Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 126: Battle of the Eastern Soul Region


The battle of the East King of the Purple Profound Soul Territory consists of ten major battalions, and each major battalion is equipped with 200 million army combat soul cultivators. Three great wars, three great beasts, three great land soul repairs, and one poisonous attack camp. Yang Bo, the first few times the strategy of taking drugs as the first combat strategy was cracked by the Eastern King.

As a last resort, Yang Bo decided to use the space traversal function of the Soul Bridge to gather superior forces to make a quick battle and defeat each one.

Soul Bridge, go straight to the camp!

Yang Bo's eyes flashed blood red and commanded sharply.

The soul bridge shook the bridge body lightly, after three breaths. Extend the soul cloud above the poison attack camp.

"Zhanzhou battalion fired three shots in a row!"

Hearing the command of Emperor Yang Bo, the lord of the palace, the warship camp tens of thousands of war soul boats roared out of the soul cloud, revealing the majestic soul muzzle.

The gunners of the Zhanzhou Battalion quickly took their positions, and their souls spurred them.

Boom boom boom! Boom boom boom! Rumble!

Thousands of cannons were fired, exploding in the poisonous camp under the broad eastern warlord.

The ground shook and the mountains shook, with deafening cannons. The earth trembled, and all spirits fled in fear.

One after another huge soul cannon pits, soul smoke spread from the bottom of the pit to the ground. Soar into the air to cover the entire poison attack camp.

Battle beast camp! Attack!

After hearing the command of the palace owner Yang Bo, the spirits of all souls peak palace battle beast camp souls descended from the sky riding on various battle spirit beasts. The killing eyes breathed fire, and the ground was full of the remnants of the souls and limbs of the soldiers of the poison attack camp. Lifelessness permeated the entire poisonous attack camp.

Hearing the sound of all guns fired, the Eastern Warlord sat in the palace hall with a frustrated expression and said: "The poison attack camp is over!" Then. Sitting feebly on the coach's chair, looking at the direction of the poisonous attack as if exhausted.

Haggard after five breaths.

The Eastern War King Ye Junfeng stood up and commanded with a solemn expression: "Eastern battalions quickly gather the palace, don't disperse their forces!"

Yes! Lord! The messenger led the way.

Flying to the courtyard of the palace, drew out the signal bamboo tube, and pressed the mechanism, a red soul light rushed to the sky, releasing a brilliant red light and dissipating.

The remaining nine battalions of 1.8 billion troops, seeing the assembly order, quickly assembled towards the Eastern Palace under the leadership of their respective generals.

Yang Bo broke through the East Royal Mansion's poisonous attack camp with the tactics of attacking less and more.

After the remnants and materials were cleared up, countless bomb craters were left behind. All combat personnel quickly retreated, but Soul Bridge suspended the attack at any time.

At this moment, Yang Bo and the senior leaders of the halls of the Soul Peak Palace were standing on the Soul Bridge to hold an emergency combat meeting.

The news of the Eastern Palace is closed, and there is no intelligence summary and analysis. This is a test of strategy and courage for the Soul Peak Palace and all the soul cultivators participating in the battle

After deliberation, everyone unanimously decided to adopt the poisonous attack of the palace lord Yang Bo, chaos the enemy's position, and then use the soul cannon bombardment. Finally, the army of the Battle Beast Palace covered and killed from a high altitude. Rush to the end.

With the combat resolution, Yang Bo stood up and his eyes flashed sharply and commanded:

"Soul Bridge, over the Eastern Palace, the Poison Soul Clan arranged along the way to shield the Soul Mind Poison Mist and dispense the antidote! All ministries act in accordance with the battle sequence!"

The soul bridge shook the bridge body with excitement, concealing the bridge body, crossing the node from the soul cloud.

After ten breaths. The soul bridge stops and extends!


The high priest of the Poison Soul Race personally sits in tears to command the million new dead men of the Poison Soul Race, flying down into the sky, carrying the Poison Soul Cannonballs, and rushing towards the palace.

A million soul-body poison bombs quickly exploded at low altitude in the palace. The thick poisonous fog, under the pressure of the subsequent poisonous soul clan in the air, covered the space of the Xiangdong Palace like a poison curtain.

In this way, the energy and poisonous mist produced by the tragic and tragic explosion of a million soul bodies. The Dongwang jumped up from his seat and cursed his mother: "Yang Bo, what a shit! You bandit!"

Yang Boli body and soul bridge held the waist of his fiancee wife Feng Ju Linshuang, looked down below with a smile and ignored this irrational mad dog lord.

At this moment, the poisonous smoke carried the intoxicating fragrance, and the East King War Headquarters of the 1.8 billion army had just rushed into the air. Before the battle, it was poisoned to death and fell to the ground.

It's like rain, keep sending out, pop! Snapped! Snapped! The sound of the soul body landing!

Every time he heard it, Dong Wang's body did not twitch in fear. Faced with such a harsh extinction method, the Eastern King's men were all fearful.

An hour later. In the entire Eastern Palace, there are only ten battalion imperial generals and the Eastern King himself, as well as the eight elders with advanced cultivation in the Palace. With unwillingness and blood and tears, he issued a hatred look, and pierced the sky soul cloud. If the eyes can kill people

More than a dozen imperial monks blew themselves up, I am afraid that Yang Bo and the others will not be spared.

After weighing repeatedly, Yang Bo said solemnly: "Fire, ten bursts!"

The muzzles of the dark soul cannons of the Zhanzhou were all adjusted to the ground and more than a dozen people in the palace. With all the gunner's soul awakened.

Millions of soul cannonballs accurately bombarded these indomitable ones on the ground.

The heaven and the earth trembled, and the soul cloud rolled in fright.

An hour later.

In the soul smoke, a tiankeng, a large dry artificial lake faintly appeared.

The battle department of the East King of the Nine Tigers City suffered heavy losses, and there were ghosts and limbs everywhere.

As Yang Bo led hundreds of millions of troops on the eastern battlefield into the fierce warfare, at this moment, the sky above the Soul World Fragmentation Base Kunbo Palace is full of crises...

In the space cracks deep in the void, deep in the gloom, the wind howled. There was a fierce clamor and unparalleled fierceness. Except for the great cultivator of the Space System Immortal Venerable who could stop here, the other cultivators of all disciplines would be strangled and torn to pieces by the wind, even if the cultivation of the Immortal Venerable.

A huge, earth, wood, and water key-shaped divine treasure stands in the cracks and winds of the space outside the boundary wall of the soul world of the Soul Peak Palace. The floating black and silver space particles revolve around him, appearing magical, weird and terrifying.

Three horrible creatures with ten thousand feet in length, a giant emerald tree, a giant in yellow robe, a giant blue shark, a stalwart floating space, a crack in the wind, and three positions in the wind. The green, blue, and tri-color Supreme Immortal Mang rushed to the battleship's one-hundred-thousand-square-meter keyhole to converge. Then from the keyhole, a thousand zhang divine light was shot out and continuously washed away the boundary wall of the debris space of the holy soul world where Zhao Feng and others were located.

When Yang Bo was excited, he roared softly with the conviction of decisive victory.

A half-step soul bridge appeared out of thin air in the vast square of the soul peak palace, releasing the three colors of gold, silver and purple to shine in the night sky.

Two hundred million soul peak palace "bandits", fully armed, flying on foot, with high fighting spirit, marched in the queue in an orderly manner.

Target! : The South Gate of Nine Tigers City!

Upon receiving the master's order, the Half-Step Soul Bridge excitedly extended the bridge head to the distance of the sky, calmly and quickly across countless space nodes.

In less than a moment, a black phantom of the hazy half-step Soul Bridge across the sky stood in the dim soul cloud in the mid-air of the trembling Nine Tiger City South Gate.

Gather under the bridge!

Hearing the command of Palace Master Yang Bo, the generals flew down and lined up neatly, standing steadfastly on the Soul Cloud Battleship in the mid-air of the vast battlefield, waiting for the order to attack again.

All fall apart. The messenger of the Temple of Propaganda tells the barracks to prepare!

Yang Bo sensed that the battlefield space was violently shaken after the bombardment at this time, and ordered with majesty.

The scout and one hundred thousand soldiers of the Intelligence Hall nodded and led their orders. With firm eyes and serious expression, he flew up and threw himself up to the crowd of the Sifang barracks to convey the palace lord's order to disperse and retreat.

Nine Tigers into the South City: Ice Beast City, where the mansion of the Northeast Warlord King's Mansion is located, the three billion main military forces of the Northeast War Department of the Purple Profound Soul Region Dynasty are deployed here to prevent the raids of the "bandit" Yang Bo army. Three steps and one post, five steps and one sentry, stand ready.

Yang Bo waved his army north to take revenge, but he did not expect that outside the boundary wall of the Soul Peak Palace Base of Soul World, he was encountering the three immortal venerable lower realms sent by the Lord God Council to come here. The danger of the boundary wall being attacked has already appeared, but at this moment Yang Bo is preparing for the final decisive battle with the Eastern Warlord over the southern city.

"No! Bandit Yang Bo, leading 600 million bandits to Yunkong in Nancheng. The distance to go is too far, even if we arrive, I am afraid?" The female voice of Tianlai came from the mouth of the giant shark in Wanzhang's body, quiet and ethereal, only the wind whistling. In the cracked space of, the words of the sweet and beautiful voices were continuously whirled, echoing in the gloomy wind space outside the boundary of the soul world. It can be seen that its space repair is extremely powerful.

"Junior sister, what you are talking about is reasonable!" A giant in yellow robe replied indifferently with the big mouth of the house.

"Junior Brother and Junior Sister, if this is the case, we will increase our efforts to break the boundaries and destroy the nest of this group of "bandits"!" A terrifying and huge tall green tree with green eyes flashing sharply and decisively said.

Respect the decrees of brother!

The two responded in unison.

The three Supreme Immortal Venerables increased their energy output, and the Divine Treasure Key released a more brilliant divine glow, scouring the boundary wall of the soul world mightily. The Soul Peak Palace of Yang Bo, the base of the soul world, is at stake.

"Report! The Northeast War King's Department is heavily guarded, with three billion guards! Ten Great Battalions have three steps and one post!"

The scout knelt down to report.

Explore again!

Brother! Do you think the old method should be used

Brother Bo, do you still mean to put poison by the Poison Soul Race first


Well! Just follow the old way!

All the soldiers of the Soul Peak Palace listened to the order and attacked with poison as the first tactic!

After the reorganization, the Poison Soul Race has increased a lot of troops, and now there are 100 million Soul Poison Soul Cultivation under the command of the high priest.

After the millions of soul poisoners obey the order and write their suicide note, they will divide the 30 enemy camps!

The high priest preached the majesty to his men.

No crying, no sorrow, a touch of pain and farewell in my heart. After the dead men handed over their suicide notes to the master, the million dead men knelt down to bid farewell to the palace master. Then, he stood up and turned and performed his mission with blood-red eyes.

The remaining soldiers of the Kunbo Palace held tears in their eyes and stood upright with the Horcrux in their hands. Watching the back of his comrades, I silently prayed for the success of this battle.

Although this scene was expected, Yang Bo still tears down his face, and sadness flashes in the depths of his star eyes. Soul Nian gazed sadly at the subordinates who could not go back, but silently prayed for their peace in his heart.

The old venomous eyes of the high priest were already misty with tears. Shaking with grief, kneeling down on one knee, clasping his hands together, praying for the souls of these brave men to return to heaven.

Soul Peak Palace paid the price of a million poisonous soul dead men blew themselves up. Caused chaos in the military camp of the Northeast War Headquarters.

The war boat hidden in the soul cloud rushed out of the dark soul cloud and stretched out an angry muzzle. A million soul cannons fired together.

The mighty dense soul shells rushed to the Northeast War Camp with a terrifying whistling.

The earth is shaking, the earth blasts, the mountains and rivers are broken!

After ten rounds of shelling, the Battle Beast Palace. Hundreds of millions of soldiers gave an order from Vice Palace Master Wei Tong: "

Hundreds of thousands of bandits driving the beasts flew out of the soul cloud and rushed towards the ground barracks.

Soul smoke is everywhere, death is permeated, the remnant soul floats chaotically, and the stumps fly wildly.

Rows of buildings collapsed, and the souls of each enemy were shattered and annihilated.

Once known in the Purple Profound Soul Realm: the mighty division of Zhan Kuang, the 3 billion army of the Northeast King, was hit by several consecutive rounds of devastating soul cannons, and the might and might not be there.

The Northeast King of War led the remnants of thousands of people to hang over the palace in the ruins. Angrily said: "Yang Bo! You bandit who suffers from the evil! My Northeast War Department will never surrender! Even if I die, I will pull you back!"

In the haggard look of the northeast war king Yejun Lei, a crazily decisive way flashed.

Ten breaths later, he took his 10,000 imperial monks who were preparing to explode and rushed to the high-altitude densely densely packed Soul Peak Palace to revenge the army, where the bandit leader Yang Bo stood.

Soul Bridge withdrew thousands of miles!

Yang Bo looked down and ordered decisively without pity.

A brilliant tri-color light shining in the night sky, carrying an army of 600 million revenge, instantly disappeared beyond the tens of thousands of miles where the Northeast War King and others blew themselves up.

Shockingly weeping! Thousands of self-explosive sounds!

A thousand-foot-large mushroom cloud instantly revolves at high speed from low altitude, gathering the energy that attracts thousands of emperor-level soul repairers to explode.

With the will to destroy everything, spread thousands of miles above the palace.

Annihilate the void. Thousands of miles above the entire palace turned into nothingness and became a long and narrow space crack.

A terrifying space storm was released from the crack and swept across three thousand miles of space, stopped whistling, whistling! Overbearing incomparable, all spirits stop in the wind.

The Northeast War King is destroyed!

After the war, the soldiers of the Soul Peak Palace returned with a full load.

After the sacrifice of comrades-in-arms after the festival. Celebrate the victory cheerfully in the square.

A kind of uneasy and sudden abundance lingered in Yang Bo's heart, and a never-before-seen sense of crisis floated in his mind in his mind.

Lien Chan Lianjie, at this moment, he didn't feel comfortable in his heart, when he was depressed.

Soul Nian poked out from the secret room, looking at the smiling faces distributed and receiving the fruits of victory in the vast Soul Peak Palace Square.

My heart is calm, not tangled.

Outside the boundary wall, the three Immortal Venerable Soul Cultivators produced high-intensity terrifying output, scouring and attacking.

Within the boundary wall, the six hundred million soul peak palace soul repair was intoxicated in triumphant celebration.

The soul thought came out, and she stood in the air with Mei Jiao Niang.

Friends and relatives, soldiers! Can you continue to march tomorrow, are you confident

have! Yang Bo smiled evilly at the corner of his mouth: "You "bandits", don't forget the business! Let's leave tomorrow!"

The six hundred million iron blood soul repairers bowed their heads and roared with a smile among the filthy and excited pupils.

Shaking Tiandi's determination to revenge is manifested in anger and joy.

The next day! The sky is dim.

Chen Shi!

On the square, 600 million troops from the Soul Peak Palace, who had been baptized by war, lined up to go!

Yang Bo took the tyrannosaurus beautiful wife and bee Ju Linshuang and seven Lingzhu sons, stood in the air and continued to fight:

"Soul Bridge!"

A half-step soul bridge with a three-color glow across the sky, standing proudly in the midair of the soul palace.

The hundreds of millions of soldiers lined up in the square flew onto the bridge and set out again with an unyielding will, and all marched slowly on the soul bridge with excited expressions.

Target: Northern Soul Profound City!