Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 871: Migration accident


"After returning... these things in front of me, as well as the creations of Wanjun and Miss Mo, will all be in vain, right?" Li suddenly whispered.

"Yes." Xia Fan nodded lightly.

It was a cataclysmic change that would reshape the entire world.

"Then what they are doing now...is it still meaningful?"

Xia Fan knew what the other party was worried about.

He stretched out his hand and gently brushed the other person's ears and back of the head, "Even if everything has to be pushed back, and even all sentient beings cease to exist, we can't ignore the present because of this ending. After all, we live in the present, not the future. As long as you can find some satisfaction from it, you can’t say it’s meaningless.”

Li responded softly and said no more.

Her eyes moved away from the grapes and fell on the child playing with Qianzhi, with a soft light surging in her eyes.

A moment later, a guard walked into the garden, leaned over Xia Fan and said, "Sir, the Elf High Priest wants to see you and says he has something important to report."

"I see."

Xia Fan turned to look at Li, who waved his hand before he could speak, "Don't worry about me, go ahead. Business is important."

Arriving at the palace living room, High Priest Senia had been waiting in front of the long table for a long time.

The passage of time seems to have no effect on her. Even Ai Li has become Tingting beauty, but she still looks the same as she did seven or eight years ago.

"Tell me." Xia Fan said straight to the point.

"A migration tree boat sank on the ice crystal sea route, and nearly 10,000 people were missing. According to survivors, there was a big explosion and violent tremors on the tree boat before the accident." The high priest's tone was quite solemn.

The tree boat sank

Xia Fan frowned. The word "sinking" seemed to be inherently difficult to associate with Shuzhou. The so-called migration tree boat is the part separated from the big tree boat. If tree boats like Noah and Silver Star are compared to regular aircraft carriers, then the migration tree boat is an amphibious assault ship, except that it is smaller in size. , the rest of it is exactly the same.

The sinking of traditional ships comes from the loss of reserve buoyancy, which is usually manifested as structural damage leading to a large amount of water in the cabin. However, the tree boat itself is a giant tree, with a large number of underlying roots forming a disk-like floating body that can float on the water by itself. It is easy to sink an iron plate into the sea, but it is not so easy to replace it with wood with a relatively low density.

"Which tribe does it belong to?" Xia Fan asked.

"Morrowind." Senia replied, "The High Priest of Ovasir has already launched an investigation while notifying me."

Since the unification, the world islanders have also ended their escape journey. However, the elves did not form a new world island again. Instead, they used tree boats as individuals to form many small tribes attached to Qi State. Because they discovered that being independent from the world would only lead to solidification and backwardness. In addition, now that all the people in Qi Kingdom have felt Qi, the worry of blood assimilation no longer exists. This has caused a large number of elves to follow Noah's example and settle on land. , and have extensive marriages with humans, firmly binding the ethnic group and the continent together.

Because of this, they no longer pursue centralized political power, but continue the system they had when they fled. The high priest is the supreme ruler of one or more tree boats. He will only leave the tree boat when he leaves office and settle down in Qi. country. Senia is the representative figure launched by all high priests and talks directly to the top management of the Secretariat.

The elves also contributed a lot to this great migration plan. After all, transoceanic transportation is the specialty of tree boats. In order to improve the transportation capacity, tree migration boats came into being. Each tribe will contribute two to three tree migration boats to meet overseas needs. Resource allocation and population movement needs in various places. Among them, the Morrowind tribe is responsible for the transportation of several remote kingdoms in the north of the West Pole, which is not critical in terms of tasks.

"Could someone deliberately sabotage it?" Xia Fan tapped the table.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. But I have told other high priests that they must carefully check the migrants' belongings before boarding the boat. If they listen a little bit, they will not let a tree boat sink." Senia rubbed He rubbed his forehead and said, "If you want to directly blow up and sink a tree boat, you probably have to bring several trucks of explosives, right?"

Migration is by no means a simple matter.

To make people leave their familiar place of residence and go to a completely unfamiliar foreign country, propaganda and policy incentives alone are far from enough. Forced violence is basically unavoidable. In fact, since the beginning of the great migration, there have been thousands of confrontations, resulting in the death of more than 3,000 people, most of whom were Qi State's relocation officials and soldiers.

This was the tragedy that happened when Xia Fan emphasized that the Apocalypse Army should be responsible for the escort work. It is not an exaggeration to say that if it were left to each locality to handle it themselves, the number of conflicts would probably be ten times greater.

Since the military was required to exercise extreme restraint and not use weapons against the migrants, the conflict between the two sides temporarily paralyzed migration in remote areas. In the end, Xia Fan had to give in and issued a new decree that allowed him to selectively abandon those residential areas that he insisted on not leaving. Only then did the big relocation plan continue to advance.

Today, the sinking of a tree boat has directly resulted in the deaths of nearly 10,000 people, quadrupling the number of casualties. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to the Great Migration.

"The investigation needs to be done, but the transportation line of the Ice Crystal Sea cannot be stagnant." Xia Fan quickly finalized the decision, "Send a report to the High Priest Ovasi and tell him that Shangyuan City will provide compensation for the sacrificed elves, and at the same time let him Strengthen inspections before boarding, and... carry gas-sensitive and non-gas-sensitive people separately."

He said the last sentence with emphasis.

Senia also understood his intention, looked at him deeply and nodded, "I understand."

"Send another flying-class shuttle and ask Taksis to assign a dragon priest who can use the recurrence scroll." Xia Fan added, "I want to see with my own eyes the scene when the incident happened."

The Flying Class is a special green shuttle equipped with multiple celestial devices. It is also the fastest ship in the Navy. According to the Mechanical Engineering Bureau, it can carry five people in a day and night by pressing people on the propeller. Across the Sea of Tranquility.

After Senia took the order and left, he stood up and went to the window of the hall, looking at the sky outside.

The sky that was clear and bright just now was now covered with a hint of haze.

He opened the window, and the air blowing in front of him was a little cooler.

Apparently a shower is coming.

Three days later, Xia Fan received a message from Xiji, saying that the dragon priest of the Hera Church had arrived at the designated location.

He immediately summoned the relevant high-level officials to the conference hall, and then motioned to Sikong, "It's time to start."

The latter switched to the projection mode, looked at the wall on one side of the hall, and projected the surveillance picture on the other side of the sea onto the wall. With the development of Sky Eye, in addition to being able to monitor several major cities in Qi State, it can also be used to monitor the main cities in Qi State. It can also be used from the escape tower alone. A small rocket is launched to deliver a surveillance aircraft with a flight time of five to six hours to various areas of the shelter. With the help of this technology of the Forerunners, Xia Fan and others can see the situation on the ice crystal sea even if they are in Shangyuan City.