Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 862: Homecoming plan


Taksis and Momora looked at each other and froze on the spot.

If the previous content could still be barely understood, this part was completely beyond their imagination.

Although they had seen many incredible and magnificent sights after getting to know Xia Fan, it was still difficult for them to have a comprehensive understanding of an event like a planet impact.

"Will it... be broken? This world?" After a moment of confusion, Taxis asked hesitantly.

"Probably like...an egg hitting a rock?" Momola described it with difficulty. After all, judging from the model, the earth is much larger than the moon.

"The moon is not an egg. Although the process is very complicated, if I have to use a metaphor, it is more like a ball of wet mud hitting another ball of wet mud." Xia Fan shrugged.

The only person who can clearly understand this is him, Si Kong and An in the entire Qi Kingdom. In the escape tower, Sikong simulated the entire process of the collision between the two. Zoomed into the celestial scale, neither the earth nor the moon can be considered indestructible. On the contrary, they show full elasticity and flexibility. The unnaturally orbiting lunar moon will break through the Roche limit and embed itself into the earth's surface before it breaks apart, tearing apart the opponent's thin crust in an instant and penetrating deep into the mantle.

This force will also react on the moon, turning it into a molten rock column and hurtling upward into space. But under the action of gravity, it cannot gain true freedom, but will be pulled toward the ground again, repeated several times, like a shaking quagmire. At the same time, this shock wave will sweep across the earth's surface many times, completely shuffling the surface materials.

But it's not over yet.

This huge impact will be converted into the internal energy of the earth, causing the earth to return to the ancient times - violent volcanoes will erupt everywhere, causing magma to rain all over the world; the earth's crust will fall apart and become a lonely boat drifting on the mantle; the sky will always be cloudy It's full of smoke, dust and lightning, and we won't see any sunlight for hundreds of thousands of years. As for the complete release of this internal energy and the return of the earth's core to stability, it will take at least a million years.

At that time, the moon guardians will become part of the earth and will no longer be separated from each other.

No matter how many years pass, the storm will eventually subside, the cooling lava will turn into new continents, and the boiling water vapor will condense into oceans again.

"Can we survive?" Momola asked the most critical question.

"If humans can't survive, then this struggle is meaningless." Xia Fan said without hesitation, "But we can't survive in this form."

The human body is too fragile to last millions of years.

The only way is to transform into a fusion that can sustain itself through consciousness alone.

Taksis also heard the inside story of the escape tower, "You mean... transform us all into like you?"

"This is difficult. The transformation of the escape tower is designed for a specific person," Xia Fan coughed twice and skipped the word legal life form, "and this transformation requires consuming some resources stored in the past. Potentially reaching everyone.ā€

"so what should I do now?"

"With the help of the power of fairy weapons, it is possible for us to keep everyone alive." He briefly described his plan, "But it requires humans all over the world to act towards this goal, and the West Pole is no exception."

"Gather all the residents into first- and second-level cities?" Taxis pondered, "This is a big project. A big city like Azure Castle only has a population of 200,000 to 300,000, and the Holy Wings Alliance has less to say There are tens of millions of people.ā€

According to Xia Fan's classification, there are three second-level cities in the West Pole, namely the Holy Wing Alliance, Natating and the capital of the Shazhou Kingdom. The first-level cities are all in Qiguo, including Jinxia City, Shangyuan City and Huiyang City. The population of secondary cities should continue to converge towards primary cities to prevent their own carrying capacity from exceeding the maximum load. This also requires first-level cities to maintain rapid expansion to meet the surging crowds.

The final situation is that tens of millions of people are crammed into every first-level city, covering more than 90% of the world's population.

"What to do with the residents of towns and villages? I think it is impossible not to miss any of them." Momola's tone was a bit awkward.

"Immortal weapons can only be activated in first-level cities. If someone fails to arrive, he will miss the opportunity to transform." Xia Fan explained, "In the next few years, the escape tower will expand the number of remote sensing satellites to provide you with more information. Accurate intelligence on scattered residential areas. By then, even a small village with dozens of people will be noticed by Sikong."

"I understand, I will try my best to organize it." Taxis suddenly responded.

"Eh? But there are still many uncertainties..." Catwoman frowned, "For example, food to eat, people's daily expenses, and even drinks and entertainment... If you give up everything just to take refuge, a month or two will be fine. Iā€™m afraid there will be an internal commotion within a year or two!ā€

"This is indeed difficult, but we can implement the plan and find solutions at the same time." Taksis said in a deep voice, "If you want to continue the clan, how can it be without cost? You also understand that Xia Fan is the Holy Wing What has the Alliance done? Without his help, the Islands would still be mired in war. If the matter is really so urgent, then we should unite as one rather than increase internal friction and waste time because of various worries!"

"I-I'm not against this plan..." Momola quickly defended, "I'm just worried about the reaction of the world - although some things are for their benefit, not everyone will appreciate it."

"Indeed." Xia Fan waved his hand and said he didn't mind. "Fortunately, we still have enough time to guide the world with various propaganda. Another first-level city is by no means a crowded prison. They can enjoy what they have in their hometown. Things will only get better in these gathering points, I have full confidence in this."

People's living standards depend on productivity, and Jinxia has once again stood at a new breakthrough in productivity - the universal awakening of Qi sensers, and the replicable magical equipment in the escape tower, making a new round of productivity revolution possible. And this leap is far greater than the steam and electricity revolutions.

"Really? Then I'll feel more relieved." Momola breathed a sigh of relief, "How many years do you plan to use to complete this plan?"

"There is no fixed deadline." Xia Fan shook his head.


"It all depends on when the shelter reacts." He replied, "In principle, the longer the time, the better prepared we can be, but once the world's will wants to stop us, the return home operation must begin immediately. Otherwise, we will definitely lose if we fight against it on the moon. Therefore, this plan can only be carried out in secret, disguising all actions as normal scheduling and construction, and the real purpose must be buried deep in our hearts until the day of departure. "