Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 85: Peerless Fenghua's Shuanger


Hear the words of the first love wife of Yang Bo, the eldest sister of the Jiao Wife. Yang Bo stood in the air and stood on top of the golem's head, stroking his chin and groaning for three breaths, feeling very reasonable. A black-haired dancing star looked around the world, and an emotion of hegemony that had never been seen before spread from it. He looked down at the earth and a trace of hegemony flashed in his eyes. Start our road to dominate the starry sky."

After finishing speaking, Yang Bo wanted to eject the eel god blood lotus field that had been slaughtered with a golden sword in the air to start the massacre of conquering the demons.

At this moment, as if half of his feet were stuck, a lifelike golem image suddenly appeared on the top of the troll statue's bald and horned head. He quickly covered the eight Yang Bo and his wife, losing their freedom of movement and being imprisoned by the sudden black fog magic energy.

Yang Bo was surprised to find that the demon pictured on the golem picture had a fierce demon leopard residing in his body, constantly restless, and the inner body of the demon leopard was almost transparent, and the inside showed a golden fist the size of an ethereal fist. The devil's heart is constantly agitating vigorously. Unleash powerful golden magic energy and coercion.

In an instant, the body of the demon on the magic map and the golden heart in the demon leopard in the abdomen began to fuse and fade into a giant lion phantom. At the same time, a demon leopard appeared in his body, each showing a brutal, restless mouth, with dense fangs and saber teeth inside, and they began to bite each other.

"The golden devil's heart is the key material and treasure for the demon race to become a god. Only by reaching the demon emperor's later stage of cultivation can you understand this advanced demon clan method. The golden devil's heart seems more terrifying than imagined. He is actually devouring the demon statue. The Demon Heart Profound Shadow is now a cannibal lion, cruel, fierce, restless, and the restless bites of various golems show its anxiety. At this moment, the golem phantom changes suddenly, and the illusory black magic leopard body will The real fire in his body forced the golden magic lion phantom with a burning package and opened his mouth to bite his arm. He wanted to completely refine it, and finally the golden magical lion’s phantom began to condense and unleash its peerlessness. The golden mans field of the world, wrapped itself to form a shield, allowing the magic energy released by the magic leopard to burn in real fire.

Standing on the head of the golem, Yang Bo carefully sacrificed the double-layer shield of the Emperor Jing Shenlong to protect the seven wives. Xie Xie smiled Chuan Nian and explained: "I think they seem to be cultivating a powerful magic skill. We have to be careful and don't make mistakes. When these two ghosts have a little messy rhythm, we will add fire orders. They are confused and confused. Hehe."

"My husband, don't worry, I'll be careful." The seven wives inside the shield recalled one after another.

Yang Bo and the seven beautiful wives saw the situation of these two powerful guys attacking each other, they knew that these two guys would not last long.

The magic leopard and the magic lion were fighting for two hours, but they both looked at each other and released a weird and gloomy smile. When Yang Bo saw this, his heart was stunned: "Oops, is this really acting for Brother?"

In desperation, the body of the dragon is directly transformed into the body of the dragon. The four colorful dragon claws and dragon scales are densely covered to release the texture of strength and speed. The four groups of dragon Yuanlie flames that are stepping on form a domain of thousands of miles in an instant, enveloping these two monsters. . A billowing flame was released and burned.

Yang Bo took advantage of Shenlong Fierce Flame to temporarily trap these two powerful monsters of the Demon Race, and hovered in the worried eyes of the seven wives standing inside, holding the colorful shield of Shenlong in his hand.

Divine consciousness induces the ice crystal tower and the emperor crystal tower. A giant lightsaber of gold and white burns sharp gold and ice powers and appears on the dragon claws of the colorful gods, releasing the power of the late fairy emperor. Pressure swept thousands of miles. The biting chill caused the water vapor in the air to condense into ice and revolved around the body of the colorful dragon at high speed. The gold elements in the ground turned into golden glow and rushed into the ice spin column. After ten breaths, the proud dragon Yang Bo and his seven beautiful and beautiful wives were on a hundred-meter-diameter golden and two-color sword-qi lotus platform. The eyes of the Shenlong looked down at the two demons trapped in the Dragon Yuanlie flame field. Pointed by Jianfeng, Canglang rushed out of the sword body with a scream. A fierce killing intent flashed from the dragon eye, and the dragon mouth lightly roared:

A thousand miles long and a hundred miles wide, the red sword lotus field, like ice lotus and golden lotus-like cold and sharp billowing torrents, pouring down, mighty, rushing towards the two powerful demons in the burning field of Long Yuanlie Family monsters.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Millions of sword lotus sword lotus continuously scoured downwards, directly torn apart the black panther and lion body and shield below.

The dense gold and white two-color mighty sword aura, with the piercing icy wind and cold aura, whizzed out sharp gold killing intent. They penetrated their demon body tens of thousands of times in a flash, but the cracks did not explode the body. Instead, they were all displayed behind the chests of the two powerful masters of the demon race. They were completely frozen by the ice crystal power of the sword body. The huge ice crystal statue of the "destroying body" monster. At this moment, a golden heart from the cracked and broken body of the lion penetrated without any hindrance, transforming into a beautiful and beautiful figure of a beautiful witch, she is slender and slender. Exquisite and elegant, blonde shawl, eyebrows as far away as daisies, beautiful eyes like a lake of blue dreams, flowing light inside, full of beauty between expectation and expectation, tall and gentle nose showing nobility and transcendence, small cherries The mouth opens slightly between the breaths, which is a reverie. The face is white and well-defined, vivid and natural.

A sound of heaven bloomed from her beautiful petal cherry sandalwood mouth: "This son and seven young ladies, this seat is the demon god of this universe island. Thank you for taking the little girl Wei Shuang'er from the two great demon. Rescued from the confinement of your head, please bow to the frost."

The beauty of this woman made Yang Bo's seven wives secretly praise, and Yang Bo was even more unbearable to directly punch the bleeding dragon, a pair of star eyes looked directly at this peerless beauty who was astonished as a god. Her voice, posture, and shy, charming little lips biting all made his heart move. He believed that this was just the tip of the iceberg where her beauty and beauty showed off on the spot.

"Husband, what? Sister Shuang'er?" Fang Lingmei, the naughty demon emperor, said sourly with a fierce cold murderous aura.

"Ah, no? Huh?" Yang Boyu said incoherently, his old face flushed and sloppy eyes.

The seven beautiful ladies standing beside Yang Bo are all beautiful and beautiful, but they are indeed inferior to the beautiful frost produced by this heaven and earth. This is what they agree with when they ask themselves.

Sima Yunyan knew that once this stinky rascal became bothered and malicious, he would have to chase him even if he died. His seven sisters were all chased by him. He must have the position of their seven wives in his heart. Women can be sure. For the sake of family harmony, Sima Yunyan, the eldest sister, held a meeting with the sisters in private and solicited their opinions.

Shuang'er stood awkwardly in the air above the head of the devil whose ice was cracked into a statue, with long golden hair fluttering, stroking her unique and charming cheeks. When Yang Bo Yuguang took a peek, he yearned for it. In a panic, he vigorously wiped the nosebleeds from the middle of the person with his sleeves. Funny Shuangerfen's face was blushing and she hung her head slightly, hiding her face and smiling.

At this moment, Sima Yunyan’s seven sisters seemed to have discussed a proper way. She walked towards the Wei Shuang’er, who was smiling and concealing her face. Smiled and said: "Sister Shuang'er, you also saw that bastard's appearance. If your sister tells you that she doesn't like you, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." Shuang'er glanced at her flusteredly while she was still rubbing her nosebleed, and her sleeves were dyed blood red. When she retracted her smile, she wrinkled her eyebrows and said with a cold and frosty expression.

"Do you like her?" Sima Yunyan asked back.

"I can't talk about it, I just think he is very diligent. There are seven beautiful older sisters. He is still like this. Sister Shuang'er thinks he is unreliable." Shuang'er's rose petals lips looked at Yang Bo's beautiful face. Complained.

When the seven girls heard this, they looked at Yang Bo with sarcasm and mockery in their eyes, as if telling him that you are finished now.

The two demon ancestors with the strongest breath of the universe island in the depths of the fairy galaxy star sea were killed by Yang Bo and turned into ice sculptures. The demon races around thousands of miles were frightened, hiding thousands of miles away and carefully watching these aliens. The move of the strong.

Yang Bo heard this and went straight to Shuang'er and said boldly: "Shuang'er, let’s make a bet. I’m going to blow myself up now. If you don’t marry me, then the seven sisters next to you will lose their beloved fiancé, and at the same time You will be guilty for a lifetime."

After speaking, Yang Bo turned to look at the seven beautiful wives and said: "Wifes, I can't live without her, so please forgive me."

After that, a light of loneliness and despair flashed in his eyes, and his whole body swelled up in an instant. When he grows up, he grows up, and his veins can be seen through the almost transparent skin. The colorful dragon runes on the skin are prominent, circulating around Yang Bo's whole body, releasing a faint glow, appearing noble and mysterious.

Qi Nu was frightened, and she kept begging Shuang'er to agree. Wei Shuang'er was a stubborn temper. Although she didn't know where she came from, why she became a golden heart of the devil, and she didn't know why she was on the universe island. Spread the law for the demons. He only knew that one day two ferocious black panthers and lions from the demon race confined her while she was exhausted and recovered from the teachings. The rest is almost as pure as a piece of white paper.

Seeing that the bad guy Yang Bo said he blew himself up, she knew that this mashup satyr could die for herself, but the arrogance and self-esteem in her heart made her hesitate. She didn't understand why this young man named Yang Bo There are seven beautiful sisters, how could she not live without her, she really can't understand.

The rhythm of Yang Bo's self-explosion was accelerating, his skin became more and more transparent, and the traces of cracking began to spread slowly from his belly to his whole body. This time, the ice crystal tower in the body was destroyed in a hurry. It had already been psychic with the nine spirits, and directly released unparalleled cold air and iced Yang Bo's tiger body that was about to explode. Yang Bo, like an ice sculpture, fell straight from mid-air towards the ground. All this happened too quickly, or the seven beautiful ladies deliberately let this bastard be punished. No one took action at the critical moment, but the peerless and pure and crystal-like Wei Shuang'er was still bowing his head and entangled with what is a male and female ****

Rumble, loud noises came out, and the sound waves radiated ten miles. Yang Bo's ice-sculpted tiger's body smashed a five-meter-deep pit on the mottled grass surface. Lying on the ground, the bright eyes of the ink pupils in the star's eyes rolled around, thinking why this heartless Shuang'er didn't help him

The sound radiated into the air, and awakened the Shuang'er, who lowered her head and meditated on what sex is. The Seven Girls had already flew down to the edge of the hole on Yang Bo's head, looking down at him with a look of concern and worry. But none of them jumped down and pulled him up.

Shuang'er looked down and took a look: "Oh, it's broken? I forgot to save my benefactor? But why don't some sisters go down and save him? Why are they so complicated?" Shuang'er's little head suddenly felt not enough. To use it, but her kind nature made her fly into a pothole and lift Yang Bo's tiger body up and shouted, "Sisters, catch it!"

Boom! After a muffled sound, Yang Bohu's body was thrown by Shuang'er for a thousand meters to the ground, and a muffled sound was heard, raising a cloud of dust and smoke.

Shuang'er flew up and raised her beautiful eyes, opening her eyebrows and frowning slightly: "Sister, aren't you a husband and wife? Why don't you catch her?"

Just after Shuang'er asked, Yang Bo's seven beautiful wives flashed sharply and coldly, glanced at Shuang'er, turned around and flew towards the place where Yang Bo landed.

Shuang'er was glanced at by several sisters with cold murderous beauty, and said aggrieved in her heart: "What's wrong?"

In curiosity, she also flew up too close, not daring to lean too close, but hovered for ten meters in the air, with a panoramic view of the movement below.

The seven beautiful ladies flew down beside Yang Bo, and in the seven dazzling fairy lights, the seven Jiaojiao said: "Asshole, watch and fight!"

"Cracking," is a meal of domestic violence.

The ice crystal protector was shattered, his body lost the power to continuously bulge, and Yang Bo, who was restored to his original shape, ushered in a storm of pink fists and pink legs. The Ice Crystal Tower was so scared that he hid in the trembling and spinning Shui Ling Palace Qi Hai Pond and prayed for the owner's safety.
