Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 85: Reorganize the command department


"Brother Xia!"

From far away, Wei Wushuang waved his arms and shouted.

This was the first person who took the initiative to greet Xia Fan after he entered the Privy Council Mansion.

"Why are you here?"

"I haven't heard your news yet." Wei Wushuang trotted over and said, "Someone in the recording department is talking about seeing a new employee coming."

Xia Fan nodded, then looked at Luo Youer, "I'm sorry, I haven't visited you since you were injured."

"If you are not injured, it must be your fault. But since you are also injured, then we are even." The little girl said fairly.

He smiled bitterly and said, "How is the situation in the Privy Council House recently?"

"It's very bad." The fellow countryman frowned, "There have been a lot of discussions about you recently, and the content is not very good..." He hesitated for a moment, and finally did not say what the content was, "Miss Luo and I also We have received multiple hints and reminders not to work with you again.”

"And you refused." Xia Fan said slowly.

He knew this without asking - if the two of them had agreed, they wouldn't have come up to talk to him at this moment.

Luo Youer said crisply, "I think you did nothing wrong."

"I... think so too," Wei Wushuang paused, "It's just that I'm worried about how Brother Xia will deal with it next. Now you are a thorn in other people's eyes."

"Why don't we go to the office to discuss it in detail?" Xia Fan raised the corner of his mouth. The more this happens, the less likely he is to admit defeat.


"Well, the headquarters lobby will be my office from today on."

Back in the lobby, the first thing Xia Fan did was to knock down the mahogany table, drag it to the foot of the steps and lay it horizontally so that three people could sit at the table.

He also secretly thought that when he was free in the future, these stairs would have to be knocked down sooner or later - such a good hall wasted so much space just to deliberately create a bird's-eye view, which was really a headache.

"Brother Xia, this table... I'm afraid it's very expensive." Wei Wushuang breathed.

"It doesn't matter, I'm engaged. Now I'm responsible for all the affairs of the headquarters, let alone a table." Xia Fan waved his hand indifferently.

Then he took the pen and ink, spread out a piece of paper, and wrote a big word "人" on it.

"You asked me how to deal with it, that's what we have to deal with first."

"Hmm... That makes sense." Luo You'er pretended to be thoughtful, "If there's no one around, you'd have to do the cleaning yourself."

"It would be nice if it was just that simple." Xia Fan said with a smile, "Don't forget what the headquarters does - once an evil incident breaks out in the surrounding area, the headquarters will be responsible for eliminating the evil spirits. If we stand still and the evil spirits cause a large number of casualties, then This is a real dereliction of duty. When the higher authorities ask for responsibility, the first person to bear the brunt will undoubtedly be the Ministry of Industry and Commerce."

"It would be difficult for the three of us alone to take care of this." Wei Wushuang agreed.

"Yes, the busier you are, the more likely you are to make mistakes. In addition, dealing with evil spirits is inherently risky. If there is another mistake or omission in clues or intelligence, the result may be more satisfying to them than the dereliction of duty."

Xia Fan looked at the two people, "I don't know if the same situation exists in other counties, but the incident in Gaoshan County can at least calm them down for a while. However, evil spirits will appear sooner or later, whether it is accidental or man-made - before that, let them calm down for a while." The ministry must recruit a team capable of dealing with related incidents."

"Where do you come from? The alchemists in the Privy Council now believe that you will be kicked out sooner or later, and it is unlikely that you will violate the wishes of the other three departments."

"Perhaps we can bribe him?" Luo Youer suggested, "When we were in Qingshan Town, this was what senior brother talked about the most."

"If the bribery works, I still have some money left." Wei Wushuang quickly calculated, "But the other party can also spend more money to buy it back. Unless the prince is here, I don't have much confidence that I can win... "

"By the way, where is Wang Renzhi?" Xia Fan suddenly remembered that there was such a person.

"According to the Wang family, he was frightened by the evil spirits and needed a long period of recuperation."

Why can't you tell me you're sick? Xia Fan was thoughtful. This was somewhat inconsistent with the news he heard from the princess. When Ning Wanjun met with Wang Yi'an, the latter seemed to hope that his second son could behave in front of the princess.

Could it be that the news that he had taken over the headquarters made him change his mind

However, Wang Renzhi was not the focus of this matter. He put aside all these thoughts and returned to the topic, "I do need money, but I don't need you to provide it. In addition, I have no plans to recruit people from the government."

"If not from the mansion, then where?" the two asked in confusion.

"I once borrowed a venture capital investment." Xia Fan smiled slightly.

Wei Wushuang's eyes widened, "You mean...the candidates who failed the scholar's examination?"

"But they can't be counted as alchemists, right?" Luo Youer also discovered the key problem.

"Indeed, the eliminated ones will not be named in the headquarters, so I hired temporary workers without establishment."


"Of course, it can also be called reserve service." Xia Fan nodded, "The next military examination will be in three years. I can let them learn the skills in advance and become familiar with the affairs of the Privy Council, and in these three years, they will be paid enough. And you can accumulate meritorious service. Once you pass the scholar examination, you can skip the new promotion stage and directly take up senior positions in the government."

"Is this... feasible?" Wei Wushuang murmured.

If he is still engaged in the ministry three years later, it will naturally not be feasible. But if he becomes Fu Cheng three years later, and with the support of the princess, it will not be difficult to fulfill these promises.

"I'm worried that they may be prone to problems if they haven't passed the examination." Luo Youer whispered.

It should be said that they failed Li's test. Xia Fan silently touched his forehead, "This is the only way for us to summon people who are sensitive to evil spirits. And the difficulty of eliminating evil spirits lies in collecting information. As long as there are people to lead and sufficient preparations are made, eliminating evil spirits does not necessarily require six Just ask questions."

"That seems to make sense."

"By the way," Xia Fan looked at Luo You'er, "Do you have your senior sister's contact information?"

"Senior Sister's ranking must be to go to Gyeonggi," Luo Youer clapped her hands and said, "Ah, I even forgot to write to her!"

"By the way, please send me a letter as well."

"You want her to help you?" the little girl curled her lips and said, "It's impossible."

"How will you know if you don't try." Xia Fan sighed, "Fei Nian and Fang Xiandao have also gone to Gyeonggi. I'll write a letter to each of them."

Since the main force is lacking in strength, improving the level of the team leader is undoubtedly a solution. As for whether they will come or not, that's another question—it doesn't cost much to write a letter anyway.

In addition, Xia Fan also thought of someone.

His master, Zhao Dahai.