Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 47: Soaring to the fairy world


Ten years after the discovery of the galaxy ship to the research, development and utilization, human beings have stepped into the three-track start era of the Galaxy Science and Technology Cultivation under the joint efforts of the Chief Instructor Shenlong Comprehension Academy and the heads of the planetary alliance council members. Due to the extreme temperature difference on the surface of the earth and the planet, it is no longer suitable for human habitation. The global human race migrated to the world of the Great Demon Treasure contributed by Yang Bo, which is now the planet Earth Star II. This is the headquarters for the simultaneous development of Xin Earth Star with Galaxy Technology and the cultivation of civilization.

Only cultivators below the Jindan stage are allowed to live and practice here, and humans place projects polluted by science and technology industries on nearby unowned planets. Protected by the strong over the fit period. Mankind also left the original industrially polluted galaxy completely, and with the help of the Planetary Alliance Academy of Sciences, opened the wormhole space and crossed the galaxy coordinates to camp in the northeast galaxy space of the Andromeda galaxy with hundreds of billions of years of life.

Due to the quality of the Great Demon Treasure World Earth Star II contributed by Yang Bo, it has been evaluated by the Planetary Alliance Academy of Sciences to reach the sixth level of high-level aura-rich life stars. At the age of sixteen, almost all people under the age of six have reached the aura to the foundation-building stage, and their intelligence has also been further developed. Only zero to five pollution is allowed here, and it is divided into more than two hundred groups and regions to retain their own history and heritage in the original place. The flowers of technology and cultivation civilization of more than two hundred groups bloom here at the same time.

According to the regulations of the Galaxy Alliance Council, those who are above the Jindan stage and above live and live in the masterless powerhouse Star Dragon training powerhouse base, which is ten million kilometers away from the Earthstar 2 and the galaxy. This is also the second largest planet among the Andromeda galaxies conquered by humans. In addition, one of the huge science and technology stars is in a straight starry sky tens of thousands of kilometers north of the Cultivator Strong Star. Here is a world where the technology industry is booming and is directly under the jurisdiction of the Star Alliance Academy of Sciences under the Star Alliance Council.

Yang Bo communicated and understood that one-tenth of the continents separated from the new earth star core control hub in the Sea Dragon Pillar merged with the original star core of the earth star. During the Landing Star Combination Period, more than a hundred cultivating powerhouses and scientists, with the joint efforts of all mankind, opened the wormhole space jump technology to hide the newly born Earth planet in the trillions of planets in the Andromeda galaxy that lived beyond the solar system for hundreds of billions of years.

Through the wormhole space jump technology, Yang Bo continuously delivered the energy of the Great Demon Treasure World Earth Star II to communicate and activate the surrounding planets to form a new small solar galaxy in the Andromeda Galaxy. Outside this new immature small solar galaxy, the surrounding twenty-seven unowned planets were conquered by humans, and three lines of defense were constructed here to protect the evolution of the regenerated home planet Earth. In order to ensure the self-evolution of the parent star, the parent star regeneration manufacturing group directly under the Galaxy Alliance Council is responsible for all the work of this project.

Except for the protectors above the Jin Dan stage, the Earth and Star humans who migrated from the original Earth and stars have all entered the work of the Home Star Reconstruction Group. The tens of billions of in-situ human races in this huge star-making machine built by mankind are meticulously divided. Provide intimate evolution services for the evolution of the reborn home planet. This is also the collective decision of mankind to do so after the reflection after the decay of the in-situ star.

In the space of Earth Star II, the layout of the original Earth Star group was enlarged according to the ratio of one to ten. Including geology and geomorphology, Yang Bo led the comprehension students to smash the ball league council to agree to the layout, optimize the perfect copy. In order to commemorate the arrival of the new era, people set this starting time as the era of the Star Covenant era. The time is January 1st of the first year of the Star Alliance era. For this day, the global humanity held a grand celebration of the Star Covenant Era on Earth Star II. Mankind around the world celebrates the advent of this new era of ******.

Everything is fully implemented and continued in accordance with Yang Bo's grand migration plan put forward by Yang Bo ten years ago.

The so-called three-orbit plan, namely: recreating the home planet, Earth Star II, plus the exodus of Jin Danian cultivators and the removal of technological pollution from the Borderless Star are the entire contents of the plan. In this way, the three-track plan, which is divided into three tracks without pollution and reduces internal conflicts, is like a healthy and orderly development under the guidance of the Star Alliance Council composed of more than two hundred groups.

The home star was safe and sound, and the big rock in Yang Bo's heart finally relaxed a little. He took the one hundred disciples of the Jindan stage and above that he had personally trained, and drove the Galaxy-class giant ship to shuttle busily in three tracks.

At present, human technology can only reach a million light-year wormhole space jump technology at most. For the immortal world of the fairy dream galaxy tens of millions of light-years away, people still need people to continue to explore and study. In this regard, Yang Bo is also helpless. Everything takes time. He is still very dissatisfied with the current average human life span of 300 years. A cultivator may pass by for decades or even hundreds of years in a retreat. Shouyuan became the public enemy of all mankind. Various groups around the world have invested a lot of manpower and material resources to study ways to improve lifespan.

Whoever can invent the Shouyuan Pill is a rich and foe country with privileges. Under the influence of this ideological trend, religions, medical schools, groups and individuals of cultivators have also invested in this area of research. Anyone who has researched it out will not only be rewarded with the Galaxy Coin Points of the Galaxy Alliance Council, but also receive the training guidance of the Alliance Cultivation Chief Instructor Yang Bo.

This heavy news has triggered a crazy wave of research and development of human life-saving pills through websites and news propaganda. A variety of weird Galaxy Shouyuan Dan began to appear on the market. An elementary Dan market price one hundred-star alliance coin with a one-year lifespan, a ten thousand-star coin with an intermediate ten-year life dollar, and a high-level one with a hundred-year life dollar are sky-high. You must know that Hundred Star Alliance Coins can allow ordinary residents of Earth Star No. 2 to live for one year.

Twenty years in the era of Earth Star Alliance, spring.

On the suspended star island where the chief instructor of Yanjing Shenlong Base of the East Longshuo Country on Earth Star No. 2 is located, in the spacious and bright office lobby of the 180-story central office building. Yang Bo, sitting at his desk, drinking coffee, contemplating his eyebrows on how to get his relatives and friends into the Earth Star II to reunite in the Xianmeng Star Breath Immortal Realm

"Master, the cultivation area of more than two hundred groups of the strong star, today welcomes a hundred golden core repairers. Among them, 30 are the repairers of Longshuo Hualong." Just returned from the strong star on the galaxy giant ship. The servant Yang Kai stood at his desk and reported.

"Oh? That's good news. Let's sort out the 50 fit-time students who passed the examination to the Homestar Reengineering Group. The chief urged them to be short of people for a long time. Let your junior brother Ming Jiang lead them to continue the closed practice. "Yang Bo looked at the self-cultivation apprentice who was full of confidence on his face and exuded iron-blooded murderous air, and said calmly.

"After knowing the master, the apprentice retire."


"Brother, recently the three galaxy lines of defense under the command of our home planet reconstruction base have been hit by a large number of fairy galaxy stars and beasts. The damage is not small. There are many defense loopholes left by the strong ones in the integration phase. What do you think about this?" Li Yali Wearing a tight-fitting Galaxy instructor uniform skirt Qiao Li frowned at the desk and asked.

"Junior sister, this matter has already been dealt with. Tomorrow you will drive my interstellar ship and send these selected veteran students to Brother Yang in the Dragon Group of the Mother Star Reconstruction Base."

"Good brother, but two months later, I sensed the catastrophe reminder of the tribulation period, sorrow, my good brother?"

"Congratulations, Junior Sister has reached the tribulation period so soon." Yang Bo's spiritual sense revealed surprise.

"Earth Star II is full of spiritual energy, and you personally guide me, as a master, I will not reach the stage of crossing the catastrophe, how do your disciples and grandchildren think of me?" Li Yali said depressed.

"Senior sister has suffered you with the brothers these years. As long as your sister-in-law agrees with us in the future, I have no objection." Yang Bo was also a little depressed.

"Understood, brother, will you come to me tonight to guide me in my practice?" Li Yali's beautiful cheek flashed a shy voice.

"Junior Sister, I’m really sorry. I’m preparing a project report for the School of Science and Technology and the Academy of Cultivation. You see, we are now moving to live in the Earth Star II. The Star Alliance Reiki Pill and Shouyuan Pill of the Cultivation System require a lot of training materials. The same is true for the mineral materials of interstellar technology. Our resources simply cannot meet the needs of the 20 billion people around the world. Therefore, I am going to draw up a detailed report to divide the two major areas into two major education systems. This cannot be the part of comprehension. Mortals can also be useful." Yang Bo looked at the beautiful junior girl Li Yali apologetically and said.

"I see, brother." Li Yali responded with some loss.

Li Yali didn't know Yang Bo's thoughts. Yang Bo is currently in the Great Perfection during the Tribulation Period, and in a year he will fly to the nearest Six Paths Comprehension Space System to practice in the fairy world of the fairy dream galaxy. And he wanted to return to the home planet Earth and Star again in a short time, it was very difficult, because the three big ancestors of the Yao Race, the Immortal Emperor, had already ascended to the God Realm. It will take a thousand years for Earthstar to break through to the wormhole jumping technology of tens of millions of light-years. Therefore, he speeded up the layout before leaving to ensure that after he ascended the immortal world, the home planet humans would not be self-conflicting and internal friction. He hoped that through the guidance of the two major systems, everyone's vision would be led to the conquest of the endless starry sky.

Seeing the back of Junior Sister leaving, Yang Bo could only sigh, hey. After that, he turned his attention to the computer and tapped the keyboard with both hands and began to draw up reports on the two major systems.

Three days later, there were no empty seats in the lobby of the National Galaxy Alliance Conference Center, Oriental Longshuo, on the second planet. The chief read out the project report of these two systems in public. When he finished reading, the members of the audience applauded excitedly, and thunderous applause resounded through the whole conference hall. The plan was approved unanimously.

One year passed quickly, and the two college systems were operating efficiently around the world. Li Yali became the president of the Star Alliance Cultivation Academy, and the dean of the Earth Star Alliance Academy of Sciences was appointed by the chief as the president of the Star Alliance Academy of Science and Technology.

In the presence of more than two hundred group leaders and representatives of the two colleges of the Star Alliance, a colorful sky circle above the lawn of the old Shenlong base released a colorful passage that led Yang Bo to the fairy world and the fairy world gang wind accompanied by strong pressure. Yang Bo watched with tears as his tribesmen and relatives and friends slowly rose in the dazzling passage of the colorful gods along with the power of the fairy world. After a quarter of an hour, it disappeared into the tears of everyone looking up at the sky.

The most remote planet in the northern part of the fairy world of the fairy dream galaxy, the blue star rises to the Sendai Huaxianchi ascension channel, today suddenly colorful lights shine, a figure of the Longshuo cultivator appears in the pool, the ascension channel after Yang Bo enters the Huaxianchi Turn off automatically. At this moment, Yang Bo, who was in the fairy qi emulsion like Huaxianchi, took only an hour to close his eyes and complete the transformation of his body's true elemental power to immortal elemental power, and he became the immortal cultivator in the mid-term cultivation base of the immortal. Shengxiantai and Huaxianchi after Yang Bo converted the immortal origins in his body, they instantly turned into a colorful magical light and rushed into the clouds and disappeared without a trace.

The place where Yunyou Forest is located in the southern part of the Blue Star of the Fairy World has gravity like a mountain, the wind like a knife, and the scorching sun. The environment is extremely harsh, and what is even more frightening is that there is no official reception agency for Xianting in Huaxianchi. Yang Bo climbed out of the dry and bottomed Huaxian Pond and lay on a land twenty times the gravity of the fairy world, and began to adapt to the environment here. Looking around at the southern forest edge, a small town in the fairy world appeared in front of you about a kilometer to the east on the right side of the southern forest edge. It is said that the town is actually a rough fence constructed with fences and large branches. The town is covered with desert Gobi desert on three sides, and only where Yang Bo stands is the forest land. From time to time, immortal monks dressed as hunters pass by him and enter the forest to hunt for life.

For a cultivator in the middle age of the fairy who was lying on the ground, the hunters and the powerful cultivator of the fairy world who had gone in directly ignored it.

Yang Bo gritted his teeth amidst the neglected hunting experience crowd, and straightened his body with difficulty, then lifted up his heavy legs and walked step by step. It took three full days before he finally got used to the twenty-fold super stellar core gravity here, and sweating slowly walked into the fairyland blue nebula secluded town that he hadn't dared to set foot in for three days.