Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 54: Stalactite and Fire Spirit (2)


Under the high temperature, Yang Bo flew ten feet away from the ground and rushed towards the gate that was billowing in flames. After analysis and judgment, he confirmed that it was the gate of the second layer of the Nine Spirit Pagoda. The entire space is filled with red glowing fire elements, and they have evolved a variety of versions in the dance. Converging towards Yang Bo's body, these fire elements seemed to have the ability to penetrate, and they came out from Yang Bo's body. Each pairing made Yang Bo let out a scream of "Ah" in pain. After countless screams, Yang Bo floated down and landed ten meters away from the second-story blazing red door from the enchantment space of the Nine Spirit Pagoda. The man's dripping knees closed his eyes and repaired his injuries internally and externally damaged by the fire element.

At this moment, Mu Ling was the busiest, and the green streamer wandered around Yang Bo's body uninterruptedly to repair his fire-poisoned injuries. The painful and numb Yang Bo Qiang endured the heart-piercing pain and made an unhuman scream like a ghost crying wolf howling, he still bit his lip and guarded the spiritual platform to stay awake, his face twisted like a devil to accept the cordial greetings from the high temperature of the fire element.

Three days have passed so far. Yang Bo, who still has a sober consciousness, has been able to live and rejoice in his heart. The area outside the second-floor Lieyan Gate of the Nine Spirit Pagoda at the foot of the mountain is dangerously circulating with various legendary fire elements between heaven and earth. With the passage of time, it has evolved into many morphological versions. They relentlessly performed intimate piercings on Yang Bo's body again and again.

The soothing duo of burning flames and wood spirit repairing made Yang Bo resist the pain and convinced that he could survive. The red magma gray-red door hides a huge opportunity for the roots of fire spirits. If you can survive it and get the fire Linggen recognized that he was closer to the casting of Jiu Linggen and went even further. The cultivation base will also skyrocket. Thinking of the pear blossoms and rainy hopes of the beautiful wives who care about their lives. Yang Bo almost recovered a little consciousness from the faint, crossed his nails into his palms, and blood flowed out and fell to the ground into beads. At such a high temperature, he couldn't disturb the dragon blood beads. The index finger and the palm were the heart of the heart. The pain stimulated Yang Bo to stay awake enough.

Raising his hand and swallowing ten handfuls of stalactites to supplement the immortal power of the Pangongmu Aura Sea Pond. With the immortal power, it will be transformed into the world's best healing medicine through the wood spirit body. Turned into a torrent of green torrents flowing through Yang Bo's body, he healed his fire poisoning injuries. Stalactites not only provide immortal power for repairing, but also increase vitality and physical energy for Yang Bo. Exhaling a breath of ebony color, Yang Bo got up and walked slowly toward the red door of hope in the trembling pain of the red door of hope in the heat of the burning shop.

One step, two steps, three steps, five steps, ten steps, each step is so hard and painful. Sweating like rain, Yang Bo's eyes filled with determination and walked to the burning flame gate on the second floor of the fiery red Nine Spirit Pagoda. The right fist blasted out with a burst of physical energy, booming! There was a loud bang on the door. The fiery red door suddenly opened. A flaming fire spirit boy sat cross-legged in the second-floor blazing space, hanging in the air with his eyes closed and practicing cross-legged. Yang Bo's arrival did not attract his attention.

One step widened into the scope of the fire spirit space of the Nine Spirit Tower on the second floor, and the door behind him "kangdang" closed with a loud bang. In astonishment, Yang Bo didn't turn his head. A pair of star eyes nervously watched the fire spirit boy who was spinning in the middle of the sky and said, "Huo Ling, can you hear it?"

no response? In doubt, Yang Bo bowed his head and pondered.

"Master, try to throw a handful of stalactites?" Mu Ling promptly spread the spoof spirit.

After hearing this, Yang Bo's eyes lit up, and he secretly said with joy: "There is a door."


The violent explosion made the body sting as if it was torn apart, and the entire body was surrounded by a huge red energy vortex produced by the explosion of the fire element. This vortex was infinitely powerful, sweeping the whole body and mind, and almost shattered wherever it passed. Cells, the inner body space collapsed several times but were repaired by the wood spirit’s little green hands. Yang Bo continued to watch the world in front of him instantly annihilate and turn into nothingness, and then everything was released by the vitality green light of the wood spirit of the pill palace qi sea pond. Restored as before, in such a vortex of life and death annihilating Nirvana, rebirth and horror, his figure was transformed into dust through the body of the shadow of the fire element exploded thousands of times, but was reorganized by the green god's life force released by the wood spirit in a magical moment. newborn.

And Yang Bo was standing in the middle of this storm, witnessing the central fire spirit body releasing countless fire element energy balls and exploding around him to form a fiery red energy vortex that swept all of his body. Everything in his body turned into fly ash but was powerful. The power of green life recombined, but he himself could only watch Huo Ling and Wood Ling use his body as a battlefield in horror. That feeling cannot be described in words, even for the rest of his life!

Yang Bo felt cold sweat all over his body, and at this time, he realized that his body had gone through tens of thousands of annihilations and reorganizations and came to an incomparably wide red flame space. Here, there were innumerable broken mirrors with shining fiery red light. The light spots are large and small, the large ones are the size of beans, and the small ones are only the size of rice grains. In the center of these countless light spots, there is a red ball of one-foot-sized light ball, which emits a hazy halo, soft and soft. Holy.

Somehow, Yang Bo felt that the breath of this ball of light was not similar to the other spirit breaths in his body he had seen before, no, it should be said to be completely different!

Could it be that this is the final test for the fire boy on the second floor of the Nine Spirit Pagoda to recognize himself as the master

"Master, you finally survived, Huo Ling paid respects to Master." The red ball of light passed to Yang Bodao.

In an instant, the scenery in front of Yang Bo changed drastically. Yang Bo returned to reality and looked at the cute flame red soul boy kneeling in front of him with tears in his eyes. Long time no words.

""Master, what's the matter with you?" "" Huo Ling flew over Yang Bo's shoulders and said with concern after kneeling down.

"Ah? It's nothing? Huo Ling, I'm digesting the soul memory of your acknowledgment." Yang Bo replied as he woke up.

"Oh? Master Ma Shan gave me the Fire Spirit Pill Palace and Qi Sea Pool in my body. In addition, your brother has a request?" Huo Ling said the request and said it shyly.

"Huo Ling, what else do you want?" Yang Bo stretched out his hand, put Huo Ling in his palm, stood and lowered his head, sending out a warm smile and caring.

"Master, do you understand?" Huo Ling actually stood on the shoulders of his master Yang Bo like a girl and lowered his head in a low voice.

Yang Bo pulled out a knowing smile and nodded slightly and looked at Huo Ling jokingly. His left hand divine sense called out a handful of stalactites in the space bag of the Palace of Life, and his palms bounced side by side.

Huo Ling smiled excitedly and said, "Hehehe, thank you Master."

Then, it took ten breaths of time to sweep away a handful of stalactites.

Yang Bo did not hesitate to cross his knees and once again pointed out the five stalactites in the Universe Bag to comfort the five spirits in his body, and at the same time passed on to the five spirits in his body to build the home of the inner body pill palace for the fire spirits. Yang Bo felt relieved after receiving full attendance recollection affirmed by the Five Spirits. Close your eyes and explore the inner body of the Fire Spirit Palace and Qihai Pool for the Fire Spirit.

At this moment, Yang Bo’s soul thought of the colorful soul boy of the Shenlong Pillar came from the sea of consciousness: "Master, the five internal organs and five elements must be returned to their place, otherwise, the master will be in danger."

Wen Nian Yang Bo was surprised and asked for advice: "What is the matter with the five elements and five internal organs of Dragon Spirit? Can you explain it to me?"

Master, let’s listen to your Dragon Spirit brothers whispering:

"The heart's blood qi is hidden in the spirit, and the five elements belong to fire, which fills the pulse. Its glory is in the face, and it opens in the tongue, and it interacts with the small intestine.

The liver relieves venting, hides the soul, the five elements are of wood, which are full of tendons, their luxuriant is in the claws, they are in the eyes, and the bile is in the outside and inside, the color is blue, the taste is sour, and the smell is bashful;

The spleen governs transportation and transformation, hides the meaning, the five elements belong to the soil, and fills the muscles.

The lungs dominate the descendants, hide the soul, the five elements are of gold, and are filled with the skin. Its brilliance is in the hair, resuscitating in the nose, and the large intestine is both external and internal, white in color, pungent in taste, and smelly;

The kidney is the main essence, Tibetan aspirations, and the five elements belong to water, which fills the bones. It is prosperous in the hair, resuscitating in the ears, and the bladder is both external and internal, black in color, salty in taste, and rotten in smell. "

"Oh? Understood, Long Ling, you mean we messed up all of this before. The wooden spirit was in the wrong layout in the alchemy palace, but the golden spirit in the heart palace is the standard. Now, don't you want to start again?" Yang Bo tangled. Zhong Hui said.

"Yes, master, these must be re-designed, according to the five elements and five internal organs layout rules introduced to you by your old brother Long Ling, so that it is in line with the general pattern of heaven and earth feng shui, and the master can be recognized by the rules of heaven and earth, nourished by the rules of heaven and earth, and comprehend the world for evolution. Prepare for the law.” Long Lingchuan explained to Yang Bo.

"Thank you, Long Ling, now I can understand the general idea, and I will correct it immediately, but if there is any unexpected situation then, you have to help in time."

Master boss, help is okay, but the welfare, hehe, do you know

"Damn, you vampires, okay, benefits, but you must be prepared for full attendance, otherwise? I will discount the benefits next time. You know?"

"Master boss, you can rest assured, you must be full attendance, the service is in place, and you are satisfied, thank you for your welfare, hehe." Long Ling stretched out the colorful dragon from the sea of knowledge dragon column and wrapped the master Yang Bo swallowed the stalactite in his body. In Ling's envious eyes, he quickly hid in the storage space of the dragon pillar like a thief. After hiding the stalactite, his spirit body instantly turned into a colorful divine light and disappeared in the dragon pillar of the sea of knowledge. Even thinking back to say thank you Yang Bo was directly ignored by him.

Yang Bo shook his head helplessly and exhaled a sulky breath. He closed his eyes and sat cross-legged in the fire spirit space on the second floor of the Nine Spirit Pagoda, recasting the Five Elements Palace and Qi Sea Pool of the five elements and five internal organs for the inner body.

After Yang Bo first received a positive answer to communicate with the Mu Ling and Long Ling, he built the Mu Ling Palace Qihai Pond, the Dragon Soul Pillar and the Dragon Soul Pond for them in the liver. The divine consciousness activates a stream of light that brings the five spirits in the body and the power of the dantian immortal element to condense a colorful divine glow to form a transparent needle-eye-sized fairy-qi small sword, like a torrent of sword-qi with the will to die. liver. A sting of death and life similar to Nirvana hit, Yang Bo was almost in a state of dying and a trace of vitality, guarding the spiritual platform to keep it clear, and shaking his body violently, he used the immortal sword qi in his body to cast the wood of the liver. Fairy palace. With sufficient stalactite benefits, the five spirits work full-time for the master, and provide the most powerful help for the master to recast the Five Elements Immortal Palace in the body.