Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 860: Danger signal


For Catwoman, this news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

The Holy Wing Islands have finally gone through the most difficult time, but in recent years, they have finally had their blessings - the Relief Society has completely gotten rid of the suppression of the Chamber of Commerce and has its own armed forces. At the same time, relying on Xia Fan's matchmaking, it has been closely connected with the reorganized Hera Church. connect together. After the Mage Tower was severely damaged by the Light Wing Angel, she basically withdrew from the power struggle. She and Miss Yongyi worked together to rebuild the country, and they named it the Holy Wing Alliance.

The workers' treatment and life are getting better and better day by day, and the cities destroyed by the war are gradually being rebuilt. Even the places where evil spirits are prevalent are receding under the counterattack of everyone. It can be said that everything is moving towards the good side. .

Now I know that these achievements are based on false prosperity, and the achievements we have achieved may be wiped out at any time when the world collapses. This blow is too heavy.

"But the outside world is full of darkness and cold, but it is not a lie." Taxis said a little unbearably, "The rumors say that it is desolate, lifeless, and absolutely not suitable for human survival. If this kind of place is the real world , what does that mean to us?”

"That's why I call this a shelter." Xia Fan sighed. "In other words, when it was first established, it was indeed intended to provide a living space away from home, but it is by no means equal to all of survival."

The dragon girl immediately caught the key point.

"Far from homeland? You mean... our ancestors were not born in shelters?"

Xia Fan stood up and walked to the corner of the study.

There was a square table covered with gray cloth.

He reached out and lifted the tablecloth, revealing a wooden model of the solar system in front of the two of them.

"Is this a star map?" Taksis followed up.


"I can distinguish the sun and the moon... but the positions of other stars are a little different from what I remember." She turned to look at Momola, "What about you?"

The latter scratched his head in embarrassment, "I don't understand this at all. To me, the stars in the sky are just points of light used to distinguish sunny days from rainy days."

"Okay, it's also possible that I don't know enough and remembered the wrong location." Taxis said calmly.

How could it be possible? Xia Fan thought to himself. After seeing the three-dimensional arrangement of the solar system model, he could immediately connect it with the two-dimensional star map. This is definitely not something that a person with half a bucket of water can do. Taxis's understanding of astrology is obviously not just at the entry level, she must have spent a lot of energy to study it carefully.

Unfortunately, the entire sky is essentially a huge seamless curtain, and everything humans observe is nothing more than the regulation of the shelter itself. Moreover, the starry sky it displays hides the position of the Earth, making people never aware of the blue planet closest to them.

Xia Fan took a deep breath and slowly described the hometown of mankind.

"It is a planet much larger than our world, and because of its atmosphere and oceans, it looks bright blue. We were born from there... "

Their eyes quickly fell on the blue sphere of the model.

It is so conspicuous, like a crystal gem.

Human beings are always full of infinite curiosity about "origins".

Even Momola, who knew nothing about astronomy and astrology, quickly became fascinated by what he heard and forgot his previous depressed mood for a while. Taxis listened even more attentively, and her narrow pupils seemed to be shining.

This lecture lasts for one hour.

From the birth of civilization to the evolution of mankind, from the ideological energy crisis to the great escape, Xia Fan narrated most of the history he knew. Of course, he also deliberately omitted some details, such as how the artificial life forms appeared. First, he was worried that the other party would not be able to accept it psychologically. Second, he had never regarded these partners as aliens.

A long time after Xia Fan stopped talking, Taksis let out a long breath, "So that's what happened! The sun and moon have continued their previous names, and our inheritance is not given by the prophet out of thin air! God just On the surface, the planet is a symbol of eternity. Even when it goes out, it just changes its direction. I understand it all!"

She felt that a whole new realm was slowly opening up in front of her.

Not only that, even the energy that had not improved for a long time also expanded a bit.

That is the gift of faith when it is rewarded.

Compared to Hera, who is only a hundred years old, the sun has existed for an astonishingly long time—what could be more worthy of belief and worship than something that has been condensed for more than four billion years? In front of such a celestial body, gods are nothing more than insignificant gravel.

Momola was considering more practical issues.

"But the hometown you mentioned... has been destroyed." She hesitated, "The refugees probably set the shelter to be the same as the earth out of homesickness, right? What's more, there is a powerful Chaos outside the barrier. Entities are swimming back and forth, and once we leave this place, we will be torn into pieces. Although the place is beautiful, we can never go back... "

These words made Taxis also fall silent.

If Xia Fan is right, then this is an undoubted fact. Even if a pioneer as powerful as the Escape Committee can rush into space on a huge vehicle, he cannot escape the threat of chaotic entities. Why do those who remain have the luxury of hoping for their hometown

What's even more cruel is that there is no point even if you can go back - the earth has long become an area that the living cannot touch, and is the most terrifying evil-infested area. Even if it still shows a beautiful sky blue, things and people are different on it.

Humanity must look forward.

"We can't stay in the shelter all the time, right?" Taksis asked in a low voice. Based on her understanding of Xia Fan, this kind of supporting lifestyle is unacceptable. She also finally understood why Xia Fan still regarded Heaven as his enemy while the light-winged messengers were destroying evil spirits everywhere.

He nodded, "Luo Qingqing's experience has proved that it is by no means a silent background. By screening the listener, it is fully capable of interfering with us. But in turn, we can hardly control it. Any checks and balances - this is determined by the relationship of dependence. We cannot live for a minute without the shelter, but if the shelter loses us, we only need to change a new batch of breeding objects."

"Is it too harsh to think so?" Momola hesitated, "After all, it is precisely because of the protection of the shelter that we can continue to this day."

"Just like those big chambers of commerce will use the minimum wage to give workers a living," Xia Fan said bluntly.

Catwoman was speechless.

"In fact, it is very simple to judge this, that is, whether one party will consider the interests of the other party and whether it will respond to their needs." He continued, "Communication is an easy thing for shelters, and it can even empower listening. It has a unique ability, but it has never communicated with humans for such a long time. In my opinion, this is already a dangerous signal.”