Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 115: Rebuild the golden core to cross the catastrophe and transform the dragon


After sensing the thunder robbery of the Jin Dan stage, Yang Bo flew alone into the wilderness beside the ruined temple outside the martial arts and began to cross the robbery.

With the coercive force of destroying the will of the cultivator, the black Jieyun rushed down from the depths of the sky, hovering a hundred meters low in the sky, releasing the electric snake, dancing wildly, and rushing out of the Jieyun. Ten meters above Yang Bo's head, he retracted and bounced into the cloud of robbery, so back and forth, just seeing this scene, the normal monk who crossed the robbery would be frightened and frightened. Cause mood swings.

The pressure broke his hair band, gusts of wind whistling, black hair flying in the wind, soul eyes opened, divine mind gathers energy to protect the body, five different energy qi, converge into a blue source force cover to firm the body pack. The circulation of blue light released a faint blue glow, and demonstrated towards Lei Jie.

Yang Bo wondered? Ordinarily, the foundation should be overcome. There is no induction. The thunder tribulation is not sensed until the Golden Core period, and the time is only half an hour before and after the preparation time, isn't it? God want to kill brother

Click! Boom! Thunder and lightning!


The nine thunder tribulations gathered into a hundred-meter thunder beam and blasted their heads with a loud noise.

All the surrounding animals and plants can escape if they can escape, and if they can hide, they can hide. Frightened by the will of this heavenly way, he was out of his mind.

After the nine thunder tribulations, in the ten-meter deep thunder tribulation pit, Yang Bo's colorful dragon blood shield was shattered, and his body was covered with blood lying in the lightning-dense, arc rushing to release the thunder pool water of terrifying voltage.

The Thunder Spirit Eye of Yintang Palace of Life flew out of Yang Bo's forehead, hovering one meter above his forehead, releasing a silver-colored thumb-sized vortex, devouring the water in the thunder pond violently.

After the nine thunder tribulations, the tribulation cloud wandered a few times in the sky, slowly dissipating between the world and the earth.

The summer sun was finally able to shine on the body of Yang Bolong who turned into a colorful dragon after Lei Tribulation.

Uh! Uh! Long Yin Xiaotian, ten thousand beasts surrender!

In this way, the change caused Yang Bo's disciples and Black Saturn's monks who watched him to cross the calamity from a distance, so scared that they knelt down and bowed in fear. The two dogs are ecstatic in the center of fear: "What a big brother is too good, he is actually the body of a dragon. From now on, my two dogs can walk sideways on this black Saturn, hahaha!"

Seeing the one-meter whirlpool above his head absorbing the water from the thunder pond, Yang Bo ignored the astonishment of the crowd. He dared not hesitate to lie on his back and close his eyes, guiding his knowledge of the sea dragon column, the true flames of the soul, the power of the blood of the colorful dragon, and the water source of the kidneys. The power of the power, the power of the seven-star array plate, the power of the Dantian Jindan, the power of the eel emperor source power, the use of the seven-star space ring formation technique to re-open the casting thunder palace in the palace of life, with the power of the seven stars Introduced into the body, after three days of building the inner and outer arrays and the meridian wall, Yang Bo's spiritual mind guided the four-in-one eel Huangyuan force to wrap the water in the thunder pond, a trace of the thunder palace space where the spleen stopped. Soon Lei Gong space was filled with Lei Pond water. Divine consciousness injects the source force to guide the internal control space Thunder Pond to build the Thunder Palace Soul Elephant.

Yang Bo, accompanied by the pain, guarded the obsession that must become stronger in his heart. The colorful eel's imperial source energy gathered into a cone and carefully carved the skeleton of the soul image. The skeleton formed, and the water from the thunder pool in the Thunder Palace space quickly merged into the soul image, creating only one. With a finger, he looked at the water in the thunder pond with a depth of five meters, he increased his strength, and directly transferred the spirit elephant skeleton in the thunder palace from his mouth, and placed it on his hand to absorb the water in the thunder pond. The eyes of Lei Ling swallowed up a whole half, and after three rotations of Yang Bo's forehead, it turned into a colorful holy light that escaped into the palace of forehead to refine and swallow the clean water in the thunder pond. Then the power of thunder and lightning outside the body was also swallowed by the thunder soul magic phase, turning into a silver light like the eyes of thunder spirit, rushing into the Yang Bo Ming Palace quietly refining the power of the thunder source of Heaven's Punishment.

The Thunder Soul skeleton formed on Yang Bo's forehead was like a hungry wolf, and the entire skeleton released hundreds of slender swallowing vortices smaller than the eye of a needle, frantically sweeping the five-meter-deep thunder pond water in the palace.

After an hour, the thunder palace magic elephant with the size of a small needle finally took shape, releasing a dazzling silver light and rushing out of the ten-meter-wide and ten-meter-deep thunder pit, shining into the air. Then, he quickly retracted back into his body, and the Lei Gong Faxiang began to condense and condense. A pair of thunder eyes opened, and the one-meter deep thunder pond remaining in the thunder pond was purifying the water, flying towards the eyes of Lei Gong’s Faxiang, and when the sky was raised, the thunder palace released a ten-meter silver beam of silver light on the forehead and shot towards the sky. When the last drop of water in the thunder pond was swallowed by the thunder palace’s silver body technique, the colorful canopy umbrella flew out of the sky vortex, and countless colorful runes fell from the rotating sky canopy, making them along the thunder palace’s magic elephant. The ten-meter silver awn channel fell towards Yang Bo's body.

When the colorful runes touched the colorful dragon body of Yang Bo flying in the sky, they bloomed a lot of colorful radiant lotus, which instantly turned into colorful rays of light and escaped into Yang Bo's body. He didn't understand all of this in the sun, so he just waited to ask the seniors what was going on in the future? The ignorant is fearless, and Yang Bo eats as much as he can. Ten minutes after the Huagai Colorful Luo Umbrella released the colorful lotus into Yang Bo's body, it turned into a "Fu" and the colorful divine light flew down his forehead silently. At the same time, there was a sound of magic conch in the sky vortex, and the mysterious syllables representing the will of heaven rushed into Yang Bo’s auditory nerve. After ten breaths, the conch fell from the sky into a weird map of yellow gods and fell into his sea of consciousness. Silence. The soul elephant shrank back after releasing the silver light beam for three breaths. The sky vortex disappeared, and clouds quickly covered the sky hole. The sun, blue sky, and white clouds returned to normal.

Lei Gong Fa, as if he was still a little underfed, fell on Yang Bo's palm and throbbed three times before turning into a silver light into his forehead, standing proudly on the central soul platform of Lei Pond in the Lei Palace space, with his hands hanging on his shoulders, raising his eyes and shooting out. The silver light looks at the top of Lei Palace. His eyes are deep, he seems to be thinking, he seems to be puzzled and he seems to be...

In the distance, Yang Bo's disciples and relatives were obstructed by the seven fairy-like deputy suzerain "lady bosses", and no one rushed forward to find out. Until the weird light and heavenly vision released from the suzerain Yang Bo returned to the human race, his seven beautiful fiancées and the three beautiful sisters who had been worshipped moved almost at the same time, teleporting to the bottom of the pit, carrying the light together. Husband and eldest brother in the ass fluttered and shot back to the secret room dedicated to Yang Bo to heal his injuries. But Yang Bo didn't feel any pain at all. Later, Fang Lingmei, who had gone through the powerful cultivation of the late Emperor Xiandi, used her spiritual sense to probe, and it was all right, but she and her sisters were worried that they were causing trouble in their hearts.

"The canopy falls from the sky to the lotus, and the snails ring freely to present the music score?" Yang Bo muttered to himself strangely, closing his eyes and condensing his eyebrows.

Yang Bo’s three beautiful sisters who had bowed their faces exited the door of the secret room while blushing and waiting for the seven fairy sisters-in-law to bathe and change their eldest brother. The seven fiancées, Mei Jiao Niang, led by the eldest sister Sima Yunyan, after bathing and changing the clothes for her husband who closed her eyes and thought. , Sitting in the secret room together around the husband who was in epiphany, and listened to him chanting these words by appointment.

The demon emperor Fang Lingmei, after all, came from the blood of the celestial fox and beasts, and he had also heard of this kind of miracle of the heavenly path.

She couldn't help but discuss with the sisters.

Yang Bo, who is in the process of comprehension, feels that he has touched the core of the problem, but is it always bad.

The last thing a cultivator lacks is time. Yang Bo didn't give up his feelings because of impatience. Instead, he kept thinking about the answer during these three days.

The ladies are also helping him find the true meaning of the gift of heaven.

The sect of things naturally fell on the elder of the new palace, the fat man. The tired fat man had all his feet upside down, and he couldn't stop. Only now did he know that the boss's seven beautiful wives were not waiting. He was able to handle so many tedious things in an orderly manner, which made him sincerely admire the seven fairies. It's just that the boss has successfully recovered the human body after completing the Golden Core Tribulation and Transforming the Dragon for three days. For the future of the sect, he resolutely came to the head secret room.

The sound of Fatty's footsteps interrupted Yang Bo's epiphany. After regretting, it could only be attributed to providence.

"Big brother and sister-in-law, shouldn't you manage the martial arts, my little brother can't stand it anymore! Please! Please!" Before Yang Bo and his wife spoke, Fatty Ergou complained like a gun.

"Fatty man, do you want to try bloodletting too?" Sister-in-law Sima Yunyan stood up, rolled up her sleeves and smiled wickedly, looking at Ergou's eyes with a sharp threat.

"Sister-in-law, I can't provoke you, elder brother, take care! Brother, I'm leaving!" Fatty Ergou said goodbye in awe. Parting, I didn't forget to tell my elder brother Yang Bo to cherish himself.

After Fatty Ergou finished speaking, his feet were like turning on a hot wheel and rushing to the entrance of the cave, returning to the Zongmen Seven Stars Hall, panting and dealing with sect affairs.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Inside the secret room, a burst of sweet laughter echoed in the secret room.

Yang Bo always felt murderous in this laughter, sitting cross-legged, watching his nose and mind. The old monk entered the final state.

"Husband! Hahaha! Your brother Ergou is so funny, why don't you laugh? Haha! This fat man is really interesting!" The eldest sister Sima Yunyan ridiculed first.

Yang Bo was silent, afraid of organs. Respond silently, so as not to be in trouble.

"Okay, husband, we sisters are happy to forgive you today, but are you not allowed to bother to know in the future?" As the head of the harem, the eldest sister issued an authoritative **** command.

"Really! Thank you, wives, darlings, come to hug your husband! Good!" Yang Bo heard the liberation's **** words, bounced up, hugged seven peerless wives, and kissed him. This, kiss that.

"Hahaha! Good! Thank you for your magnanimity! Thank you!" After Yang Bo laughed three times, he let go of his beloved wives, and with tears in his eyes he watched the beautiful wife kneeling on her knees, clasping her hands and bowing her hands. .

Seeing such a big battle, the few women knew that everyone here had the same position in his heart, dispelling the worries about the three beauties that her husband would worship. At the same time, it also implicitly warned the wives not to bully the three sisters who were worshipping.

The sisters really knew her husband Yang Bo too well.

The eldest sister Sima Yun said with gentleness and dignity: "Don't worry, husband, you won't cause trouble to you, look at you, you are still so grown up like a child, get up. From now on, our husband and wife will live together harmoniously and live a good life. But. We have to make a rule, do sisters agree?"

"Agree!" The eldest sister said, the sisters replied in unison.

"Why don't you ask my opinion? Wife? Baby?" Yang Bo asked brazenly.

Your opinion can be ignored! The eldest sister Yunyan replied with fierce light flashing in her domineering eyes.

"Threat, naked threat! I want to appeal!" Yang Bo said unwillingly.

The appeal is rejected! Maintain the original proposal! Yun Yan took the lead and said together.

Forehead? you? Why!

Ha ha ha!

"My husband, I think so. From Monday to Friday, our five sisters will take turns to talk to you. On Saturday and Sunday, you will reflect on your family behavior for a week, and then write a book of sin and give it to me. In addition, singing and performances are essential. , If you are not in place, or perform poorly, then our sisters will be disqualified from talking with you, do you understand?" Yunyan's last sentence was like a big sister's tone.

"So domineering?" Yang Bo knelt down in horror and said secretly.

Answer quickly! Do you agree or disagree? husband? The eldest sister Sima Yunyan deliberately stretched the ending sound of the public word and asked.

"I agree! Phew!" Yang Bo hurriedly raised his hand in response. Then exhale a sulky breath. Secretly said: "This law is too powerful? You must be careful in the future."

"Alright! Husband, go up, there are still many things in the school that we need to deal with."

Sima Yunyan took the harem sisters and the three newly recognized beauties, and the top ten beauties dragged Yang Bo to the throne of the sovereign in the main hall of the sect hall.

The natural vision, the golden core transforming the dragon, alarmed the late golden core powerhouses hidden everywhere in the Black Saturn continent. All the black Saturn golden core monks believed that the eel emperor's seven-star sect lord Yang Bodu had gained a great treasure from the disaster, and they all packed their clothes towards the eel emperor's seven stars. Zongshanmen came to find out

Within three days, the entire Araki City was overcrowded. The Golden Core monks were like dogs and walked all over the ground. This frightened the two great forces of the local Zhang family and the Chen family. They have strengthened the alert of their respective tribes and responded in advance. Unknown risks and crises.

Representatives of the four major families of Black Saturn, Zhang Shiyuan, Liu Wentong, Jiang Mingyuan, and Zeng Qianhe. Bring your companion and fly towards the Eel Emperor's Seven Star Zongshan Gate.

Report! Head, representatives of the four major families, please see the head!


"Hahaha! Good for Sect Master Yang! Today, the patriarchs of my four major families visited in person, and I hope Sect Master Yang Haihan is harassed!" Zhang Shiyuan in the late Jindan period led the three patriarchs and greeted with a good smile.

Yang Bo politely walked off the throne and came to the entrance of the hall to greet him and said: "Several patriarchs are coming here. I cannot ask Yang Bo for it. Please come inside and have tea!"

The host and guest sit down and toast tea to each other!

Zhang Shiyuan directly stood with a murderous look at Yang Bo, who was delicate and lazy, opened the door and Jianshan said: "Sect Master Yang, I will wait to hear that you have obtained a great treasure from the catastrophe. I wonder if you can give me a detailed explanation?"

Yang Bo returned to the seat of the lord and answered indifferently: "I'm afraid I will disappoint the lord. This sect hasn't got any important treasures at all. I think the patriarchs might have misunderstood it?"

"Oh? No? Since the history of Black Saturn, it is probably only Sect Master Yang who can pierce through the sky, transform the dragon into a golden pill, and receive a gift from Heaven? Don’t you want to share it with me?” Zhang Shiyuan threatened it. The meaning is more concentrated.

Yang Bo said uncomfortably: "It seems that we have a deep misunderstanding, and I don't need to explain it anymore. You have to deal with important matters at the door today, and see off the guests!"

"Sect Master Yang, you have to weigh it carefully, and weigh the kindness of your rejection of my waiting today, which is equivalent to being an enemy of the four major families, but you must measure it clearly? I will wait again tomorrow and say goodbye!" Yang Bo did not cut his sleeves and said goodbye uncomfortably.

It's just that he didn't know that Yang Bo and the seven superpowerful wives of the late Immortal Emperor were listening to their conversations in the back hall. The corners of each beautiful mouth pulled out a hint of uncut and smirk.

Zhang Shiyuan arrogantly took the patriarch of the four black Saturn families and flew away from the Eel Emperor's Seven Star Zongshan Gate.

A battle of greed that is irresponsible, planting an uncontrollable bane for the four big families