Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 885: Home (Part 1)


Four million years later.

"All indicators of the cultured body are normal."

"The brain waves are consistent with the characteristics of consciousness, and the mental state is stable."

"Awakening allowed."



The culture fluid receded quickly, and as the glass hatch lid lifted upward, Li opened his eyes.

Everything in front of me was very familiar. The white straight walls and the glowing ceiling were just like what I saw in the escape tower. If it weren't for the extremely awkward feeling when injecting her thoughts, she would even think that she was back to the days when she first entered the patio.

But she understood that these were all illusions caused by deja vu.

Although she had no memory of what happened after being admitted to Heaven, she was completely conscious when her body was changed. And in the process, her consciousness also received some information from the outside world, telling her that humans have landed safely on the earth, and it has lasted more than four million years, and that the great recovery began 30,000 years ago, and now the land has For large life to survive.

This period of time was too long, and Li had no impression of her long sleep, so she had no reaction to this information.

Li raised his arm and looked at it for a moment.

There is still some orange culture fluid left on it.

It seemed that her hands and feet were not damaged, and there was no discomfort anywhere on her body, but she always felt that something was different - as a senior executive of the Secretariat, she naturally knew most of the contents of the return home plan, including the body reshaping part. Heaven can only record data, but cannot transform data into humans. Therefore, it is necessary to use the technology of the escape tower to cultivate living bodies that can carry consciousness, and then inject everyone's memories into them. Before the plan was launched, Sikong moved many of the equipment in the patio to Shangyuan City and buried them deep underground in order to bring them back to the earth safely.

Now that she is standing here, it means that the plan has been very successful so far, but why does she have such a weird feeling

It's like something is missing.

That’s all, let’s go out and have a look first.

After stepping out of the cultivation cabin, Li quickly saw the clothes prepared for him—a top and long skirt strung together by leaves and vines.

The shoes are also made of hay.

She raised her eyebrows. The last time she wore such simple clothes was probably during her wandering days.

But Li didn't care about this little problem.

After putting on her clothes, she walked out of the training room.

Outside is a narrow walkway with many doors on both sides, but red lights are on next to the doors.

There is no doubt that those rooms are also training rooms.

Could he be the first one to wake up

Li walked along the corridor for about a hundred meters and found an old elevator at the end. She was already very comfortable operating this kind of thing, so she walked into the ladder without hesitation and pressed the upward button.

There was an airlock room on the top floor, but surprisingly, the door was ajar.

This shows that there is no need for sealing inside and outside.

She hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and pushed the hatch open, and a fresh breeze with a slightly moist smell suddenly hit her face.

Li's eyes widened slightly.

I saw a vast green world before my eyes. The grassland under the feet continues until it is blocked by dense jungle. The tall tree trunks are as high as seven or eight stories, and the huge leaves cluster one after another, forming a cloud-like canopy.

Farther away were rolling mountains, many of which were still smoking, as if they had just been extinguished.

This was a sight that had never been seen before in the shelter.

"The new world has higher oxygen content, so the animals and plants will be much larger." Someone suddenly said.

Li turned around and found that the speaker was An. She was wearing a white lab coat reserved for researchers, sitting on a lounge chair, with a pair of large sunglasses hanging on her face, looking particularly leisurely.

Time has left no trace on her body, and she still has that young face.

"I thought you had..."

"Already turned into dust?" An curled her lips, "Then I might as well become a chaotic entity, at least I can live forever."

"Uh... so now you are..."

"It's not me, it's us." She looked at the fox demon, "I improved the gadgets left by the Escape Committee, so that the bodies born afterward are no longer simple living organisms."

"Me too?" Li touched his ears in surprise - at least they still felt soft, just like before. If that person were to touch him, he would definitely say the same thing...

Wait, who is that person

"That's right, I plugged in the bioelectronic machinery and reserved an external interface." An shrugged and said half-jokingly, "The Chaos Entity has proved that the path to spiritual ascension is unworkable. I am now a supporter of the mechanical ascension faction. That’s it.”

Li didn't answer. She tried to capture this thought, but found that it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"Master Li!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

She followed the sound and found Shanhui running towards her excitedly - he was also dressed like her, looking completely like a native.

"Why do everyone dress differently from you?" Li Wenan asked.

"Because supplies are limited, I need one less set of clothes. That's four million years. I can't wear straw clothes to do research, right?" An Xin said calmly, "These pure natural green clothes are not that bad, at least. It’s sewn using modern technology and there’s absolutely no question about durability.”

"Master Li, you finally woke up!" Shan Hui came to her side wagging his tail, "When Mr. An said that your mental state was unstable, I was worried that something would happen to you, but now I am finally relieved!"

"I told you not to use the title Your Excellency," An said, waving his hands impatiently, "This is a new era, you're not going to follow the course of history again, are you?"

"The mental state is unstable... what's going on?" Li asked doubtfully.

Shan Hui immediately closed his mouth.

"By the way, let's go take a look at the camp everyone built. There are many acquaintances waiting for you there." An Cha changed the subject.

"That's right, that's what I wanted to tell you!" Tengu quickly added, "Although the new home is still in its infancy, everyone already regards it as the new Jinxia City."

The camp was not far from where she woke up.

In other words, the underground cultivation room is the center of this camp.

As soon as he walked around the stone pillars at the entrance, Li saw a lively scene. Many thatched houses are densely dotted on the grassland, surrounded by wooden towers like sentinels. People shuttled among them, some weaving nets and some burning bricks, just like a tribe. But if you look closely, you will find something fishy inside.

For example, bricks are burned not with fire, but with magic weapons.

The net is not made of plant stems, but... the hair of a sheep demon.

Who is that person carrying a big tree trunk that is thicker than a human being going in and out? The dignified head of the Privy Council was doing strenuous work like everyone else, but looking at the way he was busy and shouting, he seemed to be enjoying the process.