Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 884: Return home


Li finally understood what the uneasy feeling came from.

She shouted loudly at Xia Fan, trying to break away from Heaven's acceptance, but the upload had reached the final moment. No matter how hard she struggled, she could not move a step, and no sound came out of her mouth.

Soon, her consciousness quickly flew into the sky with streaks of blue light.

Before all the ideas solidified,? ? Li saw the outline of a face emerging from the black curtain above the silver ball.

That vaguely looked like Xia Fan.

He opened his mouth as if to say "I'm sorry."

Then the warm heaven embraced her.

"All the soldiers have been uploaded to heaven, and there are no traces of living beings within ten miles!" Sikong said loudly.

But she didn't get a response for a long while.

"Xia Fan... Xia Fan!"

Only then did Xia Fan come back to his senses, "I understand. Then we will implement it as planned, and the next million years will be left to you.

"Don't worry, I will serve humanity until the end."

For the first time, Thinking no longer called them synthetic bodies, but regarded them as legitimately born members of the human race.

"Okay,?? You hurry up and act!" An urged, "If we let the chaotic entity continue to toss like this, the moon may not be able to survive the fall to the ground!"

If you want the moon to collide with the Earth before it is torn apart by the Roche limit, you must reduce the orbit time, and it is best to hit it vertically. Originally, the moon is pushed by the core material ejected by itself, and this condition is naturally satisfied. However, two chaotic entities with relative masses comparable to those of the planet are competing with each other, which is equivalent to weakening the strength of the moon guardian, which will also increase Roche's energy accordingly. Extreme distance.

In other words, objects with weaker internal gravity are more likely to be torn apart.

The Homecoming Plan requires that the Earth and Moon must collide as a whole.

Only in this way can we have enough energy to reshape the shape of the earth in one fell swoop, and at the same time destroy all the evil-infested areas entrenched on the earth.

Once the moon is torn into pieces and then falls to the earth, the destruction will be greatly reduced, and as long as some evil spirits survive, they will be a huge threat to the migrants.

Xia Fan turned his attention to the will of the world, "You said I can't win against the Chaos Entity,?? It's actually not a wrong judgment,?? But I don't need to win against it. Look,?? This is the result of my choice—"

When he said this, a bright silver light suddenly erupted all over his body. The light was more eye-catching than the sun. It instantly dispelled all the darkness and enveloped the chaotic entity!

Xia Fan used all his energy to activate Yueying Temple's ability.

But this time, he didn't want to open a channel to go anywhere, but sent all chaotic entities to the past.

This light expanded rapidly and soon passed over the Earth, flew past Saturn, and even spread to the edge of the solar system!

Under the silver light, the chaotic entities were illuminated from the hidden void, and then dimmed one by one, just like what An had experienced. This is not an attack against them, but to cut off the formation of chaotic entities causally. The universe has many branches in an instant, but no matter what, the chaotic entities entrenched in the solar system in this world will return to zero, and those who return to Human consciousness,? ? It will also be recorded by heaven,? ? Leave a place in the new world.

An nodded towards the two of them, then opened his arms and calmly welcomed the silver light.

Humanity needs a leader to rebuild civilization, and she will take on this responsibility.

The Will of the World finally understood why the other party was confident that it could send the spacecraft out of the solar system without being attacked by the enemy. Unfortunately, it was too late. Summoning the Black Gate was the last blow that it used all its energy to make, and the addition of the moon The structure collapsed rapidly under the violent earthquakes and eruptions, and its body was no longer able to maintain normal operation.

It lets go of its restraints, releases the souls of all those who listen, and watches the condensed energy fly to heaven.

"you… "

"If crushing these souls can reverse the situation, I will definitely do it." The World Will snorted, "Since there is no point in doing anything, it is better to send them to the new world. No matter what, they They were once my brothers and sisters, part of the order I established.”

Xia Fan wanted to say something, but finally closed his mouth.

"Do you want to see me regret it? Even if I do it again... I will still make the same choice." It closed its eyes with disdain and turned into smoke in the collapse of Shangyuan City. "Remember humans, when We will meet again when you build a new shelter... I am waiting for that day..."

"There are only two of us left," Sikong said.

Her body has been destroyed in the disintegration of the earth, and now only a few parts of the Sky Eye remain.

"Yes." Xia Fan couldn't help feeling a little emotional. The plan to return home has finally reached the final step. At this moment, the Moon Guard is like a candle in the wind. Due to the disappearance of the gravity created by the shelter and the escape of the atmosphere, there are floating objects everywhere in the sky. Trees and house debris. The sea in the distance turned into tall peaks, the peaks of which pointed directly in the direction of the earth, and continued to turn into thin steam due to collision with the atmosphere.

The habitat that mankind has relied on for thousands of years is about to be destroyed.

But its destruction means a new beginning.

"It's time for you to leave. If you stay any longer, you may be captured by the earth's gravity."

Thinking is as brittle as paper in an impact of this magnitude, so it must remain in a high orbit to avoid being affected by the lava debris thrown by the Earth. For a long time to come, the Earth may even have suspended debris belts like the rings of Saturn.

"hold on."

"What are you waiting for?" Xia Fan was puzzled, "If you use your energy to change orbit, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive for ten thousand years—"

"You can see it soon." Sikong insisted.

See? What does she want to see

As soon as this doubt emerged, a blue boundary line appeared at the junction of heaven and earth.

It is so wide that it takes up almost the entire field of view.

That is the home of mankind... Earth.

This blue arc rose quickly and soon occupied a quarter of the sky. The two were so close that it even felt like they were about to touch each other. Because Xia Fan himself was still emitting a strong silver light, the earth's atmosphere was also reflected brightly, which obstructed the field of vision to a certain extent. But even so, the two of them could still see the surging ocean and the emerald green continent below the atmosphere. .

"Does it look like a sunrise?" Sikong laughed.

Xia Fan nodded involuntarily.

"I'm starting to understand a little bit about the irrational behaviors of human beings." Sikong said softly, "Because some things are really worth taking risks."

"...Go." Xia Fan said slowly.

"Well, bye."

A flash of fire suddenly appeared in the sky.

That's the tail flame emitted by the Sky Eye engine.

After watching the meteor disappear into the starry sky, Xia Fan fully opened his body and completely enveloped the earth beneath him. At the same time, the heaven is shrinking smaller and smaller, until it becomes the size of a fist. In this high-density form, its outer layer can be regarded as a degenerate state, and its hardness is far stronger than any material on the earth, enough to withstand the impact caused by the impact. High temperature and pressure.

In addition, Xia Fan used his body as a shield, so that a considerable part of the land in the Shangyuan City area would be preserved and would not be shattered to pieces in the impact.

And those permanent fortifications buried deep in the ground store the necessary resources needed for human recovery.

Half an hour later, the Earth completely occupied the lunar sky.

The last time the two were this close was when they were separated.

Now it seems that time has turned back, and history has come to the moment before the birth of all things.

With an inaudible loud noise, the moon dragged its shining silver flames and crashed into the depths of the ocean. On this land that had been dead for many years, it once again set off huge waves!