Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 7: women's college


Coming to the upper room, the old lady's laughter came from the room.

The maid on the steps saw Ye Zhen coming, and opened the curtain with a smile, "Miss San is here."

Ye Zhen nodded to the girl with a smile, lowered her head and walked in, with a sweet smile on her face, "Grandmother, Yaoyao is here to greet you."

The Fourth Miss Lu is already in the room, sitting on the left hand side of Mrs. Lu, the Second Miss Lu is holding a round fan to cover her face and smiling, but her smile is a bit forced, and she really smiles when she sees Ye Zhen coming in, " Our third girl is here, and the complexion of the third younger sister is getting better."

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "That means that our Lu family mansion has spiritual energy and can support people."

Mrs. Lu laughed amusedly, pulled Ye Zhen up and down for a look, "Well, her complexion is better, but she's still too thin, she needs to build up more."

"Grandmother, don't worry, I will make myself fat and white." Ye Zhen said with a smile, "I just came in and heard you were smiling, but is there anything happy about it?"

"It's the fourth younger sister who is talking about the college. There is a lady from a famous family who doesn't like our Lu family. She wants to compete with her younger sister, but she loses herself to tears." The second girl Lu said.

I'm afraid that there aren't many aristocratic families in Kyoto who think highly of the Lu family. With Miss Lu's temperament, it's quite normal to be looked down upon in the academy. "It seems that the academy is quite fun."

"Third sister, what kind of place do you belong to in the academy, where you can play casually, you can't say this outside, so as not to make a joke." Miss Lu Si said with a sneer.

Ye Zhen looked naive and ignorant, "I have never been to the academy, so I don't know what it is like, next time my fourth sister takes me to take a look, then I will know."

Mrs. Lu nodded and said, "Yaoyao definitely didn't have a women's college in the border town before, but now your eldest brother has some status, let him help you and let you go to the college to study, it doesn't matter how much you learn, at least you have a reputation. "

Passed down for a hundred years, the women's college has lost the original intention of Qi Yanling's original establishment. Originally, the women's college was established to let those lonely and helpless girls learn life skills. Later, as the reputation of the college grew, a hundred years later, In addition to girls from famous families who can enter the academy, girls from common people don't even think about entering the academy unless their literary talent is superior to others and they have to pass the six-level exam.

A look of contempt flashed across Miss Lu's face. If Mrs. Lu wasn't here, she wouldn't be able to help but sneer. This Miss Lu really dared to say anything. She grew up in the border town, let alone Qin Chess, calligraphy and painting, don't even know a few big characters, and dare to say go to the academy, even if you get in with the relationship of your elder brother, you will be cut to death on the first day and kicked out.

"Old madam, even if I have my eldest brother as a guarantor, my third sister must pass the exam, and now that my third sister is fifteen years old, I'm afraid it will be too late." Fourth Miss Lu said.

The second girl Lu said, "Third sister may not fail the exam. I see that my sister is a smart person, so it won't be difficult."

"The college doesn't stipulate that you can't enroll at the age of fifteen. Besides, we don't learn piano, chess, calligraphy and painting with those eleven or twelve-year-old girls. We can learn something else. Yaoyao, I heard that you used to learn Your mother has studied medicine, do you want to go to the academy's medical hall to study art?" Mrs. Lu asked.

Originally, practicing medicine was an unpopular industry, but because Empress Duanhui was a famous genius doctor, she also founded Renhetang, the No. Have the opportunity to become a female medical officer in the palace.

Ye Zhen lowered her eyelids, if she became a female medical officer, would she have a chance to take revenge? If she wanted revenge, she had to find a powerful backer. Looking at the entire capital, there was only one backer she could find.

That is the current empress dowager, Mo Rongzhan's mother.

When she was Princess Qin, the Empress Dowager treated her pretty well, but it was only the Ye family that she didn't like.

"Grandmother, I want to go!" No matter what method she uses, she has to enter the palace. Only by entering the palace can she have a chance of revenge. Only by entering the palace can she get the power she wants.

Not only does she want to become a female medical officer, but she also wants to use her status in the Lu Family Marquis Mansion to fight for more things that are good for her.

Lu Lingzhi was able to use her hypocritically before, so couldn't she treat him like a cousin now

The enemy is in the light and I am in the dark! Ye Zhen wants to rule her body with her own way of governing people. She didn't know what kind of person Lu Lingzhi was before, but now she already knows, whether it's Lu Lingzhi who poisoned her to death, or the one who took away her identity Lu Shuang'er, no matter how they treat her, she will repay them.

Next time, when she meets Lu Lingzhi, she will definitely not be nervous, let alone be afraid. She will regard herself as his cousin and forget Ye Zhen's identity.

Lu Lingzhi, Lu Shuang'er, I'm back, are you ready