Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 89: Survival defense battle


A true earth, star and sky warrior and Long Shuo dragon clan star and sky warrior, in addition to bringing killing and death, but also guarding and responsibilities.

Whether it is the collapse of the sky or the vicissitudes of life, as long as this starry sky is our home, you will still be the star warriors who guard the Star Alliance's home planet and earth star! Will be with the people of the tribe, the sword will come out of the body, and the dragon will roar, all guarding justice!

The chief majesty stands proudly on the mothership's wide podium, and as the silver hair flutters, he proudly walks toward all the warriors of the mother star land Xinglongshuo human dragon starry sky warriors, solemnly declared.

Defend justice and defend your homeland!

The tens of billions of Earth Star Mother Star Terran participating soldiers shouted Qi Qi.

From the magic source star in the universe island galaxy where the terrestrial humans temporarily inhabit, above the void, the one billion pioneers of the fairy dream galaxy fairy world fairy court forces are conquering the eel emperor Yang Bo’s army. After seven days of Yang Bo's retreat, their steps have reached the void of the interstellar coordinate point designated by the magic source star sphere. These huge Xianting giant battle boats, the Xianyuan Cannon is so powerful, the battle boats are full of Xianting soldiers. With bloodthirsty and ferocious fairy lights in their eyes, they waited ferociously for the commander to give an order, and they would rush out of the warship and kill Yang Bo’s relatives, friends and clansmen, for the immortal emperor and the old man of the East. Vent.

At this moment, the seven beauties of Yang Bo's harem and his special girlfriend Shuang'er, eight peerless beauties, all in tight-fitting uniforms, their beautiful eyes shone sharp and cold. Sitting in an interstellar mothership, with the roar of a series of engines, the bow of the mothership lifted up and turned into a meteor. The sixty thousand motherships in the mothership base carried huge ships and the tens of billions of warriors and soldiers who participated in the battle to defend the earth, stars and the sky.

All Earthstar human logistics personnel on the base and on the ground all returned to the home planet II, watching this survival-related defense battle through satellite video live broadcast.

Above the void, among the 60,000 motherships, a city-sized interstellar warship continuously flew out, with the most advanced artillery and attack methods, in a neat and orderly array of troops in accordance with the battle sequence.

A mothership with a hundred giant ships, a giant ship with a hundred combat assault ships. Within half an hour, these interstellar-class ships that participated in the battle formed a fan-shaped ship formation, densely covered with voids, slowly advancing towards the faintly visible giant battleship of the fairy court.

100,000 kilometers, 90,000 kilometers, and 80,000 kilometers, the huge fleets of both sides are approaching...

Everyone's breathing became rapid, but it did not affect the high fighting spirit of the Terran Star Warrior.

50,000 kilometers, 40,000 kilometers, 30,000 kilometers, and 20,000 kilometers, "All motherships and star soldiers who participated in the battle listened to orders, and the assault fleet of the first combat sequence set off and fired at a distance of 10,000 kilometers from the starry sky." The chief seated the mistress. The ship personally commanded and issued the first combat command.

Wen Ling, thousands of giant ships in the fan-shaped battle formation leaped out of the battle formation, with a roaring intent to fight, their blastholes opened, and the barrels of the black holes of the giant cannons that killed the invaders were stretched out indifferently. Blasthole.

The 10,000-kilometer command distance was quickly reached, and the 100,000 giant cannons brought the will of the tearing fairy garden to conquer the vanguard army,

Rumble! Rumble!

One hundred thousand powerful artillery shells, turned into a rain of meteors, with unparalleled momentum, blasted the battleship group in front of the battle sequence of the fairy court battleship.

Boom, boom!

In a round of interstellar bombardment, thousands of Xianting warships were blown up and shattered. The soldiers who participated in the battle below the Xianting Xianzun period were bombarded into fragments, stumps, and blood fog, which filled 10,000 kilometers of star sea space. The fragments of the shattered Xian Ting luxury battleship fluttered and fluttered with the interstellar wind.

Satellite video live broadcasts in real time, the tens of billions of human logistics and family members sitting under the big screen, roar roar! Shouted excitedly.

Whoosh whoosh! From the battle boat group at fifty thousand kilometers from the second echelon of Xian Ting, three powerful generals of the fairy army camp, Hei Hei Jia, flew out. They rushed into the 10,000-kilometer battle zone at an extremely fast speed. With a big wave of his hand, the incomparable domain of the mid-term power of the Three Dao Immortal Emperor released a shocking and colorful fairy light, with an angry and cruel smile, rushing towards the first vanguard fleet of the home planet human race. In a blink of an eye, the power of the fairy law was surging, and the fairy light was shining, quickly scouring toward the area where the terrestrial human interstellar vanguard fleet was in the battle.

"Not good!" The eldest sister Sima Yunyan said in horror on one of the motherships in the second battle sequence.

"Open the door," the second sister and nine princesses Tantai Xinlan voice-activated the attendance cabin.

Wow! The hatch opened, eight beautiful figures, with eight unmatched fairy lights, rushed out of the mothership, and turned into eight meteors to shoot at the area where the two sides were fighting for thousands of miles.

Shuang'er did her part and sacrificed the golden magic heart in the abdomen Pill Palace. The beautiful eyes of the seven wives of Yang Bo flashed with absolute determination and cold light. Each jade hand was raised, and the seven fairy lights will continue to shine at the same time as the sea of stars. The immortal power infused into the heart of the golden demon. At this moment, their flight speed has not decreased in the slightest. Just as the power of the three mid-term powerhouses of Xian Ting is about to wash out, a basin-sized golden magic heart releases the power shield of the mid-to-late period of the fairy emperor. Quickly cover the thousands of giant ships of the vanguard fleet.

Bang bang bang! Numerous explosions came out.

But it was unable to shake the shield of Jin Mang's glory.

Each of the eight women in the shield is full of energy, continuously injecting the fairy power in the body into the heart of the devil, increasing its energy.

The three shots were the vanguard generals who led the team this time. Yuchi Palace, Sima Jian, Murong Zhan.

The three masters saw this scene, terrified Lieutenant Chi Palace Master said: "So strong?"

"That Yang Bo hasn't taken a shot yet, this is his wife, is there a big gap between what the intelligence said?" Sima Jian said depressed.

"Withdraw, our three main generals have nothing to do with them. Anyway, we are just a tentative attack. Knowing the position and coordinates are correct, we will report to the Emperor and let your majesty decide?" Murong Zhan's eyes flashed a sly light suggestion road.

"Withdraw!" Hearing this, Yu Chi Gong Chuannian gave orders.

Watching the Xianting War Boat, which is fifty thousand kilometers away from the sea, turned around. The chief decisively ordered: "All the ships and combat personnel will attack the attacking enemy in a fan shape."

Wen Ling, the fleet of ships and the starry sky warrior led the soldiers with excitement like chicken blood, fully energized, stretched out the counter-attack cannon barrels, and slaughtered the group of Xianting war boats preparing to escape from the chaos.

Inside the shield, Shuang'er and the seven sisters controlled the golden magic heart shield, with the determination to kill, rushing towards the cowardly enemy war boat group ahead.

The golden magic heart reached the front of the fleet at the fastest speed, offering a giant fan-shaped shield to form the first solid defensive circle. The muzzle of the giant ship and the mothership in the shield began to be indistinguishable when they reached the attack distance. Fire shells to kill the stubborn enemy.

Boom boom, boom boom,

The rumble of cannons, the tremor of the stars, the meteors exploded, the meteorites shattered, countless Xianting war boats were blown to pieces, the Xianting war monks and soldiers faced angry counterattacks, and they had no power to fight back, and their limbs were unmatched by the interstellar heavy artillery shells. The power exploded into fragments, blood fog, and the 100,000-mile star sea area, turned into a sea of star cannon fire.

In order to escape, the terrified soldiers in the Xianting Warship flew out of the warship and rushed into the void star sea. Without the protection of the warship's shield, the body was annihilated by interstellar rays and cannonball radiation.

The three immortal emperor generals kept scouring the warships of the human race's fleet, but they were blocked by the shield of the golden devil's heart and the golden glow of the star sea. It protected the starry soldiers and the expensive interstellar-class warships who participated in the battle of the human race behind.

The counterattack made the Xian Ting Pioneer Army who came to conquer Yang Bo fearful, killed and injured countless Xian Ting soldiers and damaged countless expensive giant Xian Ting warships. The three main generals saw the situation not good and threw one billion cents down. The soldiers of Ting Xianfeng took off their official robes and fled toward the depths of the void.

Without the chief general, the remaining ten thousand Xianting warships led the chief officer with 300 million remnants of the defeated general, waved the white flag, and shouted surrender.

The fleet clusters of the Earth Stars quickly cut into pieces and surrounded these surrendered Xian Ting warships and captives. The victors wearing the silver armor of star warriors and warlords, with unparalleled joy, escorted these defeated invaders back to their respective fleets, and capturing captives became the theme of the moment. Those Xianting war boats were pressed by the strong of the human cultivators to capture the helmsman, and they flew toward the magic source star, the temporary base of the Earth planet human race, while shaking with caution.