Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 53: Stalactite and Fire Spirit (1)


Xue Ling fainted in Yang Bo's palm. Under the joint efforts of the Five Spirits, Xue Ling woke up slowly. Opened his eyes and looked at the surrounding five spirits tiredly, and then looked at Yang Bo, who looked down at him with concern and said weakly, "Blood!"

The bloody sea of eel god and evil spirit that used to be bloody waves now only has the blood flow of the waist like a creek, rushing from Yang Bo's waist to the downstream.

Hearing that Yang Bo was standing in the blood stream, biting his finger and dripping blood into the blood of the blood spirit, the fragrant colorful dragon blood inlet made the blood spirit tremble, releasing a faint colorful spirit. During ten breaths of time, the blood spirit closed his eyes and refined the precious dragon blood. When I opened my eyes again, the light flashed, and there was a grateful look in the evil light in the blood-colored pupils. Under the gaze of everyone's concern, the petite bloody body stood up from Yang Bo's palm, stood up and looked at Yang Bo's energetic question: "Why save me?"

"Blood Spirit, you and I are originally a family. Master Eel God's evil thoughts gave birth to you, but I am the inheritor of Eel God. We should abandon our previous suspicions and stand in the same boat, and stand together to face the overbearing dominance of Xian Ting. Don't you think?" Yang Bo looked down at the blood spirit standing in his palm with a sincere expression in his eyes, soothed.

The blood spirit is the bloody evil spirit life born from the evil thoughts abandoned by the eel god. Wisdom is not inferior to an eight-year-old child, and he also understands the truth that whoever treats it well is good to whom. The evil nature urges him to guard against the kindness and care of Yang Bo and the Five Spirits. However, he was very grateful for Yang Bo and Wuling's life-saving grace. Xie Xie smiled and said: "My master has a clear grievance. Today you rescued me. There is a stalactite cave 30 meters below ten feet of blood. You can only take half of it when you smash the river bed. Otherwise? The self-exploding and breaking of this Scarlet God Stele space won’t let you get an extra point. After you get the benefits, I will send you to leave the Scarlet God Stele immediately. From now on, we will not owe each other. You go and dig it. His pupils flashed with evil spirits, looked around the five spirits, and then raised his head Xie Xie glanced at Yang Bo, then shot from Yang Bo's palm and fled into the bloody stream, disappearing without a trace.

Seeing the blood spirit diving and disappearing from the five spirits, the five sacred lights from Yang Bo's palm turned into the five gods from Yang Bo's palm, and they rushed into Yang Bo's body and returned to their respective positions. Excitedly preparing to cooperate with the owner to dig stalactites under the treasure water area pointed by the blood spirit in front.

Yang Bo regretfully glanced at the surface of the water where the blood spirit finally disappeared, and flew up, clattering, bringing up a burst of blood mist. At the time of three breaths, both feet stepped on the hidden water level of the stalactite pointed by the blood spirit. With the help of the Five Spirits, the place where Yang Bo stood smoothly formed a ten-meter-circular divine dragon colorful field, separated from the blood stream to expose the riverbed, and slammed ten palms continuously on the dry river ground. A white cave entrance was revealed, and the five spirits jumped out of the cave entrance while flying out of the owner's body to control the colorful areas to ensure that the river did not flood into the stalactite underground cave.

Yang Bo controlled his figure to fly into the cave, and a stalactite lava cave with a size of a thousand meters appeared in front of him. He exaggeratedly spit on his hand with excitement in his eyes, crossed his hands and prodded his hand excitedly. Following the flying body, Divine Sense called out the empty universe bag in the Life Palace space to collect the white stalactites that were everywhere.

"Twenty-nine, thirty, fifty, one hundred, one hundred five, one hundred nine..."

The countless stalactites for three consecutive days filled the universe bag one after another, and Yang Bo sat on the ground with a smile and counted three times. A total of twelve universe bags of the size of a small hill are all filled. Raising his hand and swallowing ten handfuls in a row met the demands of the five little ancestors in his body who urged him to send out welfare. Then I was waiting to raise my head to the sky and laugh happily, but there was a red light flashing through the blood spirit standing on a white stalactite staring at him in disgust. He drew in his heart, stuck a smile, and looked at the bloody little face that was about to run away in surprise.

Xue Ling saw that this human race boy Yang Bo seemed to have no intention of giving up. He almost vomited blood. His face was gloomy and his index finger pointed to Yang Bo, who was full of joy, and cursed: "Smelly boy, that's enough, you guys. It's already half taken away, get out!"

A bloody sacred light was aroused from the bloody palms, and instantly swept over Yang Bo's body and sent him out of the bloody sacred monument.

Yang Bo was surprised to hear the last word "rolling" of the blood spirit's violent curse, and he was taken by the red light to the outside of the bloody god monument on the boundary line between the inner and outer boundaries of Yunyou Forest. After falling to the ground, Yang Bo came back to his senses and patted the wet soil in the forest. He shook his head with a wicked smile, got up, stood up straight and looked around, turned and bowed towards the bloody monument. : "Blood Spirit, my brother, if you need Big Brother Yang Bo, you can go to the Shenying Peak Eel Palace on the outskirts of the forest to find me, take care of yourself!"

At this moment, a deafening beast roar suddenly came out from the dim clouds above the Scarlet God Tablet, "Um!"

Hearing the sound, Yang Bo sent the Universe Bag with Divine Sense into the Life Palace space and placed it in his heart. He instinctively stepped on the ground and flew down and hid behind a towering tree, looking up at the dark clouds that were violently rolling in the sky watching the beast roar.

A pair of black glowing barefoot, indifferently protruding out of the dim clouds, followed the whole body to Yang Bo's surprised eyes, a figure of a beautiful human race wearing a black dragon robe with a gentle temperament and a demon. Indifferently, he glanced down at the place where Yang Bo was hiding, and then raised his head to look up at the sky and warned in an arrogant voice: "Humanity, don't try to challenge the bottom line of this seat. The entrance of Yunyou Forest is the black dragon king. Territory, trespassers die!"

Yang Bo heard that he was unhappy and released the beautiful young Black Dragon King who was standing in the air with his feet probing outside his consciousness. This investigation turned out to be a strong man in the late Dzogchen of Xianjun. In amazement, Yang Boxie smiled and said a flickering spirit: "Don't worry, this lord, I'm just passing by. Since you are so upright, how about making friends?"

"Human race doesn't have a good thing. Before this king gets angry, get away." The young black dragon king looked down at Yang Bo and cursed in a deep voice.

Yang Bo smiled and said, "Hey, the Black Dragon King doesn't need to be nervous, let's go."

Seeing Yang Bo's figure heading away towards the outer forest, a bright black glow flashed through the sky, and the black dragon king turned into a black glow and disappeared into the dim cloud sky.

Yang Bo's move was also out of helplessness. The first level he entered was to fight the Black Dragon King. He was a little sure in the middle stage of the battle against Xianjun, and the latter match was tantamount to death. Therefore, he rationally chose to return to the Shenying Peak Eel Palace to make plans. Anyway, the stalactites were also found, and the few babes in his body would not bother him every day. One day later, Yang Bo, who returned to Shenying Peak Eel Palace, met with the brothers of the Immortal Shenying Clan who came to greet him. After some reassurance, he turned and returned to the spacious dedicated practice chamber in the backyard of the palace, cross-legged and closed his eyes thinking.

"According to the introduction of the old turtle, the nine spirit roots plus the soul emperor's cultivation base will build the nine spirit pagoda in the body, creating the inner body domain, after receiving the baptism of the heavenly punishment, it can directly become a god.

To build the nine spiritual roots in the body, it is necessary to break through the nine levels of the Nine Spirit Pagoda to obtain the opportunity, build the Nine Spirit Palace in the body and plant the nine heaven and earth spiritual root seeds in the palace. Pregnancy, the five element spiritual roots plus the four special spiritual roots of wind, thunder, light, and darkness, gather in the Nine Spirit Palace in the body to become a true nine-spirit divine body. If all of this is successfully cultivated, it will be able to ascend to the God Realm to accept the nourishment of the God's law and at the same time can deny the power of the law needed for the nuclear regeneration of the home planet, earth, and stars. "Thinking of this, Yang Bo decided that whether it was for his family or Earthstar's human race, he must overcome the difficulties of the Nine Spirit Pagoda and obtain the Nine Spirit Roots.

He took three deep breaths, closed his eyes and condensed his breath, and guarded the spirit platform. His divine thoughts led to the sea of consciousness and transformed the soul body to the first floor of the Nine Spirit Pagoda. Stepping up on the stone ladder, he came to the second-floor door and a red enchantment with billowing flames blocked his progress. After being bounced off three times in a row, Yang Bo stopped and walked around ten feet outside of the Hongyan Column in the second-floor hall. The gate to the south of the burning column was closed tightly, and the knots were ten feet outside the column. Jie blocked the way in. In the fruitless entanglement, Yang Bo sat cross-legged on the periphery of the barrier and preached, "The Nine Spirits have started."

"Master, this is your path to experience, and Jiu Ling can't help you." Jiu Ling responded from the four walls of the tower to Yang Bodao.

"Um?" Yang Bo said helplessly. After continuing to pass on to all the babes in the body, the divine consciousness that responded is almost the same as the nine spirits.

During the entanglement, Yang Bo directly gave up all the mobilization of the immortal power in his body, and learned the same way that he broke the barrier of the god crown wood blood lotus, and went directly to the red flame barrier of the second floor of the Nine Spirit Tower with his body. "Chichichichi!" Yang Bo's nose filled with the smell of burnt flesh, but Mu Ling got busy in the Pill Palace Qihai Pond, sitting cross-legged on the altar and swallowing a handful of emerald green stalactites. Body, the white lotion quickly replenishes the wood spiritual power he consumes for the master Yang Bo to repair the scorched flesh. After the restoration of Mu Ling's full attendance, Yang Bo opened his eyes. Entering the enchantment is another magical sight.

In the scorching morning of the red sun, the long red scorching fog enveloped the mountains where the red magma foam was constantly erupting, and the red magma scorching red mountain appeared mysterious and unpredictable under the scorching red dense fog. This magma-dense mountain seems like a forbidden place for human beings. The red magma mountain range is hot and hot. The sky is red, and the flaming foam of magma passes through the gray-red mountain after the dormitory of the years. There is only a fiery red magma mountain standing in the space of this enchantment hundreds of meters in front. At the foot of the mountain, there is a horrible gate burning with fiery redness and whitening.