingqing?" Xia Fan asked subconsciously.

But he got no answer.

The next moment, a ray of light shot out of the white door and enveloped him. In an instant, Xia Fan felt something squeeze into his consciousness, and at the same time, there was a huge amount of Qi.

Under the illumination of this light, all his fatigue and loss were swept away.

"I don't have much energy reserves. I only have this chance. It's up to you."

Although his voice sounded the same as Luo Qingqing's, his tone made Xia Fan feel a distant and unfamiliar feeling.

But now is not the time to worry about these emotions. The evil threat has not been eliminated, and it is about to break through the flying blade blockade and kill them. .

He could tell that since Bai Men appeared, Xie Sui's behavior had become much more manic, and he even had the momentum to get rid of them at all costs. Probably the other party also realized that the situation had undergone some fundamental changes.

Luo Qingqing also took action at this moment.

She waved her hand sideways and pointed at Xie Sui. The halo above her head broke off and split into two streams of light that shot towards the target. Such a huge number of dragon scales joined the battle and completely overwhelmed the defensive circle formed by the black sword in an instant. Xie Sui was surrounded by layers of golden dragon scales. These blades were like a swarm of bees eating their prey, seeming to kill them. The evil spirit eats away everything!

However, this was not the case. The dragon scales quickly spread out again and connected end to end to form chains. These chains penetrated Xie Sui's body and wrapped it around like a rice dumpling. Under such confinement, Xie Sui could hardly move.

At this point, the enemy's fighting spirit did not weaken, but became more vigorous. It opened its big mouth and roared obscure sentences that were difficult to understand, and the Rising Sun Mountain began to tremble under its roar.

Now that the matter is over, Xia Fan doesn't need the other party to remind him anymore.

No matter how many questions he has now, eliminating evil spirits is the top priority. He gathered his energy and used Yang Yan Knife again. This time, the process of forming the spell was abnormal, as if there was an extra area in the brain to deal with this problem. The technique quickly took shape in his hands, and in a short period of time, a bright blue-white light pillar was formed above Yueying Temple, with a length of three to four hundred meters.

His energy seemed to be inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

At the moment when the sword's light was at its strongest, Xia Fan used all his strength to swing the Yang Yan Saber towards Xie Sui!

The beam of light fell straight down from the sky, hitting Xie Sui's head, and then sank into the ground without losing momentum. The sharply rising high temperature caused the water vapor in the soil to explode like a rainstorm, and the rocks melted and turned into scarlet magma. The large amount of hot rising air even triggered thunder and lightning. Electric arcs appeared only a few hundred meters above the ground, illuminating the mountain col into a bloody color.

The spell lasted for about ten seconds before ending.

After the white light dissipated, a ravine more than 400 meters long and ten meters deep appeared in the mountain col. It almost ran through the entire Yueying Temple and split the center of the mountain col in two. Because the crack is too large, the lava cannot cool quickly, thus concentrating downward to form a magma belt.

Presumably even if hundreds or thousands of years pass, this ravine will not be erased, but will become an eternal scar on Xuri Mountain.

As for the evil spirit itself, not a trace remains.

"This is the end." The voice echoed in everyone's mind.

Then Luo turned around slightly and flew up into the air, walking towards the white door step by step.

"Luo Qingqing?" Xia Fan took a step forward.

A dragon scale appeared out of thin air and stood in front of him.

"Wait, where are you going?" Li asked loudly.

Luo Qingqing did not answer. The moment he walked into the door, the white light in the sky also stopped, the door slowly closed, and then disappeared without a trace along with her.

Half an hour later, the Jinxia Army reached the Xuri Mountain Area.

Most of the seven-star soldiers who fled became prisoners of the main force.

Jin Xia suffered almost no losses in this battle, but the atmosphere was not as relaxed as before, especially the people led by Li. They could not see the existence of Baimen. Even after listening to Xia Fan's story, they still felt a little helpless. understand. After all, in the rumors, this door represents the way of heaven. According to this statement, Luo Qingqing has become the person chosen by the way of heaven, and thus enters the immortal world. This is also the ultimate pursuit of the listener, and it should be worthy of celebration. But people who know Luo Qingqing well have a feeling that the person who spoke to them at the last moment was not Luo Qingqing himself.

That woman... doesn't look like Luo Qingqing either.

Because even if he attains enlightenment and becomes an immortal, the other party will not be indifferent to the calls of his friends.

Xia Fan met Ning Qianshi again.

"Is this your power?" The second prince looked at the ravine flowing with lava and sighed in a low voice, "I can hear the sound of your fighting from the other side of the mountain, but I still didn't expect it to be so amazing. I really did … He has no talent in alchemy.”

This is not his alone. Xia Fan opened his mouth, but did not explain - because he really didn't know how to describe the Gate of Heaven.

"This battle is thanks to the information you provided. If you hadn't hindered it, King Yong might have succeeded."

"Ha... That's all I can do." Ning Qianshi's voice seemed quite weak.

"You need to rest." Xia Fan supported him.

Maybe the two of them were once rivals, but at this moment, their grudges were no longer significant.

"It's not necessary. This body can't last long. I know this very well." Ning Qianshi smiled, "I can get rid of King Yong's control, but the price is death... It can't be cured by healing techniques or healing methods. Change. So... I have something to ask for."

Xia Fan was slightly startled, "What's the matter?"

"Let me activate the Moon Shadow Temple Immortal Artifact once."

"Now? Where are you going?"

"Do you still remember... the reason why I left Jinxia?"

Xia Fan nodded, "In order to find a way to restore Tianshu Angel."

"That's right," Ning Qianshi took a deep breath, and the fire seemed to rekindle in his eyes, "I have now found the only way, and it is right in front of me."

His gaze rested on the center of Moon Shadow Temple.