Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 103: Default crisis


"It seems that the soul star wheel is infinitely useful?" Yang Bo secretly praised with a playful smile in his eyes.

There is still one day before the engagement ceremony of the two brothers.

Yang Bo and his eldest brother, the two brides, and the four newlyweds, Shen Qin, are in the sea of happiness when they are about to get engaged. Suddenly there was a burst of spring thunder, the sky was clouded with haze, and the spring rain came unexpectedly with blessings.

At this time, the mansion of Yang Bo's special envoy, the mansion of the city lord, the big account of Baihuying Weitong's deputy general, the inner courtyard of the Meihun clan. By the underworld, the main god council, the soul guard under the capital of the capital. The surrounding water is impenetrable.

The overwhelming black battle soul boats are densely covered in the sky, and the soul cannon is aimed at everyone in these places. Whoever dares to move, the soul cannon shells fly out and directly obliterate these forces.

Above the mansion of the special envoy, the Emperor Yu, the five Emperors of the Underworld, and the chairperson of the main council of the gods lined up in the air, sitting on the throne looming in the misty mist of the spring rain. With a serious expression, Zhao Feng looked up at them from the courtyard outside the hall of the special envoy mansion below.

"Yang Bo, you dare to cast a Horcrux privately in violation of the agreement, you are not brave!" Yudi asked with majesty.

"A few big guys! In the original oath, it was not forbidden to refine Horcruxes, sell or give to others, right? Which one do you sing in such a big battle today?" Yang Bo argued for reason.

"Cunning sophistry! Yang Bo, I came to this seat today to tell you that there is a price for breach of contract. You can't bear the consequences, so surrender your soul and become a puppet, concentrate on refining Horcruxes for us, yours Relatives and friends can also be spared from death. Otherwise?" Speaker of the Lord God Council Wei Chi coldly threatened.

The Five Great Emperors did not speak, silently watching Yang Bo pay attention to the development of the gaffe.

Yang Bo thought a little in his heart, "This matter is so strange, the two soul rings sold must be the problem. There are not many enemies to say, is it the Yecang Wolf power and the poisonous soul family? Yecang Wolf The forces have been designed by themselves to get out of the Soul Central City, and it is not realistic to counterattack in a short time. It seems that only the Poison Soul Race is doing the blame

He flew up, and said calmly in front of a few big guys: "Then let's finish the game together!"

After that, Yang Bo quickly mobilized the energy that could be mobilized in his body, and began to detonate the two star wheels of the soul image, the soul palace, and the soul.

A burst of heart-pounding soul power pressure quickly spread from him for hundreds of miles.

"Slow! Yang Bo! Listen to this emperor's words!" Central Ming Emperor Li Anxi persuades!

Yang Bo's move surprised everyone by surprise.

He slightly controlled the rhythm of the self-detonation. Looking at Mingdi Li Ang indifferently and waiting for the next.

A small elementary soul realm and underworld at the level of the 100,000 galaxy in Erxuantian is not even a fart to those big guys at the level of millions or tens of millions. The appearance of Yang Bo provided a material basis for several bigwigs to move to a higher level. Therefore, the Central Emperor Li An did not want the domain emperor and the speaker of the Purple Profound Soul Region to give up more interests for the sake of face. The advantages of stopping Yang Bo from blasting himself outweigh the disadvantages.

"Yang Bo, you can go to my underworld to develop. From now on, I will only cast Horcruxes for my underworld. As for protecting you, it's a piece of cake for the underworld." Underworld Emperor promised indifferently.

There were differences of opinion among the seven bigwigs.

Yu Di and the speaker frowned at the same time. Thinking about the pros and cons of this matter

While Emperor Ming was talking, Sun quickly passed on to the five Emperor Ming Emperors to quickly mobilize soldiers and horses, and the army came to the Purple Profound Soul Region.

The princes of the underworld who received the order directly took out Ling Fu Chuan to strengthen the underworld army.

The battle between the underworld and the Purple Profound Soul Realm and the main god council for the benefit of Horcrux is about to start.

With the suffocating silence and crisis, several scenes seemed desolate and desolate.

"Yang Bo! The emperor has to admire your courage and strategy. Regarding the mistake you committed in breach of contract this time, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living crime is inevitable. Horcrux, otherwise, because of you, hundreds of millions of people will be overwhelmed with their souls. This is the bottom line for this seat and the Speaker!" Yudi threatened with conditions. He is not stupid, and he will not fail to see the benefits that Yang Bo can bring. On the contrary, he will increase the weight and win the greatest benefits for himself.

It was really an old fox, Yang Bo said inwardly.

"Yes! But I have a request!" He looked at the big guys and said indifferently.

"Say!" Speaker Wei Chi Wushang dissatisfied.

"Everything remains the same, and the engagement ceremony will be held as usual! You big guys must join in, otherwise everything will be neglected!" Yang Bo in the rain stood proudly without fear at all, his black hair fluttered in the air, his brows, souls, and eyes gleaming. The purple light in his pupils shot five centimeters in front of his eyes, and he felt uncertain, as if a god descended into the world.

Facing Yang Bo at this time, everyone had a heart of admiration. The calm and fearlessness he showed in this asymmetrical contest made everyone present sigh that this is extraordinary.

The seven big men looked at Yang Bo's soul state, knowing that this son will accomplish extraordinary things in the future. Killing decisively, scheming over others, casting Horcrux skills to create their own. This is the basic quality of becoming a god. They adjusted their minds one after another, and faced this humble little fox squarely.

"Okay!" Yu Di finally expressed his stance!

One word determines the universe!

The soldiers and horses became the guard of honor to maintain the order of the wedding. As usual, the seven big men moved into the guest room under the arrangement of the lord of the soul and became the city lord, preparing to participate in the wedding ceremony of Yang Bo and the current Baihuying lord Weitong. .

At the invitation of a few big shots that night,

Yang Bo sat in the discussion hall of the guest room area of the City Lord's Mansion and talked cordially with several bigwigs.

This is the first time he has had an equal face-to-face communication with these super bosses at close range.

During the conversation, Zhao Feng raised a lot of questions about cultivation, and several bigwigs answered enthusiastically.

Benefits are not small. In the middle of the night, Yang Bo said goodbye to the heavyweights and went to his fiancée's boudoir to discuss the many matters of tomorrow's wedding.

Feng Ju Linshuang was so satisfied with her husband that she was able to marry such a man.

A couple embraced and talked about love.

"Husband, how did you arrange tomorrow's affairs?" Lin Shuang is now obedient to Zhao Feng.

"There are some big guys on this matter, my wife, please come and relax! Hahaha!" Yang Boshe replied with a smile.

"You laughed so treacherously, husband? Lin Shuang found out that you were deceived! You cunning little fox!" Lin Shuangjiao said.

"I said my dear wife, we're half a cat, and we're a fox, it's just right! Hahaha!" Yang Bo laughed after teasing.

"You're bad! That's so ugly! Ignore you! Humph!" Lin Shuang blushed and pushed Yang Bo away pretending to be angry.

Excuse me! Excuse me! Wife, I knew it was wrong! Forgive my speechlessness! Don't be angry, be good! Yang Bo once again held his fiancee and apologized gently.

"I want you to kneel down and confess your mistakes and swear! Otherwise, this lady won't get married!" Miss Diaoman commanded her instinctively.

"I was wrong! From now on, my wife, I will speak elegantly and politely!"

Yang Bo let go of Lin Shuang in his arms and knelt on his knees.

Looking at such a husband, Miss Fengju Linshuang directly petrified.

After five breaths, Meimu's tears turned to face Yang Bo, kneeling and crying: "Husband, Lin Shuang didn't expect that he is so important in your heart. The man has gold under his knees. Get up quickly. You won't be angry anymore!"

It is late at night.

The city’s main mansion is filled with festive firecrackers, and the south gate of the city’s soul center is a hundred miles away.

Yang Bo’s special envoy’s mansion is brightly lit tonight, with red happy characters on the gate, and red lanterns on the porch.

Thousands of miles away in the Poison Soul Valley to the west, the Gu Phantom Worship is on the stage. The ancestors have a body of one hundred meters, with their teeth and claws open.

The brass bell worm looked at the sky from a distance, expressing his dissatisfaction.

The oppressive feeling of soul aura exuded by the worm's body has crushed the backbone of the 100,000 Poison Soul tribesmen who were used for sacrifice. The backs of each of them were engraved with the word Zhao Feng, and they hardly supported the body with both feet on the ground so as not to fall down, breathing quickly, but was well covered by the sound of the night wind.

Only when a soul is dissected and made a sacrifice can one realize the preciousness of freedom.

Fear and helplessness are filled with the horrified eyes of the poisonous soul race who is about to be sacrificed.

The vast square of the Poison Soul Race is strange in the swaying soul wood torches. On a beautiful night, for the rise of the race, there will be a tragedy of 100,000 living souls being sacrificed.

Wearing black clothes, holding a bamboo stick with a black top inlaid with miniature statues of ancestors, the high priest of the poisonous soul tribe, under the old chicken skin-like skin, the face is densely wrinkled.

He reverently bowed down ten meters in front of the Gu phantom ancestor insect statue, 50 meters behind him, kneeled down with poisonous souls who were about to sacrifice their souls to the ancestor insects.

Raising the black soul bamboo stick densely covered with runes on the ancestor insect handle in his right hand, facing the statue of ancestor insect, he opened his mouth and chanted loudly: "

Gu, are you there? The eternal festival worships your once glory!

Fantasy, can it be real? The confusion of the soul, the survival of the poisonous soul clan!

Worms, remember the torn scars, the noble ancestors, revive the memorial to the rise of our nation! "

The bride Feng Ju Linshuang returned to her family's home. At this time, she was carefully dressed and blushed to welcome the happiest moment of her life. The groom Yang Bo was full of joy, waiting for Tianming to participate in the engagement ceremony with Mei Jiao Niang. .

An inexplicable tingling came, and the soul trembled. Facing the ecstasy energy of 100,000 poisonous souls being sacrificed, and the roar of ancestral worm rejuvenation, the groom Yang Bo instantly lost his look, got up and raised his legs and looked at the bedroom confusedly, following the guidance of the soul, floating around. Rising up, the electric shot flew towards the weird altar of the Poison Soul Gu Ancestor Worm.

not good!

Three cries of astonishment coincided with each other in the dark.

"Protect Yang Bo!" The masters sent by the underworld, the main god council, and the Zixuan imperial family, saw the groom Yang Bo flying out of the mansion in a weird figure, shooting towards the Poison Soul Valley Poison Soul Clan location, and flying in stealth to track and protect Away.

Although Ye Zhan didn't communicate much with Yang Bo, this brother could risk his death to give him a Space Horcrux. From that moment on, he had already recognized the life and death brother in his heart. His speed is faster than the other two masters. Surprisingly, today's speed has made the three people inadequate and slower.

The three invisible masters in the darkness raised their eyes sharply, offering their weapons, and speeding up the flight amidst tension. They know how bad Yang Bo is today? If something happens to Yang Bo, the ending will be quite terrible

Suddenly, a more violent throbbing spread to Yang Bo's Soul Sea, but it was more than twice as powerful as before, and he lost his reason. Soul Nian groaned and lost himself, and the desire to return to the ancestral worm altar at the Poison Soul Race Square had occupied Yang Bo's heart. Only through the desolation and wind in the wind... The black soul poison Gu phantom worm spreads in his soul sea. The pupils began to dim, and his face began to darken. The speed of flight was accelerated again by the towing.

In the face of this situation, the three masters who were tracking and protecting them thousands of feet away from behind, a sense of powerlessness surged in their hearts, and they took out the life-and-death tone of life and death that they finally contacted the big guys. During the high-speed chase flight, they dared not stop reporting the matter. .

The seven big bosses heard this, their faces pale. The soul thoughts exchanged briefly with each other, and immediately began the deployment of troops and horses, and countless war boats lifted into the sky from the Purple Profound Soul Realm, the Underworld, and the base of the Lord God Council, and smashed to the Poison Soul Clan.

Feng gathers Linshuang’s bride family, Weitong eldest brother and the housekeeper Zhang Lan’s sister-in-law’s family. After learning of this unfortunate news, the three masters of the three families rushed towards Poison Soul Valley with their anger, driving the family warship from their respective clan lands. .

In order to obtain the spatial Horcrux manufacturing method, the Poison Soul Race desperately invested in the cost of the survival of the race, using the Big Gu Phantom Insect technique, freely sacrifice 100,000 souls, exiled the soul of Yang Bo, and made it a puppet of the Poison Soul Race. Completely angered Yang Bo's relatives, friends and relationship forces.

After flying for one day in a row, Yang Bo was now weird and tireless in the spring breeze shooting towards Poison Soul Valley, which was getting closer and closer. An hour later, Chaoyang had already covered his figure and disappeared into the dark woods of Poison Soul Valley.

When Yang Bofei entered the altar and woke up in a daze, he looked around in horror. The entire dim Baizhang room was filled with bottles and cans on the wooden frame of souls tens of meters high. In this cellar 10,000 meters underground below the altar, the ancient gray wall is covered with mottled, various totems of terror poison are reflected in his eyes. What's wrong with me? Where is this? Yang Bo suspiciously.

"Wake up? Young Master Zhao?" Yang Bodao, the high priest awakened and thought full of joy of victory and gloating.

Lifting his eyes, lying on his back on the worm-shaped bed, Yang Bo looked at him in confusion. Unexpectedly, he didn't seem to be as nervous as he thought. His face was still free and easy, with black hair. The sharpness of the eyes is replaced by confusion.

On the ground square.

Looking at the vast Poison Soul Clan square in the depths of the Poison Soul Valley forest, Yang Bo’s relatives and friends were crying sadly. purple. The Poison Soul Clan was also listed as a blacklist to kill.

Find Yang Bo after digging three feet! With the order of the domain emperor.

The marshals of the army of the Purple Profound Soul Territory persuaded the crying relatives and friends of Yang Bo to exit the square.

Tens of thousands of warship soul cannons, all fired at once, swept across the square and the land like a billowing torrent.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Thousands of cannons exploded like the sky and the earth cracked.

A large circular scorched black soul cannon shell crater with a depth of one hundred meters and a width of one hundred miles, filled with dust and smoke, faintly reveals a dry artificial lake created by the shell.

The sound of artillery bombarded the vast square of the Poison Soul Clan in turn while Yang Bo's relations were concerned.

The poisonous soul group did not appear in the sight of everyone in the purple profound soul domain in the shelling like the soul domain evaporating.