Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 52: The evil spirit of blood that Eel God ignores


Yang Bo washed away the dirt on his body and called out a set of golden dragon robes made by the Eagle King tailored for him with eagle wings. With a calm smile, he walked out of the eel palace and flew down on the square. Looking at the respectful look in the eyes of the thousands of guards standing, they released their spiritual consciousness and saw their injuries hidden behind their clothes. I was moved and said with tears: "Brothers, Condor Guardians, today you are injured because of me. Please sit cross-legged and receive treatment."

Hearing that, the guards were moved in a mess, tears loomed in the eyes of the tigers, and the hot-blooded warriors sat cross-legged, accepting the emperor's gift.

This move aroused the appreciation of the five babies in Yang Bo's body. They feel very lucky to be able to follow such a master. Feel free to grumble like a friend, or even strike. The host treats them well as always. Now that the newly regained subordinate master can die generously for them, the magical sacred treasure between the five heavens and the earth has a higher evaluation of the master.

In fact, Yang Bo was not as great as they thought. He just wanted the two treasures of Longyuan Leizhu and Lei Ying's Eye to absorb more thunderpower, and he would also have more money to save his life. Unexpectedly, he became a giant by mistake. If he knew that the five babies in his body thought this way, he would have secretly laughed in the bed for three days.

The Eagle King Zhanfeng, who has been in retreat these days, actually lacks resources in his pocket. The brothers need to be healed after the catastrophe. There are only three top-grade immortal stones left in his Qiankun bag. Filling the teeth is not enough, so I can only choose to retreat to escape this embarrassing situation. But his divine consciousness released to probe everything that happened outside. The new owner, Emperor Eel, did everything that he was moved to completely surrender. Not to mention that even the eagles that have not yet opened their minds in the air have shrunk half of their wings out of instinct, expressing the highest respect for the eel emperor in his heart.

An hour later, the mid-term guardian of the thousand Shenying Immortal Monarchs recovered from their injuries. Even the dark wounds in the body have been removed. A stinky sweat, when Yang Bo felt that the air quality was not good, he ordered them to go home to take a bath and reunite with their families to celebrate their promotion.

In the respectful eyes of the guards, Yang Bo flew back to the eel palace and practiced with his knees closed and his eyes closed.

Under the leadership of Emperor Eel, the periphery of Yunyou Forest entered a period of high-speed cultivation. However, it attracted the attention of the strong people of the forest fairy beast clan inside the outer forest Scarlet God Monument. The strength of the Condor clan directly threatened their lord consciousness.

Three days later, Yang Bo took the five treasures in his body to bid farewell to the brothers of the Shenying clan, and shot towards the Scarlet Monument a hundred miles away in the northeast.

During the flyby, Yang Bo Chuan read to Mu Ling said: "Mu Ling, are you sure you are in that bloody god monument?"

"Well, I asked Jin Ling and his feelings are the same as mine. Even the Nine Spirit Towers, Thunder Spirits and Dragon Balls all say the same. Master, you can find it with peace of mind. That's the welfare of all of us, Master, come on. !Hee hee hee."

"Well, my little ancestors, let me try my best. But when it's dangerous, you tell them that they are not allowed to strike?" Yang Bo retorted a little entangled.

"Don't worry, Master, you must be full-time for work, but after I get it, I will need two benefits, because I am your chief Shengbao brother, do you think it's okay? Master?"

"Um? Mu Ling, do you think it's the Earth Star? It's the chief, I'll go. Okay, you can practice, just remember not to be melancholy when you should do it. I can always get into that bloody god monument, right? I'm afraid. You little ancestors."

"Master is so good, thank you. Hehehe." Mu Ling said. However, they closed their eyes and practiced cross-legged on the altar of Pill Palace Qihaichi, it must be prepared to get the stalactites for the master to attend full attendance in the best condition.

Yang Bo was speechless, and said in his heart, "Who is the master?"

Two days later, Yang Bo stopped a hundred meters from the Bloody God Stele, and an invisible, bloody, transparent and intangible space barrier blocked his progress.

There was nothing in front, only the smell of blood and an invisible barrier wall. Yang Bo charged three times and was bounced away.

In desperation, standing a hundred meters away, the consciousness released and was ready to explore. The divine sense just touched the transparent enchantment, and a swallowing force acted on the divine sense, and the power of the divine sense was invisibly attracted and swallowed by the enchantment. He hurriedly withdrew his spiritual consciousness in his heart, but he didn't respond? In panic, Yang Bo preached to the five babies in his body at the same time: "Go to work, little ancestors!"

The five-dao children's thumbs are of different colors, and they appear colorfully to cover Yang Bo's body. A dominance of black spirit power in Yang Bo’s astonished eyes poured back into the colorful shield. The five holy spirit boys stood on the five elements to form a five element formation, and five pairs of beans, big and small hands, were all on duty at the same time. Gong released the five gods, forming a small whirlpool outside the shield, swallowing the black spirit power of the enchantment and returning to the shield to reinforce Yang Bozhihai to help him expand the area.

Yang Bo saw the spirit boy of Longzhu and the spirit boy of Nine Spirit Tower for the first time. On the head of the Nine Spirit Tower stands a miniature tower-shaped nine-color hair bun. The dragon pillar spirit boy is a dragon imprint in his chest releasing a faint colorful glow. Lei Lingtong's whole body was shining with silver light, but his forehead was as straight as Yang Bo's and his eyes were not opened. Yang Bo was sure that it was the eyes of Lei Ying who could break the mist. The five little guys worked hard, and the enchantment suffered. In less than two hours, a good immortal emperor-level enchantment was swallowed up by these five magical holy spirit children, all of their soul power was swallowed by these five magical holy spirit children, denying the master Yang Bo to expand the boundary of the sea. The five babes were sweating profusely, and turned into five gods to escape into Yang Bo's body. Yang Bo was very sensible and took out five stalactites and swallowed them. The five gods in his body wrapped the five groups of welfare and returned to his practice space, absorbing and refining the welfare provided by the master.

"Master, why is my welfare less?"

"Mu Ling, don't be angry, isn't this busy? I'll make it up for you right away."

"What about mine? Master, I'm on full attendance today?" Jin Ling preached intently.

In the shock of the sea of knowledge, the five spirits whispered and passed on, making it like a noisy vegetable market. Yang Bo was upset, and again helplessly grabbed the only five stalactites and took it down. The five little guys smiled with treacherous thieves, offering five gods in Yang Bo's body, wrapping them in full attendance welfare, and returning to their respective spaces, carefully putting them in their arms and storing them.

After setting up the five treasures in his body, Yang Bo looked at the bloody monument of the battleship that was less than two meters wide. A turbulent blood flowed in his heart and spread throughout his body. It made him restless, and his whole person was like a huge wave falling into the sky. Fortunately, the spirit power of so many vigorous enchantments just now expanded the Sea of Consciousness three times. While absorbing the stalactites, the gods and the five treasures in the body, as powerful as the late gods, divided half of their power to support the owner to resist this terrifying erosion of blood. Otherwise, Yang Bo knows that the sea is bound to be boundless. And he himself will lose his nature, and become bloodthirsty crazy and become a gorefiend. Go crazy and slaughter innocent people, and finally punished by Tiandao Lei, his blood vessels burst and died. Therefore, this bloody god monument at the junction of the inner and outer boundaries of Yunyou Forest caused countless cultivators who were not at the middle stage of the Immortal Emperor to die in violent blood. Here is a natural dividing line of the horror of the forest inside and outside.

Yang Bo, the eyes of the gods and Lei Ying are fully opened, breaking through the fog and illusion, flying body into a colorful god and directly escape into the bloody god monument, not because he is not afraid of death, but afraid of being annoyed by the five little babies in his body Die, so with the mentality of dying, I closed my eyes and rushed into the space inside the bloody god stele where the monks of the immortal world talked about the stele.

There are two heavens inside and outside, and the forest outside. Inside, there was a strong smell of blood, and there was turbulent blood in a boundless sea of blood. Yang Bo's body was ups and downs in a sea of blood. The divine sense opened and closed the five senses and explored everything in the radius. As the huge waves drifted, I explored all the way. After two days there was no trace of the stalactites. Yang Bochuan read to Mu Ling, "No? Little ancestor."

"Master, according to the feelings of our five brothers, it should be thousands of miles ahead, Master, come on!"

"Um? Okay." Yang Bo reluctantly recalled with a wry smile.

The at least that can enter the bloody god stele is the boundary of the sea of consciousness of the middle stage of the immortal emperor. Knowing the sea is a basic threshold, and Yang Bo, with the help of the five holy spirit babies in his body, just meets this ticket standard. With the approval of the god monument, Yang Bo wandered unscrupulously towards the destination thousands of miles away.

Yang Bo, who is moving forward in the huge waves, always feels that there is a problem with this bloodline? But I don't know where to start, there is always a familiar feeling. He calmly recalled in his mind where did he smell this smell? Everything from the past began to replay in a panoramic view in his mind. Scenes of thrilling scenes pass away in an instant, when passing through the memory scenes of Eel God's inheritance? His eyes opened and flashed a brighter light than usual. It turned out to be the smell of the eel god blood lotus platform, which was the blood of the eel god of the eel clan. Thinking of this, he directly pierced his finger and dripped out a drop of Shenlong's blood. This drop of the dragon's blood fell into the sea of blood, releasing an unparalleled colorful blood glow, forming a huge dragon-shaped blood-colored colorful god peak tower, standing proudly above the sea of blood in the huge wave of blood out of thin air. The bottom of the tower revealed a colorful blood-colored vortex that released a strong attraction, swallowing the sea of blood crazily like a black hole.

In shock, Yang Bo shared a thought in the dragon column: "Master, release the Dragon Blood Tower to devour the sea of blood."

Biting ten fingers directly, another hundred drops of Shenlong's blood floated into the sea of blood. Towers of terrifying dragons and dragons floated out of thin air in an instant, and the bottom of the tower released a black hole-like gravitation while swallowing the sea of blood.

A spirit boy the size of a wood spirit released bleeding awns, shot in mid-air from a sea of blood, and looked at Yang Bo proudly below: "Inherited disciple of the Eel God, this seat is the blood spirit born from the evil thoughts of the Eel God. With you, this seat can directly obtain the Eel God Origin and ascend to the God Realm. Hahahaha!"

Yang Bo is a little anxious? What kind of situation is this? The evil thoughts of the Eel God can also cultivate the rebirth of the soul boy, but this kind of creature is too terrifying

Yang Bo didn't know how to deal with it, because the sea of blood in the sea of consciousness had already invaded, forming a river of blood that submerged half of the sea of consciousness. A burst of dizziness hit, Yang Bo instinctively called for help in the crisis: "Five Spirits, help!"

The five gods within his body instantly rushed out of Yang Bo's body, flying into the air to surround the blood spirit group born by Eel God's evil thoughts. The five holy spirits came out in full attendance, the five-pointed star was suspended, and the small hands simultaneously sacrificed the five gods. Washed towards the blood spirit standing in the center.

Blood Inspiration is powerful and threatened by these five auras and concentrates on preaching to the five holy spirits: "Why are you both soul boys born in heaven and earth, why are you embarrassed with me? Is a human race worthy of us in the same room?"

Yang Bo heard these thoughts clearly, and the Five Spirits retreated from the Sea of Blood. Yang Bo was unable to hang in the air and trembled while looking at the blood spirit. "Blood spirit, good and evil coexist between heaven and earth. Your resentment can only say that Master Eel has not paid attention to you, nor has he given you guidance and warmth. I can understand. Without care and warmth is equal to no love. If I don’t have love, I’m crazier than you. You can ask Wuling if we are happy together?"

During the fierce battle between the blood spirits and the five spirits, they looked around and had eye contact and soul dialogue with the five spirits. The answer is: "They are their own masters and belong to them. They can do whatever they want, and they can contribute. There is no welfare exemption, otherwise? Resolutely strike."

The blood spirit has never seen such a great soul boy in his life? This completely subverted his three views. When the Three Views of Wisdom Life are destroyed, he will go mad for a short period of time. Amidst the chaos of his blood, soul and consciousness, he yells up to the sky: "No! This world is too crazy, no, it's too scary for you. Ah!"

Following that, he lost his look when staring in one direction, and then closed his eyes and fell into the huge wave of blood which is 100 meters below, weakly and weightlessly. Yang Bo quickly flew up with his eyes and hands, and his right palm caught the poor and lonely little guy who was the size of a thumb and closed his eyes in a coma. At the same time, the gods control the dragon blood tower on the sea of blood, turning into a blood bead entrance and returning to its place. The five little holy spirits also flew into Yang Bo's palm together, looking at the blood spirit with concern. After three breaths, sitting cross-legged in the palm opened an unprecedented first meeting outside the owner's body and discussed how to rescue the blood spirit. Come…