Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 846: True leadership


"Too arrogant!" Yu Heng couldn't help but protest. Although Qixing was in an extremely unfavorable situation, and the negotiation itself was a process of raising the price and paying back the money on the spot, this was the first time she had used this "bargaining" method. meet. Disband Seven Stars? What's the difference between that and complete defeat

"Please pay attention to your words." Qian Zhengse warned.

"Are you going to say next, what's the difference between this and defeat?" Xia Fan didn't care about her reaction. His tone was so calm that Chu Pu had a creepy feeling, "The difference is that in the former, you have a chance. If you integrate into the new era, you can still save your life no matter what happens, but the consequences of the latter are difficult to predict.”

Chu Pu's face turned red and pale for a while. She had considered many plans before coming. She could even give up other territories to the other party as long as she could save Xu State. After all, Heaven is still in the hands of Seven Stars. If we can exchange for a precious one or two years of truce time, everything may turn around. According to Qi Guo's appetite, it is impossible to eat six countries at once, so the probability of an agreement between the two parties is not low.

However, this is not the case in any plan.

That is, Qi Guo does not care about the size of the territory, they just want the Seven Stars to disappear.

"Let me ask you, what is the purpose of establishing Seven Stars?" Xia Fan suddenly changed the topic.

"Uh..." Yu Heng was stunned for a moment and replied subconsciously, "In order to replace the decadent royal power and create an era led by those who sense Qi..."

"And finally eliminate the threat of evil spirits, so that everyone can enjoy the results of alchemy." Xia Fan continued, "I heard Ning Qianshi say this before, and it seems that your program is still the same. So the question is Well, who has more Qi-sensing people, Qi Guo or Qixing?"

Yu Hengshi bit his lip. .

Since the two sides have been at war, Qi Guo's awakening rate is no longer a secret. The almost impossible fantasy that everyone can awaken has gradually become a reality here. The elite troops on the front line at the moment are almost all Qi Sensers. Their abilities may be far inferior to those of the Guards and even the Hundred Blades. But if they are equipped with the kind of shock-spelling crossbows and shock-spelling cannons, the situation is completely reversed.

In fact, it was the appearance of this group of people that completely crushed Qixing.

Facing Qi Sensers that are a hundred or a thousand times greater than one's own, no matter how hard one fights on the frontal battlefield, they will be defeated.

It’s not like Xu Guo didn’t work hard. They smuggled various teaching materials back from Qi State and established popular schools, trying to imitate their opponents' practices. But when it was actually put into practice, the seven-star ministries realized how difficult it was—it required a large number of teachers who could understand the teaching materials and an almost bottomless pit of upfront investment. If all school-age children were required to attend school, the entire treasury would be drained.

But until now, Qixing can still only carry out limited-scale popular education in Yongding City. The awakening rate has indeed improved in the past two years, but it is still a drop in the bucket compared to the pressure given by Qi Guo.

This is also a big mystery that troubles Chu Pu.

Because based on the same expenditure calculation, Qiguo's investment in education is almost thirty times the tax revenue of the entire Qixing region! She couldn't imagine how an opponent with so much money could conjure up.

"The number of newly registered Qi sensers this winter has exceeded 150,000. This is probably more than all the alchemists of the Seven Stars in the past combined, right?" Xia Fan said unhurriedly, "There has never been a saying in the world that the majority obeys the minority. , in terms of the era led by those who sense Qi, I am the representative who is responsible for it. As for eliminating evil spirits and spreading the results of alchemy to the world, we can do better than Qixing. In this case, is there any need for Qixing to exist? If you want to achieve the goals set out in the program, it has now become a reality. Furthermore, to fight against Qi Guo is to fight against your original intentions and your past selves."

Chu Pu was speechless.

She is an extremely talented Qi sensor and the heir to Yuheng's magic, but she is not a "qualified" negotiator. In the face of the facts, she really couldn't ignore these questions shamelessly.

After thinking hard for a moment, Chu Pu said bravely, "Even if what you said is right, how easy is it to unify all the creatures in the world? There is not only the mainland in this world, but also the overseas West Pole, the southern sand sea, and even some places that we have never set foot in. There are living creatures in all the dangerous places you have lived in. Can you still bring them all under your rule?"

Even the king of Yong Dynasty can't say such big words, right

However, Xia Fan's reaction shocked her again.

"You are right. The goal of Qi's unification naturally includes them. I repeat, whether it is the Seven Stars or the West End, they will all come under the rule of one party." He said calmly, "In this process, Qi's country will be unified." The war between the country and the Seven Stars is just an inevitable link."

"Absurd!" Chu Pu shook his head repeatedly. This guy obviously looked about the same age as himself, so why did he talk so wildly? If people's hearts are not as strong as snakes swallowing elephants, isn't he afraid of backlash if he speaks falsely? You must know that the actual ruler of Qi State is still His Majesty Ning Wanjun, and the superiors are usually not so happy to see their subordinates showing off their talents too much.

"You think it's ridiculous because you have never looked outside." Xia Fan sighed softly, "Your thoughts, alchemy, and cognition are all limited to the small space of the Seven Star Privy Council Palace. Maybe you have already made a decision. , you have to dedicate everything you have to the Privy Council, but that doesn’t mean you are right.”

"What do you want to say? Do you represent justice?"

"I just want to tell you one fact." Xia Fan shrugged, "Why don't you stay in Shangyuan City for a while. Then you will understand that I am not exaggerating - today's Qiguo is indeed Have the ability to do that.”

Chu Pu slowly sat back.

She didn't expect that the result of the peace petition would be achieved on the same day.

According to the advancing speed of Tianqi Army, Xu State should be able to hold on for about half a year. Just because Xia Fan couldn't be persuaded didn't mean that he couldn't change the minds of Qi Guo's upper echelons. What's more, she heard that many old acquaintances were also in Shangyuan, and they were all entrusted with important responsibilities, supporting half of the Xinqi Kingdom. If they could only plead a few more words for Qixing, maybe things would turn around.

"I understand." Chu Pu said in a deep voice, "You won't restrict my freedom, right?"

"That's not the case. As long as you report your whereabouts in advance and have our personnel accompany you when you go out, the Secretariat will not interfere with your actions in principle." Xia Fan nodded, "Also, although you are the Yuheng envoy, you should also Understand that Yu Heng’s magic is no longer a secret. If we have the ability to counter its successor once on the battlefield, we will have the ability to counter it here a second time.”

"Don't worry, I only want to ask for peace and have no intention of provoking you."

"This is best." Xia Fan turned to look at Gongshu Feng, "Then I will let Mr. Gongshu, who is supporting you, serve as the escort for the mission."