Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 22: The two worlds are one (2)


After saying goodbye to several seniors and comrades in arms, Yang Bo boarded the slave immortal ship, followed in the footsteps of the mayor of Fengyuan Town, the five big and three thick, and waited in shackles and handcuffs. The immortal spirit of the immortal boat was activated by the immortal stone, flying high out of the Tianlao Meteorite Star Island and rushing to the starry sky above the colorful clouds, and approaching the direction of Fengyuan Town to the south of Askin City in the immortal world.

The fairy slave ship carried three hundred slave miners from the Profound Sky Continent who had been raised from the prison, flying extremely fast in the dim night sky.

The fifteen days of uninterrupted flight caused Xianzhenwei and the mayor of Fengyuan Town to relax their vigilance on board. In the three-story cabin, there are hundreds of rooms. Except for the fifty guards on duty, all of them are lazily leaning on the ship's side with their waist swords in the immortal world to close their eyes. The rest are meditating and practicing in their respective cabins.

Yang Bo sits in the stern corner of the bottom cabin, wearing a green jail in the fairy world. Now he is restored to his male form, but the three wives have disappeared. When he was depressed, he looked up at the dim sky and remembered the old turtle gifting him with his Nine Spirit Roots for refining. , "Ordinarily, the Nine Spiritual Roots should plant seeds in the body or something? However, except for a huge man with Nine Spiritual Roots, there is no sign in the body. After the body of the dragon appeared, there was no response, thinking It is impossible to transform into a colorful dragon body again. There is no treasure left in the body of the inheritance of the eel god. Except for the eyes of Lei Ying as the cultivation base rises to the incorporation stage, the line of sight is naturally increased by a thousand feet, and the rest is nothing. No. Fortunately, there are still a lot of stalactites left in the universe bag deep in the Palace of Life and the Sea. This is a life-saving treasure. The three wives must be found, the father-in-law, the emperor's grandfather, and the old tortoise must be rescued. As for the enemy of Murong Chengfeng, he must be killed in the future. If it weren't for his instigation, Thousand Illusory Demon Lord would not launch a war on the Human Cultivator World on such a large scale." Thinking of this, Yang Bo decided to fight even the whole fairy. The court forces also need to find their lost relatives and friends, blood-bladed enemies, and then continue to practice strong, cross the galaxy and return to the hometown of Earth Star.

The fairy ship was flying, and under the dim night sky, the Forest of Souls was even more eerie and terrifying. The sound of Sasasha's giant star beasts' activities was heard from time to time in Yang Bo's contemplating eyebrows.

The mayor of Fengyuan Town, who was resting or practising in the cabin, took all three hundred high-ranking guards from the fairyland with a nervous face, holding fairy instruments, standing around the fairy ship, alert.

"Attention, everyone, there are many star beasts in the Forest of Souls, and they have thick skins. Many merchants’ fairy boats are torn to pieces by these damn wild star beasts, and there is no flesh and blood. They become the thing in their womb. Everyone fights the mayor. Refresh your spirits, and pass through this dangerous area in three days, and you will be able to catch a horse. If anyone dares to be sloppy at this time, don’t blame the Lord for not talking about brotherhood, you know?” The mayor of Fengyuan Town was standing next to the helmsman. Facing the inside of the ship, he commanded solemnly.

Get the order!

Three hundred town guards on the ship roared with the immortal artifacts of the Immortal Palace standard.

Salsa! A very light, very faint rubbing sound broke through the air!

Above the Forest of Souls, ten huge second-level star beasts, the scarlet star beasts quietly appeared, blocking the fast-moving slave ship 100 meters in front of the mid-air.

"Fight against!"

The mayor of Fengyuan Town, who was cultivated in the Xianzhang period, glanced at it and saw that it was a second-level star beast, and ordered.

Fifty town guards were left to protect the slave ship, and the other two hundred and fifty town guards followed the mayor and flew out of the bow, holding weapons, and quietly rushed towards the second-class star beast 100 meters ahead.

A fierce fight came from the direction of the bow. The mayor led two hundred and fifty guards in the night sky with blood all over his body, as if he couldn't take care of these. When the golden glow of his hands appeared, he grabbed a second-level star beast, Mang Niu Beast, and habitually. It fell to the ground with a crisp sound of branches and leaves breaking. After three breaths, a muffled sound came out, and the huge body of the star beast python smashed into the forest valley. The small birds living in this forest screamed in terror, resounding through the night sky, spread their wings out of the forest and flew towards the sky.

Frightened, the injured Mang Niu star landed high in the sky with thick skin. The three-cornered cow body dancing in the air, with the silver light inspired by the town’s long sword penetrated it into the head of the beast’s body. The huge energy exploded in the period of the immortal chapter, the brain was pumped, the blood was splashed, the red and white things scattered around the dim forest valley, and the fishy smell instantly diffused wanton.

The mayor, sweating profusely, shook his hand. Is preparing to fly down to collect prey. A huge three-level star beast vulture screamed over the forest, "Chiji!"

He raised his eyes to look at the third-level star beast vulture hovering in the sky, his heart stunned, and eagerly ordered: "Sweep the battlefield, retreat at speed, and hold on to the immortal ship."

The town guards who were nearing the end of the battle passed their orders. Two hundred and fifty figures flew down into the forest valley and packed the dead beasts into the universe bag. After the ten-breath-time battlefield was cleaned, all the guards shot up from the bottom of the dim forest valley and flew back to their respective positions on the immortal ship. They were covered in blood, holding a blood-dropping celestial weapon and looked up at the three-level star beast vultures hovering high in the sky. …

At this time, in order to prevent the slaves from escaping, Yang Bo and the three hundred slaves were ordered by the town guard to drive them away in the narrow and sweltering space of the bottom cabin, smelling the smelly smell of everyone, closing their eyes and letting go of their consciousness to observe the outside. Situation, ready to seize the opportunity to escape... There are a lot of people who have the same idea as him...

The fierce beasts and raptors of the immortal world have strict ranks. The first-level star beasts are equivalent to the integrative stage cultivation base, the second-level star beasts cross the catastrophe period, and the third-level star beast Mahayana stage. However, due to their own particularities, all the cultivators of the fairy world will take the initiative to upgrade them by one level during the battle. To face these terrifying, bloodthirsty and brutal fairy beasts.

Fairy beasts and fairy birds that survive in harsh environments are physically strong and fearless of death. Watching the third-level star beast vultures diving from high in the sky, extending their front paws and carrying sharp barbs, the mayor and town guards on the fairy ship who were responsible for transporting slaves opened the shields, and the cyan energy shield was in the middle of the cyan immortal stone. In the ray of light, holding a fairy weapon with flashing lights of various colors, his eyes watched the vulture above the sky vigilantly, waiting for him.

Dozens of three-level star beast vultures equivalent to the immortal realm, with a body of ten feet in size, fluttering wings of thirty feet in size, and sharp front paws that are as sharp as a knife. . Send out, crackling! The sound of horror.

The celestial spiritual power of the middle-grade immortal stone is majestic. In the five-pointed star groove of the bow, five middle-grade celestial celestial stones flow and shine to provide a steady flow of celestial spiritual power for the shield and power of the entire fairy ship.

Dozens of adult third-level star beast vultures, even scratching and biting, constantly hit the shield. The hull swayed and flew slowly to the south.

After three consecutive days and three nights of non-stop impact, the hull shield was unharmed, and the third-class star beast was already at the edge of the forest, and he let out a high-pitched neigh: "Jiji!" With these "warriors" in the vulture star beast tribe. Flew back towards the Forest of Illusions.

Liu Guannian, the mayor of Fengyuan Town, saw the powerful three-level vulture star beasts flying back in the shield of the fairy ship, and ordered the helmsman to remove the shield to save the energy consumption of the fairy stone. The town guard shifted to clean and change clothes, and he himself went to the second-floor cabin warehouse to count the second-level star beast trophies.

Immortal thieves appeared on the edge of the Imperius Forest, but they were all small groups of immortal thieves below the immortal chapter period, and they did not arouse the attention of the mayor in the immortal boat.

Under the order of the mayor, the middle-grade immortal stone filled the star troughs, and the power was fully turned on, and the ship was speeding toward the southern Fengyuan Town.

The escape plan of Yang Bo and many slaves fell through, and they could only watch the scenery flying backward as the slave ship was depressed.

On the way to the mining area, they encountered a few immortal thieves, all of which were dismissed by the mayor and the town guard, and received a lot of immortal stones and trophies. The bloody and battle scenes along the way made Yang Bo deeply realize that it is cruel to survive in the fairy world. Compared with this place, the former Profound Sky Continent was simply heaven.

Transporting slaves and immortal ships, a difficult journey in January, finally arrived at the destination, Fengyuan Town No. 3 Immortal Stone Mine.

The mayor and three hundred town guards, dressed in official uniforms, escorted the slaves who walked out of the bilge to the ship's surface, and extended the stone platform on the ground by the ship's plank. The shackles and handcuffs stepped off the board one after another, and gathered on the Baizhang Calling Stone Platform to accept the call.

Yang Bo was the last one to walk out of the cabin and to the side of the ship's bow. The pedals followed the slaves in front to the call stand.

At first sight, the territory of this No. 3 mining area is vast, and you can't see it at a glance. A huge mountain peaks down from the sky and stretches for thousands of miles. This is the mine where the immortal stone is hidden, shocking Yang Bo's eyes. In front of this huge mine, people appear small and insignificant.

The mayor personally named the three hundred slaves. The three hundred slaves were assigned to ten mining teams. They were picked up by the mayor’s brother-in-law Feng Ju Lindong with a thousand supervisors. Feng Yu Lindong, known as the Living Hades and Xianzhang of Fengyuan Town No. 3 Mining Area The mid-term cultivation base is the number one master here. All of the three hundred men were above the initial cultivation level of the Immortal Zhang, which is very powerful for the team in the mining area of an immortal small town.

Three hundred mining slaves were named after being named and assigned to ten living quarters.

The live Hades gathered in Lindong, and after finishing the formal errands, he took his confidant Liu Wanli back to the mine head hall for a drink and rest.

Yang Bo's number 99 was hung on his chest with a number plate and was assigned to the ninth living quarter. This is a hollowed out and abandoned mine with thirty simple beds, less than one meter apart. Lined up, dozens of slaves will live together in this dim and low space from now on. At the end of the mine, there is a natural bathing pool with a size of ten meters, which is filled with rainwater. When encountering a heavy rain, the mine slaves with a high cultivation base will put up a shield to protect the living area from being submerged. These estimates were made by former mine slaves, Yang Bo guessed.

After washing, Yang Bo ordered a set of cyan pigment robe from the Qiankun bag hidden in the Lei Ying’s eye space on his forehead, and replaced it with a refreshing suit in the lower ditch by the pool, washing the moldy with other miners. Mine slave uniforms. According to the regulations here, miner slaves are not allowed to talk to each other. Once discovered, the overseer has the right to lash. As long as he is not killed, the Living Hades will not be blamed. The mine in the No. 9 living area where Yang Bo lived was silent, except for the sound of washing clothes.

There are dozens of overseers on duty outside the mine, all of them burly, with whips on their waists and silver guns in their hands. Distributed at various sentries, monitoring the mine slaves in the No. 9 living area.

The leader of the No. 9 mining area, Feng Ju Linjiang, is the third younger brother of King Living Hades. He is timid than his brother, but he is not bad in terms of brutality.

There were countless mine slaves who were tortured and maimed in his hands.

Accompanied by two overseers, he stood on the gate square of the No. 9 living quarter and roared softly: "Bring out those mine slaves to Laozi."

Yes! The overseers on both sides of the mine entrance gave their orders.

After ten breaths, thirty mining slaves were shackled and handcuffed and stood in a row on the square to receive instructions from the commander.

"Listen, in my No. 9 mine team, only the strong can survive, and the weak have only one word, that is, death! And it's a miserable death! Work starts at nine in the morning and closes at nine in the evening. One piece will be given out every day. The spirit stone is for your life and practice. Return to the living area to rest and wash for an hour, and rest on time at 11 o’clock in the night. Violators will be punished heavily. Have you heard? A bloody murderous aura spoke the strict rules towards the row of slaves.


Thirty mine slaves responded softly.

Don't you have the strength? Do you want this commander to help you improve your mood

Know it!

The voice resounded loudly.

Fengju Linjiang nodded with satisfaction: "Well, even if you meet today, you can rest assured that as long as you produce more, you will be rewarded and disbanded!"

Back in the mine, Yang Bo lay on the bed, looking at the top of the mine, thinking of a way to escape. After an hour, the exhaustion of flying in January made him fall asleep...