Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 104: Fragment of the soul world


With frustration, everyone slowly exited the Poison Soul Race Square and returned to their respective areas of life.

Several gangsters left many sergeants, taking turns on duty, monitoring this terrifying dense forest where Yang Bo was taken abducted and mysteriously disappeared.

Feng Ju Linshuang took the maid to build a small tree house, and waited for her husband Yang Bo to return.

Every evening, eldest brother Wei Tong and sister-in-law Zhang Lan, as well as the father-in-law of the city lord’s mansion, come here to accompany the bride's heartbroken bee Ju Linshuang who has been washing her face with tears all day long.

Later, the sister-in-law and the eldest brother also built a tree house next to them. Except for military affairs, almost all the family were waiting for Yang Bo to appear in the Poison Soul Valley Forest.

Deep underground, in the Poison Soul Clan’s sacrificial palace, the high priest’s chicken skin-like wrinkled face was densely covered with vicissitudes, and a pair of vultures’ eyes flashed fiercely.

Before Yang Bo could reflect, he pressed the confused soul on the altar in the center of the cellar. The body that had been sitting up was held down by a pair of big dry hands and couldn't move. With the harsh syllables from the high priest's mouth, the dark cellar became more terrifying and gloomy. You can even feel the trembling of the soul wood bed in the shape of an ancestor. When Yang Bo was confused and wondered what the weird priest was going to do

The Gu Poison Magic Array appeared around him. This is a Nine Star Gu Poison Magic Array. Seeing Yang Bo closed his eyes, the high priest fell asleep peacefully. Quietly retreated to five meters away. He continued to spit out strange syllables, and the nine ancestral worm-like star eyes of the array spewed black poisonous smoke, continuously pouring into his five orifices. The nine star eyes circulated and passed the spitting black smoke, and they began to gather into a black three-pointed star, which hung one meter from his face, and the green star ray spewed black poisonous smoke downwards.

A faint purple glow flashed from the eyes of the true soul statue on the altar of the soul pool of Yang Bo's soul palace, and a malicious smile appeared on his true soul statue face. The poisonous smoke that entered his body was all sucked into the facial features of the statue. Si Hu is helping him wake up quickly.

At this moment, Yang Bo's soul thought was suddenly taken into a dark forest. Here is an unfamiliar and gloomy place with no end. The trees are black, the earth is black, and the sky is black. In the completely pure black world, there were waves of hoarse, harsh insect sounds from the forest not far away.

After ten breaths, a large swarm of countless green phantom insects,

Towards the place covered with dead leaves where Zhao Feng stood,

Swept over. As if to drown him in the worm wave of the soul world.

Just when the Gu illusion swarm flew into Zhao Feng for fifty meters, the horrified collective stopped its wings and agitated, looking at the thousand-meter real soul phantom behind Yang Bo. The insect swarm went forward and succeeded, but did not take a step forward. Instead, it continued to pile up. The insects gathered more and more and became denser. After ten breaths. An ancestor was formed, looking down at him and the true soul phantom thousands of meters behind him from a height of 10,000 meters.

I don't know why, this huge ancestor worm seems to have little influence on his soul. The soul coercion that the clan worm once was proud of was here, but was disturbed by the soul coercion released by Yang Bolong's bloodline soul like phantom. The coagulation speed of the ancestral insect soul pressure method has also become slow.

Everything around. However, it was corroded by the coercion of two powerful soul bodies to a very terrifying degree. The tall old black tree was bent down, and the old branches trembling made a violent salsa!

What is even more strange is that the continuous output of the soul coercion in the ancestor insect body is swallowed by the phantom of the thousand-meter dragon bloodline behind Yang Bo. The true soul and the soul image gradually began to consolidate from the virtual, while the ten thousand meters soul worm body condensed by the ancestor worm was shrinking.

The ancestor froze in his heart, knowing that it is hard to be good today.

Proudly threatened: "Bold, ignorant and stupid human souls dare to fight against the descendants of my supreme ancestor bloodline, and quickly grab them, otherwise, trillions of phantom insects will completely drown your soul and exile, degenerate forever, and be in pain and confusion. Reincarnation."

Yang Bo was still in confusion, raising his eyes dumbly. Under the guidance of the real soul, the soul like the soul, he silently responded to this naive fellow.

The ancestor worm's soul coercive source force is becoming more and more consumed, and the worm body is constantly shrinking, but the true soul and soul image of the Yang Bolong bloodline is constantly condensing, showing its true shape.

The bloodline descendant of the ancestor became flustered, "If this goes on, sooner or later will be swallowed up by the soul of this humble human soul. All the source of coercive force of the soul will be swallowed up. You can't escape, the soul of the true soul draws and locks itself, Can't run away, but the source of the pressure of the soul is constantly decreasing. The threat to this kid just now may be reversed and fulfilled on him." Thinking of this, this eight-year-old descendant of the ancestor Miaoen became scared and frightened. The body trembles slightly at night.

Yang Bolong's bloodline, true soul and soul, seemed to perceive this change in the opponent, and increased the devouring force.

The descendant of the ancestor, Miao En, was at a loss, his head began to grow dizzy, and the pressure of his soul continued to drain.

These feelings made him have to accept the harsh human-like words of reality eagerly and said: "I surrender, this great human gentleman of the descendant of the dragon race, please forgive my arrogance and recklessness, don't swallow it again! Uuuuuu!" The cry of tears came out.

A purple ray of light flew out from the altar of the soul palace soul pool in the Dantian place, and injected into the brain soul soul sea in Yang Bo's body.

In the confusion, Yang Bo's eyes disappeared, his pupils flashed with purple light, and a pair of soul eyes on his forehead opened, releasing the coercive light of silver soul, rushing out of his eyes for a meter. The natural pressure from the soul caused the children of the descendants of the ancestor insects to feel sore and weak, and the insects collapsed to the ground. Frightened to stop crying, looking at this god-like terrifying human in horror.

The soul returned to its place, the soul thought came out, and the true soul soul image of the Shenlong bloodline turned into a purple light, which escaped into the eyes of the statue of the soul pool of the soul palace of the sea soul valley.

This guy who had received the spiritual image was even more terrifying, crushing the ancestral children's nine worm limbs and breaking three of them, and the other six were also at risk.

"This great god! I am a kid and only eight years old. The Poisoned Soul Race is a branch of my Zerg race. They sacrificed a lot of souls to me and added a lot of soul power for my cultivation, so I helped them so that everyone could not see it. They, I’m afraid I’m going to lose my credit now. I guess they can’t be invisible anymore. Hey! I don’t want to break the trust of the people! It’s all you! Bullying the kids! Making me miss an appointment! Oh! Chang Zhan grumbled and cried Yang Bo.

Hearing the crying insects of a child, Yang Bo woke up in surprise and looked at the terrified little guy flickering: "Don't cry! Cry again! I have swallowed all your soul coercive power!"

The threat was useful, and the cry stopped. She shrank in fear and looked at this outrageous guy with powerful blood and soul.

"What's your name? What about your parents?" Yang Bo asked with a smile.

The descendants of the ancestors replied with a slightly frightened eye: "My name is Miaoen Changzhan. For my survival, my parents have already given me all the phantom insects and zerg brothers in the soul world, and they are also because of my growth. , Offended many zergs in the soul world. In the end, my parents were besieged by them and were seriously injured. At the end of the day, they passed all the source of soul pressure to me, asking me to come to this black forest to hide from my enemies, and they themselves were souls. born again fall into the cycle of the insects do. ooo, ooo! "the kids think their parents sad cry.

It turned out to be an orphan with a cup and a cup of life. Yang Bo walked up to him and touched his stump to comfort him: "Listen well, little guy. It's okay to ask the big brother to let you go, but?"

What's the big brother? The child Miao Eun Changzhan asked eagerly. He didn't want to die at the hands of this human being. He wanted to avenge the blood and blood of his parents.

"It's just that we bow. You recognize me as your big brother! From now on, your big brother will take revenge with you. Then, you will grow up with your big brother, and having your big brother covering you is better than you alone in the soul world, right?" Yang Bo is sincere. He smiled like trying to take care of him.

The scared and lonely little guy, with a simple mind, happily used the remaining six worm limbs to clamp Yang Bo's tiny soul body and placed it on his huge worm head like a mansion, crying in tears and cordially: "Big brother! From now on, you will be Miao En’s eldest brother, whoever wants to go with you, the younger brother will bring trillions of phantom bug brothers to destroy it!"

"Okay! My brother! Miaoen! You put your eldest brother down now! Let's discuss revenge! Then, our brothers will go to the starry sky outside to roam in the starry sky, you think?" Yang Bo lightly caress Miao En's injured part said seriously.

"Miaoen listens to Big Brother!" The insect head gently rubbed Yang Bo's abdomen like a reliance, and said kindly and coquettishly.

Hearing Miao En's introduction, he had two great enemies, one was the high priest Wanlu Tianhong of the Poison Gu clan in the Ten Thousand Poison Palace in the west of the Black Forest, and the other was the high priest Yinqi Changfeng from the Spirit Devouring Temple in the east. And the strength is extraordinary. Yang Bo is very unfamiliar with the cultivation level and realm of this soul world. But through the devouring ability of the true soul and the image, he has the confidence to join hands with his younger brother Miao En to kill the two.

"Brother, who do you want to revenge first?" Zhao Feng asked with a caring smile.

"Look for the insidious guy Wanlu Tianhong first. I saw him hurt my mother with my own eyes! Uuuuu!" Miao En said sadly.

"Brother, be good! A man must be strong, and grief must be turned into motivation. Now that you have injuries on your body, you should cultivate for a month before you start to grasp the bigger ones. I will also hurry up and try to get to the next level." Yang Bo encouraged.

"Yeah! I listen to Big Brother!" Miao En replied, sobbing.

The eyes of the creatures in the dark soul world are almost decorations.

Soul mind is their real line of sight to observe the world.

The soul eye on Yang Bo's forehead was different. When he opened his eyes, he looked at the infinite soul world, and it was very subtle and magical.

Out of the soul, it is even more detailed. He didn't stop, and while helping Miao En heal his injuries, he began to practice the third astral star chakra, the star chakra at his throat. The spirit energy here is purer than the outside world, which is of great help to cultivation. Yang Bo casually found a big branch of an old tree, sat cross-legged, and looked down at the younger brother who was cultivating, nodding and smiling. Close your eyes with confidence, and start practicing.

With the experience of the first two times, Yang Bo was very careful to draw soul qi into the throat qi acupuncture point, the small ball wrapped in soul qi slowly entered, and then gently controlled the rhythm to release the soul qi of the inner ball to the outside. The two inner and outer soul auras are guided and controlled by the soul to form a wall of soul aura. In the empty space of the inner sphere, Zhao Feng continuously injects the emotions of seven emotions and six desires. At first, there are black spots, one, two, until the black spots of seven emotions hang in the space and form seven stars.状array.

Under the guidance of the soul mind, the seven stars began to converge. After a long time, a light purple star wheel hung in the air and continued to rotate at high speed until it turned into a phantom and solidified. The last purple star wheel regularly released purple light to illuminate the space, orderly Working. Achievement of the Stars and Apparitions.

After experiencing some painful soul-stabbing, Yang Bo finally returned to reality in a refreshing comfort. Soul Nian satisfactorily watched the orderly rotation of the purple light of the three-dimensional space star wheel in the soul. Withdraw his soul and mind, close his eyes and adjust his breath to recover.

After an hour, his body was full of spirit energy, and he sat cross-legged somewhat tired and naturally went to sleep. Breathing naturally absorbs the spirit energy of this advanced soul world. This feeling made him feel refreshed, and the Soul Soul Sea Soul Core appeared in Yang Bo's Soul Mind for the first time. It is a heart-shaped blue pill. Exudes a faint light of soul pressure. Moisturize the whole body. This kind of hearty pleasure from the soul makes him very curious about the soul here? Is this something that has never happened before

Opening his eyes, Miao En, the younger brother of the descendant of the ancestor worm, was sitting on the worm body and was cultivating.

As if she felt her elder brother awakening, Miao En opened her eyes and watched not far from practicing and reaping her gong, and her eyes were full of questions

"Brother, you seem to have a lot of questions looking for answers, don't you?" Miao En asked Yang Bo curiously.

"Well! How can my soul and spirit here make me so comfortable and happy? Do you know brother?" Yang Bo asked curiously.

"Big brother, the soul world is divided into four levels according to hierarchy, human, immortal, god, and holy. He exists in the spiritual world, but it is higher than the spiritual world. Only by level-by-level breakthroughs can we find more in the spiritual world. The entrance to the high-level soul world, our place is a fragment of a soul world abandoned by the holy world.

It belongs to the high-level soul world that is higher than the god level and lower than the holy level. If it wasn’t that I was tempted by the poisonous soul clan with the soul aura of one hundred thousand souls, and I would not bring you here, my brother, I was facing a breakthrough to a sub-sage soul, and I needed to merge with the external soul aura to understand the law, and myself It is impossible to get out. Sacrifice and sacrifice have become the only medium through which we communicate with the outside world.

The soul here is pure, and the soul realm where the elder brother is actually belongs to the sub-xian realm soul world which is higher than the human realm and lower than the immortal realm. The underworld also belongs to the soul world of the subxian world. Brother, I have completed the casting and cultivation of the three souls and seven souls. And eldest brother, you are only three souls and three souls, and when it comes to three souls and four souls, the pain comes. I remember when I was practicing under the supervision of my parents, it was painful to live. If it weren't for the encouragement of my parents, my brother would have given up long ago. "Miao En roughly introduced.

"Oh? Brother! How can I take you out?" Yang Bo said nervously. He didn't want to stay here forever.

"This is simple, you think of me in your heart, and I think of you. After we communicate with each other, we can go wherever we want. However, the current cultivation base of our brothers can only be mixed in the soul realm of Yaxian. First of all, the places we have been to cannot be random. The soul space storm will bring us to horrible places that we don’t know. If we want to freely go in and out here and set up a soul monument in the outside world, we can Free entry and exit at the soul monument." Miao En replied.