Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 27: The undercurrent surging


Yang Bo, the pain almost disappeared after seeing this strange lady of the strange city lord’s daughter flew away, got up and stood, locked in the direction of the Dan Qifang and flew up, ten breaths later, came to the Dan Qifang to buy the Remnant Soul Art. He put the black book in his arms and left. Going to the door, flying on horseback, galloping back to his military account.

"Yang Bo listens to the order! I will go to the Soul Lotus Valley Martial Arts Field at the south gate of the soul center to watch the Soul Arrow competition." Vice-General Wei Tong Gaotou Dama commanded while sitting outside the account!

Out of the account, knelt down on one knee and said, "Subordinate Yang Bo Deling!"

Then he took out the white soul fast horse used for transmission, turned on the horse, and drove! Snapped! Lightly roar and whip. Zongma chased at the gallop of the lieutenant.

After half an hour.

In the soul lotus valley martial arts field, the four battalions of soldiers sit in a square square, and in the center is a martial arts field with a size of thousands of meters to test the arrow method.

With loud voices and ups and downs, Yang Bo stood behind Baihuying deputy general Weitong to observe the game.

Three wins in five innings. In the rules of the game, the four camps ranked first, Qinglong first, Baihu second, Xuanwu third, and Suzaku fourth.

With the speeding up of the game, two black horses appeared in Baihuying, and the Yejia brothers, who later appeared on the stage, took the lead without any arrows.

Chang Hao and Wei Tong were angry, breathing heavily. With a sullen expression, these two spies were locked in by the envy of the generals.

Weitong had no choice but to order in front of the fourth battalion lieutenant and sergeant: "Yang Bo is going to fight!"

Brother Yejia looked at Yang Bo with a mocking smile and said, "Isn't it the general? How about a newcomer being cultivated vigorously like this?"

Yang Bo is not welcome, he walked directly into the competition area to receive the bow and arrow handed by Chang Hao, draw the full moon, the soul communicates the soul power of the palace soul, borrowing the method of the seven stars in the world, condensing the soul power to form a seven-star arrow array, aiming One hundred meters away, the Yejia brothers only waited for the general's order.


The sudden black cloud rolled in the air, and a terrifying soul pressure was pressed down from above. The night wolf's figure suddenly appeared in the air and indifferently said: "The new man's messenger Yang Bo has not passed the examination of the training team and is not eligible to participate in the competition. It will be announced that the two Yejia brothers have won the championship."

After the main commander Ye Canglang finished speaking, his shoulders moved lightly, and it flew like a cannonball into the dim black cloud and disappeared without a trace.

At the end of the game, the two Yejia brothers were invited by the leaders of the White Tiger Camp to eat and drink at the Tianhun Tower in the city.

Yang Bo followed Weitong back to the military account.

"Yang Bo! Go down first!" Weitong ordered in frustration. But there was a moment of regret in my heart: "I knew that the Yejia brothers are so good at archery, so I shouldn't have arranged for them to compete. The sudden appearance of the Yecang wolf will be directly assigned by him. The success is lost!"

Yes! Subordinates retire! Yang Bo depressedly returned his bow and arrows to the warehouse, and the gate of the soul arrow competition camp exited, turned around and rode his horse, galloping back into the tent. Dismount the horse and tie it into the tent and sit on the bed.

From his arms, he took out the incomplete Soul Source Art that had just reached his back, and studied it carefully.

Yang Bo looked at the three thrilling "Remnant Soul Jue" in the black remnant book with blood-colored characters. At this moment, it seemed that a huge mountain of thousands of feet was pressing on his heart, making him overwhelmed. Moreover, this feeling seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, even looking at the possibility of dispersing his soul at any time, and his heart became more and more shocked, so scared that he immediately diverted his eyes.

The deadly black book "Remnant Soul Technique", the vicissitudes of life, the strange blood, the terrifying soul pressure, all these things made him terrified.

What book is this anyway? So defying

The next moment, when Yang Bo frowned and put down the Black Soul Remnant Secret Art, he quietly scanned the surroundings, the black soil, and the fog. Suddenly, a faint piece of clothing broke through the air and the sound of rubbing the air was transmitted to him. Soul ears.

My heart shuddered, although this voice was very slight, but under this deadly environment inside the tent, it seemed unusually harsh.

Immediately, Yang Bo put the Remnant Soul Technique into his arms and got up, holding the black soul gun for the standard messenger in his hand, slowly tapping his toes towards the back of the military tent, because the source of the sound was there.

As he gradually approached, the rhythmless awkwardness behind the military tent became clearer. He tensed his nerves and finally walked to the military tent and stared carefully.

The next moment, Yang Bo's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help being shocked by the scene behind the military tent.

Behind the big and wide point, there is a flat ground with a radius of one hundred meters. This small piece of ground is as flat as a mirror, and is covered by a transparent black bell, with a trace of strange cyan spirit in the light cover. Slowly flowing surging.

And inside the mask at this time, there is a middle-aged skeleton-shaped man with a white face and white beard in white clothes, white hair, sitting cross-legged, holding a black spirit pen in his hand, hanging his head, and drawing weird things on the ground. character.

This scene looks so peaceful and peaceful, and the slight sound is caused by the brush touching the ground.

However, what shocked him was that the body of this impermanent man turned out to be almost invisible.

Moreover, at this moment, he was sticking out a long black soul iron cord from his sleeve, locking Yang Bo's shoulder blades at an extremely fast speed, and was detained in front of Dianjiangtai.

The dark light on the two iron cables was faintly releasing the dark light of complex runes, and a trace of faint dim light continuously flowed out of this impermanent sleeve, and flowed along the iron rope to Yang Bo's body. After some investigation, Bai Wuchang exclaimed: "

"The body of the dragon soul?"

Yang Bo couldn't help being shocked, this mysterious and terrifying Bai Wuchang had locked his soul body, and, judging from everything around, this Bai Wuchang had obviously grown here to practice. This scene really shocked him.

At this moment, Na Bai Wuchang stopped his hand movements and slowly raised his head. A pair of evil infinitely dim eyes cast a cold look at Feng Lie, which immediately made Yang Bo's figure tremble, and a cold sweat broke out on his back spine.

"Yang Bo, by the order of General Yecang Wolf, you will be taken to prison for a three-year confinement."

The middle-aged white impermanent man looked at Yang Bo and said something strange indifferently in a hoarse, gloomy and harsh voice, but Yang Bo could hear a cold sweat.

"Senior, what are you talking about?"

Yang Bo was taken aback and couldn't help asking.

In his heart, he was also anxiously thinking about Bai Wuchang's previous words. Although he was surprised, there seemed to be some ways. Could it be because I was standing in the line of the lieutenant

Suddenly, his heart brightened, and then suddenly he remembered the situation at the Bi Arrow Contest.

Bai Wuchang's reaction to him was also slightly taken aback, but then his eyes lit up again, and he said in an extremely ear-piercing and pointed accent: Huh? It really is the blood of the dragon family, much better than those monkeys! Little guy, before I send you to jail, can I ask you a few questions? "

Yang Bo couldn't understand this sentence, and he was a little puzzled.

He didn't expect that he had just obtained the Remnant Soul Secret Art, but he could not escape the pursuit of the great general Ye Canglang. It was obvious that this impermanent dog leg cultivation base was extraordinary.

Moreover, this old guy said that he was much better than those monkeys. Could there be a brother of the lieutenant who was arrested by them and jailed

After Bai Wuchang finished his words, he looked at Yang Bo and put away his paintbrushes, as if he closed his eyes thoughtfully and waited for Yang Bo's answer.

Seeing that the impermanent middle-aged powerhouse seemed to be unfavorable to him, Yang Bo was slightly relieved.

He groaned and said curiously: "Senior, who are you from General Ye?"

I am the warden of the Second Dragon Prison of General Ye Canglong’s Baihu Camp Penal Prison. I am the controller of the place where the sin dragon clan powerhouse is imprisoned. I am not a good person, but a sin soul, who stole the fruit of the former soul emperor’s cultivation practice. Of the soul of sin. He was rescued from the death row by General Yecang Wolf’s father.

Bai Wuchang looked at Yang Bo and said calmly.


Yang Bo was terrified in his heart and staggered back a few steps. Although he had some preparations in his heart, he was still shocked by the words of the prisoner of the strong white impermanence.

The loyalty of the great general Yecang Wolf, he will peel off his skin without dying in his hands. The Soul Realm has a dungeon as deep as ninety-nine meters deep, holding all the souls who have violated the laws of the Soul Realm and the majesty of the strong. .

Especially the Dragon Prison on the second layer of ninety-nine feet, it is the pinnacle powerhouse that suppresses the first-level galaxy. This is what he learned from chatting with other officers when he was a messenger.

If what Bai Wuchang said is the truth, then all his efforts are in vain? There are three fiancé wives waiting for him in the immortal realm above the soul domain, and there are relatives and friends among the immortal slaves waiting for him to rescue

Yang Bo's eyes flickered for a while, and he stabilized his mind for a while, and then asked, "Senior, why did I appear in this dragon prison?"

You appear here, naturally I let you in. Bai impermanent way for granted.

"Huh? What do seniors need me to do after I go to jail?" Yang Bo stunned, his eyes fixed on the old man.

"You will know after you go in."

Bai Wuchang looked at Yang Bo a little impatiently, then lowered his head and muttered to himself: "Well, although the cultivation level is much lower than that of the dragon boy who died, his bloodline is very orthodox. It seems that it should be inherited from the bloodline of the Colorful Dragon King. , It's more appropriate."

At this moment, Yang Bo already felt a hint of danger. Although this old guy was not stunned, but from his words, Yang Bo felt that he was trying to hit his own blood.

He still had countless doubts in his heart, but he didn't have the mind to ask this guy anymore. The wood spirit in the sea of knowledge is urging him to return to the world as soon as possible, otherwise the physical body will wither completely in two days. After all, his life is still important. .

Next, Yang Bo thought about the way to escape quickly.

But after he looked at the surrounding environment and the soul chain deeply locked in his shoulder blades, he couldn't help feeling frustrated.

When he was in the hands of others, he could only be detained by this old guy. Yang Boqiang pretended to be indifferent and said, "Thank you senior for answering your questions, juniors obey seniors' arrangements."

Hearing this, Bai Wuchang took the soul chain that locked Yang Bo, flew up and dragged Yang Bo's soul towards the dark place, which is a thousand feet behind the ring.

Ten breaths of time, Yang Bo was thrown into the iron cage made of the deepest layer of special soul iron in the Baihuying Great Prison, and was jailed. Yang Bo was in the Baihuying Prison in the Purple Profound Soul Region at this time. Although he was not bound by the soul chain, where could he escape in this environment? A thought returned to the sea of consciousness, and the flesh hidden in the cemetery of the Xianjie mining area was already covered with dust, eyes opened, everything is the same, looking at this thick dust, I am afraid that it will be more than half a month in the past. Yang Bo Yungong shook off the dust on his body and stood up, with his left ear pressed against the cave wall, carefully listening to the movement of the immortal ground outside the cave.

"Master, you are finally back. You scared Wood Ling to death in the Soul Realm just now. Now it's okay, the master is fine, Wood Ling is going to practice, the master has something to call me. Master, see you again, hehehe." Afterwards, he laughed happily, then quietly practiced in his dantian with peace of mind.

You can't make rapid progress in your training, you always have to be cautious and slow to stabilize the foundation. Yang Bo has long understood this truth, and with his cultivation level, he is more than ten times faster than the original Sky Profound Continent cultivator. Thinking of this, his state of mind is slightly calmer. For the current unsatisfactory things can only be calm, everything depends on chance.

Opening his eyes and looking at the dim graveyard scene in front of him, Yang Bo smiled indifferently: "No wonder the old guys on the Profound Sky Continent who have reached the Nine Tribulations cultivators are still thinking about ascending to the Immortal Realm, and those who have reached the Immortal Realm have to improve their strength. This feeling of strength is indeed true. It's different, now my strength should be able to barely compete with the fairy in the early days!"

Yang Bo is not arrogant, let's not mention the powerful Lei Ying Eyes and Dragon Bloodline, the inheritance of the Emperor Eel, the dragon pillars and the Nine Spirit Pagodas in his body, his own strength is completely comparable to the primary attack power of the immortal.

The Lightning Eel Body and the Seven-Star Moon Watching Divine Art of the Tribulation Period alone allowed his speed and attack intensity to completely surpass those of the early immortal cultivators. After all, his original speed was already higher than that of the immortal cultivators in the middle stage of the upper immortal realm.

Especially perverted, the biggest advantage of the self-made Qixing Moon Watching Technique is that it has no side effects after using it. Although there is no way for the immortal realm to temporarily increase the cultivation base, his own conditions already have the best foundation for becoming an immortal emperor.

As long as the body has sufficient lightning power and seven-star power, you can use the seven-star array star power and the eyes of thunder infant without limit. Besides, there is also the inheritance of the super strong Eel God, although the predecessor of Eel God has not yet appeared. The mark of inheritance left, but he is sure that he must hide somewhere deep in his body, as to use the power of lightning and stars to oppose the enemy. There is no time limit or negative effect, this is also the source of confidence for him to compare the middle stage of the immortal realm with the immortal in his heart...

After some thoughts, peace in his heart and tranquility in his heart, he released his divine consciousness to explore the 2,000-square-meter space outside the cemetery, looking for a breakthrough.

The two thousand-square-meter space outside the cemetery is reflected in the scope of his spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, thick black clouds rolled in the sky from two thousand feet away, silver arcs flickered inside, and electric snakes danced wildly. A giant silver mouse in the middle of the silver light, dragging a long tail, raising a huge pointy mouse head, staring at the big mouse eye of a copper bell, releasing a silver electric light and rushing into the dim thunder and lightning cloud. Zhong seems to be devouring the power of thunder inside.

The clouds in the sky became thinner, and huge changes were made during the tumbling. Thunderclouds were surging, and the winds were everywhere. Depressive dark clouds quickly formed, covering the sky over the silver giant rat for dozens of miles. Yang Bo in the ancient tomb thousands of feet away can feel it, more powerful than the five or nine days of calamity he had crossed in the first place.

The thick lightning in the thundercloud pierced the sky, and the sky became dark in an instant, but it occasionally brought a burst of light when the lightning passed. The flickering and dimming conditions added to the infinite weirdness at this time. And the huge body of thirty feet of the big silver mouse, standing proudly in the thunder day, received the violent baptism of thunder and lightning.

'Kacha' finally struck down the sky thunder without warning. The big silver mouse shouted and flew into the air to face the sky thunder as a punch. The seemingly powerful thunder actually disappeared under its punch. After the big silver mouse moved, the second sky thunder fell shortly afterwards.

The big silver mouse has been standing in the air, and the same punch once again blasted it away. When the third sky thunder came down, its power was obviously greater than the previous one. He did not blast it away this time, but like As Yang Bo did at the beginning, he directly resisted with a huge body. After the lightning strikes him for a long time, the electric light disappeared. The silver giant mouse still did not look any expression, obviously very relaxed.

The Xian Ting officers and soldiers guarding the ancient tombs, under such unparalleled thunder punishment from heaven and earth, retreated from the command and looked nervously to watch the magical giant fairy beast silver electric giant mouse cross the thunder punishment of the immortal king. At the same time, they can also absorb the experience of crossing the catastrophe, and make reference for their future crossing the catastrophe.

Originally, the divine sense exploration in the ancient tomb was worried about it because of the immense power of the thunder and lightning. Now that this situation is seen, I am a little relieved. It seems that this fairy beast silver rat must have experience in transition before, and Yang Bo felt the devouring power of thunder's punishment. This big fairy mouse is probably also a cultivator of thunder and lightning. Even in the face of such an intensity of the Heavenly Punishment of the Immortal Monarch level, it did not use its full strength, and its expression did not have any tension. Still calmly looking up at Jie Yun, who was down to a hundred meters above his head, stood up and hung in the air.

The sky thunders in the back followed one after another, all of them were smashed in a hurry, until the first twenty-seven times, they were all resolved by the great fairy rat by various means, without causing him any harm.

The Three Nine Great Tribulations of the Immortal Realm has a total of three nine and twenty-seven, and the following eleven should be the real test. But this big mouse passed so easily. The cultivators of the Thunder and Lightning System were illegitimate children of Heaven, regardless of the human race or other races. Yang Bo sitting in the ancient tomb can only understand this way. If you change to a cultivator of another cultivation system, I am afraid that you will have to peel off your skin if you don't die. Thinking that he was also the Dragon Vein Electric Eel body of the Thunder and Lightning System, he couldn't help but groan in his heart, and a proud smile was raised from the corners of his mouth.

The Great Fairy Mouse had passed the Thunder Punishment of the Fairy King and officially became the master-class powerhouse of the Fairy King. At this moment, after the Thunder Punishment, he was surrounded by a hundred thousand Xian Ting army of Xian Ting stationed in the ancient tomb cemetery. General Wei Chi Ming, the chief general of Xianjun's early days, draped his entire body in the air and stepped forward and said, "This Lord Silver Electric Rat, can you come to this general's account to be a lieutenant?"

There was a flash of silver light, and a silver-haired old man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek resembling a mouse face stood in the air with his hands in the air. He glanced at the surrounding fairy soldiers indifferently, and fixed his gaze on General Yuchi and said: "General Yuchi, why are you polite? , You and I don’t know each other, thank you General for your kind words and goodbyes."

Yang Bo was in an ancient tomb two thousand feet away, and his divine sense detected such a situation, and the secret path was not good.

"Yindian, are you not giving face to this general?"

"Why, does the general have to use it to be strong?"

"Come here, take this smelly mouse for this general."

Yes, the generals Wen Ling led his orders.

Outside the encircling circle, a huge black skynet was thrown out from the hands of 10,000 immortal soldiers, and it quickly covered the body of the silver electric mouse immortal monarch in the circle. General Yuchi himself sneered and flew back to the rear of the soldiers, commanding to clean up this pretentious stinky mouse.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the silver electric mouse fairy transformed his eyes with anger, his limbs clasped his fists and thunder and lightning cold lights of ten feet in size were blasted out, four silver horses practiced, and the domineering scours flashed the black lights thrown into the sky. Bundle the fairy net.