Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 59: Hidden crisis


The light beams of the Interstellar-class carrier rushed out 100 kilometers to illuminate the path of the galaxy.

Under the silver light of the mothership TravelSky, a man holding a blood-red war gun was facing a huge interstellar monster hidden in the Star Sea Meteor Island and rushed out.


The dull breathing sounded from the practitioner who was fighting with a gun. The silver armor made of the mighty special material on his body was already broken, and Yang Bo could still see bright red blood flowing out under the light of the lamp.

The silver helmet monk barely grasped the silver spear in his hand, and seemed to gather the little spiritual energy left in his body. The legs slammed on the ground, and the force of the stepping caused the ripples in the space to collapse for a few minutes, and the scattered ripples rushed away. The release of strong coercion caused the roaring meteors to pass by in a detour.

The silver helmet monk gathered the last aura on the silver spear in his hand. The dim silver spear light soared instantaneously, and the solid spear light turned into a huge weapon over thirty meters long. The interstellar behemoth that came from the attack on the Star Island left.

Suddenly, turbulent air currents appeared in the star island hidden by the interstellar behemoth, like a storm, sweeping away the quicksand near the star island.

The group of monsters that rushed out of the star island hidden in the sand of the star river finally showed a terrifying one-hundred-meter stature. The turbulent beast aura formed an air wave-like position. The dark and yellow eyes looked at the wounded monk in silver helmet contemptuously, and opened his mouth to eject a strong black spirit balloon. The dazzling gun light inspired by the monk in silver helmet was stunned. Suddenly shattered, the black shock wave completely submerged his body at once.

"Sure enough, an interstellar warrior in the conjugation stage is acceptable against a high-level interstellar grade one hundred-meter star beast, and it is normal for a group of people to be too reluctant to be overwhelmed by the energy of the beast.

Yang Kai didn't want to disturb the rare good time between Master Yang Bo and the three masters.

Turn on the mothership autopilot button. Turned a few steps and walked to the hatch of the battle helmet, stretched out his hand to open it, and took out a set of special interstellar warrior golden armor suits for the tribulation-level monks, quickly put it on, and carried the golden sword in his hand. The attendance door of the cockpit was opened by voice control. Walking out of the cabin with a face of absolute determination, the power to open the armor was the same, and in a burst of flames, he slew towards the group of cruel interstellar beasts.

Approaching these ten interstellar beasts with a giant body of 100 meters, Yang Kai directly swung his knife and released his own big move: "Wangyue Homesick!" Ten giant interstellar beasts rushing out of the quicksand starfish island rushed away.

This group of monsters rushing out of the star island finally showed a terrifying and hideous counterattack. Ten turbulent interstellar beasts formed a wave-like position. Their dark and yellow eyes looked contemptuously at the attack released by Yang Kai, who was armed with silver helmet and silver armor. Ten black spirit balloons with the size of a washbasin smashed the dazzling golden swordman's big move that Yang Kai inspired: "Waiting for the moon and homesickness!" The black shock wave that made the counterattack did not stop. The mighty power with horror continued to rush towards Yang Kai.

A breath of death spread over the face, and Yang Kai's heart was stunned: "Is this the feeling of dying?"

At the moment when the energy was about to raging attack, fear and the thought of running away emerged from Yang Kai's heart, as if his body was imprisoned. In despair, Yang Kai unconsciously recalled all his experiences after meeting his master Yang Bo...

Just as Yang Kai recalled desperately, the colorful divine light of the three immortal monarchs in the Star Sea Void, with an unparalleled will to save people, dissipated the black beast psychic energy that killed Yang Kai. After the energy of the celestial spirit annihilated this energy, it persistently continued to rush towards this group of bold interstellar star beasts.

Bo Bo Bo Bo! Several sounds came from the beast body being broken. Yang Kai had originally decided to wait for death. He opened his eyes and saw that the master and the three masters stood behind him. The energy contraction of his body did not affect him at all, but he saw three celestial energy of one color and one in front of him. The meter-shaped behemoth is overwhelmingly submerged. After three breaths, the sea of stars made the sound of "Boom!" The flesh of the ten interstellar star beasts was completely torn apart and exploded by this powerful and outrageous fairy-level energy.

Blood mist filled the sky over the nameless black star island a thousand meters in front of Yang Kai. He secretly rejoiced in his heart that fortunately the master and his wife showed up in time, otherwise his life would not be saved. As for the cultivation of the master and his wife, he knew that he had reached a level that he could not understand at the current cultivation stage. This further strengthened his determination to go to the fairy world and follow the master to continue to learn the cultivation magic.

Ten minutes later, the blood mist ahead was taken away by the quicksand and gang wind in the star sea, and the entire star sea restored the tranquility of the misty starlight.

Standing next to Yang Bo, two beautiful and noble unmarried queens stood in the air. Li Yali knew that her cultivation had the same result as her nephew Yang Kai's experience, but she still flew out of the cabin and watched from afar. After the brother and the two queen sisters got rid of these terrible star beasts, she flew close and stood in the air in front of her nephew Yang Kai, supporting his overwhelming and crumbling figure and caring: "Yang Kai, are you okay?"

"It's okay, uncle, fortunately the master and the two queens and sisters made the move, otherwise my life will be accounted for in the sea of unknown stars." Yang Kai said in fear.

"Junior sister, you take Yang Kai back to the mothership to rest and wait for us, Yun Lan, Yun Rong, let us go to the unnamed black star island below to take a look."

After hearing the words of the husband, the two queens looked at the black star island below with firm eyes and nodded in agreement.

With the unmatched pressure and dazzling dazzling light of Xianjunqi, the three figures rushed down and rushed into the space of the star island where this terrifying beast was rampant.

Crossing the high-temperature atmosphere and passing through the sea of clouds, a world of Mangyuan, no less than the space boundary of the home planet Earth Star II (the Great Demon God Treasure World), appeared before the eyes of the three Yang Bo. The mountains and rivers are crisscrossing here, and the virgin forest covers the entire continent of Black Star Island. The river, like a winding ravine in the earth, spreads like a spider web like a spider's web, and the whole continent can't be seen at a glance.

A thought came up in Yang Bo's mind as he flew down: "It would be great if this place could be used as a backup base for the Condor Clan?" Once this thought grew, it seemed that it couldn't stop. The desire to conquer ignited in his heart.

Yang Bo led the white and tender little hands of the two queens and landed on the top of a snow-capped mountain. Looking down at the rugged forest under the snow-capped mountains, he said with excitement: "Two queens, let's take this place as the habitat of the Condor clan in the future, do you think it is good?"

The emperor, why do you think the same way as your concubine? Hee hee hee! Queen Yunrong also said with a smile with excitement in her eyes.

"The emperor, the concubine feels that there is an inexplicable dangerous atmosphere here, let's be more careful." Empress Yun Lan's instinct sensed a kind of crisis, her brows frowned and looked at the forest below the snow peak and said.

"The two queens, here is too close to the satellite planet where the home planet Earth star is located. If this hidden danger is not eliminated, I am afraid that the home planet Earth planet human race will be destroyed. My apprentice Yang Kai now has a cultivation base comparable to that of the immortals, but it is not these stars. An enemy of the beast. And my apprentice Yang Kai represents the highest cultivation level of the Earth Star Mother Planet Human Race. Therefore, the Star Island here must be conquered or there will be endless troubles." Yang Bo condensed his eyebrows.

"The emperor, the concubine supports your decision, but the three of us are probably missing a little bit. Or else we can mobilize the army of the eel palace of the condor clan to conquer the star beasts that are not open to wisdom here, so be safe." Queen Yunlan is not there. Looking at the bottom but holding Yang Bo's right arm softly suggested.

"Yun Lan, it's unrealistic to send millions of people, and at most three people can be teleported tens of thousands of light-years away from the interstellar space. Therefore, we can only rely on our current conditions to plan carefully and then attack. The two queens can rest assured that this is related to the retreat of our condor clan. The emperor will never move things blindly." Yang Bo gently patted the back of Queen Yunlan's white hands and soothed.

"The emperor, the concubine knows about it." Seeing that the emperor's husband so cares about himself and cares about him, the deer replied indiscriminately in the heart of Queen Yun Lan.

"The emperor, sister Yunlan, look, the mainland here is a geographical pattern of the Nine Rings, with a circular sea in the center. The snowy peaks where we are located are the outermost areas. Based on the natural barriers of the Nine Rings terrain, the concubine wants to be here. It is estimated that it is a spare place for escape and refuge left by a super strong?" Yunrong's beautiful eyes flashed with the light of wisdom and looked at the central ocean and analyzed.

After hearing Queen Yunrong’s analysis, Yang Bo and Queen Yunlan raised their eyes, and the nine large rings formed a natural defense pattern around the central sea. If anyone believes this is a natural formation, Queen Yunrong's analysis makes sense.

Yang Bo smiled and said, "Come here, Yunrong."

Queen Yunrong heard the words and looked at her beloved emperor's husband with beautiful eyes, Lianbu gently moved to Yang Bo's side and held his left arm, with her head close to Yang Bo's left shoulder. Close your beautiful eyes and breathe in the cool air of Xuefeng, enjoying this rare emperor's pampering.

Yun Lan feels that her husband has paid too much for her. Not only did he get out of the forgotten awkwardness and the crisis of being poisoned, but he also made himself the future Queen of the East Palace. The whole family was given first-class rules because of her. Hereditary titles, the family also became the largest royal family of the Condor Clan. Apart from spoiling all this, she could find no other reason. Gentle actively leaned on the trusted fiance's right shoulder and closed his eyes to enjoy this rare happy time.

Yang Bo was full of beautiful queens on the left and right, and the fragrance came in bursts, making him almost lost. A pair of big hands trembled around the waist of the two queens. After so many changes, Yang Bo truly recognized them as his own women in his heart. He was intoxicated in this beautiful and beautiful picture of happiness, and he lowered his head left and right to apply and kissed the smooth foreheads of the two queens.

Whoosh whoosh. Several extremely light and light spatial shocks rang out from the snow and wind in front. Obviously it was not the sound of the howling snow wind.

The three of them were awakened, their happiness was interrupted, and they both opened their eyes with annoyed expressions and looked at the sound of the clouds in front of them.

At this moment, all kinds of terrifying star beasts with huge bodies gathered in the sky. He looked at the three powerful outsiders with a strong eye.

A beautiful and enchanting girl with the appearance of an enlightened human race, barefoot stepped out from the back of the beast herd, and stood in front of the beast herd with a ten-mile shrinking step. He didn't cut his tan mouth and said softly: "Emperor Yang Bo, the two queens are really in good spirits. You are not staying in the Yunyou Forest of the fairy world, and you actually ran to the Ninth Ring Star Island of the Palace?"

The weight of this sentence was too heavy, so that Yang Bo and the two queens' eyes widened in astonishment, Li Xuefeng looked at this weird strange and beautiful girl.

"Emperor Yang Bo, don't be surprised. This palace is the sister of the immortal emperor Tai Hong Xiaoqing of the Immortal Realm Alliance, Tai Hong Xiaoyan. Here is my brother's 100,000-year bet against the fairy emperor Cang Hong Xiaotian to win a duel. The rear base of the fairy galaxy of the Sanxian Alliance. I am not interested in all the local people of the star human race that you just came to. As for my men, they attacked the monks near my Ninth Ring Island. Practice."

Hearing that Yang Bo and the two queens woke up from shock and loss, the three couples did not speak and nodded depressedly to the overbearing fairy princess who was cultivated in the mid-stage. Holding in hand, he quickly shot towards the interstellar-class giant ship waiting in the starry sky above.

Count you acquaintances! Let's go back! Taihong Xiaoyan said proudly.

The densely packed giant star beasts heard the order, and followed the mistress in an orderly manner towards the nine-ring defensive formation under the clouds and flew at extreme speed.