Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 886: Home (Part 2)


Li was a little dumbfounded, and after a moment he asked, "How long has it been since everyone built this?"

"It's only about two months. Before that, Your Excellency An had been taking care of everyone." Shanhui replied with respect, "I heard that she has been busy for almost a hundred thousand years, and the equipment brought out of the escape tower is now More than half are back up and running.”

"How many people have been awakened now?"

"Not many, only about three hundred, and most of them are members of the Secretariat."

"Why, is there something wrong with Heaven?"

"That's not the case." Shan Hui explained, "There are very few resources left to synthesize our bodies, so it takes time to accumulate. Not to mention that we can't feed millions of people all at once. And many people still don't have the ability to protect themselves. Civilians with abilities, so Your Excellency An gave priority to us as the first batch of awakening targets."

"Self-protection?" Li heard something was wrong, "Have the evil spirits not been eradicated?"

"As long as there are creatures that can sense Qi, evil spirits will definitely exist. But that's all for the future. At least we haven't discovered the existence of evil spirits infested areas until now." Shan Hui paused, "The threat comes from other things. This This place doesn't look like a shelter. How can I put it? It's very weird..."

weird? how come

Shouldn't this be the hometown of mankind

Wait... I have never set foot on the earth, so why do I have such thoughts


Suddenly a howl interrupted Li's thoughts.

She looked up at the source of the sound and was surprised to find a huge fish flying in the air! Its belly is extremely broad and covered with scales that sparkle with metallic luster. From time to time, lightning strikes from the ground, causing sparks to fly in the woods below!

If it were to smash down completely, it would be enough to crush the camp they built into flat ground.

"No, we can't let it fly over!" Li subconsciously reached into her arms, but suddenly realized that this was not a shelter, and she didn't have any talismans or copper wire pendants.

"Don't worry, these are the dragonborns driving away the prey." Shan Hui said.

Sure enough, two four-legged dragons appeared on the left and right of the giant flying fish - looking at the shape of the horns and the color of the dragon scales, Li felt that they looked inexplicably familiar.

"Taksis and Olina?"

"That's right." Shan Hui smiled.

The two of them were seen nimbly dodging lightning while using dragon breath to force the flying fish to keep approaching the village, as if they were not worried that it would flatten all the thatched houses in one fell swoop.

When the two sides approached two to three hundred meters, countless chains suddenly rushed up from the ground, trapping the giant monster fish in the air! Not only that, the chain also dropped quickly, trying to pull it to the ground. The latter struggled desperately, letting out a deafening roar, and the lightning even burned the chain red!

—That is the ability of Yan Qing, the lock weaver.

Li couldn't help but be stunned.

Who is Yan Qing? The former Privy Council Qingjian reached the level of Hagoromo in the later period. In the end, such a strong man actually formed a stalemate with a fish

At this moment, a woman in white jumped up from Olina's back, and a golden sword condensed in her hand.

With a slash of the long sword, the golden light swept across the flying fish and then sank into the earth.

The next second, a bright red crack appeared on the fish's head, and blue blood rose into the sky. The flying fish also lost the strength to struggle and fell heavily to the ground. The impact sound was so loud that Li felt the ground shake several times.

Everyone in the village suddenly cheered and swarmed towards the spot where the fish landed.

"Let's go there too, our food for this week depends entirely on it!" Shanhui licked his lips and said.

Li finally understood what was strange about what the other party said.

This kind of "wide-body whale" that can fly in an anti-gravity posture and discharge electricity is definitely not a creature found in sanctuaries! Although the opponent is prey, the hunters are all at the level of Qing Jian or above. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably become the food for fish to fill their stomachs!

Li Gang walked to the big fish. The woman in white who was cutting the fish meat with a flying sword was stunned when she saw her. Then she quickly stepped forward with joy and hugged her, "You finally woke up."

"Miss Luo..." Li murmured. There was a blank space in her mind again - this person should be very familiar to her, but why did she feel like she had been separated from him for a long time? Three years? Five years... no, it should have been longer since they last met, but why couldn't she remember the reason

"Isn't this Li?" Taksis also came forward, "It's great that you're okay."

"Where is Ning Wanjun? She has been talking about Li for a long time."

"The Velociraptor should be trained east of the village, right? I'll go and inform her right away."

"Now everyone is finally here..."

"Xiao Xiaoli isn't here yet, is he?"

"What are you thinking about? You must go back a little bit to revive the child."

Looking at Luo Qingqing, Taksis and others in front of him, Li felt that all his memories converged in that blank place. In an instant, a sharp pain penetrated his heart. At that moment, the appearance of a man emerged. in mind—

A flood of memories came flooding back.


Those were the last words she heard.

Li felt her body stiffen as the cold darkness swallowed her up.

"She fell!"

"Notify Yanyue quickly—"

"Miss Yan can't help, call An Lai!"

These noisy sounds gradually faded away, but seemed to always linger around.

Li didn't know when he would wake up again.

But judging from the sky, it was already late at night full of stars.

She opened her eyes and sat up silently. Someone next to her immediately noticed the situation.

"Li woke up."

"I've said before, her mental fluctuations were too great before uploading, and accidents will inevitably happen. There is nothing wrong with her body." An reached out and touched her forehead, "How do you feel now?"

"Xia Fan..." She did not answer, but looked at Andao, "Is he... not here anymore?"

"Do you remember everything?"

Li nodded.

"That's it..." An was silent for a moment, "He did not enter the heaven. If he hadn't sacrificed his life to protect these devices, we would only be a pile of data now."

In an instant, an unspeakable sadness rushed into Li's heart. The surprise of seeing the new world and his companions disappeared without a trace, leaving only coldness and numbness.

If he is no longer here, what's the point of the long time in the future

"Ahem," An suddenly changed the subject, "But not being in heaven doesn't mean Xia Fan is dead."

Hearing this, Li sat up instantly.

She grabbed An's hand and said, "What on earth is going on? Do you know where he is?"

"Okay, just say it directly." Ning Wanjun crossed her arms and said, "Isn't it more exciting to be surprised like this?"

"It's not entirely certain. What if something goes wrong?"

"Anyway, I believe he won't die so easily. That guy's luck has been amazingly good, if nothing else."

"So he is here now..." Li said impatiently.

An pointed to the top of his head, "During four million years, the communication module of the escape tower will always receive a quantum signal one after another, with an average interval of fifteen hundred years. These signals are modulated and quite regular. More importantly, it comes from an abandoned space station, where it is impossible to know the quantum resonance frequency of the escape tower, so I speculate that the transmitter is related to Si Cong. Si Cong is the person who ended up with Xia Fan."

"Fifteen hundred years?"

"Well, contact consumes energy and cannot last forever. Moreover, this period of time is quite long for the space station. All resources are used to maintain its operation, so this short signal is probably a test." An Shanshou said, "Unfortunately, our communication module is only an attached spare part. Unless we can recreate a thought control system, we cannot interpret the content of quantum communication. However, this does not mean that we cannot send back messages. As long as we dial this when contacting The quantum strings will definitely be sensed over there.”

Li realized the key point, "When was the last summons?"

"One thousand three hundred and twenty-five years ago."

"In other words, we will know the answer in one hundred and seventy-five years." Luo said softly and calmly - after being reshaped, she no longer needed to wear a blindfold at the moment, and her deep eyes were full of Believing, “I still owe him a debt of gratitude.”

"Or more." Taxis said coldly.

Luo Qingqing's expression did not change at all, but a faint blush appeared on his cheeks.

"I... continue to decompose the Kun fish."

"In short, that's what happened." An rubbed his forehead, "I didn't say it at first because I thought that amnesia might not be a bad thing. More than a hundred years is not a long time for a mechanical ascendant, but in human memory It was a very difficult time here. But I didn’t expect that you would recall it so quickly.”

Li lowered his ears, "So that's what happened..."

"Of course, you can also choose to continue sleeping until the day when the matter is verified." An continued, "This will consume part of the energy of the escape tower equipment, but I believe everyone will have no objection..."

"No, that's fine." Li shook his head and his ears perked up again, "You said before that waking up is your own decision, right? The reason why I woke up was because I wanted to see him as soon as possible - even if It's the same thing that's missing from my memory. So I'm going to wait here for him - whatever the outcome is, I want to be the first to know."

Just like when Xia Fan was waiting for her to wake up after being seriously injured in Qingshan Town.

She believed that one day they would meet again.

In this new home.


The story of Tiandao has come to an end. Thank you all for accompanying me all the way.

I originally wanted to write an adventure story, but I got sidetracked halfway through and it looked very awkward. Looking back now, it was ultimately due to lack of preparation for the new book and lack of experience.

After the battle with the evil horse, the progress of the story accelerated significantly. One reason is that the Seven Star Privy Council is indeed no longer the main opponent of the protagonist and his party, but the other reason, and the most important reason, is my physical problem. You should have noticed that a large part of recent leave requests are related to insomnia. In fact, this became more and more serious after I wrote the brilliant plan, and it has never been adjusted.

At that time, I was just halfway through writing Tiandao, and I received another customized article from Wang Zhe, which resulted in me having to write until five or six in the morning every day. During the period when the manuscript was due, I even wrote until eight in the morning. After sleeping, I got up around one o'clock and continued writing. Not only was the work and rest routine completely reversed, Tiandao's double watch became a single watch, and the neighbor was just renovating, so the quality of sleep was extremely poor. I felt that those few months were the most difficult period.

Coupled with long-term sitting and lack of exercise, I now feel short of breath and chest tightness when I climb stairs. Considering these problems, I can only speed up the second half of the plot and finish the book as soon as possible.

Although it is regrettable, it can only be so.

Next, I will be hospitalized for a period of time to recuperate, and then I will exercise. However, I must lose weight to prevent some chronic diseases from affecting my writing state. At the same time, I will also accumulate inspiration during this rest period, hoping to make greater progress in the next book.

Just like Li is waiting for Xia Fan, I am also looking forward to meeting you all again.

So, see you in the next story.


Thank you very much.

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