Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 845: Find the sum


Xintao has grown into a tall and graceful girl. Not only is she outstanding in appearance, her ability to sense energy is also top-notch. Now, as Luo Youer's assistant, she is already a manager in the Propaganda Department.

But to say that she has completely gotten rid of the influence of the past is not true, because she also has a little-known title - Huakai Jushi.

Xia Fan is one of the few people who know the truth.

Xintao integrated all the knowledge he learned in the brothel into this identity. Every article he wrote under the pen name Huakai Jushi always aroused great enthusiasm in the circle. She even single-handedly promoted the development of popular novels. Nowadays, various newspapers and weekly magazines that publish stories emerge in endlessly, most of which were founded under the influence of Huakai layman.

If only that was it.

But she has a special liking for scandal news, and she also likes to use specific characters as templates for secondary creations, and Xia Fan is no exception. Therefore, when facing Xintao, he always feels like he is being targeted by a hunter.

Sure enough, as soon as she opened the door, Xintao sniffed her nose keenly.

“What a strange smell…”

"Hey, what's weird?" Luo You'er asked puzzled.

"It has the feeling of powder, soap and sweat mixed together, which makes people feel excited."

Why are you so excited? And are you a dog? Your nose is comparable to Shanhui! Xia Fan quickly stepped forward and closed the door. "The stove was turned on loudly last night, so the room was a little stuffy. What do you want to see me for?"

"Well, the mission sent by Qixing has just arrived at the Shangyuan Foreign Affairs Office..." When it came to business, Luo Youer immediately said seriously, "The leader is the new Yuheng envoy Chu Pu. The deputy minister of the Magical Artifact Department. Gong Shufeng is entertaining them, but they still hope to see you as soon as possible."

"I see." Xia Fan nodded, "I'll be there right away."

"That... Xia Fan..." Luo Youer suddenly spoke again.

"What's wrong?" He stopped, "Is there anything else?"

You'er held her hands and hesitated for a long time before asking in a low voice, "I want to know... can senior sister really come back again?"

Xia Fan was silent for a moment, then reached out and touched her head, "What time have I failed to fulfill my promise? Don't worry, I will definitely bring Luo Qingqing to you intact."

"Yes." Luo Youer showed a smile, and then nodded seriously, "I believe you."

After he left, Xintao slipped out from the corner again.

"Huh, great, here's the opportunity."

"Wait, what do you want to do?" Looking at the eager assistant, Luo Youer suddenly had a bad feeling. When she used the excuse of having a stomachache, she thought she had caught a cold and needed to rest. Unexpectedly, the other party was just stalling for time so that she could stay at her residence in the capital for a while.

"Of course, let's go into the room and take a look." Xintao took off two copper hairpins from her hair, "I always feel that Mr. Xia is hiding something—Hey, why are you pulling me!"

"Because I don't want to be put in jail!" Luo Youer grabbed her from behind and said, "This is an important place related to the fate of Qiguo. Even a scrap of paper may be a confidential document. If you don't want my life, I will. !”

"Just take a look, take a look!"

"No, please leave!" Luo Youer pushed Xantao to the ground, then grabbed her feet and dragged her out of Xia's Mansion.

When Xia Fan arrived at the Foreign Affairs Office, several representatives had already gathered in the lobby.

For example, the former elf high priest Xeniya who is now the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the director of the Privy Council, and the head of the Intelligence Bureau Yu Linglong, etc... The new government of Qi State has obviously been prepared for this mission's visit. Qian Qian, in particular, not only brought a group of alchemists at the Qingjian level, but also personally served as a personal guard. Upon meeting Xia Fan, he applied a set of soul resonance techniques to Xia Fan.

This is also a new skill that Qian learned after studying life science. He can share his nearly infinite vitality with the recipient and jointly bear the damage that may be suffered.

"You are too cautious." Xia Fan smiled, "Everyone knows that the Seven Star Privy Council is here to seek peace."

It has become a vague consensus among the people of the six countries that Qi Guo's troops are invincible.

The Jinxia Army has now been renamed the Apocalypse Army. Although the name is quite middle-class, it has received unanimous praise from everyone, including Ning Wanjun. It expanded from two divisions to fifteen divisions, and within five years defeated the Seven-Star invasion force with overwhelming force. At the same time, the troops divided into two groups and entered Gaoguo and Maoguo, completing the encirclement of Xuguo. If the Army is still limited by logistical problems and cannot advance quickly, the Navy does not have this problem. As long as the cities near the sea fell into the hands of Ning Wanjun in less than a year, Mao Kingdom was now even known as the Little Qi Kingdom.

At this point, Qixing's failure is almost a foregone conclusion.

"The more times like this, the less we can let down our guard." Qian said seriously, "What if the other party jumps over the wall in a hurry? After all, the person who comes here is also an envoy of the Seven Stars, and he is also named Yuheng. It's never too much to be careful."

Xia Fan smiled and did not argue anymore, but everyone walked into the conference hall together.

"You must be Mr. Xia Fan, the Thunder Envoy of the Nine Heavens." At the other end of the long table, a young woman stood up and said, cupping her hands. "I am Chu Pu, the new envoy of Yuheng, and I have long admired my name."

Although the seven stars are said to be equal, just as the Yuheng star is the brightest in the sky, the Yuheng envoy is always the most critical figure among the seven stars. According to legend, the previous Yuheng envoy was the initiator of the Seven Star Privy Council, and the magical skills he awakened were also quite powerful. However, even such a person was still killed in a battle with the Apocalypse Army.

The woman in front of him is the inheritor of immortal magic.

She came to Yuancheng in person, which in a sense was the greatest sincerity shown by Qixing.

"We hope to have a truce with you and compensate you for the losses you have incurred." Chu Pu said straight to the point, "Any territory occupied by the Apocalypse Army, Qixing recognizes it as belonging to the Qi State, and is only willing to stop fighting and calm down the war. I wonder if your Excellency can accept such conditions?"

Seeing that Xia Fan didn't respond, she continued, "I heard that the Nine Heavens Thunder Envoy loves the people and is kind-hearted. I guess he doesn't want to see the people continue to suffer. Now that the war has continued to this day, people in many places are in dire straits. I hope you will take care of these people." For the sake of our country, let the army stop its offensive."

These words made Qian and others frown slightly.

It was Qixing who provoked the conflict, and it was Qixing who was the first to invade Qiguo. Now that he could no longer resist, he blamed Qiguo for the disaster of war. No matter how you look at it, it is full of sophistry.

Xia Fan did not refute, but knocked on the table, "Have you ever thought that Qi Guo is not an enemy of the Privy Council?"

"What do you mean?" Chu Pu was slightly stunned.

"Actually, this war has nothing to do with Qixing's refusal to recognize Ning Wanjun's inheritance, or its invasion of Qi State and Yama Island."

This was the first time she heard such a statement, "Then what are you doing..."

"In order to unify all living things in this world." Xia Fan said slowly, "So it makes no difference to me whether the Seven Star Privy Council or the past royal power rules. Any force that does not accept our rule needs to be excluded. Drop. So the conditions for the truce are very simple, that is, after the Seven Stars are disbanded, they will join Qi State and become part of our side."