Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 65: The demon emperor's entrustment


Back to the main hall of the Demon Palace, Yang Bo and the other six beautiful wives stood behind the newly appointed Demon Emperor Fang Lingmei and the Golden Dragon Throne. He heard her frowning and asked about the casualties reported by the young demon marshal.

The young General Marshal Feng Xue Hanjun, represented by the young and strong demon repairs, blushed, and the corner of his eyes angrily glanced at Yuan Qingsong, who is the first one in the line of veterans on the right. Respectfully kneeled down with tears and watched the report from the beautiful and majestic Demon Emperor Fang Lingmei.

Through the subtle situation in the hall, Yang Bo can see that the internal division between the Yaozu Grand Marshal and Grand Sima is serious, and the eyes between the prime minister Fang Hong who is standing next to the Grand Marshal and the two important ministers reveal dissatisfaction. The hidden mansions. The three big powers of the demon clan set up the court together, forming a situation of subtle checks and balances. In this entanglement, Yang Bo wanted to suggest that the demon emperor Meier's wife come to an internal cleansing to form a unified situation.

After hearing Marshal Feng Xuehan's report, Demon Emperor Fang Ling frowned and said, "This time, my Demon Palace was accidentally attacked by Jin Xuanzong. Marshal Feng showed enough loyalty to personally lead his troops to fight against the enemy. No. Sincerely, the General Marshal Feng Xuehan doesn't have to bow down to the saint in the future."

Such a privilege made Feng Xuehan, the representative of the young and strong faction, fell flattered and bowed to thank you, saying: "The minister is ashamed, and thanks to the divine grace, long live my emperor, long live, long live."

"Feng Aiqing is flat." The demon emperor Fang Lingmei said in a solemn and solemn voice.

Marshal Feng Xuehan got up with joy in his eyes, stood up straight, turned sideways and walked back to the second seat in the train on the left.

"Come here, take down all the veterans of Xiaoyao sent in the court." Fang Lingmei's eyes flashed a sharp command.

The court guards who stood by the wall in the court hall, and the diehard guards of the former Demon Emperor swarmed around dozens of panic-eyed veterans on the right side of the court hall.

The great Sima Yuan Qingsong, who was the important minister of the three dynasties, calmly looked at the demon emperor Fang Lingmei, whose killing intent appeared, and said calmly, "Slow, your majesty veteran has something to tell."

"Quick play."

The original Qingsong silver-haired shawl and black python robes were added to his body, and his nearly two-meter figure released the faint coercion of the immortal emperor’s early days. He turned and looked at the court guards and said in a deep voice: "Please let the court guards temporarily let go of these old officials, old man Rong. Is it okay to take action after signing up with the demon king?"

"Let go of them." Fang Lingmei sat on the dragon chair calmly and commanded the court guard.

The veterans who had been captured by the court Wei Wen's imperial order were released, and their eyes held the imperial imperial weapon with the majesty of the emperor's order, and they tightly surrounded these old guys who did not participate in the battle and escaped.

"Your Majesty Qizhao, as the great Sima, the old minister led the old ministers to avoid the war passively. It is really helpless. The power of the Immortal Emperor and the power of the Ten Thousand Sword Sect, our Demon Imperial Palace, can completely contend in the past. Being a veteran in the early days of the most talented immortal emperor is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. This is only to protect my demon-cultivating strongman. There must be sacrifices in the war. Is it possible to protect the incompetent to survive and avenge us?"

"His Majesty, the minister dare not disagree with Da Sima's statement. If my monster clan defends against powerful enemies in the future, wouldn't all the young women and children become cannon fodder. The minister suspects that Da Sima is deliberately unpredictable, and the minister is here to impeach him and dismiss his office. Slash, in order to behave like you." The handsome and extraordinary Marshal Feng Xuehan walked out of the group with a murderous intent and handed over to the demon emperor Fang Lingmei.

"Your Majesty Qi, the old minister thinks that Marshal Feng's performance is inappropriate. The two important court officials have their own good reasons. For this, the minister suggested that our emperor should use the heart of the stars to hide the dirt and allow different voices to appear. "Fang Hong, a red-haired and thin prime minister with a small stature, handed over and said.

Hearing the opinions of the three important ministers, the demon emperor Fang Lingmei frowned and thought about the king's decision.

A faint smell of blood wafted from the depressive atmosphere in the court hall of the Demon Palace.

As a beautiful girl princess who is not deeply involved in the world, Dabao Dabao for the first time can only be regarded as a layman for the tricks of maneuvering. She also feels powerless to deal with this complicated situation, knowing that the veterans of the Xiaoyao faction are unsuccessful, but they dare not bear the pain to eradicate it. This involved the lives and deaths of hundreds of millions of people of the Monster Race, and she had to think carefully before making a decision.

When she was embarrassed, Yang Bo said: "Meier, listen to her husband. It is difficult for the three factions to check and balance in a short period of time. If you don't prevent them, you will even give a reward, a small punishment and a big admonishment. decision."

Fang Lingmei, who was entangled in Wennian, stretched out her eyebrows slightly after thinking about it. For the sake of the clan and the court, I will not pursue this matter anymore. In order to show the majesty of my Demon Palace, all veterans’ salary will be reduced by one year, and this matter will not be reconsidered."

"The ministers and other officials give thanks, long live my emperor, long live." A group of veterans, led by Da Sima, knelt down and bowed to thank you.

"Zhang Xiaotian listened to it."

"The minister is here."

"Ci Feng, Zhang Xiaotian and the Jin Xuanzong where he is located have broken the army for my demon palace, and the lord Zhang Xiaotian has given him the grand general of Feng Pai, who is ranked in the nine princes and enjoys the first-class marquis' salary."

"Weichen takes the order to thank you, long live my emperor, long live." Zhang Xiaotian looked helplessly at Yang Bo, the young master behind the demon emperor, and bowed to lead the edict.

The demon emperor's generosity caused different opinions among the veterans, and most people had a high opinion of the beautiful queen. Shaken the determination to support Da Sima for the throne.

The chief eunuch Li Fengzhu standing on the dragon ladder platform in front of the demon emperor's body held the white float in his hand, gently raised the silk on his left arm, solemnly and screamed: "There is a foundation for enlightenment, no foundation for retreat."

"Retreat." Fang Lingmei, the demon emperor, sat on the dragon chair calmly and commanded the minister of civil and military affairs.

Under the leadership of the three chief ministers, the important ministers all bowed their hands together and said: "The ministers and others retired, long live my emperor, long live my emperor."

After the next dynasty, Yang Bo and seven beautiful and beautiful wives gathered in the ancestral temple of the Demon Palace, headed by Fang Lingmei, quietly kneeling in front of the memorial tablet of the demon ancestor, but his face that was normal just now looked pale and haggard.

Right now, right now. The abrupt mind of Fang Lie’s memorial tablet turned into a five-meter-high golden humanoid phantom. Like a dream, it released a mud-like immortal emperor’s coercion in the domain of Dzogchen and said: "My son-in-law Yang Bo, today I am so relieved to be able to see you. I used to join forces with the two emperors to drive you into the wormhole through death. It was really helpless. I hope you can see Qian. You can come here with my baby daughter to meet me, my old man. In Huai's relief, there is more of gratitude. When I and the three ancestors ascend to the realm of the gods, the demon race will be divided internally, and the immortal emperor and the Wanjianzong forces will take advantage of the vacancy and control the hundreds of billions of demon race people. Wang Xian. My son-in-law protects my precious daughter, my son-in-law's beloved wife Meier. Please, see you in the realm of God."

Everyone present looked astonished at the demon emperor himself transformed by the golden light of the phantom, as if they were imprisoned, and heard his entrustment with deep affection. At this moment, Yang Bo bowed his head with tears in his eyes three times and looked up at the phantom golden light that dissipated in the air in front of the tablet. Fang Lingmei, who was standing tall and holding hands on Pear Blossom with rain, said:

"Mei'er, it's getting late, let's leave." Fang Lingmei, wearing an imperial robe, knocked dozens of heads to his father's royal card. The blood stained her white forehead. The red and white were bright and shocking.

"No, husbands and sisters, let's go first. I want to accompany my father, queen, mother, and ancestors! Talk to them." The young monster emperor Fang Lingmei stubbornly threw away his husband's desire to lift her hands. Say nothing to leave.

Seeing her tears shed like rain, Yang Boxin cut his left sleeve like a knife and waved a colorful glow to smooth the forehead injury of his fiancee wife, the current demon emperor, Mei'er. The forehead injury made her look as clean as ever. The long body got up and took the six sweet wives away silently, leaving this family space for the sweet wife Meier.

At this moment, Fang Lingmei murmured to herself: "Mother, queen, father, ancestors, Mei'er is working so hard now, oooooooo."

Helpless grief echoed in the entire Yaozu ancestral temple space.

A woman’s remnant thoughts were released from Fang Lingmei’s mother queen tablet and turned into a gentle, maternal and loving charge: "Meier, mother’s good daughter, you are the emperor of the demon clan, you must live strong, mother and your father are in God. The world will bless you and the people of the demon race, and will pray to God for your safety every day."

"Mother, where are you? Mei'er misses you so much mother. Uuuuuu."

Ten minutes later, Fang Lingmei, who had not received a response from her mother, eased from her sadness and miss. After she bowed to the tablet in the ancestral temple three times, Jiao Chu stood up and wiped away the tears. Turned around and walked out of the ancestral temple with a melancholy expression.

In the imperial garden of the imperial back court, Fang Lingmei was wearing a golden dragon robe, with flying ink and majestic elegance. Sitting on the piano stage, the melodious sound of the piano overflowed from his fingers, stunned all the imperial guard soldiers outside the courtyard.

There was a bleak sound of the piano in the melancholy, which touched everyone's frail feelings of helplessness.

Yang Bo brought the six beautiful wives to the front of the imperial garden piano table outside the palace, where the sound of the piano was used to transmit the sound. Jing listen to Mei'er telling her annoying thoughts through the wonderful sound of the piano music she played. At this moment, the string suddenly broke with a "pop", and the sound of the piano stopped abruptly. Blood was flowing through the white jade-like onion fingertips, but Fang Lingmei didn't feel any pain at all. Because at this moment, her heart seemed to be gripped fiercely by something, and the pain of thinking about relatives made her almost unable to breathe.

The song was not complete, but applause full of affection and appreciation still sounded. "Cracking", in a cheerful atmosphere, Yang Bo and the other wives healed Fang Lingmei's fingertip wounds with tears and caring smiles. Under the real comfort of her relatives, Fang Lingmei once again showed her innocent smile.

A family sitting on the piano table, Yang Bo smiled and looked at the seven treasured wives in the broken Fengyin Guqin golden universe bag and said solemnly: "Wifes, now your eldest and second sisters, the father of Yunyan and Xinlan, The old emperor, senior tortoise, my silver and electric elder brother, etc. are in the hands of the immortal emperor Cang Hong Xiaotian. I can't go back to the soul domain for the time being, because the soul body will be imprisoned when it enters the purple profound soul domain. The spiritual palace is incomplete. The inner body array of the seven stars has not been constructed. The fifty disciples of the earth star mother planet who are about to ascend to the immortal realm are waiting for a lot of things. Where do you think it is better to start?"

The eldest sister Sima Yunyan said with an authoritative expression: "If you want to go to work, you can get married first. Our sister has been with you for so long. There is no name and no distinction between life and death. Don’t you think about it. Have you ever had a major event of starting a family?"

The eldest sister said a few beautiful women, and each of them looked at Yang Bo with warmth and threats, waiting for his answer

"Huh? Isn't this matter too hasty, you think, we are now looking around the strong enemies. If we get married now, I am afraid?"

"Are you still not a man? Our sisters are all beautiful and beautiful, but you are so irresponsible and disappointed our sisters too much? Humph!" The eldest sister Sima Yunyan said with a qualitative complaint.

Looking around and looking at the unkind eyes of the fiancées, Yang Bo asked with a weak forehead sweating weakly in his heart: "Why don't we take it easy, we can get married again after I rescue the home planet Earthstar and relatives." good?"

"No." Yang Bo's request was dismissed amidst a wave of bitterness and resentment.