Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 131: Plan the battle against Emperor Ming


The eight members of the main god council, together with the nine great formations, the upper and lower bounds of the eyes, came to support the immortal deity of the soul domain, with the capital of 3 billion domain emperor guards, nervously holding all kinds of immortal weapons and Horcruxes, waiting for the arrival of the war.

Yang Bo took the three personally protected elders of the Immortal Venerable, and drove the soul bridge to patrol the deployment situation.

"Report! The total number of 5 billion combat soul troops in the Five Great War Headquarters in the southeast, northwest and center, and the original Purple Profound Soul Region have all disappeared."


Zhao Feng, who was sitting on the throne of the emperor of the palace, stood up in surprise.

He calmed down and said, "According to my order, the original soul palace and the newly recruited and reorganized soul army are on standby. The plan remains the same!"

The emperor's decree!

The messenger gave his orders and said.

Turning around and rushing to the entrance of the palace hall, he took out five thumb-sized soul camp messaging birds in his arms. Attach a note to the message.

Holding the messenger bird in his hand, he threw it into the air, and the five soul birds inflamed their small wings to fly in five directions to send orders. The messenger anxiously walked out of the gate of the palace hall and stood in the aviary at the door waiting for a reply.

A quarter of an hour later, five information birds flying high, with messages from five directions, flew back to the messenger waiting for the information bird shed. Raising his hand to throw out the bird food, the five birds flew their wings and swallowed it in one bite, obediently standing on the hand of the messenger. The news bird fell into his arms. Sending the soldiers to fly into the air, a beautiful Harrier turned over and shot at the palace.

Report! Wufang coach soul news!

Present it!

The eunuch, Grandpa Li, moved his shoulders slightly, and took the note that was dragging his hands on his knees, his body whirled in place, and after a breath, he appeared in front of Yang Bo, Bo Di, please look! Li Gonggong approached the road with respectful hands.

"Yeah! Hard work! Herald! Reward, moment king-level soul crystal!" Yang Bo glanced sideways with satisfaction at Father Lin beside him, then turned his head and looked at the Herald and rewarded.

Thank you Lord Longen, long live my emperor! Long live!

Weichen retires!

Chuan Lingbing respectfully accepted the reward from Father Li! Retreat.

Yang Bo opened the note and read: "Bodi, this time the army of the 5 billion Lord God Council disappeared out of thin air. It may be a conspiracy. My brother estimates that the senior leaders of the Lord God Council and the five emperors of the underworld reached some kind of agreement. Take the initiative to become a bloody battle of life and death. I hope that our emperor will cherish it and set a mission for the warhead where my brother is. Brother, Weitong!"

After reading a few other secret letters, Yang Bo knew the content without reading it.

"Passing orders to all war departments, prepare thousands of dead men to fight to the end!" Yang Bo said with blood red eyes and resolute expression. In his heart, he secretly took down the account of the parliamentary escape.

"Grandpa Li, give my order to organize thousands of dead soldiers in the capital to prepare to respond to the enemy!" Yang Bo Ningmei ordered.

Lord, should you pay attention to your body? The old slave is going to pass the order! Li Gonggong cared anxiously.

Then, he turned and disappeared beside the dragon chair in the palace hall!

The three major protectors, let me go to meet the Central Emperor Ming Emperor Li Ang!

The soul moves, the golden body fits thousands of feet and shrinks to a normal size to converge the soul light into the body, the golden soul sky wings expand, bursts of gold light flow around the soul wings, slightly inciting, a light and empty space crack flower blooms in the space .

go! Yang Bo roared lightly.

Baizhang Soul Wing instigated, blasted a space storm to help him advance, after five breaths. The three elders set up a separate triangle to protect their masters, Yang Bo's ninth-order soul wings flashed lightly, bursting out the space rune flowers, and the stars instigated by the silver light looked at Li An who was 100 meters away indifferently, Xie Xie smiled and said: "Li Brother, you are my good friend, why come to my brother to set up such a battle?"

"Hahaha! Yang Bo, a yellow-mouthed boy, you want to rule the world before you even have your hairs! Today, you are to capture you as a bandit and go back to the underworld to inquire about crimes, obediently, and you will be able to stay with your brother in the past. Your remnant soul will make you reincarnated, otherwise?" The Emperor Underworld sitting in the middle of the throne said with a smile without arrogance.

The soul read: "Three elders, capture Li Ang!"

"Yes! Bo Di!"

The three Immortal Venerables and Yang Bo are all masters of the Space Department. Even if Li An knew that Yang Bo's three souls and seven souls were not fully cultivated, he still underestimated his strength.

Yang Bo is the ninth-order soul empty purple wing, and the three elders are the wings of the eighth-order soul emperor. There are almost no obstacles to traverse the coordinate points of the ten-mile range.

The soul moves slightly, and the wings are inspiring.

The four masters of space appeared in front of the central Emperor Ming in an instant.

The four of them shot together to control Li Ang, and disappeared into the Shura army camp.

Ten thousand meters away, Yang Bo waved his wings and hung up in the air and said: "Listen to the Shura army, your Underworld Emperor Li Ang is in my hands. If you take a step, I don't mind letting this great Underworld Emperor re-enter the cycle of reincarnation! "

All the kings of the Asura army, the Marshal did not react, Lord Hades disappeared on the throne.

Li Ting, one of the ten war kings of Shura, replied: "Yang Bo, the emperor, if you have something to say, as long as you don't hurt Lord Underworld, we won't move."

Yang Bo hijacked Emperor Ming Xiexie and smiled: "Brother Li ordered to retreat, otherwise, my man accidentally missed his hand, it's not about the younger brother's business!"

He held down Emperor Ming's head and used his dark energy. The source of power is like a body, and Emperor Li An is in pain. Thousands of fresh thorns were destroying him all over his body. After cultivating for millions of years, he did not expect that the gutter would capsize, thinking of his own life, Ang Lee made a wise choice!

The soul started to pinch the Jue with the left hand, and the five points to the sky.

Five yellow soul flames shot high into the sky from his fingers, releasing peerless soul flame, flashing the night sky of the soul domain, illuminating half of the dim world.

Damn it! The signal to retreat back to the world! Is Ang Lee crazy? Dongfang Mingdi Chen Baiqian said violently when he saw the high-altitude retreat signal.

rough! The signal to retreat back to the world! Is Li Ante sick? The Southern Ming Emperor Zhong Mingzhong was dissatisfied when he saw the signal to retreat from high altitude.

Sifang Mingdi complained about the Central Ming Emperor's order to retreat.

However, the higher-ranking officials crushed people to death.

The terrifying tremor of heaven and earth came out.

The five armies of the underworld all retreated.

An hour later, the tremor of the big earthquake gradually disappeared. The night sky with the tumbling soul cloud quietly calmed down.

Yang Bo wrapped the soul body of Ming Emperor Li An with the three elders.

The lone army went deep into the underworld, ready to discuss business with several underworld emperors

He smiled evilly, and his soul wing stirred.

A group of five people followed the retreating Central Asura army into the underworld wall.

Turning his hand towards the boundary wall passage, a black light shining array-shaped object fell on the boundary wall passage opening. boom! After a sound, a black glow wildly illuminates the kilometer space, and a nine palace formation that closes the boundary wall stands proudly. After ten breaths, the black glow turned into a black line, as if in the formation, the spirit glow of the formation instantly converged back to the center of the formation. Hide away. The boundary walls of the Central Underworld and the Soul Realm were completely closed.

After Yang Bo finished this, he drew Li An indifferently, inciting Soul Wing to fly up and rush to the far central Ming Emperor Palace.

The three immortal elders followed their master with serious expressions, their soul wings swinging and flying up. Follow away.

The underworld, the land of the yellow spring, the nether land, the place of reincarnation.

In the yin wind, there were bursts of soulful coldness, and the icy cold that penetrated the soul. It didn't stop Yang Boxiu's determination to return to his homeland, the dim and weird, ghostly crying space, did not obliterate his fighting spirit.

With the Emperor Li Ang in his hands, he was electrocuted into the imperial palace while surrounded by the Asura army.

Fly down and stand still, take a seat, all in one go.

Calmly said: "Brother Li! You and I could have been brothers. Regarding the ninth-order Soul Sky Wing, the brothers want to give it to you, it is impossible. It is already one with me and cannot be stripped off, but the Soul Sky Ring Brothers can provide limited provision. , To help your eldest brother go to the next level, as for our previous grievances can be wiped out. What do you think?"

Although he was standing in the imperial palace hall, the central Ming Emperor Li An, who was controlled by Yang Bo's space formation, knew that he was in a meson space. As long as Yang Bo, the little bandit, had a mind, he would be torn apart by the fragments of the collapse of space. Hearing Yang Bo's suggestion, Li An Ningmei carefully thought about how to get out.

"It seems that this kid Yang Bo is telling the truth. It is impossible to obtain Tier 9 Soul Wings even by capturing the soul search. Because this is the sacred treasure with the imprint of the Heavenly Dao after the Thunder Tribulation of the Heavenly Dao. No one can get it. The Lord God Council He wanted to use his Li Ang's hand to get rid of this scourge, and in turn kill them and occupy this first-level underworld. He Li Ang has become a sad pawn of the Lord God Council. What a man sitting on the hill watching tigers fighting, praying mantises. Poisonous tricks!" Ang Lee thought about it carefully and sweated out of fright!

Li Anhun began to read, and quickly passed on several brothers to the central imperial palace to discuss matters.

A quarter of an hour later, Sifang Mingdi gathered in the central imperial hall with a look of anger.

After listening to the scolding and complaining, the Central Emperor Ming laughed with a sullen face and laughed at himself: "Four brothers, the Lord God Council wants to use our hands to remove Yang Bo, and then after we lose both sides, we will cover up and kill us. Then the Purple Profound Soul Realm will be doubled again. Territory, you and my brothers were enslaved by them in the reincarnation. They will never stand up! Therefore, the emperor decided to make peace with Yang Boyan and also worship him. What do you think?"

A remark awakened the dreamer, the four Ming emperors had cultivated for millions of years, which one was the simple one. Such a simple truth instantly became clear, and each was scared into a cold sweat!

Qi Qi put down his dignity and said, "Thank you, brother, for reminding! We agree!"

Yang Bo was more direct, relieved of the trap, kneeling down and said: "Brother, see the five eldest brothers!"

Feeling the five emperors, they knelt on both knees.

The six brothers, Yang Bo, ranked the sixth, and Li Ang was the eldest, and then the south, east, and northwest were well distinguished.

Drink soul wine, burn yellow paper, and worship heaven and earth.

A terrifying conspiracy planned by some high-level leaders of the Lord God Council to eliminate the invisible.

But the six brothers kept this account firmly.

After the six brothers finished worshipping, they began to plan a conspiracy to counterattack the Lord God Council.

"Five elder brothers, I think we will do our best. Let's pretend to fight and lure the 5 billion or more troops that disappeared from the Lord God Council into the game. The main battlefield is placed within a thousand miles of the southern soul center. The soldiers and horses in our six brothers’ hands were wiped out. As for the accountability of the Lord God Council, they had the fault first. This matter has caused a big trouble, and it is not easy for anyone’s face. They are willing to accompany the wife and break down, so our brothers don’t have to. You are polite! What did you say?" Yang Boxie suggested with a smile.

Easy to remember! To hide the truth! Please enter the urn! Amazing! Six brothers!

Ha ha ha! Zhiduoxing Dongfang Mingdi Chen Baiqian Chen Mazi smiled and praised sincerely.

Old Yang Bo blushed and said, "Do the five brothers agree to this plan?"


The five Ming Emperors responded with a smirk.

A counterattack plan against the main god council quietly spread out in the central imperial palace of the underworld.

Three days later, the underworld army rushed into the Purple Profound Soul Domain again in accordance with the plan to invite you to enter the urn.

Five Emperors of the Underworld issued a joint imperial edict: Emperor Yang Bo, the rebel, went against the law, and the five emperors of the underworld walked the way for the heavens. In order not to hurt the innocent, they decided to annihilate the sinner in the southern city of the Purple Profound Soul Region. This edict! The Five Emperors of the Underworld Central Emperor Li An awarded on behalf of the Four Emperors!

A decisive battle took place in the wilderness a hundred miles outside the city of Soul Center in the Thousand Mile Space.

kill! kill!

On the battlefield, the leading forces of the two sides began to collide, and poisonous smoke and soul smoke filled the sky and underground. The roar of soul cannons!

Rumbled, the big earthquake trembled in the shelling.

Bang bang bang bang! Countless soul bodies fell from midair. The ground is full of stumps, and the soul fluid becomes a river.

The two sides fought horribly.

The soldier is over, the general is over, the general is over, the coach is over.

Bite with your mouth, pinch with your hands, kick to death with your feet.

After breaking his arm, the other one raised and smashed at the enemy.

You bite my ears, I bite your nose.

Two days later,

The tens of billions of troops on both sides were severely reduced in the war.

Only half of the injured opponents fought each other.

It's a close hand-to-hand combat in the animal world.

Five days later, the two sides fell again in half.

Ten days later. There are only a million people on both sides who are still fighting frantically.

The soul cloud roared in the sky of both sides of the war, and rolled wildly.

Hidden in the soul cloud of the battlefield, Wanda Yangtian, the deputy speaker of the Council of Gods, led the codename: "Bandit Suppression" plan. The six billion Lord God Council Legion, concealed and killed them toward the ground. Originally intended to fire the gun, seeing the status quo of the battlefield, Wanda Yangtian made a domineering decision to destroy the enemy. The six billion soul army of the Lord God Council Legion who is not afraid of death rushed to the ground with their Horcruxes rushing to the ground like chicken blood.

When everyone was about to reach the attack distance, the scene of the battlefield suddenly changed, as if entering another space, there was a green poisonous fog everywhere. In the poisonous mist, there are still soul swords and soul knives, rushing from mountains and seas.

be cheated! Everyone retreats!

It's late! kill!

Yang Bo lightly roared and ordered.

The soldiers who fell to the ground ejected, smirking and rushing to these fools.

Trapped by the formation, and eroded by the poisonous mist. The six-billion-dollar combat legion whose soul is crumbling, like a deep mire, is hard to extricate itself.

The stumps are flying, the soul is dismembered, and the screams are repeated.

Wanda Yangtian, the deputy speaker of the Main God Council, who was under deep siege, smiled sadly and said: "Yang Bo, you bandit of the gods, united with the underworld to betray the main god council, you traitor!"

The face-slapped voice reverberated! Echoing the battlefield space.

You idiot, you think you are smart, Yang Bo said coldly.

The ninth-order soul wing was incited, and instantly appeared in front of this vicious guy, his hands raised!

Bang bang bang bang!

The deputy speaker of the main god council, with a swollen shiny face on top of the pig's head, shut up and looked at the soul wing stupidly at Zhao Feng who was like a god.

surrender! Otherwise die!

Yang Bo said coldly!

Looking at the space trapped and killing formations arranged by the Emperor Yang Bo below, the soldiers of the Soul Army are constantly falling. Wanda Yangtian, the deputy speaker of the Council of Gods, felt cold in his heart.

Looking at the specially tailored meson space where I was really standing, desperate emotions quickly filled my body.

He was scared, and he swears that he will never provoke the monks of the Space Department in the future, it is terrible!

"Give you one last chance. I don't want to kill more evils and ask your remaining subordinates to surrender. You will also give up your soul and serve me as your Lord. Otherwise, I will count to three. I don't mind wiping you out. As for The Lord God Council will definitely not care about this?"

Yang Bo's terrifying warning sound like a reminder sounded like thunder in the ear of the deputy speaker.