Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 121: Cast a half-step space soul bridge


Half a month later, Yang Bo and his party returned to the Soul Peak Palace to find relatives and friends to explain the facts, and after they got their understanding. Unleash the power of relatives and friends in the Soul World of Soul Palace to seek medical advice and medicine to cure the remnant soul body of this tragic and sleeping divine fox beauty.

Fengju Linshuang asked her son Yang Ling to find out the real cause of the matter, and brought her seven sons to her husband Yang Bo, holding his right arm, softly biting his lip, and said bravely: "Husband, or else you will decide next. Right? Although Lin Shuang is a bit reluctant, but I don't want to see you frown all day long. As for the other sisters of Black Saturn outside the sun, let Lin Shuang explain to you. What do you think?"

"Don't mention this. You will know when you see your sisters in the future. Please rescue Yunlan first, and will discuss other things later, baby!" Yang Boning looked at Lin Shuang and the child with his brows sideways. Our expectant eyes said painfully.

The experienced Poison Soul Clan high priest saw that his master was so haggard, and ordered a letter from the Clan.

Yang Bo accepted the family slave who thanked him for firing the letter from the poisoned soul clan.

Open the envelope and take out the soul letter, Soul Nian read it.

"Heart disease is cured by heart medicine. Master, the princess is such a rare condition. Only the master's daily calling can make her awake." Yang Bo called out the soul fire after reading the letter and quickly burned the letter. The entangled emotions led the family to the Soul Peak Palace Soul Ice Hall.

The black soul ice hall was chilly, and Yang Bo cared about retiring the seven spirit bead sons. Call her name with his fiancée Lin Shuang. Looking anxiously at the beautiful fox fairy princess who was sleeping on the ice platform with her eyes closed and awakened.

Day after day, month after month.

Calling for an hour every evening has become Yang Bo's habit.

Everyone was praying for the poor princess to wake up.

During these three months, Yang Bo's soul cultivation practice did not stop for a moment. He knows that there are many people and too many things waiting for him in the outside world.

During the cultivation, his three souls and spirits became more condensed and condensed, faintly appearing in the shape of black crystals. And the strange Dragon Pillar True Soul Technique fell into a deep sleep like Yunlan at this moment, and no matter how Yang Bo's Soul Summoning summoned him, he didn't respond. Had to give up.

After exploring the soul, the crystal-like three souls and three breaks were basically complete, and did not dare to pause at all, and cultivated the fourth soul star wheel. The soul starts, gathers the three souls and three souls, and uses the space ring technology to build a palace of souls. In the pain, countless souls almost collapsed. Zhao Feng's hands and lips were all made unsightly by self-mutilation in order to keep the spirit platform sober. He finally knew why Miao En said that the fourth soul was the beginning of the pain. Thinking of his feud and the relatives who need to be guarded, he stubbornly gritted his teeth and hardened his blood. The black soul light flashed on and off on him, making the Baizhang secret room where the Lord of the Soul Peak Palace Yang Bo was cultivating gloomy and terrifying.

A delicate face twisted in pain continues to construct the fourth heart palace. The inner and outer meridian walls, the inner and outer seven-star formations, took him a full month, and he completed it in a state where he couldn't survive. It was too painful, Yang Bo stopped and led his soul power back to his place, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath to repair the internal body damage.

Day and night, Yang Bo recovered from the painful and struggling practice.

In the middle of the fear, he still gritted his teeth and continued to guide the three souls and three souls with his soul thoughts, piercing a tiny channel, and the seven emotions were continuously perfused into the heart and soul palace space. As the seven emotions continued to accumulate, five days later, seven black The emotions of the light spots gathered in the center of the heart and soul palace, spinning at high speed.

Ten days later, the star wheel of the seven emotions gathered together and formed, and the orderly circulation of the suspended air chakra released bursts of black light scanning the inner space. The fourth soul star wheel is finally achieved. He was sweating and relieved, his soul thought withdrew, guiding the soul source power back to its place. Closing his eyes and condensing his breath, he adjusted his breath cautiously.

At the same time, the four souls are in a vertical line, and the upper and lower soul palace star wheels are autonomously connected from the top of the head to the soul star wheels, shining with black soul light, constantly circulating, communicating and merging, providing strong support for the master.

An hour later, Yang Bo opened his eyes and got up and went to the 10,000-meter open area to the west of the Soul Peak Palace to test the effect of the practice.

The connection of the three souls is activated, and the four souls communicate and gather.

The guidance of the spirit thoughts converged into a source of power, forming a three-foot black soul energy flaming silver killing soul sword with a black glow in the right hand.

Raised and flicked out.

Putting his mouth away, lazily and coldly staring at the west side, roared: "The fourth style of the sword technique of the eel god and blood lotus: Qianjianfeng laughs at the setting sun!"

Thousands of Lingli's swords of soul fire and shadows shot out from the soul sword pointed by Yang Bo Jianfeng, and rushed to the ground far and wide.

Boom boom! The earth-shaking explosion sounded from the dark ground ahead.

The soul thought was released for careful investigation, and a huge pit of sword energy that was one hundred meters wide and one hundred meters deep appeared in the soul smoke with a billowing thick soul smoke.

"Not bad! Double the attack effect again! Ha ha ha!" Yang Bo smiled to himself with satisfaction.

The explosion shocked everyone in the Soul Peak Palace, and they walked out one after another, standing in the Soul Peak Palace square and ejected and took off towards the source of the huge noise.

Husband! Dad! Brother! Owner!

A noisy and worried call came from the direction of the Soul Peak Palace. A large group of dark shadows flew over.

The soul was empty in the fragments of the soul world, and in the dim night, only the Yizheng who Yang Bo's relatives and friends heard, fluttering and rubbing in the wind, very light and faint, salsa.

The abrupt soul cloud in the northern sky rolled violently, and a sharp gravitational force swept down. A dark green light beam in the dark cloud at the source of the gloomy gravitation radiated into the enclosed soul world through the gradually expanding vortex in the depths of the sky. Zhao Feng and all of your relatives and friends, accompanied by the terrifying space crack wind, ooh! Huhu! Let the entire Soul Peak Palace shake.

Ten breaths later, in the horrified eyes of all Yang Bo's relatives and friends, boom! Boom! There was a violent explosion.

The roof of the sturdy granite building of the Soul Peak Palace roared towards the sky vortex, but when it approached, it was torn into rubble by the wind rushing out of the vortex and flew into the vortex at the speed of light.

Relatives and friends flew off the ground and stood in the air, holding hands against the gravitational force of the sky vortex.

The people in the soul fragment world at this time seemed to fall into the Nine Nether Demon Realm.

"Seven Stars Lianzhu! Protect relatives and friends!" Yang Lingfei roared from above. Between the three breaths, it turned into a spirit orb and together with the spirit orbs of the other six brothers, the seven stars were in the sky. Released a strong brilliance, forming a silver beam, lasing towards the sky in a vortex of dark green light shining.

Two powerful beams collided at high altitude, booming! The explosion shook the world.

Two beams of light confronted each other in deep space, the gravitational force of the sky became stronger and stronger, and the cracks continued to expand. From a distance, the size of the eye of a needle, but it was already the size of a basin in a short time. The violent gravitational force released from the ground uprooted the thousand-year soul tree on the ground. Started, dragged into the whirlpool and shredded. Fall into the cracks of time and space in the wind, drifting with the wind.

Yang Bo flew up, and shouted in the middle of the phantom orbs of the seven sons:

"Build a half-step soul bridge!"

"It's Dad!" The eldest brother of the Seven Spirits, Yang Ling, said with the most dazzling silver light orb.

Under the guidance of the main soul boy Yang Soul Nian, the Seven Star Spirit Orb slowly moved 10,000 meters horizontally, and Yang Bo deceived him and flew with him. Looking back at the younger brother Miao En who was guarding Lin Shuang, the stone in his heart ejected and rushed towards the center of the Seven-Star Spirit Orb.

Inspired by the soul, the soul elephant woke up unexpectedly at this time, the soul-body physical phase flew out of the body, releasing a brilliant golden light to illuminate the dim space, dare not to slack off, Yang Bo continued to guide the soul to call out the three souls and four powers, condensed into three The ruler kills the black soul lightsaber.

With his right hand waved, a thousand swords of black soul light poured into the soul body fascinating a hundred meters away. The seven-star silver light constantly swallowed the dark space particles of the dark soul world. After ten breaths, the most dazzling spiritual orb transformed by the chief soul orb spirit boy Yang Ling.

The silver and black two-color brilliant soul glow was released to illuminate the world of thousands of meters, and rushed to Yang Bo. After ten breaths, the two-color soul glow fell into Yang Bo's body.

"Big Brother! Hurry up and merge with the True Soul Method and build a half-step soul bridge! Hurry up! We can't hold on!" Miao En yelled and reminded his eldest brother Yang Bo! The true body of Wanzhang Poison Gu ancestor Miaoen and the three-headed demon spider Yang Siguo's Qianzhangzhang body have cracked under the gravity of the sky vortex, sending out, KAKAKA! The tearing sound.

The dark green light of the two shields gradually began to dim. Once the shield is broken, all relatives and friends protected will be pulled into the cracks in the sky whirlpool and torn to pieces by the wind.

Yang Bo didn't dare to hesitate, and with the dark space particles overflowing from his inner body, he rushed towards the real soul.

Without any hindrance, Zhao Feng's body merged with the True Soul Law, and the brilliant golden light released from the body of the Law Phase instantly radiated the four-square-foot space.

Yang Bo’s soul nian passed it to Lingzhu’s son Zhao Ling: “Son, the speed seven stars are bunched to shine on my face, dad builds the soul bridge,

quick! "

it is good! Yang Ling simply responded.

A magnificent and magnificent silver light that illuminates half of the soul world blasted towards Yang Bo from the chief spirit orb, the true soul of the world.

Half-step soul bridge!

A gold, silver and black three-color soul bridge across the soul star realm appeared out of thin air, releasing a peerless divine glow, scouring the sky vortex, the mighty energy, shielding the sky from light.

It turns out that we are Jiezhu! After reading the message from Yang Soulhai, he woke up.

Soul world!

Yang Ling roared wildly!

His Spirit Orb instantly released the unmatched Sub-God Silver Light, flying towards the vortex of dark green light in the sky.

When approaching the sky, the silver light beam rotates rapidly, and after ten breaths, the silver light vortex appears, and a more powerful swallowing force acts on the vortex and space crack at the place where it is released.

Waiting here for 100,000 years, Ming Hong Xianzun used the proud Xianzun magic weapon: Xuanyuan Po Kong Spear. It took a full fifty thousand years to get through the fragmented boundary wall of this masterless sub-holy soul world.

Unexpectedly, he activated the memory of the seven world beads, released a silver vortex, and swallowed himself. Shenbao Xuangui's heavy watermark, and his Space System technique in the space cracks, can hold his figure. Unexpectedly, when he was preparing to refine this incomplete world, he would encounter such a change.

His tall figure has been drawn into a noodle shape by the power of the silver light that has been swallowed. His middle-aged handsome white face is reddened into pig liver because of unwillingness and consumption, and a pair of charming star eyes flashes with deep viciousness. Light.

However, the power of Devouring is too strong, no matter how scheming he is, it is difficult to contend with the power of the half-step soul bridge and half the soul world.

Under such violent and terrifying energy swallowing, not to mention that Immortal Venerable is truly a god-man with a godhead, and it is in vain. He can only accept the fate of being swallowed by the combined power of the Seven-Star Realm Orb and the Soul Bridge.

"Ah! I'm unwilling! Millions of years of hard work! It's ruined! Help!" The general manager of the Tangtang Immortal Realm Sanxian Alliance, about to refining a realm, will be able to save the god-level thunder and ascend to the god realm.

This time the greed completely cheapened Yang Bo and his seven Jiezhu sons. The half-step Godhead that Xianzun has cultivated, the divinity of the body, and the god pattern. magic weapon. Complete change of ownership.

The demigod body of Ming Hong Xianzun who was swallowed into the bead vortex was instantly torn to pieces, and fell into Yang Bo and his seven sons. A sense of indescribable comfort and refreshment swept the whole body, every cell.

repair! Yang Bo shouted at his seven sons!

Yes! Dad! Yang Ling responded with a childish voice with her hair.

Yang Bo took his sons and used the power of the godhead of the Immortal Venerable plus the power of the soul bridge and the half-world of the soul world. One after another magnificent Soul Mountain rises from the ground and rushes towards the sky vortex black hole.

One day and one night later, the sky vortex was repaired, the gravitational force from the outside world disappeared completely, and the soul world returned to peace. Countless fragments were sent out sadly, Salsa! The sound fell down.

Inspired by the soul, Yang Bo took away the half-step soul bridge and the true soul physiognomy. The soul was suspended in the air, and shouted with the seven sons: "We have won! Hahahaha!"

We won! Oh oh oh! Hahaha!

Palace Lord! We won! Palace Master is invincible! Eel Emperor Yang Bo is invincible! Hahaha! The servants of Poison Soul Race Zhao Feng screamed and laughed wildly.

The whole soul world is cheering and celebrating the rebirth.

Looking up at the sky, Yang Bo was full of emotion...

The world of dark souls,

Dilapidated after the battle, the night wind gently caressed it, gradually calming it down.

Two hundred million soul peak palace people under the leadership of Zhao Feng, after three months of reconstruction, restored to the original state.

The fox fairy Tianxiang Yunlan closed her eyes tightly and still lay quietly asleep in the newly built Soul Ice Palace. No matter how you call, you can't make the beautiful lady open her eyes and smile. This situation made Yang Bo somewhat regretful.

In the fragmented space of the sub-sage soul world, Emperor Yang Bo, the lord of the soul peak palace, merged his soul body with the law. The soul protruding out, a bean attached to the surface of the kidney burial is a half-step soul bridge star bead, where it releases a faint silver light, forming a tiny silver spiral nest, which continuously attracts the power of the star core of the soul world to enter it and refine it. write.

The'Soul Bridge Star Core' is indeed a sub-saint-level soul space that goes through the holy treasure against the sky, it is indeed powerful. This powerful star source power actually freed me from the predicament in one fell swoop," Yang Bo said secretly with a look of excitement on his face.

In the second half of two hours, the soul bridge star core seems to have absorbed enough, and the power of the star core introduced into the soul world from the bottom up gradually disappeared, returning to calm. The large star core silver light of the soul bridge bean shrinks in the star core space. Silent digestion of the introduced star nucleus source power.