Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 865: field


"It's Kanshu!"

"Ignore the phantom, get rid of the Qi people first!"

The attackers are all good players and will not be affected by this sudden change - before planning, they knew that Yu Hengshi's ability was similar to Kanshu, and attacking her was more to contain her, and the main target was Ning Wanjun.

But something astonishing happened.

Ning Wanjun, who was attacked, did not have her face corroded by the poison and completely lose her ability to resist, as they expected. Instead, she gradually transformed into Chu Pu's appearance.

The exclamations and screams of the surrounding people suddenly stopped at some point.

"What's happening here?"

All the assassins couldn't help but be stunned.

Not only Ning Wanjun changed, but the guards around her and the crowd of onlookers not far away were also changing - they either disappeared or turned into blurry shadows, just like the Yuheng envoys reflected in the water. At the same time, the light between heaven and earth dimmed, as if a curtain was cast over it. The bustling countryside no longer existed, replaced by empty stone slabs and pillars. Even the walls of Yongding City became ordinary stone walls.

The leader, Yu Yi, raised his head and realized that the sky had turned into a dark roof. The criss-crossing roof beams undoubtedly told them that this place was not outside the east gate, but in a palace somewhere.

Such an incredible turn of events caused their brains to freeze for a moment.

Because they had been preparing since last night and had lurked near the east gate early, surveying the site and planning their escape. This process is completely continuous, and there is no memory deviation in the process. For the sake of insurance, they even left two alchemists to monitor it all night, just to worry about the temporary change of the location of the venue.

At that time, Yuheng Envoy was still staying in the Privy Council Palace, so how could he possibly have the opportunity to use the Kan technique

"How...how did you do it?" Yuyi turned around and murmured.

"Heaven Controller Zhu Qingfeng, I didn't expect that you don't want to end the war. I thought that as a representative of the foreign alchemists, I can best understand the consequences of continuing to fight." Chu Pu had already recognized the identity of the other party.

He simply didn't bother to cover up anymore and pulled off his hood, "The Mao Kingdom was destroyed and the Zhu family had nothing. What else do I dare not give up? As an envoy of Yuheng, you actually bowed to Qi Kingdom. I am truly ashamed of this title!”

"Are you the messenger of the Lord?"

"So what, the war must not end here!" Zhu Qingfeng clasped his fingers and flew directly into the air, "Everyone, there is only one person here, Yuheng Envoy, but this does not mean that the plan has failed, and killing her will be the same! "

"Are you sure I'm the only one?" Several Yuheng envoys present said in unison.

"Jiu Yuzi, prepare the thunder method to break the illusion!" Zhu Qingfeng remained unmoved.


Chu Pu shook his head regretfully, "You have made two mistakes. First, although the senior officials of the Privy Council know that Yu Hengshi's ability is related to illusion, few people have seen its most complete appearance. The reason is also very simple. None of them survived.”

"Secondly, what you see about me... is all real."

As soon as the words fell, all the Yuheng envoys swarmed up and rushed towards the attacker in the center of the palace.

A battle of skills between high-level alchemists instantly started.

Even if Chu Pu did not receive the inheritance from the Yuheng Envoy, she was still the most talented Qi sensor in Yongding City. Her skills spanned three or four factions, and she especially started researching Qi Guo teaching textbooks in the Privy Council. Later, her abilities improved by leaps and bounds.

But that's not the most important thing.

What shocked the attackers was that all the Chu Pus in the hall had the same abilities. Even if someone managed to severely injure a Yuheng envoy, the shadows floating around the periphery would immediately transform into new Chu Pus and join the battle. . The thunder method that used to have a strong effect on destroying illusions has lost its effect at this moment. There can only be one explanation for this - that is, as she said, these Yuheng envoys are all genuine.

As one assassin after another fell to the ground, the balance of the battle was quickly broken, and the situation completely tilted towards Chu Pu's side.

Zhu Qingfeng was shot down from the sky by a hurricane, and after being struck by two flying swords, his body was already covered in scars. He spat out a mouthful of blood, as if he couldn't believe that he was the loser in this fight!

How could one Yuyi, two Qingjian, and more than twenty alchemists of trial level or above be unable to deal with a Seven-Star Envoy

"Is this also...an illusion?" He touched the sword wound on his chest tremblingly, his fingers turning scarlet.

"It's the ending." Chu Pu replied calmly.

"Tell me... why did the surrender ceremony take place on the outskirts of the city, but we came to... this palace?" Zhu Qingfeng looked at the Yuheng envoy, his eyes full of confusion.

She stared at Yuyi for a moment, "The inheritance of Yu Hengshi is a domain technique. It looks like Kan Technique, but it exceeds the limit of Kan Technique - its coverage is enough to cover the entire Yongding City."

"Covering the entire... city?"

"Yes," Chu Pu's figures disappeared one by one, and finally only one person stood in front of Zhu Qingfeng, "So your perception is correct. I did announce the notice of the surrender ceremony, and also set up a high platform on the outskirts of the city. But when you show malice, you will be unknowingly affected by the spell until you go to the place I preset. Even if you take every precaution, you can't imagine that illusion and reality are moving forward in parallel - this is the realm. Power. And in my realm, all illusions are reality."

At this point, she raised the sword in her hand.

"Ahem..." Zhu Qingfeng opened his hands in resignation, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, "What a field of power... you don't use it to deal with the people of Qi State, but you use it to suppress the Privy Council! Ahem... What a shame... How ironic…”

"Can't win." Chu Pu said without any hesitation.


"With this ability alone, we cannot defeat the Tianqi Army, otherwise the former Yuheng Envoy would not have been defeated. In theory, no one in the field can be defeated. As long as they are human beings, they will inevitably be affected, but Qiguo has a way to defeat it."

"How to break it?" Zhu Qingfeng's breathing was a little faster. He was seriously injured and the pain was tormenting his consciousness. But when faced with this problem, he even put life and death behind him.

"...I don't know." However, Chu Pu shook his head, "I still don't understand how the Apocalypse Army broke through the art of the field. I can only guess that they have non-human observation methods and are so calm that they will never be disturbed by human consciousness. And that’s beyond our common sense.”

"Is... is that so?" The light in Zhu Qingfeng's eyes dissipated, "I understand, let's do it."

Chu Pu waved his arm, and the sword blade penetrated the opponent's heart accurately.

The moment she swung her sword, a short knife stabbed out from behind at the same time, as if it came from the underworld. Whether it was the disturbance to the airflow or the slight sound of the sleeves rubbing, they were all perfectly integrated with Chu Pu's attack.

Before Chu Pu had time to react, the blade sank into her spine silently.

Yu Hengshi froze at first, and then felt that his entire body had lost its response.

She collapsed forward uncontrollably and fell on the Hagoromo user.

A man's figure stepped out of the shadows.

The person who came turned out to be Gao Sach, the envoy of heaven.