Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 46: Fly to hope


Three days later, the conference hall of the Longshuo Yanjing Planet Alliance was full. Representatives of leaders from more than two hundred groups around the world sat in their respective spacious seats of congressmen according to their positions, and listened solemnly to the plan of Xiu Fan's division of districts described by the chairman of the council, Long Shuo. The chief instructor sits on the seat of the chief platform five meters behind the right side of the eye-catching chief speech platform, and quietly listens to the content of chief Long Shuo's speech.

"Dear sirs and ladies, good evening! Thanks to the strong support of the chief instructor, a global alliance has been formed. In order to complete the home planet immigration plan, the leaders have put great efforts to give great support to the parliament. Here, I represent the land The Star Alliance Council, thank you everyone."

"Wow!" There was thunderous applause in the rotunda of the parliament.

The chief nodded thanks and continued: "According to the opinions of global leaders and the suggestion of Yang Bo, the chief instructor of global cultivation, it is no longer suitable for cultivators to live with ordinary citizens who have not practiced. In view of the aura support theft and snatch incidents that occurred around the world some time ago, this The speaker suggested that you leaders set aside a special area in each country as the cultivation and living area of the cultivators of each country. Please show your hands to vote."

Members of the ring-shaped meeting raised their hands to express their agreement with this good suggestion.

"Thank you all. This time, the topic has been approved by a unanimous vote. The speaker announced that this plan will be completed in one year. At that time, the chief instructor will lead the world's superpowers to supervise the implementation of the plan on behalf of the parliament to the planetary alliance countries. Let's proceed. The second topic: Globally, students entering the Shenlong base to receive special training for cultivation are suspended for one year. All the students who have been trained have been recalled by religious officials to receive a one-year closed special training. As for the second-generation students registered in various countries, they should also Under the centralized and closed management of the governments of various countries, we will receive a one-year closed training. Now I invite Members to vote on this topic."

As soon as this topic was announced, the entire assembly hall was full of voices, and dissatisfied speeches frequently sounded.

As the Speaker of the Speaker, Long Shuo dispelled the concerns of the members present through his humorous speech.

The second issue was passed unanimously after a lot of noise.

"Let’s discuss the third topic. In view of the harsh environment of the home planet, earth and star aura, the chief instructor will create a large amount of aura currency within one year to reward students and cultivators who have contributed, reward mechanism and point level conversion table. After the meeting, it will be faxed to all members. After three years, all the cultivators will follow the chief instructor Yang Bo to find a new training base in the universe and the starry sky. The talented geniuses of all races of the earth and stars will be trained in the talent cultivator programs of various countries. The organization reported to the parliament for evaluation. After being assessed by the Shenlong base instructor, enter the Shenlong base on the planet Earthstar II in the sky to receive further education and special training. After three years, the Earthstar human race will use two currency systems, one is the existing The other currency in circulation is the aura coin for practitioners. Please vote on this topic."

"Excuse me, Lord Speaker, can the secrets of this planet of the second planet be shared with all of us?" The Wisdom in the east seat... Deputy Chief, Qian Yan Tianxiong's wretched short man has not stood up to 1.6 meters, Yin Xiao He looked at the chief Tai Longshuo while holding the microphone in a deep voice and said.

"Fan Weisguo... Deputy Chief, Your Excellency Qian Yan Tianxiong, your proposals and questions will be answered in three years. Please forgive this speaker for selling the key. Do you have any other questions?"

"Dear Speaker, you are obviously evading important issues. Doesn't it seem appropriate to say this? What do you think of Members?"

The scene suddenly became noisy and chaotic, and the congressmen stood up with microphones in hand and verbally questioned the speaker of the secrets of the special training base for the Shenlong cultivation students on the planet Earth Star II.

Seeing that the scene began to get out of control, Yang Bo rushed to the dome of the 100-meter-high parliament conference hall, and the pressure of dragon blood was released, directly transforming into the body of the colorful dragon that is unique to the Longshuo tribe, and the light shines on the entire super circle Looking down on the shaped conference hall, three densely-covered dragon claws stepped on the hot and burning colorful divine origin fire. Longkou opened up and said calmly: "There is no room for discussion on this topic. Otherwise, this instructor will close the opportunity for group students who disagree to enter the Shenlong Base for training. Do you have any comments?"

Strong, extremely strong. However, under the pressure of Yang Bo's colorful dragon's blood, the members of the conference hall suddenly sweated, and their hearts were frightened. Their respective faces were pale and powerless sitting in their seats without saying a word, frowning and thinking about how to alleviate the conflict with Long Shuo after speaking today.

Eastern Weiss State... The deputy chief, Qian Yan Tianxiong's short and ugly image, can only be reconciled with a wicked light flashing from the triangular eyes: "Everything depends on the advice of Chief Instructor Yang Bo."

Seeing the situation, the speaker calmed down: "In fact, we at Longshuo have already begun to study the technology of wormhole space jumping, and it has been launched. I believe that we will share this era-crossing scientific and technological achievements with you soon. Please contribute to the topic just now. vote."

After the chief’s exhilarating speech, a ring of heads and ears came from the mouths of the members.

After three breaths, more than two hundred congressmen present looked solemnly and respectfully at the chief stage and raised their right hands.

"Okay, unanimous vote, thank you. This speaker announced that the parliamentary issue was passed by unanimous vote. Thank you for your support and voting. The meeting is adjourned."

After the chief Longshuo announced the adjournment of the meeting, the leaders of various countries have left in their cars to implement the agenda of the Earth and Planetary Alliance parliamentary agenda.

Yang Bo also took back the body of the dragon to restore the human body and fell on the chief platform indifferently. Following the steps of the chief, he came to the office where the speaker of the parliament has a very simple musical notation.

"Yang Bo, don't be cautious, sit down, thank you for helping me out today, otherwise, the scene will get out of control?"

"Command, thank you. It's just that your speech today may cause some unnecessary trouble. Today I will ask my apprentice to implement personal protection by your side."

"Then thank you instructor Yang."

"Command, you are polite, you are worried about so many big things for the alliance, I just hit soy sauce. You are tired."

"Smelly boy, glib tongue. Let's talk about the moon landing plan. Take a look at this carefully selected list of scientists."

Yang Bo respectfully took it with both hands, opened the top-secret portfolio, and browsed it.

Three days later, a space shuttle took off from the Aerospace Administration base in the northern desert of Longshuo, with the hope of the Longshuo compatriots and the global human race, turned into a red sword and god, and flew towards the moon.

The space shuttle, flying in the starry sky for a month, with the assistance of Yang Bo Jindanqi Danyuan's power, successfully arrived outside the space barrier of the Great God Mobao World outside the Unknown Valley in the southern part of the moon.

After getting off, the space shuttle, Yang Bo sacrificed his knowledge of the colorful dragon-patterned pillars in the sea that hung ten meters above his head. The dragon-pattern pillars that grew up to five meters high in the wind released a strong and dazzling light, activating the entrance of the enchantment, a hundred meters away. A wide gap flashed.

Looking inward through the gap, the scene in front of him shocked the top scientists of the Longshuo Academy of Sciences who came along.

Amazing. It's amazing, it's a masterpiece of God.

Yeah, I guess at least ten times bigger than our earth star, this kind of space can only be created by God.

This also depends on instructor Yang, a magical figure of Yang, to make Long Shuo such a great source of blessing!

Yang Bowen, who stood by, listened to the sincere praise from the scientists, a little embarrassed and said with a reddened face: "Experts, follow the younger generation."

Ten scientists followed Yang Bo into this magical world with a surprising look.

Here, they can find interpretations of many questions in the research topic.

After entering, the barrier of the gap closed automatically, leaving a gap in the red gravel valley where nothingness was restored.

Yang Bo sacrificed the golden pill inside his body and wrapped ten scientists and said: "Seniors, now we are going to the giant ship of interstellar voyage."

A golden light flashed across the night sky of the Great Demon God Treasure World Space. An hour later, Yang Bo led ten scientists to land on the edge of the prairie.

After removing the shields, ten scientific households knelt down and looked ten meters ahead, occupying a vast grassland area the size of a city. The interstellar ship exclaimed: "It's amazing, it's incredible. This kind of wisdom is just for us to spend. I'm afraid it won't be achieved for thousands of years?"

Chief scientist Liu Yuanhang looked at these giant treasure ships with white hair and tears, and admired along with the scientists.

What happened after that made Yang Bo smile helplessly. These scientific lunatics actually stood up and left him, bent over and took out the tools from their respective toolboxes. The fast thing is a gust of wind passing beside Yang Bo.