Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 880: The final battle (Part 2)


Is this all I can do...

Taxis, who returned to her human form, used her last strength to take off the ring in her hand, and then a soft light surrounded her. She felt her consciousness leaving her body and flying quickly to heaven.

The rest is up to you.

She looked in the direction of Shangyuan City Square and said silently.

"Your Majesty, the western city wall has been destroyed, and the evil spirits have invaded the outer city!" reported the Apocalypse Army general on the city wall.

The phantoms that poured in from the breach in the barrier slapped against the city wall like waves. Some of the evil spirits spontaneously merged together and transformed into huge demons, launching devastating attacks on the city wall. Although they are more likely to be targeted by electromagnetic cannons as they become larger, they are not afraid of death. Each demon will cause serious damage to the city wall before being eliminated. In less than half an hour, many places on the west wall have collapsed.

The losses of the Apocalypse Army were not small. More than half of the 10,000 soldiers deployed at the front of the city wall had been lost. However, at this point, few people still retreated. Because as long as you don't die on the spot, you can be taken into custody by heaven immediately after taking off the interference ring. The physical trauma will not cause pain and will not affect the rest of your life. This keeps the morale of the troops at a high level.

And another point is the burning singing voice.

From the beginning of the battle, Chi's singing has become the background sound of the audio device - now she can not only use the music to boost morale, but can even actually improve the perception, reaction and strength of the listener. Soldiers in a highly excited state, For the first time, he had a chance to fight back against Mei who was in a lightless state.

This is of great significance to the striker's maintenance to this day.

Ning Wanjun also knew that the city wall would be lost sooner or later, but it must not be lost. Searchlights are more suitable for covering the countryside outside the wall. Once they enter the streets, the lethality of these charms will be amplified more than ten times, so she did not hesitate to issue an attack order to the machine beast troops, "It's our turn, go to area xc, Push the enemy back!"

Arriving at the breach in the city wall, Ning Wanjun drove Suzaku to meet him quickly and ran headlong into the crowd of evil spirits!

If it were a living being, this kind of behavior would be tantamount to seeking death.

But it's completely different when it's a machine beast.

The charm cannot attack the driver through the steel shell, and the shock spear and flaming weapon equipped by the machine beast are real evil-killing weapons. The high-voltage current released from the end of the spear can penetrate the air and discharge, and the magical weapon can make the limbs of the machine beast surrounded by blazing flames. What Mei is most afraid of has always been the shock technique and the separation technique. When this army collides with the evil spirit, , the momentum of the enemy group's influx was instantly suppressed.

If you look down from a high place in the city, you can see two completely different torrents emerging in the west block. One side is inky black and almost permeable, like moss swallowing the ground; while the other side is flaming red basalt lava, which burns Shi's figure was like a mysterious fire from the Nine Heavens, not only blocking every path of moss, but also pushing them back towards the city wall little by little, restoring the covered blocks.

This tug of war lasted for most of the day.

It's just that the tide of evil spirits seems to be endless, but the Apocalypse Army is limited. Three city walls were lost one after another, and the front line also retreated into the city, and fierce street fighting started with the evil spirits.

At this time, the person at the front was changed from the Apocalypse Army to the alchemists from the Six Nations.

Compared with ordinary Qi sensers, guards, Qingjian and Yuyi with extremely strong personal abilities are obviously more suitable for fighting against evil spirits in low-light environments. The Xuanwu Army retreated into the inner city as a last resort to block the avenue.

Li is also one of this group of alchemists.

When she casts the Nine Heavens Thunder, she is almost the same as Xia Fan. To evil spirits, one is worth a thousand. Every time she casts it, a large section of the black tide of evil spirits will suddenly become empty, and the enemy will replenish it. The gap often takes dozens of minutes. If it weren't for the excessive consumption of the Heavenly Thunder Technique, she could completely block the evil spirits outside the inner city.

At this moment, the barrier in the sky flashed twice and then disappeared completely.

"Mo Yun, are you okay?" Xia Fan asked.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that all the reserve personnel have been used up." A weak reply came from the audio device, "There are no elves left in the Machine Building Bureau..."

Even though a large number of apprentices were prepared in advance to keep the barrier running, it failed to last until the end as planned.

The erosion of the Light Winged Angels obviously placed an excessive burden on it.

"Thank you, your mission ends here." Xia Fan said, "Evacuate."

"...Please protect your majesty." Mo Yun responded after a moment of silence. She did not insist on staying, because she knew that she would only add a burden to everyone when she ran out of energy.

As if to confirm her words, three more white doors suddenly rose—this time, the doors appeared directly inside the city.

The defensive position suddenly became chaotic.

"Let the Xuanwu Army deal with the evil spirit inside. We can't retreat no matter what!" Li shouted loudly. Although he might be flanked by two sides at the moment, turning around to rescue the inside would make it easier for the defense line to completely collapse.

"Watch the top of your head!" Li Mengyun, who was fighting with her, suddenly warned.

Li barely had time to think, and subconsciously jumped back. Two dragon scales flew down from the sky one after another and sank straight into the ground where she was standing!

It's Luo Qingqing's magic!

With her peripheral vision raised, she saw the will of the world with its light wings fully spread out, appearing above the defenders' heads.

She wasn't the only one targeted by this raid.

The six flying swords rushed in three directions at the same time, aiming at her, Yan Qing and Chu Pu respectively. These are also the three people on the defensive side who are most familiar with Jiuxiao Tianlei!

Then Li heard a voice.

"You think you escaped? In my eyes... you are just a turtle in a urn."

At the same time as the voice sounded, Li's heart suddenly sank. She obviously jumped back, but her body unexpectedly jumped forward, as if the order she had given was completely reversed!

The same is true for the other two people. They were originally under the care of each other's teammates, but this hiding directly exposed themselves to the enemy.

"To turn things upside down is the magic of Tianjishi—" Yuan Yuheng made Chu Pu the first to react.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and a "miniature sun" suddenly rose in the hands of the world's will.

Like the sun, it emits a dazzling light that is difficult to look directly at, but it is pitch black inside, like a black hole. This technique is very familiar to Li. It is the Nine Nether Fire that Xia Fan captured from the Privy Council!

Oops. Li realized that something was wrong. The characteristic of Jiuyou Fire was that it took effect extremely quickly and was no different from light. Its killing effect can be large or small, and the moment it blooms with the maximum effect, you will be instantly pierced by invisible rays, and your whole body will be burned into coke. Let alone taking off the ring, you may not even be able to raise your hand. Can't do it!