Heavenly Eel King

Chapter 90: The immortal emperor army is coming


In the blood lotus sword platform space, Yang Bo insists on practicing the blood lotus sword technique every day. He knows that if he does not practice successfully, facing the crush of the combined army of Emperor Canghong and Wan Jianzong, the home planet human race that has not yet grown is Certainly can't stand this storm. He is still practicing slow sword, pointed by Jianfeng, one slowly stabs towards the sun. The sword energy in the void actually pierced a small black spot at a height of 100 meters. Seeing such results, Yang Bo increased his strength in his heart and continued to stab the black spot in the direction of the sun with the power of his flesh. He didn't know what was happening in the outside world, so he could only force himself to sink his heart and practice swordsmanship. Don't let the seven wives and Miss Shuang'er disappointed.

Canghong's personal disciple, Duanmu Nanshan, was shocked by his talent since he was young. When he was young, he went to find people to provoke a large number of immortal enemies. As a result, he affected his family and was eventually destroyed by his enemies. However, Duanmu Nanshan was on the way to escape and was almost killed by the immortal emperor. Cang Hong Xiaotian was rescued and accepted as a closed disciple.

Seeing the life of an emperor like the Emperor Xianting, he was extremely yearning. His amazing talent and abundant training resources made him quickly surpass the big brother and reached the level of Xiaozhuan cultivation in the late stage of the Xiandi. With the appreciation of Master Cang Hong Xiaotian, in order to satisfy his desire to be an emperor, he secretly built a palace-sized super fairy boat, which contained nearly a hundred innocent and beautiful girls who had been banned by him for fun. Every day Duanmu Nanshan calls four or five beauties into the dormitory to serve him. He is still very low-key and careful when he travels. He knows that his master Cang Hongxiao Tianhuo has golden eyes as long as he shows a little irregular behavior. Identity will be deprived of, and at the same time subject to the harshest punishment from the master.

However, this Duan Munan Mountain was originally prostitious. He was an orthodox martial artist in the immortal way, paying attention to the rules and regulations. He restrained himself in such a low-key manner and suppressed his nature, but it did not affect his spirit of immortal martial arts. Being able to use one mind and two purposes, even his master, Immortal Emperor Cang Hong Xiaotian, had to admire this kid’s talent against the sky. He privately made some women to play with. This is a trivial matter for people at their level, as long as they don’t delay. It’s good if you know how to advance and retreat if you have a sense of measure. And Duanmu Nanshan is also doing very well. In this regard, Xiandi Cang Hong Xiaotian adopted a small indulgence attitude.

This time the Pioneer Conquest 1 billion Xian Ting army was destroyed, only one Xiandi-level mid-term chief general escaped to report the incident, Canghong Xiandi did not kill the chief general of Yuchi Palace, and let him go back to his mansion to recuperate. Hearing this news, Duanmu Nanshan took the initiative to ask Ying to fight against Yang Bo, wanting to perform well in front of the master. He heard that General Yuchi Palace, who was defeated and fled back, introduced that Yang Bo had eight beautiful fiancées. He decided to destroy Yang Bo and his Earth Stars this time, and then bring these wonderful little ladies back to him. The secret emperor’s base, have fun.

Out of safety, the immortal emperor Cang Hong Xiaotian ordered the master in charge of the prison to send Yang Bo’s elder brother Yindian Xianjun, the old turtle senior, the emperor of Tantai, the grandfather of the Taishang emperor and other relatives and elders imprisoned everywhere. After the apprentice Duanmu Nanshan, with these bargaining chips, Duanmu Nanshan confidently led the huge battleship group of the five billion immortal army, full of soldiers, played the banner of rebellion, holding the big seal of rebelling against the marshal, goodbye Master Cang Hongxiao Tianxian Emperor. The mighty lifted off from the Celestial Palace barracks towards the universe island of the fairy galaxy 15 million light-years away.

"Since everyone is here, let's open the space channel as soon as possible." It was the friend of Duanmu Nanshan's friend Huanxi Damiao Temple who was indifferently ordered. The eyebrows stretched all the way to the temples. Before, whether he was waiting or when Duanmu Nanshan arrived at the coach, Jie Yi Xuan Monk did not show any fluctuations in his expression. He always sat cross-legged in silence, closing his eyes and meditation.

"Master Jieyi is right, the generals, we will now join hands to open up the space channel, so as not to have many nights and dreams, so that the rebellious Yang Bo will provoke something wrong." Duanmu Nanshan looked at his friend Jieyi Xuan Monk and said. Although I hate this flower monk rushing to compete with him for the beauty around Yang Bo. But if the time comes to kill Yang Bo, if this flower monk doesn't know the interest, then he will not hesitate to order his subordinates to obliterate him.

More than thirty immortal emperors' mid-stage and late-stage mighty powers flew together, and shot into the void for less than an hour, creating a huge spatial vortex.

The spatial vortex that can hang the peak master of the Immortal Emperor Stage in an instant is just like a gentle breeze caressing the sleeves of these immortal emperor-level existing great abilities.

Under the leadership of Duanmu Nanshan, these immortal emperor class powerhouses successively sent orders to their respective war boat camps, and one after another, they drove huge golden war boats and then entered the space vortex. The soldiers who participated in the war were all young generations of immortal elites selected from various military camps. .

Yang Bo and the tribes of his mother planet who have not really grown up are like a child’s world. As the chief disciple of Emperor Canghong, he naturally cannot lose this rebellious war, not to mention everyone seems to be with him. A tacit understanding was reached with the same intentions, this time it was just a practical experience, as for the resistance of Yang Bo and his tribe, they can be ignored directly.

For the sake of safety, each battleship sequence, according to its repair base and the number of soldiers to enter the battleship limit and the number of soldiers, a battleship can carry a million people, only a few, not more, five thousand like a city The large and small Xianting golden battleship is commanded by five thousand Xianzun's late Dzogchen deputy generals.

"The generals of the warships should be careful. Don't separate from each other. Keep the battle formation and take care of each other. This time you enter the fairy galaxy magic source star battlefield to experience life and death." Duanmu Nanshan is about to enter the space vortex. At that time, he spoke to all the soldiers on the warship. He told him several times in a row.

"I know the marshal." The subordinates' recollections kept coming from my ears.

The young masters of the various war boats commanded the war boat to jump out of the space vortex like a fish leaping over a dragon gate, and came to the starry sky of the Andromeda Galaxy.


When entering the Xinghai space of the fairy galaxy for the first time, Duanmu Nanshan first heard a thunder explosion, followed by the gathering of dark clouds in the dim night sky of the Xinghai, followed by the sound of torrential rain pouring down from the void, like a galaxy pouring down.

The air was filled with heavy poisonous gas and a sour taste. Between the stars and the world where the Zhanzhou cluster was located, it was dark and gloomy. This extremely depressed feeling made Duanmu Nanshan, the coach, very uncomfortable.

"This is..." Master Jie Yi opened his eyes in amazement when he saw the shields of the celestial energy consuming huge immortal energy and the azure glow of all the war boats offering immortal stones.

"It's this galaxy demon clan that is playing tricks." Duanmu Nanshan responded unexpectedly. Looking outside the shield of Zhanzhou Xianyuan, there are many large and small whirlpools on the rain curtain of the void, which looks like a terrifying micro-rotating abyss. It seems that the fierce beast with terror hidden inside is opening its huge mouth. Duanmu Linshan knows that under these seemingly harmless and nearly transparent magic door poison rain vortexes, there are hidden death traps, which is the space of the poison sea.

The entrance of this little fairy galaxy in the millions of miles of void territory is filled with countless magic door poison sea spaces, some of which have even gathered into small-scale large vortices, selectively sucking meteorites flying through the void. Go and become the energy of the whirlpool.

The magic gate prevents them from entering the fairy galaxy, just as the magic gate rushes into the fairy world of the fairy dream galaxy, they will also make moves to block the siege, but they have never had any major contradictions with the fairy gate and the demons, so why are these damned demons today? The clan actually released this nasty magic rain to stop the army from advancing? He has a bad premonition in his heart, isn't it? Yang Bo, who temporarily resides in the Demon Origin Star, unites with the Demon Race of this galaxy

The amount of rain in the void is constantly increasing, and the rain curtain vortex is constantly gathering and expanding in the space where the fairy court warship is flying slowly. Fortunately, the fairy court warship is big and heavy enough, otherwise it will be the horrible magic rain vortex created by these demons. Sucking away, the energy of the fairy court golden warship is consumed violently in this space, maintaining temporary safety and balance, but if it lasts for five or six yao, this small space will be affected by these damn magic rain vortexes. Filled up. Thinking of this, the coach of Duanmu Nanshan was frightened, and the warship owners would speed up and leave the damn devil rain defense zone as soon as possible.

In the downpour of the void, the visibility of the divine sense released was very low, but this time the magic rain did slow down the marching speed of the Xianting War Ark army.

Above the void in the rain curtain, a dim black halo lit up, like a vague star lamp in a rainy night, the magic peak star Demon Emperor Lin Zhan’s right hand had a magic pattern rune paper activated by his secret method. Close his palms and slap vigorously. Then, within a hundred feet of his body, a huge black bow and a black arrow appeared. Draw the full moon, up the arrow, loosen the left hand, and a black meteor wears it. The whistling through the air flew towards the magic source star.

This is a space-crossing communication method dedicated to the Demon Emperor. It can be used to save lives and report information in this vast star-sea world. As long as there are space coordinates within 15 million light-years, the arrow will carry The master's message passes through countless space cracks and arrives at the designated star sea coordinates or the planet is then discovered by the recipient.

After using the Demon Emperor Arrow, as long as it has 80% of its magic source, it will generally not be backlashed and accidents.

Looking down at the huge battleship group of Xianting below, on the luxurious battleship with the largest commander's banner in front of the second battle group, more than 30 immortal emperor-class powerhouses revealed the aura. For Lin Zhan, this was a big trouble. These guys come together and can even open up the space, and the mere magic rain vortex is not worth mentioning to them. Thinking of the deal reached with Yang Bo's eight beautiful wives, Devil Emperor Lin Zhan turned his head towards the void and yelled, "What do you think of several devil emperors?"

"We can't fight them head-on. Try to block the time for Yang Bo's eight wives and his Earthstar tribesmen to arm their defenses. That's all we can do, and we are worthy of the 40 kilograms of stalactites." Magic Blue Star Demon Di Tian Hongfei showed his body indifferently.