Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 49: hunting


The big-mouthed crocodile, who had never opened his mind in the early stage of the fairy, was greeted by Yang Bo with a big stick, and his brain was all scattered on the fairy grass on the bank of the stream, releasing a strong smell of blood. Yang Bo was shocked, and hurriedly took out a shield to wrap the river bank in a radius of ten meters. The five fingers of his right hand issued an air sword to cut off the roots of the grass, and the air bag in his left hand wrapped the bloody fairy grass and piled up under his feet. Then luck became a ball and wrapped the fairy grass pile with the big basin and the fairy balloon of the big-mouthed crocodile corpse, and the divine sense guided it hanging on the chest and led it to the small wind tunnel to the east.

The bloody smell attracted the giant fierce fairy beasts in the Xianzhang period. After they wandered around and searched for a circle, they left with dissatisfaction.

Back to the small wind tunnel, Yang Bo blocked the rock hole of the small earth-packed small wind tunnel with huge boulders to prevent the bloody smell from leaking out. After doing all this, he guided the bloody fairy grass and the corpse of the big-mouthed crocodile wrapped in the fairy balloon on his chest to fall on the rocky ground at the bottom of the cave ten meters deep.

The divine consciousness controls the release of the immortal energy and returns to its place. Yang Bo sat cross-legged and closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. Suddenly, a fierce fighting sound came in from outside the cave.

Then, "Boom!" The explosion sounded, and two monks screamed, "Ah!"

Yang Bo flew nervously to the entrance of the cave ten meters above, hovering in the air to gather his feet, and quietly opened the gap that blocked the big rock at the entrance of the cave, holding his breath and looking at the two mutilated corpses lying outside the cave, one of them A fairy beast vulture was standing on the torn corpse in a cyan robe, sweeping this delicacy with gusto. Following howled from the sky, three fairy beast vultures fell to the ground and ate at another corpse. While eating them, they uttered bird whispers and murmured there. About a quarter of an hour later, the fairy beast vulture that had eaten away, unexpectedly wept in the eyes of the bird, and Yang Tian let out a sorrowful cry of "Help!" When he fell to the ground, he spit out a trace of black blood and the bird's leg straightened and was poisoned to death. The corpses of two human cultivators were lost underground but the corpses of four fairy beast vultures were added.

Yang Bo watched the wonderful mouth and whispered: "Damn, was poisoned?"

At this moment, not far away, there was the sound of footsteps slightly shaking the ground, followed by a few loud beast roars. Ho Ho Ho! It seemed to warn that the vulture corpse 100 meters in front of the other fairy beasts belonged to the three of them.

The ten-meter leopard body of the three fairy world black panthers, in a streamlined leap posture, came to the vulture corpse in one breath. Without saying anything, it cannibalize directly. They know that they must finish eating as soon as possible, otherwise the surrounding fairy beasts will come over to fight. The vulture was eaten up, and the three fairy beasts and black panthers, a 10-meter giant, fell to the ground with the same vomiting black blood.

Yang Bo didn't dare to delay, is it still humble to send a pillow to brother

Thinking of this, pushing away the rock blocking the entrance of the cave, the divine sense guided the Dan Gong Qi and Hai Xian Qi in the body to rush out of the cave entrance, wrapped three black panther corpses, and pulled back into the cave quickly. Hit the big rock with one palm to block the hole to prevent the smell of blood from leaking.

Yang Bo's spiritual sense controlled the huge fairy qi ball and wrapped the three rounds of fairy beast and black panther corpses and flew to the bottom of the ten-meter hole, and then stepped on the fairy qi to land on the bottom of the hole. Bend down and probed the black blood venom at the corner of the fairy beast and panther's mouth.

The strange thing is that Yang Bo inspected it. The centipede, which was a few feet long under the panther, crawled into them from the bottom of the burrow, swallowing the delicious venom.

A very light and faint sound of sucking the juice came from the panther's body, and Yang Bo's heart was stunned, and he hurriedly released his divine sense to investigate. I saw several centipedes devouring black venom in the three panthers. After about a quarter of an hour, these centipedes retreated from the hole under the panther's body sensibly.

The black blood at the corners of the three black panthers' mouths disappeared, and the overflowing red blood fell to the ground.

With the prey, Yang Bo's heart temporarily stabilized. Sitting in the lower corner of the Baizhang space in Xiaofengdong, they communicated with Jin Ling and Wooden Ling in the Sea of Knowledge. He used his spiritual knowledge to preach: "Wood spirit, is the gold spirit there?"

Two rays of light flashed in front of him, Jin Ling and Mu Ling, two thumb-sized boys standing on the left and right shoulders of Yang Bo. Mu Ling said, "Master, do you have stalactites?" Jin Ling stood on his right shoulder and looked at Yang Bo's face with expectation.

"The stalactites have been eaten by you a long time ago, they are really gone, and the rest are left for my junior and sister in the Shenlong base to cross the robbery. Sorry, two brothers." Yang Bo apologized.

"It's no good, I dare to call us out, Mu Ling walks us back and ignores this petty ghost." Jin Ling said dissatisfiedly that he wrapped Mu Ling and directly turned into two lights and escaped into the two altars of Yang Bodan Palace's Qi Sea. , Each practiced with cross-legged eyes closed.

"You are too realistic, right?" Yang Bo Chuannian said dissatisfied.

The two little guys pouted and ignored him, pretending to close their eyes and practicing.

Yang Bo was helpless, so he had to withdraw his mind and went to the Sea of Consciousness to transform his soul body and walk to the front of the Nine Spirit Pagoda, waiting to step into the gate of the first floor. A colorful magical light formed a barrier and bounced off his advancing soul body. Several large characters appeared on the barrier, "Please do not enter without stalactites."

"Damn, why are you all like this? Isn't it too realistic?"

no respond. Only a Nine-Colored Nine Spirit Pagoda enchantment unceremoniously blocked all actions of Yang Bo's soul body entering.

Yang Bo had to clear up his mood, and sat down under the dragon pattern pillar depressed, but was bounced off by a golden beam of dragon pattern pillars and flew into the empty sea of consciousness space, almost falling into the soul pool of the sea of consciousness.

"You bastards, just ignore me if you don't have stalactites, I rely on." Yang Bo stood up with arms akimbo and pointed at the Pokémon inside these bodies and cursed.

No one paid attention to him, only silence and seclusion responded to him.

"Hey, I also want to give you stalactites. Unfortunately, Ascension can't bring you the immortal world. Except for your four magical treasures and immortal stones, nothing else was taken away and left to Earth Star II. The junior sister of Zhongshenlong base. What do you want me to do?" Yang Bo sat weakly by the soul pond and muttered to himself depressed.

At this moment, Mu Ling said with divine thoughts: "Master, according to legend, there is a deep blue nebula in the fairy world. Or you can look for it. As long as you have the benefits of stalactites, you are afraid that everyone will not be able to contribute?"

"Dead Wood Spirit, there are fairy beasts from the immortal to the Xianzhang period, you want me to go in and find stalactites for you, I rely on, you little bastard." Yang Bo tremblingly passed on to Wood Lingdao.

There was no response, and silence replaced words.

In fact, Yang Bo also knows that these babes in his body have no welfare recently. They are used to the daily welfare of stalactites. No one is accustomed to it. He can understand. But these bastards are so realistic that they are not only sad, but even alert. : "It seems that relying on foreign objects is not as good as relying on yourself."

Thinking of this, Yang Bo was not entangled with the divine consciousness and withdrew from the sea of knowledge, but a cloud of robbery gathered outside the cave. At this moment, Yang Bo felt a slight, cracking sound like an egg breaking from the Dan Palace. The Dan Palace in his body began to expand frantically. It didn't stop until the size of thirty feet. The two little guys who were cultivating and lifting the bar inside were frightened and felt the shock of the master breaking through the bottleneck and advancing to the stage of immortality in the sky above the Pill Flying Pill Palace.

Yang Bo felt that the Heavenly Dao thunder punishes the call, pushed away the big rock blocking the cave entrance with a palm, then walked out and turned around and waved his palm to return the big rock to stop the cave entrance again. He flew up and ejected into the impossibly dim and dim cloud of calamity in mid-air, and opened his mouth to spit out the Dragon Origin Thunder Spirit Orb, releasing the bright gold and silver light, forming a vortex that swallowed the power of Heaven's Punishment, lightning, and thunder. The horror of the Second Nine Immortal Tribulation in the Immortal Realm Fairy World, the wind roaring outside the small wind tunnel, the surrounding big trees were uprooted and blown into the distance. The animals are far away collectively. The birds on the tree flew in surprise but were torn apart by the thunder of the heavens.

An hour later, the power of the twenty-nine-day thunder and eighteen thunder punishments was completely swallowed by the Yang Bo Shenlong Lei Yuanzhu. The robbery cloud unwillingly wandered a hundred meters above his head and dissipated in the sky. .

It is a disaster for others to cross the catastrophe, but Yang Bo crosses the catastrophe to supplement the Lei Linggen's Lei Li in the eyes of Lei Ying in the life palace space on his forehead.

Yang Bo is pleased that the sense of God guides the Shenlong Lei Yuanzhu to the heart palace of the heart. Inside the body, the wooden spirit pill palace, the golden spirit heart palace, the thunder spirit life palace, and the three palaces all have their own unique Qi Hai pools, which have doubled after the thunder catastrophe. At the same time, it reached the size of sixty zhang mesons, and the fairy qi in the Qihai Pool spread to the surface of the pool like liquid. In the slight surging, there are waves rippling the pure cyan fairy liquid to the shore and then back into the pool. In the palace of life, the lightning silver glow in the immortal pond of thunder and lightning filled the entire palace of qi. A silver pocket boy in the middle of the sea of Qi was practising on the altar with his knees closed and his eyes closed. The Linggen boys sitting cross-legged on the altar of the three Qihaichi are all practicing with their eyes closed and realizing the benefits after the catastrophe.

Yang Bo calmly closed the silver thunder light released by the eyes of Lei Ying, which stretched hundreds of meters. Floating down next to the small wind tunnel, she shot her right palm and gently flicked the sleeve of the cyan robe to remove the big rock blocking the hole, dashed in, hit the rock and blocked the hole with one hand, and then landed on At the west corner of the bottom of the Baizhang Dadong, he closed his eyes and practiced cross-legged to consolidate.

In the past two days, Yang Bo has been digesting the benefits of Thunder Tribulation. First of all, his physical body is more pure and condensed under the tempering of the lightning silver glow released by the Palace of Life. Secondly, the wood spirit in the Pill Palace Qi Sea Pool released the green god glow to repair the broken veins of the thunder glow released by the Lei Ling Gen. In the end, Jin Linggen's golden and sharp gods everywhere in the heart palace washed the damaged body that Yang Bo had just repaired, and carried out large-scale destruction. Fortunately, Mu Linggen was the first to recognize that the owner did not care about the fault of the owner not to send the stalactite welfare, and released a strong green color. Shenmang quickly repaired Jin Ling's destructive power.

Yang Bo, who had been wandering on the edge of pain and death for two days, stared at the top of the cave and let out a comfortable groan: "Ah!"

At this moment, there was a sound of distant footsteps coming from outside the cave, and Yang Bo let out a divine detective in his astonishment.

Divine knowledge passed on and made his debut: "Little brother, what are you running?"

"Ah? It's you, son, I heard you scream in the cave just now and thought you were in a problem, so hehe, you know." Xiao Er preached embarrassedly.

This little second is a real villain without covering up. Yang Bo had a good impression of him and recalled: "Come in and trade."

When Xiao Er approached the entrance of the cave, Yang Bo waved his hand to release a celestial celestial glow of the immortal chapter period. Removed the rock blocking the entrance of the cave. The younger brother sensibly stepped inside. Yang Bo waved the rock backhand and was taken care of by Juli. Block the hole to prevent the bloody smell from leaking.

Xiao Er entered, jumped down, and stood beside Yang Bo, staring at the underground with his eyes wide open and his right hand thumbs up and praised: "Good guy, the black wind leopard of Xianzhangqi, and the big-mouthed crocodile, amazing, son."

"Laughter, let's trade, how many immortal stones do you say?" Yang Bo asked with a pretty smile when he heard the compliments.

"My son, all one hundred middle-grade immortal stones." Xiao Er raised his index finger and said excitedly.

Yang Bo didn't understand the market. Since the second brother is a real villain, he simply said, "Give me the money."

Xiao Er **** also smiled unambiguously and took out an immortal universe bag and handed it to Yang Bodao: "Hey, the space in this universe bag is a hundred meters in size, half of which can access dead objects, and the other half can access living objects. The son is so happy to give you this Universe Bag, and hunting will not be afraid of the smell of blood leaking."

Yang Bo was able to save a hundred blue and white middle-grade celestial stones piled in it. The two large areas inside were sealed with an enchantment. Yang Bo took the Qiankun bag and smiled and praised: "The things in the immortal world are different. You can also access living things. Thank you, brother."

You are polite, ha ha ha, son, my name is ****, how about you

"My name is Yang Bo, **** you can rest assured that my goods will be traded with you in the future." Yang Bo looked at **** admiringly and said.

"Since Brother Yang is so interesting, I'll add another five hundred middle-grade spirit stone trading money. But I have a tight hand now. I will send it to you in three days. By the way, I will trade with the next batch. Okay?"

Yang Bo said with a smirk: "Brother Liu is interesting enough, then I'll see you in three days. Go slowly and don't give it away."

**** The old face blushed and said: "This is my goodbye."

Sending away the ****, Yang Bo secretly said with joy: "This bastard can sell at least one thousand middle-grade spirit stones, and finally has a bit of conscience to increase the price, poaching is a good job, once it changes hands, it will be six hundred middle-grade gemstones, hehe. "

Yang Bo carefully hid the precious first pot of gold in the corner, dug a hole and pressed it under a big rock. Turning around the big stone, he nodded with a satisfied smile. Following him waved out a blue fairy light. Moved away the big rock at the entrance of the cave. It flew out of the cave and stood there. The green light pulled the big rock and blocked the entrance again. Yang Bo picked up a lot of weeds from the surrounding area. The branches covered the big rocks. Just walking up close makes people feel like a mass of wasteland.

After Yang Bo finished this, with a smile, he headed towards the deep periphery of the dim forest to hunt in the dark.