Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 102: Adult beauty


"Come here! Bathe and change clothes!" Three days later, early in the morning. Yang Bo wakes up from his practice

Out of the secret room, roared softly.

"It's the young master! The slave servants have been waiting to serve you, the young master! Ha ha ha!" Qiu Ju replied with a quick smile.

Two handsome maids of the soul-catching clan carefully served the young master to bathe and change clothes.

An hour later, under the wait of two well-behaved maids, Yang Bo, wearing purple python robes, walked slowly to the table of the master in the hall and sat down, with the soul tea sent by Chunxiang in his right hand, and took a sip of it comfortably. Put down the tea cup and shouted.

"Cool! Really cool! Qiuju, Chunxiang! Holding this is what the young master meant, you have done a good job during this time!" Yang Bo took out two king-level soul crystals from his arms and handed them to two pretty maids with smiles. Rewarded.

"Thank you Master! Yeah so much! Hehehe! It's nice to follow Master!" Qiu Ju thanked him with a heartfelt excited smile!

"Wang-level soul crystal! Master! Thank you!" Chunxiang Wanfu thanked him in surprise.

"Qiu Ju, how long have I been practicing, Master?" Yang Bo asked with a smile while looking at Qiu Ju's handsome face.

"It's been three days, the young lady has been here three times, and said that you woke up and asked the slave to notify her. The butler said that you should remember to call her when you wake up, and I have important things to report to you!" Qiu Ju replied seriously.

"Huh? It's been three days? Really has no years of cultivation?" Yang Bo exclaimed.

"Master! You have finally woke up from practicing! The emperor entrusted Master Ye Zhan to pass on a verbal order, ordering Master to cast ten Horcruxes within ten days." Zhang Lan herself is a beauty of the Soul Clan, and rushed to report, Jiao Jiao. Panting, his chest fluctuated, and Yang Bo's blood spurted.

Seeing the beautiful butler's graceful figure, she hurriedly closed her eyes to control her emotions, calmly condensed her breath.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Zhang Lan asked with concern.

"It's okay! Go down!" He closed his eyes and suppressed the old face with a blushing command.

The subtle change in Yang Bo's eyes and movements fell into Zhang Lan's beautiful eyes, and she smiled again and again. It seems that the young master still likes me. She exited the hall with a blushing face and returned to the account room, continuing to manage the operation of the special envoy's residence.

The two handsome maids were bystanders, and they knew the changes in the young master at a glance. In the chuckle, Lianbu gently smirked and exited the hall.

The fragrant wind dissipated, and after the slight sound of footsteps went away, Yang Bo opened his eyes, recalling the details of his cultivation, this time casting the Baihui Soul Star Wheel, the cost was huge, and the soul palace soul pool bottomed out. Makes him sigh. At present, the conditions for further expansion of the Soul Palace are not enough, only the completion of the seven souls can condense the expansion again. Otherwise, the Ecstasy Domain will be miserable. With the first successful experience, he changed his mind and was full of confidence.

"Brother! Big brother is coming to see you! Hahaha!" As soon as Weitong entered the door, he sent out a hearty greeting.

"Big brother! You are here! It's great! I want to die! Hahaha!" The two brothers hugged a bear and smiled directly in the hall of the mansion.

After five breaths, separate and sit on the left and right main positions.

"Come on, tea!" Yang Bo and his eldest brother happily yelled softly

"This son, please use tea, Master, please use tea." This time it was the beautiful housekeeper Zhang Lan who took the initiative to serve him and gave the Fragrant Soul Tea Ceremony.

"Why are you Zhang Lan, Qiu Ju and Chun Xiang?" Yang Bo suspiciously.

"Master, she two are unwell today and are resting, so the slave family will take care of them personally." Zhang Lan said timidly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he accidentally saw his eldest brother looking at the beauty housekeeper Zhang Lan with fascination. Yang Bo said clearly: "Sit down, Zhang Lan. Let me introduce this. This is my eldest brother Weitong, the lieutenant of Baihuying. This is my eldest brother. It is Zhang Lan, a capable beauty butler appointed by the Emperor Yu."

"Hello, Miss Zhang Lan! It is a great honor for Wei Tong to know Miss!" Wei Tong said in an unprecedentedly polite manner.

"General Wei is polite, this is part of the slave family, please sit down, please!" Zhang Lan said politely with a blushing face.

Seeing that the two of you are so polite, Yang Bo decided to match up.

"Master Zhang Lanben wants to ask, have you ever been married?" Old Yang Bo blushed and looked at Zhang Lan and asked.

She blushed and drooped her head and whispered, "Never!"

"Just right! My eldest brother has never married a wife because he is in a military camp and is struggling with affairs. I want to ask for two opinions. I don't know? Hehehe! You know!" Yang Bo said with a smile while watching them.

Brothers are meaningful, not in vain of life and death. But the face is still good. Wei Tong stared at Zhao Feng and said, "Brother, the eldest brother is a rough man walking on the tip of a knife. I am afraid that Miss Zhang Lan has been wronged. I will talk about this later?"

Zhang Lan grew up so big, only the young master, Wei Tong, who was so heroic and martial artist, had the perseverance of a soldier. There must be good impressions. Seeing that both of his brothers are dragons among people, they will have good achievements in the future. Zhang Lan knows that the young master has several fiancées. Although, he likes the young master a little more, but he can’t hold back his HOU, and his beautiful eyes lightly shifted away. Through, there is a decision in my heart.

The first Zhang Lanzhen raised his beautiful eyes and looked at Wei Channel: "General Wei, Nujia Zhanglan, Princess of the Meihun clan, for the safety of the clansmen, they become slaves and maidservants, working for the emperor, from the slave family land to the young master’s special envoy’s residence. Being a housekeeper is the first time for me to come out of the clan to interact with the outside world. If there is anything that is not thoughtful or unsatisfactory, I still hope the son Haihan."

Hearing that Wei Tongwen put away the superficial arrogance on his face, he stood up and apologized: "Miss Zhang Lan, I solemnly apologize to you for the recklessness, arrogance and melancholy just now, I'm sorry! Forgive me for abruptly princess?"

There is a play! Yang Bo was overjoyed. He looked at the two men in a majestic and domineering manner and said loudly: "Zhang Lan, Weitong is following the order. This special envoy decided to use a privilege to marry two talented men and beautiful ladies, choose a good day, and I will give you a day after marriage. The big betrothal gift will make the soul-merging people proud of the princess! Big brother, you can rest assured that the betrothal wedding will be organized by the younger brother, and wait to be the new official! If you disagree, kill me!"

you! you! Weitong and Zhang Lan were surprised.

"Big brother, Zhang Lan, don't think you two are very capable. With a word of mine, you will disappear from this soul domain, and your people will also be implicated in this matter. Don't doubt my energy?" Wei Tong threatened indifferently. road.

"You bastard! You stinky boy! Pretend to be an uncle and come home!" Zhang Lan and Wei Tong shot together with ingenuity and beat him towards him.

"Oh! I said that big brother and sister, don't bring such bullies! Ignore you, what kind of man and woman? Let's go first! Hahahaha!" Yang Bo ran outside the house and laughed.

Watching Yang Bo joking and laughing away towards the city of Soul Central, a pair of unmarried virgins, who had a good impression, held hands shyly, stepped on the flat gravel path and smiled side by side towards the garden and chatted privately.

Yang Bo happily fled to the home of his fiancée in Hunyang City. Fengju Linshuang, the city lord and several grandpas were embarrassed when they heard about Yang Bo's marriage between his eldest brother and Zhang Lan. Under the intimidation of all the core relatives of the Fengju family, he was forced to agree to marry with his eldest brother.

All matters of the wedding were handled by Lord Yuezhang from the city lord’s mansion, and the money was paid by Yang Bo. As a last resort, he secretly sold two space rings through the channel of the city owner, in exchange for astronomical wedding expenses.

That night, Yang Bo announced that he would refining the space ring in the closed room of the Fengju family clan for 20 days.

The Fengju family knew that it was a matter of great importance.

Under the protection of the copper and iron walls, sitting cross-legged in the guest room and lighting up the soul stone in the ring, and the soul stone sent by the old Zhangren began to refine the space ring.

What Yang Bo refined this time was thirty square rings. For his wife Lin Shuang and Big Brother Weitong, he deliberately refined ten more, a total of thirty, ten for the emperor of the domain, five for the emperor of the underworld, and five for the speaker of the main council. A month later, Yang Bo opened his eyes with great spirit and muttered to himself: "Unexpectedly, soul qi refining can expand the space of my soul palace soul pool. Not bad!"

He roared casually: "Night Fight to receive the goods!"

Suddenly, there was a faint ripple in Yang Bo's room, and the tall figure of Ye Zhan appeared in front of Zhao Feng and arched his hands: "Subordinates Ye Zhan, see the special envoy!"

"Big Brother Ye Zhan, thank you for your life-saving grace! I refined one more here, which is considered a little bit of brother's heart! I am very big, I hope Brother Ye Zhan said with a smile!"

Ye Zhan's respectful hands took the ring and thanked him. "Thank you brother!" Turning to the door of the room, tears flashed in the tiger's eyes, and disappeared invisible. A faint space was left, and traces of agitation drifted in the room.

On the originally planned 20th day, it took a whole month to complete the refining of the space ring. While sighing, Yang Bo pointed out the king-level soul crystal rewarded by the emperor, closed his eyes and palms, and pressed the fist-large soul crystal containing the majestic and pure soul power to supplement it. The soul power enters the body and quickly flows into the soul palace soul pool at the dantian place.

Unspeakable comfort filled the whole body, and at this time the soul elephant on the soul palace soul pond was also madly absorbing. Gradually, the eyes became bright, and purple light was released. Half an hour later, the soul power of the king-level soul crystal was completely absorbed. Turned into a pile of residue piled on the bed. Zhao Feng gently lifted his right hand and swept his sleeve away, and the residue flew out of the window in a thread and fell into a mound on the open ground.

Get up and get out of bed, walk out of the room door, and say to the guard: "Please inform the lower city lord and say that I have left the customs and returned to the mansion, thank you!" Throwing out a king-level soul crystal casually, Yang Bo flew up and flew up in the night battle. Return to the mansion under protection.

"Master! You are back! You want to die for us, you don't know, our house is deserted during your absence. General Weitong has no time to come and accompany the princess due to his busy military affairs."

Qiu Ju, who was on duty at the door to greet Zhao Feng, said with a depressed expression of joy.

"Qiu Ju, my master ordered you to go to the barracks quickly. This is a token. You know! Ha ha ha!" Yang Bo took out the special envoy token and handed it to Qiu Ju, jokingly.

After receiving the token, Qiu Ju's beautiful eyes flashed with tears and gratefully said: "Thank you, Master, for paying so much attention to Qiu Ju. The slave and maid will go to the barracks!"

"Brother! What can you do if you are looking for me in such a hurry?" Entering the gate of the mansion, the left and right guards bowed their hands and stood up with guns. Look serious and stick to his post.

"Brother, you come! I have major issues to discuss with you!" Yang Bo waved while standing in the lobby fifty meters away.

When Wei Tong heard of the big event, his shoulders moved slightly, and he flew up, standing in front of Yang Bo after a breath.

The two brothers entered the secret room.

"Big brother, these are two space rings, which I just refined. You and my sister-in-law have one. These are customized for you. Look at the words above." Yang Bo smiled and looked at Big Brother Weitong with concern.

With his right hand trembling slightly, Weitong looked at his good brother Yang Bo in surprise, and embraced his shoulder with both hands and said with tears in excitement, "Thank you!"

Two short words! The sentiment contained therein is like a mountain like a sea.

"It should be!" Yang Bo also said with tears from Brother Xiong Hug.

Communication between men is as simple as that, brothers take it to heart.

After the two brothers were calm and sat facing each other, Yang Bo talked about the engagement of the two brothers.

After discussion, it was decided that the double marriage ceremony would be held in the special envoy's residence ten days later.

After discussing the matter without injury, he left his brother in the air and hurriedly returned to the military camp.

Yang Bo revised a book and commissioned Night War to inform several bigwigs of the good news.

After arranging the engagement, Yang Bo decided to practice the second astral brow star chakra in the secret room. He knew that he was too weak, and there was still a long way to go back to the human world to reunite with his relatives, and he did not dare to slacken off.

Point out a pile of king-level soul crystals piled around the futon, hold two of the soul crystals with both palms, close your eyes and concentrate, and the soul will release the soul consciousness, soul consciousness, and guide the abundant soul energy of the soul palace, condensing into a line, continuously Compressed, condensed, the thin soul line exuded a thick soul energy gloom, it was time, he did not dare to hesitate.

Guide this majestic spirit power to rush to the fate of the eyebrows, and begin to use spirit energy to construct a miniature space in the east corner of the fate of the palace. A sharp pain struck, and Yang Bo had his first experience, biting his lip and insisting on being sober on the spiritual platform. The powerful replenishment of the soul crystal makes the soul power of the soul palace's soul pool a continuous supply and consumption.

After the successful construction of the Meridian Space Wall, Yang Bo left a narrow channel that was hard to see with the naked eye, and continued to inject seven emotions. After five hours, the emotions condensed into black spots. He did not dare to neglect, and continued to guide the soul to engulf the seven emotions. Point aggregation.

In the constant collision and pain, the black spots of Qiqing condensed into a light lavender star wheel shape, flew into the middle of the space, spinning rapidly. The spirit power was continuously sucked into the star wheel, a burst of refreshing and joyful pleasure swept across the body, and a purple light finally spread across the space in the star wheel. The eyebrow star star wheel is finally achieved.

Yang Bo closed his eyes and retracted his soul thoughts and adjusted his breath. An hour later, he was full of energy, his soul eyes closed and he looked out, and the mansion was ten miles away. On his forehead, a faint diamond-shaped purple mark of the soul eye appeared quietly. There was a trace of mystery in Yang Boqing's thin face. The silver light in the pupils is more profound and melancholic. He was not sure whether the strength of his spirit power at this time would increase, so he decided to give it a try.

He got up and opened the secret room, a few steps to the front of an abandoned ruined temple outside the mansion, waved his palms, the soul gathered into a ten-meter sword, and pushed forward. The Soul Qi sword flew ten meters high in the air, and fell like a flying sword in the sky. The sword aura shook the space, the dust was flying, and the bird retreated in panic while screaming.


With a loud noise, the ruined temple was split open in the middle, and a dry waterway ten meters wide and five meters deep was plowed out by Jian Qi, which stretched ten feet to a stop.

"Damn! Double the power! Hahaha!"

Yang Bo flew up and fluttered in the air with a surprise smile and sighed.