Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 853: Builders of ruins


"Interesting... a living time tunnel?" An said thoughtfully, "Although there are theories that show that time and space are parallel and continuous, no one can really prove it."

"You can't do it either?" Xia Fan asked curiously. This "you" does not refer to human beings, but to pure consciousness that crosses boundaries.

"There is no communication between chaotic entities. The only way to communicate is through devouring."

This information is definitely fresh.

After all, humans simply cannot touch that realm.

Even Si Kong was attracted, "You mean... although there are many chaotic entities floating in the space, they remain silent among themselves?"

"It's not difficult to understand." An nodded, "Because chaotic entities cannot simply be regarded as the same species. Their differences are no smaller than those of humans and paramecia."

What is the difference between higher vertebrates and single-celled protozoa

Xia Fan was greatly surprised.

You must know that these chaotic entities are all evolved from humans.

"I understand." Sikong clapped his hands, "It's a matter of mind and environment."

Xinxing is a term used in alchemy, and it seems a bit old and outdated when it appears here. After all, Jinxia City has eliminated many inherent concepts, such as the limited number of awakened people, the prohibition of learning alchemy across regions, etc...

"But the mind is still making differences," Sikong seemed to read Xia Fan's thoughts, "In the final analysis, Qi is a basic energy controlled by consciousness, and the will of living beings is diverse. If the chaotic entity is really like Miss An said, Then they must have things they are good at and things they are not good at, for example, some are better at sensing gravity, and some are better at dimensions. As a result, the world they see may be completely different."

"Intelligent systems are indeed outstanding in understanding logical problems." An praised, "Although you said it very crudely, it is okay to understand it this way. To know that they are still evolving to this day, to what extent they have reached can only be determined by the parties involved. Only then can we understand. Another reason is that humans need to communicate because humans are naturally weak. In order to survive on the grassland, they have to join a group to keep warm and join forces to fight against wild beasts. Purely conscious bodies do not have this need. Once they cross the border, they will There are few natural enemies, so building up barriers of consciousness is more conducive to survival."

"Then what happened to the swallowing?" Xia Fan asked.

"Who knows, maybe some people like to stay at home, while some people like to socialize by nature." An chuckled, as if he was mocking himself, "Breaking the defenses, forcibly annexing, and obtaining all the other party's information is also A means of communication. In short, there are far fewer chaotic entities still wandering between the earth and the moon than thousands of years ago."

Xia Fan couldn't laugh.

He felt a strong loneliness.

If human beings really reach that day, even if they can evolve into more advanced life forms, the universe will not be much lively.

Perhaps, desolation and deathly silence are the main themes of the latter.

"Let's get back to the topic," An took the initiative. "Assuming that the ruins really sent the petitioner back to the past, then you might as well assume that I also went back to what I was thousands of years ago for this reason. It's just that it doesn't work for me. It does not show parallelism in time and space, I think it may be because of the characteristics of pure consciousness."

"In other words, this phenomenon can be reproduced?" Xia Fan asked decisively.

"Do you want to use it to deal with other chaotic entities? It is recommended not to try it easily." An shook his head, "My evolution is not complete, and I am limited by my body, so you can find the opportunity. If it is in space, do you want to It is extremely difficult to get close to those large entities, and there is basically no chance of winning. Pulling them into the barrier area may be a solution, but the essence is still walking on a tightrope. If you are not careful, you will destroy the city wall, dragging down this only remaining shelter. Place."

Xia Fan thought about it and found that this was indeed the case, "Who built the ruins...or the immortal artifact? Why does it have such an amazing effect?"

"I know a thing or two about this."

Xia Fan immediately perked up his ears.

Sikong's eyes also began to flash at high speed, obviously turning on the recording mode.

"It's actually not that complicated. The builders are the people who stayed on the moon, and they are also the last batch of fused life forms."

Fusion of life forms…

This word is a special word used by the Escape Committee to distinguish "legal life forms", which refers to those natural persons who have crossed the border, such as Xia Fan now. But compared to chaotic entities, the evolution of this kind of people is very restrained. Apart from being unable to board the escape ship, they will still be regarded as the same kind by humans.

According to Sikong's approach, since the lunar transformation uses a lot of gas technology, a group of people must sacrifice themselves to construct and manage the protected area more efficiently.

In a sense, all fused life forms can be called omegas.

"Then why are there no records of them in the database?" Si Kong was puzzled.

"Because they can no longer be regarded as human beings." An wrote lightly. "I guess you recorded their lives, but showed that they were all dead, so you can't connect them together. In fact, the process of evolution will Faster than you think." She turned towards Xia Fan, "For example, you... I can feel the chaos in your aura. Maybe in a few hundred years, you will completely become another species."

That's why the fused life form is not allowed to board the spaceship and escape with everyone...

Xia Fan finally understood the historical context of this satellite, which was why Dragon Tower responded to him.

"Did you find out?" An grinned, "Nine times out of ten, you are also a human being from this period. I guess this group of people are still thinking about how to preserve the tribe at the last moment, and use their increasingly powerful abilities to build these powerful Facilities of chaotic nature, of course, do not rule out the possibility of them turning themselves into ruins. This can explain why the ruins you mentioned seem to be from human civilization, but also have a hint of unreasonable weirdness."

They don't even know if these remnants actually work.

But they never gave up trying.

"These people... don't exist now, right?" Xia Fan was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Of course. Sanctuary cannot allow chaotic entities to breed inside for a long time. No matter how much they identify with their own group, once they evolve to the next stage, these emotions and memories will lose their meaning. If these people are unwilling to commit suicide, then Sanctuary I will do it for you." An said this with a hint of disgust in his tone, "You also saw the white door that appeared in the image, and the messenger who exuded a holy light—"

"That's the will of this world."